Roxette reunion special to air on Nordic Rox; Marie special on Swedish P4
Written by Lars-Erik_Olson on May 28, 2009 to Marie Fredriksson, Per Gessle and Roxette.
NEW YORK - A Roxette reunion special, hosted by Per, will air in the U.S. this Sunday, May 31, on Sirius XM satellite radio.
The Nordic Rox show will broadcast the songs the duo recently performed together in Stockholm. Nordic Rox, which Per hosts regularly, airs weekly on Sunday nights at 8:00 pm EST.
During the Roxette reunion special, listeners will also hear a broadcast of Per's recent concert in London where he performed both solo songs as well as Roxette favorites.
Each week, Nordic Rox turns the spotlight on the quality and depth of Scandinavian music, expanding upon the success of established as well as up-and-coming artists ranging from ABBA and The Cardigans to The Hives and The Sounds among many others. The specialty program has become a destination for music fans in the U.S. to hear exciting new music emanating from the Nordic countries (See the following sidebar story).
Additionally, every day between Monday, June 1 and Thursday, June 4, several channels will broadcast a edited versions of the special, including a conversation with Per discussing the group's reunion and their recent live performances.
Finally, the '90s on 9 channel will also celebrate Roxette's reunion by devoting the upcoming weekend to the "iconic group." Beginning tomorrow and throughout the weekend, listeners will be able to hear Per personally introduce and share stories about Roxette's biggest hits including "It Must Have Been Love" and "The Look."
Meanwhile, on Radio Sweden's P4 Music channel, the second of a two-part special "musical portrait" of Marie Fredriksson will be aired on Sunday, May 31, at 11:05 pm CET. The program (in Swedish), put together by Lisa Wall, will spotlight Marie's career as part of Roxette while the first part focused on her career as a solo artist. Both parts will be available on the station's website.
Editor's Note: Additonal reporting by Paul Russell.
Gyllene Tider/Roxette fan becomes a Swedish knight
Written by Lars-Erik_Olson on May 28, 2009 to Awards, Fans and Per Gessle.
NEW YORK - Few Gyllene Tider/Roxette fans have been in a position to share their love of Per's music with others as much as Scott Greenstein, who as the Chief Content Officer of Sirius XM, is the one who approached Per with the idea for the program that was later named Nordic Rox. As a result of the success of the show in promoting Swedish music in North America, he was — just last week — awarded the insignia of Knight of the Royal Order of the Polar Star by Ambassador Ulf Hjertonsson, Consul General of Sweden in New York (acting on behalf of the King of Sweden), at a ceremony at the Swedish residence on Park Avenue.
Per, along with his wife Åsa and son Gabriel, were in New York and attended the event along with other guests who included actor and musician Steven Van Zandt (E-Street Band); director Lasse Hallström and actress Lena Olin; guitarist Richie Sambora (Bon Jovi); professional skateboarder Tony Hawk; singer Peter Jöback; Henrik Lundqvist of the New York Rangers; celebrity chef Marcus Samuelsson; and media host Martha Stewart.
With this distinction, Greenstein is recognized for the strides made by the Nordic Rox program in introducing Swedish music and popular culture to American audiences.
"Scott Greenstein has been instrumental in bringing a number of Swedish voices from the world of politics and culture to radio listeners across the U.S.," said Ambassador Hjertonsson. "His personal enthusiasm and professional dedication to Swedish music, in particular, led to the creation of the very popular radio channel Nordic Rox, a veritable gateway for Swedish music in North America."
"Yes, Scott Greenstein is the main man behind [Nordic Rox]," said Per to The Daily Roxette in an interview three years ago. "He is a huge fan (he even knows the "Leva Livet" lyrics by heart) and he approached me about a year ago about this."
Per was last at the Swedish residence in September 2000, when then Consul General Olle Wästberg hosted a reception and buffet dinner for Roxette that was attended by the media and other Swedish celebrities in New York, including Crown Princess Victoria. Roxette was here at that time to promote the release of a U.S. Greatest Hits album, and had performed earlier in the day at the Virgin megastore in Times Square.
