“Finn 5 Fel” out today, official site updated
Written by Jud on June 9, 2004 to Gyllene Tider.
HALMSTAD - The long awaited “Finn 5 fel” is out in the stores in Sweden today. Together with the release of the album, Gyllene Tider wanted to surprise their fans with a nicely updated website.
Besides the already existing latest news, ringtones and forum, a discography, a list of all GT concerts since 1978 and downloads section - among other things - are now awaiting for your visit. “Our ambition has been to make a site that everyone will like. We’ve checked around the Web to see what people seem to want,” says the Admin of gt.se. Enjoy!
Per and Micke talk about “F5f”
Written by tevensso on June 8, 2004 to Gyllene Tider.
STOCKHOLM - Gyllene Tider’s first album in 20 years, “Finn 5 fel”, was released yesterday in Norway, and will be released in Sweden tomorrow. Per Gessle and Micke “Syd” Andersson met with the press last Friday to listen through the album and comment on the songs. Some of the comments we recognize from Gyllene Tider’s own site.
Tomorrow morning Gyllene Tider.se will morph into its final shape.
1. En sten vid en sjö i en skog
Micke: It’s fun because Per has played a lot of guitar on this album, and here he plays the guitar solo.
Per: Yes, they are nice to me in this band… The song was written up in Stockholm October 2003 after we had decided to try to cut another album with Gyllene Tider.
2. Solsken
Per: It came to a very late and wet night. I found one of those dictaphones with a lot of old song embryos on. I played it to the producers Clarence and Christoffer who liked it. I wrote the lyrics the day after.
Micke: The best song, absolutely. This you should play in your car along the coastal highway down in Halmstad with a cute girl next to you… You should play it when everything is great. I get a smile on my face when I hear it.
3. Tuffa tider (för en drömmare)
Per: I went to a music store to get a ukulele, because I’d heard that George Harrison always traveled with one. I bought two and got one for free so I left the store with three ukuleles. I sat down trying to learn how to play it and realized you tune it as a violin and so I wrote “Tuffa tider”. The others wanted to turn it into a reggae so I left the room! But it turned out as a reggae finally and I guess it’s fine.
Micke: There’s a melancholy sound to it, but it’s special. When a friend of mine heard it he thought “what a fun song” but after a while he heard that it actually has sad lyrics.
4. Ordinärt mirakel
Per: I don’t quite remember how this song came to me, we tried it out anyways, and it became a nice and pretty song. Anders plays a horrifying great bass on this song.
5. Ta mej… nu är jag din!
Per: We were listening to a live album by The Who and heard that riff in “Summertime Blues”, then this song came alive. It felt like something we’ve never done before.
6. Jag borde förstås vetat bättre
Per: This is sad, it’s about a guy who still is hoping… this song is one of my favorites.
Micke: There’s a bridge there that is the best we’ve ever done… it’s a waltz beat and Fritzon who isn’t a pro was totally unstoppable on the piano! He didn’t need a long time before he was going.
7. Du måste skämta
Per: Was written during my vacation in Mauritius this January. I always travel with a guitar and some simple recording equipment. The original demo was made on the plane though, in my cell phone. I still have that version…
- Gyllene Tider.se (In Swedish)
“Finn 5 fel” leaked to the Internet
Written by tevensso on June 6, 2004 to Gyllene Tider.
STOCKHOLM (UPDATED) - Yesterday, Saturday June 5, Gyllene Tider’s new album “Finn 5 Fel” was leaked to the Internet. All the songs are there, and in good quality. The Daily Roxette suspects that a journalist has ripped his evaluation CD.
Update: Aftonbladet has contacted Göran Fritzon and Micke “Syd” Andersson about this matter. Göran believes it has been somebody from the media who has leaked the whole album as “only reporters and reviewers have gotten the album.” Last week Gyllene Tider gave away copies of the album to reporters for them to review. “Then we knew that it wouldn’t take long [until the songs reached the Internet]. But it’s still sad,” comments Göran to Aftonbladet’s Fredrik Svedjetun.
