HBK records single
Written by tevensso on March 13, 2006 to Gyllene Tider.
HALMSTAD - HBK - Halmstad Bollklubb - has recorded a single at studio T&A. While the name of it is unknown (but probably is “Varje dag som går älskar vi HBK” (“Every Day That Passes We Love HBK”)), the song itself is the old classic “California Sun” by The Rivieras, or rather “Tylö sun” by Gyllene Tider. HBK’s players help singing the chorus on the single together with Svante Karlsson (who also wrote the lyrics) and Micke Syd Andersson. Micke also sings two verses lead, plays the drums and is also featured on backup vocals. Mats MP Persson plays the rest of the instruments. Björn Anklev from HBK is featured on the “Ramones guitar” and Halmstad comedian Thomas Pettersson sings one verse lead.
The song arrangement is very true to the Gyllene Tider version, which presumably also is the intent.
Soon this song will be released as a single by HBK and “Hopefully there will be a video that will be shown on the Jumbotrons at the home games,” Micke Syd tells TDR.
New single by Micke Syd
Written by tevensso on March 1, 2006 to Gyllene Tider.
STOCKHOLM - Gyllene Tider’s own little drummer boy Micke Syd Andersson has recorded a new single together with Mats MP Persson. The single is called “Du och jag och Glenn Hysén” (“You and I and Glenn Hysén”) and will be released in April, May. Micke describes the song “A little summer ditty with Gyllene vibes. At the age of 45 it’s about time!”
Glenn Hysén is a Swedish soccer player (center half) that was huge in the late ’80s to the early ’90s. Hysén has played for IFK Göteborg, Liverpool, PSV Eindhoven and Fiorentina.
Micke Syd’s singing career consists of singing the first version of “Tylö sun” and “Min tjej och jag” on Gyllene Tider’s “Moderna Tider” in 1981 (the two tracks were supposed to form Micke’s first single, but was scrapped), and finally releasing Mungo Jerry’s old hit “In the Summertime” in 1997.
Gyllene Tider nominated in Kids Choice Awards
Written by tevensso on September 28, 2005 to Gyllene Tider.
STOCKHOLM (UPDATED) - October 31 the second Nickelodeon Kids Choice Awards will be held. This time it will be in the Annex of Globen, in Stockholm. Gyllene Tider has been nominated as Best Swedish Popgroup. Per Gessle was awarded Best Nordic Artist last year.
Little more is known at this point, but the gala will be televised on Nickelodeon, and in November also on Swedish TV4. Last year’s show was considered by many to be more or less a ratings flop.
- Nickelodeon.se (In Swedish)
“Sommartider” best song ever
Written by tevensso on September 18, 2005 to Gyllene Tider.
STOCKHOLM - “Sommartider” has been voted Best Swedish Pop Classic through all times by the Swedish people. The results were shown in the TV-show Folktoppen (People’s Top), where “Sommartider” also was performed by gay comedian Jonas Gardell in a semi-gospel version.
1. Gyllene Tider - Sommartider
2. Ulf Lundell - Öppna landskap
3. ABBA - Waterloo
4. Ted Gärdestad - Sol, vind och vatten
5. ABBA - Ring Ring
6. Tomas Ledin - I natt är jag din
7. Lisa Nilsson - Himlen runt hörnet
8. Eva Dahlgren - Vem tänder stjärnorna?
9. Freestyle - Vill ha dej
10. Magnus Uggla - Varning på stan
’Syd’ takes action against Expressen
Written by tevensso on August 16, 2005 to Gyllene Tider.
HALMSTAD - Micke ’Syd’ Andersson reports Swedish tabloid newspaper Expressen to the Press Ombudsman. ’Syd’ says to Göteborgsposten that Expressen incorrectly reported that Gyllene Tider had broken up since Per Gessle wasn’t invited to his wedding. Micke feels Expressen used this to fabricate the information. The wedding was a private party.
As far as Micke is concerned Expressen hasn’t treated him with the respect he himself has for media and he hopes that filing the charges will lead to a discussion about the newspaper’s methods. “After all these years I’m quite hardened in regard to what media does. But I just don’t take any more crap. To intrude upon our private gathering and using my mother and our friends are to cross the line way too far,” Micke says in a statement published on the journalists’ own site Journalisten.nu.
Per Gessle himself wasn’t too happy about Expressen’s article either. We published his statement earlier. “When Per is confronted with the ’facts’ that he is not welcome at our wedding, of course he replies something cold and just enough sarcastic. How else is he supposed to react? Who wouldn’t think a situation like that is uncomfortable,” Micke comments.
The Press Ombudsman has this about the complaint process:
When a complaint is filed, PO’s task is to ascertain whether it can be dealt with by a factual correction or a reply from the affected person published in the newspaper concerned. PO may contact the newspaper for this purpose. If the matter cannot be settled in this way, the Press Ombudsman may undertake an inquiry if he suspects that the rules of good journalistic practice have been violated. He will then ask the newspaper’s editor-in-chief to answer to the allegations of the complainant. That person will in his turn be offered the opportunity to comment on the newspaper’s reply. Complaints must as a rule be filed within three months of the original publication.
