Rock Band 3 features Roxette
Written by tevensso on September 8, 2010 to Gyllene Tider, Misc and Roxette. Source: Harmonix.
WORLDWIDE - Rock Band 3, the latest installation of Harmonix' huge hit series Rock Band will feature 1.5 Gessle songs!. 1.5? Yes, the full song is Roxette's "The Look," so grab your guitars, bass, drums, mic and for the first time ever; keyboards and rock the night away. So what's the second, half, song? Tom Petty's "I Need to Know" which was recorded by Gyllene Tider featuring Swedish lyrics written by Per Gessle. Gyllene Tider's version was released in 1981 and is called "Vill ha ett svar!"("I Want an Answer").
This is what Harmonix writes about the game: "Rock Band 3 doesn't just feature an amazing 83-song setlist. Its deep Career Mode takes the band on a journey to gain new levels of status while the environment around them changes from streets and subways to tour stops and venues. The game also features a streamlined experience, with easy drop-in and drop-out, easier no-fail accessibility and an all-new Party Shuffle letting you jump right into gameplay. Rock Band 3 also introduces Rock Band Pro, bridging the world of gaming and real musicianship through a suite of new instrument controllers, trainers and game play options that open the door to real-world guitar, bass, keyboard and drum skills.
Rock Band 3 will be available October 26 in North America and October 29 in the rest of the world for the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, Nintendo Wii, and Nintendo DS."
Timur contributed to this article.
Roxette rocks Halmstad with Gyllene!
Written by tevensso on August 15, 2010 to Exclusive, Gyllene Tider, Live and Roxette.
Roxette in Halmstad, it's like seeing the Beatles in Liverpool, holy ground so to speak. The Daily Roxette will ignore the ticket problem, it seems it was solved somewhat easily after all.
So, how was this concert compared to Sundsvall? Much better. 100 % better I'd say. Roxette removed the two Per Gessle songs in the middle, Marie didn't take a break this time. The band was tighter and Marie sang with more confidence even though she did have the same problem with the lyrics.
This reporter still thinks the arrangements are too similar to the Gessle over Europe arrangements. It doesn't sound like Roxette. Granted, it has a nice, heavy touch, but it ain't Roxette enough. I want the hooks in the songs, like in "The Look" or "Joyride". Per removed them for his solo tour because that "wasn't Roxette, but him solo", but this is Roxette. Having said that, the band was in top shape! It felt like Per, Marie and the band liked being in Halmstad in front of 20,500 fans.
Anyways, the concert was very nice, and if this is Roxette at its worst, I don't see a problem with a world tour. However, if this is Roxette at its best…
And holy moly! Gyllene Tider joined Roxette on stage here in Halmstad… Gyllene Tider came on stage instead of Roxette for the second encore. Gyllene performed "Juni, juli, augusti, "Sommartider" and "När alla vännerna gått hem", the latter together with Marie and the Roxette band. And to be honest, Gyllene Tider stole the show. Roxette was great, but Gyllene Tider was awesome.
After the show, The Daily Roxette met Per and Marie at a meet & greet photo op arranged by RoxetteBlog and The Daily Roxette.
Mats “MP” Persson turns 50
Written by roxeteer on February 27, 2009 to Gyllene Tider.
Mats "MP" Persson, the guitarist of Gyllene Tider and co-writer of "Listen To Your Heart," celebrated his 50th birthday on Thursday. Mats Arne Persson was born on February 26, 1959 in Harplinge, near Halmstad. Nowadays "MP" also runs the famous Tits & Ass Studio where Per has recorded many of his demos.
Five years ago, The Daily Roxette published a translation of 25 questions to Mats "MP" Persson.
Gyllene Tider and Per Gessle released in the USA
Written by tevensso on October 10, 2007 to Gyllene Tider, Internet, Per Gessle and Releases. Source: EMI.
STOCKHOLM - EMI Caroline has released a few Gyllene Tider albums in the US – "Gyllene Tider," "Moderna Tider," "Puls" and "GT25!." But it has also released Per Gessle's "Mazarin" and the compilation "Hjärtats trakt." All albums can be found on iTunes USA.
On November 13, "Finn5fel!" and "En händig man" will be released as well.
According to Per this seems to have worked out great for other non-American acts so EMI thinks there's an audience for Gyllene Tider and Gessle in the States. "Amazingly enough, if you ask me, but it's fun nevertheless," Per says.
Naturally we're talking digital releases only.
Caroline Distribution, EMI’s U.S. independent distribution company, was founded in 1983 as a unit of Virgin Records. It has become one of the U.S. music industry’s largest third-party distribution companies for the independent music sector.
Gyllene Tider and Per on Halmstad compilation
Written by roxeteer on April 25, 2007 to Gyllene Tider, Per Gessle and Releases. Source: Hallandsposten.