“You can figure out with your ass what we think about this,” comments Micke “Syd” to Aftonbladet, “it’s sad that such a problem exists, but there’s not much we can do about it.”
“Återblickar - Gyllene Tider 25 år” opens today
Written by per_mson on June 6, 2004 to Gyllene Tider.
HALMSTAD - The Gyllene Tider 25th anniversary exhibition “Återblickar - Gyllene Tider 25 år” opens its doors to the public today.
The official vernissage took place yesterday afternoon. Already when arriving to Halmstad, visitors got a pretty good idea that Gyllene Tider was in town. Everywhere one could find road signs saying “Gyllene Tider.” By
following those signs, one ended up in front of the museum. The huge poster on one wall left no doubt that it was the right place.
All five band members as well as Per’s family and Marie Dimberg showed up for the opening of the exhibition. After the approximately 100 guests were gathered the exhibition
was inaugurated by local politicians. After these formalities, the guests were invited to wander around freely. Gyllene Tider mingled with the crowd as well and seemed to enjoy it as much as everyone else.
Since an image tells more than words, please follow the link below to see a collection of pictures from the opening.
Gyllene Tider releases tour DVD in the fall
Written by robban on June 4, 2004 to Gyllene Tider.
STOCKHOLM - According to Aftonbladet, Gyllene Tider will release a tour DVD in the fall. Many of the concerts will be filmed, because in those concerts the scene features large video screens to allow everyone in the audience see what’s happening on the stage. Per says a tour DVD is a certainty. “We don’t yet know what will be included. A lot of concert material, maybe a little backstage also. We’ll make it as good as possible,” says Per to Aftonbladet.
It has been reported that Gyllene Tider’s earlier tour documentaries “Parkliv” (1981) and “Återtåget” (1996) are also planned to be released on DVD this year.
- Aftonbladet article (In Swedish)
GT’s new video premiere tomorrow
Written by Jud on June 2, 2004 to Gyllene Tider.
HALMSTAD (UPDATED) - Gyllene Tider will be in a television studio early tomorrow when their new video for “Tuffa tider/En sten vid en sjö i en skog” will have its premiere on Swedish Television 1 “SVT Morgon” at 06:45 CET. Informed sources tell The Daily Roxette that this video will be “something out of the ordinary!”
The video will also be available on Gyllene Tider’s official website beginning at 10:00 CET. Additionally, it’s likely that SVT Morgon will show the Gyllene Tider interview segment as the “Dagen’s Video” on their site. If so, it will be posted by 11:00 CET.
Xarrrr contributed to this article
- Gyllene Tider website
- SVT Morgon (In Swedish, but “Dagens Video” is expected to be the GT segment)
GT to play in Norway?
Written by Jud on June 2, 2004 to Gyllene Tider.
OSLO - The Norwegian newspaper Aftonposten reports today about Gyllene Tider’s success – that has also reached Norway.
Per explains to Aftonposten’s reporter Knut Utler about the day he bought the ukulele and later composed “Tuffa tider.” He wanted to buy a guitarstring and had company with a journalist. When he was there he saw a nice ukulele and just bought it straight away. The journalist also bought one. The store keeper liked this so much, that he gave Per another one as a gift. “I got home with three ukuleles,” laughs Per.
He also got a book to learn to play the ukulele, “but I think the best way to learn to play a new instrument is to write a new song with it,” he tells Aftonposten, “and ’Tuffa tider’ was born.”
Some of the songs on “Finn fem fel” are shorter than two minutes “so short that people will want to play them again and again,” says Per. He thinks that one of the mistakes that artists do nowadays is that they release long-lasting albums. “68-minute long albums is only craziness,” he states.
Per also revealed that Gyllene Tider may play in Norway in the beginning of August.
“And what is up with Roxette?” Utler wondered. Per explains that he is “eager and willing” but nothing will happen until Marie says she is ready. “Besides that, she is still under treatment and is also working with a soloalbum, which is to be released during the fall.”
