Gyllene Tider enters singles chart at #24
Written by Roxryder-V2002 on February 10, 2005 to Gyllene Tider.
“Jag borde förstås vetat bättre”, the third single off Gyllene Tider’s “Finn 5 Fel!” album enters the Swedish singles chart at #24. The triple platinum album rises from #53 to #48 on its 24th week on the albums chart.
Both “GT25 Live!” and Marie Fredriksson’s “The Change” fall out of the Top 60.
Two Grammis awards for Gyllene Tider
Written by tevensso on February 7, 2005 to Gyllene Tider.
STOCKHOLM - Gyllene Tider, nominated for four Grammis awards, received two awards tonight at The Grand Hotel in Stockholm. Gyllene Tider was selected as “Pop group of the Year” and their DVD “GT 25 live! En scen vid en plats i en stad” was “Music DVD of the Year.”
The biggest award, “Artist of the Year” went to The Hives.
The Grammis show moves to another venue
Written by tevensso on February 1, 2005 to Gyllene Tider.
STOCKHOLM (UPDATED) - The Grammis gala is to be held on February 7 at the China Theater in Stockholm, but the theater has been booked a long time ago for the Ted Gärdestad musical “Sol, vind & vatten”. The cast of “Sol, vind & vatten” refuses to let the Grammis crew have the theater early enough for building the set and rehearsing unless they get to participate in the gala with a number from the musical.
“This is out of the question,” says Helene Rönnmark from Ifpi in an interview with Aftonbladet, and continues: “We are to give out 27 Grammis awards and don’t even have time to show it all on TV.” If bad comes to worse, Ifpi has plans to move the whole thing. “We have alternatives but I don’t want to discuss them as I haven’t spoken to our guests yet,” Rönnmark says.
Gyllene Tider has been nominated in four categories, and Per Gessle in one. We earlier reported of three Gyllene Tider nominations, but it was later revealed that Gyllene Tider’s live DVD was nominated as the “Music DVD of the Year”, a brand new category.
Update: Ifpi informed on February 3 that he gala will be held at the Winter Garden in Grand Hotel Stockholm on February 7. The program chief Anders Knave from TV4 is not unhappy of the decision. “Ifpi has guaranteed us that this doesn’t jeopardize the quality of the gala. The only thing changing is the venue,” he says in Aftonbladet.
- Aftonbladet article
- Aftonbladet article 2 (in Swedish)
- (in Swedish)
- Ifpi
Gyllene Tider supports tsunami victims, indirectly
Written by daniel_alv on January 17, 2005 to Gyllene Tider.
EVA Records, the company behind the popular Nordic compilation series “Absolute Music”, will release an album called “Grammis 2005”. All the artists on the double-CD will donate their royalties and all the profits from the CD, except the VAT, will be donated to the Red Cross, Save the Children and other help organizations in order to help the victims of the tsunami in Asia.
Gyllene Tider is one of the artists that have a song on the CD; “En sten vid en sjö i en skog”. The CD will be released January 21 and will cost 125 kronor (€14). EVA hopes that they will get 4 million kronor (€444,000) to give to the Red Cross before the Grammis awards February 7.
Gyllene Tider takes home two Bears
Written by tevensso on January 16, 2005 to Gyllene Tider.
STOCKHOLM - Gyllene Tider was nominated in three categories in Swedish newspaper Aftonbladet’s prestigious award Rockbjörnen. Gyllene Tider received two, namely Best Group and Best Album! “It’s like scoring in the World Championships!” Per says happily.
Neither Per nor Marie received a personal bear this time.
The awards show was held at Cirkus in Stockholm, at 20:00 CET. Highlights will be shown on ZTV Jan 18 and again on TV3 Jan 23.
New GT single February 2
Written by daniel_alv on January 16, 2005 to Gyllene Tider.
STOCKHOLM - As reported previously, the third single from “Finn 5 Fel!” will be “Jag borde förstås vetat bättre.” Now we can report that the release date for the single will be February 2 and also show you the cover artwork.
Note “the little tyke in yellow”…
The tracklist is still:
1. Jag borde förstås vetat bättre
2. Speciell (T&A demo)
3. Tuffa Tider (T&A demo)
Per about the upcoming Rockbjörnen awards show
Written by Helene2000 on January 14, 2005 to Gyllene Tider.