HALMSTAD - Gyllene Tider's "Småstad" and Per Gessle's "På en promenad genom stan" are featured on the compilation album "Halmstads Greatest vol 1." All the songs on the album are performed by artists from the city of Halmstad, reports the local newspaper Hallandsposten. The album is the first release by Halmstad Records, a new label founded by Per's friend, Gyllene Tider guitarist Mats "M.P." Persson and businessman Bengt Petersson.
"Halmstads Greatest" will be released in mid-May. A big release party will be held in Hotel Tylösand with all the artists featured on the album invited.
Editor's note: Hallandsposten article also has a nice picture of the famous T&A Studio in M.P.'s basement where many of Per's demos are recorded.
“New” Gyllene Tider releases out
Written by tevensso on April 14, 2007 to Gyllene Tider and Releases.
April 11 EMI released new versions of Gyllene Tider's first four albums - "Gyllene Tider," Moderna Tider," "Puls" and "The Heartland Café." What's new with these is that "Heartland" is finally remastered and no album contains bonus tracks anymore. The price is low; 79 SEK, which is about €9.
Gyllene Tider's albums have now been released on CD three times; 1990 (jewel cases, bonus tracks), 2004 (digipaks, bonus tracks and remastering) and 2007 (jewel cases,) except "Heartland" - 1990 and 2007.
Record collections donated to Rotary for auctioning off
Written by tevensso on March 6, 2007 to Gyllene Tider and Roxette.
HELSINGBORG - A reminder: The Rotary club of Helsingborg Landborgen has received a generous gift consisting of the following Gyllene Tider and Roxette album collections:
Gyllene Tider
Moderna Tider
The Heartland Café
Återtåget '96
Finn 5 fel!
GT25 - Samtliga hits!
GT Live.Pearls of Passion
Look Sharp!
Crash! Boom! Bang!
Have a Nice Day
Room Service
Roxette Hits!
The Rox Box
All records have been signed by Per, and in Roxette's case, also by Marie.
These two collections will be auctioned off by Helsingborgs auktionsverk March 11, 2007 on behalf of Rotary's doctors bank. The doctors bank ships out Nordic doctors and dentists for one to two months' unpaid work in Africa - so far more than 160 people! The organization is totally non-profit and the money needed is raised by sponsorships and different kinds of fund-raisers, this being one of them.
Bids can be made via telephone (+46-42-244 344), fax (+46-42-128 633) or the Internet.
Gyllene Tider declines Halmstad 700
Written by tevensso on July 10, 2006 to Gyllene Tider.
HALMSTAD - Per Gessle says in Hallandsposten today that he’s honored to have been asked to play at Halmstad’s 700 year anniversary next year, but Gyllene Tider has now officially turned the offer down. “Hi Elenor, thanks for your note regarding the 700-year anniversary. I have totally different musical plans for next year so another GT-performance will unfortunately not be happening. Sorry to disappoint you and so many others. I hope your summer will be super anyway. All the best, P,” Per writes to Halmstad 700 AB’s CEO, Elenor Nilsson. Elenor sent a request to all of Gyllene Tider’s members last week that “so many people would like to see nothing but Gyllene Tider at the anniversary next year.”
Halmstad turns 700 on May 31 next year.
- Halmstad 700 (In Swedish)
Micke Syd opens his website
Written by tevensso on June 1, 2006 to Gyllene Tider.
STOCKHOLM - Now the new web site of Micke Syd’s has opened. You can see, among other things, videos and Micke’s blog there. Micke also has an e-mail address for you to get in touch with him. The site is in Swedish only. Future plans include a webshop, “where you can buy Syd underpants and drum sticks” claims Micke.
According to Micke the site is far from finished, he wants it to be a fun place, which sounds promising.
- Micke (In Swedish)
Micke Syd’s single to be released soon
Written by tevensso on May 11, 2006 to Gyllene Tider.
STOCKHOLM - “If someone had told me as a newly-hatched 19-year-old pop star that I’d release my first solo single at the age of 45, and that it would have a title mentioning one of Sweden’s best soccer player of all time, you can easily say I would’ve smiled (widely).” says Micke Syd in a press statement today.
Micke will release his new single “Du och jag och Glenn Hysén” (“You and I and Glenn Hysén”) in time before the World Championship in soccer starts June 10. Micke describes the song, which comes in three different versions, as “very related to mine and MP’s Gyllene Tider history.” Furthermore Mighty Mike tells us that the song is about the dreams one has as youngster; dreams about becoming a star in, for instance, Deep Purple or Toto.
“Deep Purple didn’t happen, but four guys from Simlångsdalen, Åled and Harplinge did, so all turned out well after all.” Micke still has soccer dreams, he longs for a phone call from HBK’s coach Janne Andersson, “But he seems to have lost my number…”
- Du och jag och Glenn Hysén
- Micke (Coming soon)