Ketil contributed to this article
- Aftenposten (In Norwegian)
“Allsång på Skansen” to feature Gyllene Tider
Written by tevensso on May 29, 2004 to Gyllene Tider.
STOCKHOLM - It seems like Per only whet his appetite last year when he attended Swedish television’s biggest sing-along show “Allsång på Skansen”. July 6 Gyllene Tider will appear on this show.
Skansen, an outdoor arena/zoo, got their audience record two years ago, of approximately 15,000 people when Ricky Martin appeared on the show. TDR thinks it’s safe to assume this record too will be broken by Gyllene Tider.
“Finn 5 Fel” sample CD released to media
Written by tevensso on May 28, 2004 to Gyllene Tider.
STOCKHOLM - Capitol Records has released a CD sampler to media called “Finn 5 Fel! - Smakprov” and it contains the six song snippets released earlier on Gyllene Tider’s website, namely the new single tracks “Tuffa tider” and “En sten vid en sjö i en skog” plus “Solsken”, “Ta mej… nu är jag din!”, “Du måste skämta” and finally “Jag borde förstås vetat bättre”.
Editor’s note: The record in the picture is not broken, the center of the CD has a vine of flowers engraved or painted on it.
Gyllene Tider: “We are like cornflakes, everyone likes us”
Written by Jud on May 28, 2004 to Gyllene Tider.
STOCKHOLM - Anders Herrlin and Per Gessle visited NRJ and RixFM radio shows yesterday morning to talk about Gyllene Tider.
On NRJ, the hosts Benji and Alex of the show “Kalaset” talked about the Gyllene Tider hysteria, the band’s future plans - and cornflakes.
Alex wondered how come everything they release become hits. Per explained that this time they hadn’t worked together for eight years and how you can hear from the songs that the band has been longing for it. “The happiness of playing together again might be the reason for such resulting songs.”
Gyllene Tider has also been able to gain a very vast audience. Alex commented that her children like Gyllene Tider, she likes GT herself, her mother likes GT… Everybody likes GT! “We are like cornflakes!” Per laughed. “One also has to add the fact that GT means summer and is very Swedish and that the other bands from late 70s and early 80s, our competitors, aren’t in the business anymore.”
One of NRJ Kalaset listeners phoned to ask Per how many songs he has written for Gyllene Tider. Per didn’t know the exact amoung, “150, maybe 200?” he wondered.
They also discussed Gyllene Tider’s future. Per said that they have no plans yet. “There’s always a limit for things,” he said. “We have no plans for another album or anything.” Per also explained that he has promised his family to take some time off in the fall after the Gyllene Tider tour, as he has been busy since early last year. “First I made the ’Mazarin’ album and the summer tour, and then I went to the studio to record with Gyllene Tider.”
Benji also asked what Anders does when he is not with Gyllene Tider. “I’m a musician, a producer, a technician… I have my own studio as well.” Per couldn’t resist to add that he [Anders] has worked with Janet Jackson on her latest album. “Are you also involved with Eminem?” Benji asked. “The most involved I am with him is that I know who he is,” Anders replied laughing.
The interview at RixFM’s “Morron Zoo” took place on a boat where they grilled salmon and perch. Both Per and Anders confessed that they don’t own a boat. “Where should I go with it?” wondered Per. “I think it’s better to get to know people who own a boat… one can’t own so many things.” “But one can own many cars,” commented the host Titti Schultz. “Well, cars are a different thing…” replied Per.
Per and Anders were also asked what they prefer to grill. Anders prefers fish and Per thinks that “burgers aren’t bad either,” even though he cannot see himself cooking hamburgers, mixing the meat with egg [according to Titti]. “But I have seen how my wife does it.”
The band has already started to rehearse for the tour. “However, we will of course not rehearse ’Sommartider’ or ’Gå och fiska’,” said Per. “Those songs can’t be played without the audience.” The most difficult song to play live will surely be “Tuffa tider” due to the part with a ukulele. “It already took us six hours to record the song because the ukulele didn’t stay tuned very long,” explained Per. “We’ve constructed a ’super ukulele’ for the tour…”