STOCKHOLM - Aftonbladet interviewed Per Gessle about the upcoming Rockbjörnen award show (Sunday). Per has received 11 bears over the years but only recently realized he only had five at his office. “So I special ordered six new ones from Aftonbladet for 5,000 kronor (€550) a piece!” Per says. The bear family resides in his office in Stockholm. Per loves the Rockbjörn, he feels this is the highest praise you can get.
Gyllene Tider received the first Rockbjörn in 1982. “What?!” Per exclaims. “We didn’t get one until 1982? That’s outrageous, 1981 was our big year!” Per tells Aftonbladet that when they got a Rockbjörn 1982 for “Sommartider” and “Puls” he felt that they were down on their luck, so it was nice to be encouraged. “Roxette’s one in 1988 is nice too, that was before our real break through. And all of the ’Mazarin’ hoopla, a total jackpot! Those bears I value!”
On the question whom he would give the Rockbjörnen he says that for Male Artist of the Year and Record of the Year he would give the award to Alf Robertsson for his album “Augustibrev”. Regarding Female Artist of the Year Per would give the award to Marie Fredriksson (“I love her new album”) and as Newcomer of the Year he would present the Rockbjörnen to Anna Ternheim.
The Rockbjörnen is held on Sunday Jan 16, 20:00 CET at Circus in Stockholm. A summary will be shown on ZTV Jan 18.
- Aftonbladet’s story (In Swedish)
Gyllene Tider sold more albums than any other artist
Written by tevensso on January 11, 2005 to Gyllene Tider.
STOCKHOLM - Aftonbladet reports today IFPI’s chart of the most sold albums in 2004 and Gyllene Tider is at #1! Twenty years after they heydays the Boys are still the best. In spite of their success they “only” get to #6 on the most sold singles chart. “I have to pinch myself to believe this,” Per Gessle says.
Next for Gyllene Tider is Aftonbladet’s award, Rockbjörnen, Jan 16. “We’ll be there, we are nominated in several categories,” Gessle states and laughs. Aftonbladet asks the natural question if Gyllene Tider will come back. Per replies “Well, a precondition that a thing like this will work is that you don’t overdo it. Right now I just want to hide so the public won’t barf on me! (laughs)”
Interestingly enough “Mazarin” is at #16 a year after it’s been released.
Most sold albums 2004:
1. “Finn 5 fel! - Gyllene Tider
2. “Eurovision Song Contest 2004” [Swedish] - Various
3. “How to Dismantle an Atomic Bomb” - U2
4. “Vatten under broarna” - Lars Winnerbäck
5. “Feels Like Home” - Norah Jones
15. “GT25 - Samtliga hits!” - Gyllene Tider
16. “Mazarin” - Per Gessle
The charts show how many records the record companies have sold to the dealers, not how many records that have been sold to end customers.
Helene2000 contributed to this article.
- Aftonbladet’s article (In Swedish)
Thumbs down for TV4’s Gyllene Tider documentary
Written by tevensso on January 10, 2005 to Gyllene Tider.
STOCKHOLM - Swedish TV4 aired a 45-minute Gyllene Tider documentary last week. The documentary seemed more like a preview of a longer documentary which is expected to be released on DVD later this month. Basically nothing new was mentioned in it, so the hopes for the DVD are now higher.
Of the 45 minutes, about half was from the live DVD released last fall. A TV critic wrote in Aftonbladet that “…TV4 should be ashamed of themselves airing a one hour commercial for Gyllene Tider.” Be that as it may, it was a decent documentary, with all that should be there - fans, friends, parents and old teachers talking about the Boys. It could’ve been a tad more interesting from a fan’s point of view, however. It was clear that this documentary was aimed to the “common man,” since the basic story of the program was “this is Gyllene Tider, they have toured this year, and it was all huge.”
Ullevi concert to be shown on Swedish TV4
Written by daniel_alv on January 6, 2005 to Gyllene Tider.
STOCKHOLM - TV4 will broadcast one hour of highlights from Gyllene Tider’s concert at Ullevi last summer. The program will be shown on Wednesday, January 12 at 20:00 CET.
- TV4 Listing (in Swedish)