- Press Ombudsman
- SR P4 Halland (In Swedish)
- Column by ’Syd’ at Journalisten.nu (In Swedish)
Per and Micke ’Syd’ in dispute? “No,” says Micke
Written by tevensso on July 22, 2005 to Gyllene Tider.
STOCKHOLM (UPDATED) - Yesterday both Swedish tabloids Aftonbladet and Expressen had huge articles about Per not attending Micke Syd’s wedding. Both papers claimed that Per and Micke are in dispute - or even enemies of a higher level. Why writing such articles about Micke’s wedding is beyond The Daily Roxette. The fact that Micke ’Syd’ and Helena got married didn’t get much attention in the Swedish tabloids.
According to TDR’s sources the rumors aren’t true. Basically what has happened is that since the only Gyllene Tider member Per invited to his wedding ceremony in 1993 was MP Persson, it was sort of natural that the other members don’t invite Per back.
It may be true that Micke and Per aren’t the best of friends, but they are not fighting. “We are on good speaking terms, sometimes in life relationships just don’t work,” says Micke in an interview with Aftonbladet today. Micke also says that Per saying “I wish Micke and what’s-her-name-again the best of luck” was a normal Per-comment - a joke.
Micke says to Aftonbladet and Expressen that he doesn’t want to contribute to the mudslinging, but it’s not about Per’s money or fame. At the same time Expressen claims that their article was “spot on” according to Micke.
In the mid-eighties, there actually was controversy between Per and a Gyllene Tider member. Back then, Per and Anders Herrlin fell out of touch due to Anders breaking up Gyllene Tider. That is also a thing of the past.
Update: Per has issued TDR a statement with his views on the incident.
- Aftonbladet’s story (In Swedish)
- Expressen’s article (In Swedish)
Gyllene Tider’s Micke ’Syd’ gets married
Written by tevensso on July 21, 2005 to Gyllene Tider.
HAVERDAL - Finally Micke ’Syd’ Andersson, Gyllene Tider’s avid drummer boy, got his fair Helena! They were supposed to marry on an archipelago cliff fairly close to their summer house in Haverdal (just north of Halmstad), but due to bad weather the ceremony was moved inside to the church where they got married yesterday.
Micke proposed to Helena, in front of 27,000 people at the final concert of the tour at Örjans vall in Halmstad last summer, where she said yes, obviously.
Special wedding guests included, among others, Anders Herrlin, Göran Fritzon, MP Persson, Christer Sandelin and the Halmstad-based band Back On Stage, where MP Persson normally mans the drums. However, as Micke didn’t want their guests to work during their wedding party he played the drums himself… He even performed Gyllene Tider’s old song “Min tjej och jag.” Per Gessle did not attend the wedding.
- Picture from Expressen (In Swedish)
- Aftonbladet’s story (In Swedish)
Gyllene Tider DVD delayed until next year
Written by tevensso on July 15, 2005 to Gyllene Tider.
The highly anticipated Gyllene Tider documentary DVD made during the summer tour 2004 will once again be delayed, for reasons unknown. It was originally scheduled for release spring 2005, but the release was postponed. Per Gessle confirms in a message to The Daily Roxette that the DVD will be released next summer, at the earliest.
The 45-minute-long documentary, titled “Gyllene Tider lite från insidan” (“Gyllene Tider, a little from the inside”), was shown twice on Swedish TV4 in January and February. The version on the DVD is supposedly longer and the DVD is promised to be full with lots of extras, like “all Gyllene Tider performances on SVT, ever,” plus the “Teaser Japanese” video.
Aftonbladet: “Gessle gets 20 million kronor”
Written by Helene2000 on May 30, 2005 to Gyllene Tider.
Swedish newspaper Aftonbladet reports today about Gyllene Tider’s “secret deal;” the income resulting from last year’s tour, summarizing that Per Gessle earned 20 million Swedish kronor (€2.2 million), while the rest of the band got a mere two million kronor (€220,000) each. Göran Fritzon, keyboardist in Gyllene Tider, says to Aftonbladet “It was a good summer. I don’t like discussing money.”
The numbers in the article are to be taken with a huge grain of salt, according to TDR’s sources.
Leendv contributed to this article.
- Aftonbladet’s article (In Swedish)
Det är över nu...
Written by tevensso on March 23, 2005 to Gyllene Tider.
HALMSTAD - GylleneTider.se will be shut down April 1. There’s really nothing more to say. Possibly it will be back in some form later on, but nothing has been said at this point. What’s definite is that Göran Fritzon will keep the domain for now.
- Gyllene Tider (In Swedish)