Per speaks of double LP; says there’s more to come with Party Crasher
Written by tevensso on May 15, 2009 to Exclusive and Per Gessle.
STOCKHOLM (Updated) - It took a few days for Per Gessle to resurface again after the Party Crasher tour concluded in Stockholm, but The Daily Roxette has finally managed to get ahold of Per and ask a few questions on everyone's mind:
After this astonishing tour Per, how does it feel?
Ahh, empty!!! It's been the greatest tour ever for me. So intimate, so close with a superb band and a delightful crew, the most pleasant hardcore fans you can ever imagine and a great catalogue of songs to dig into. I've had the time of my life!
Yes, you certainly seemed to have a lot of fun on this tour, and we know you say every tour is the best one so far, how is this one compared to the others?
This is it, man!! And I ain't lyin'!
From what I've heard this tour has been a killer, music-wise, when is the live album out?
Yes, there will most likely be a package with a CD and a DVD put together. The CD is recorded live all over Europe, the DVD is from Cirkus (day one) in Stockholm and the DVD will also include 100 of the most primitive and hilarious clips from the tour (you've probably seen a few on YouTube already). I'm such a generous guy! And, forchrissakes, there will be a double-LP!!! One comes to the point in one's career when it's time to release a live double-album. Like Kiss, David Bowie, and Peter Frampton. This is the point for me!
Will Blu-Ray be an option?
I don't know. I'm glad if it's in color! And in stereo!
Color… gee let's hope! Also, Chris mentioned some tracks to be broadcast on Nordic Rox? Tell us more…
Yes, there will be loads of unreleased versions on Nordic Rox. I'm going to NYC next week to sort things out.
How did it feel to perform the famous Rox tunes without Marie? You are after all the "Man from Roxette?"
It felt great. I knew I could handle them. At the same time I wanted them to be different from the Rox-versions. My ambition has never been to "replace" Marie. I just wanted to play and sing these songs because they are dear to me. After all, I wrote them.
Why so few songs from "Crasher," it was the Party Crasher Tour after all?
Well, the PC-album is pretty tough to play live. Unless, of course, you want to bring the click-trax and computers in. Which I didn't want at all this time around. I wanted the set to be guitar-based, straight forward power-pop with great vocal harmonies and silly power-chords here and there. The PC-album is totally different.
That's understandable enough. Now, the band you toured with this time is basically a constellation of Roxette, was that a coincidence?
This band is a splendid mix of Roxette and the "En händig man" people. I love them all dearly. On the stage, in the dressing room, in the bar. Can't wait to hit the road with them again.
Per & Marie deliver a knock out performance at Cirkus
Written by tevensso on May 11, 2009 to Live and Per Gessle.
STOCKHOLM (Updated) - It's Stockholm Day 2: the same show, the same songs, the same band, the same fans (well, almost) - but twice the energy. What can I say… this band is among the tightest I've heard since I don't know, Gyllene Tider 1996? [Well, Bon Jovi 2003 was pretty damn amazing too, in front of 68,000 people.] Was everything "just the same?" Not at all. There was no video crew, despite previous information, and most of all… Marie Fredriksson on guest vocals! Marie, as in Amsterdam, sang "It Must Have Been Love" and "The Look" together with Per and the band. The noise when Per introduced Marie must have made an impact on the Richter scale… or, as a reporter for one of the Swedish newspapers put it, it almost blew the roof off the theater. Fans cried openly. Erik Johansson, who we mentioned in yesterday's article, said he hasn't cried this much ever. Marie herself looked quite taken with the situation, and just as in Amsterdam… couldn't help but say "Wow!"
The concert was basically the same as on Saturday, only — so it seemed to this reviewer — much more intense.
When The Daily Roxette talked to Per after the show, he said the band cried backstage, and now they feel all empty inside. But things are in the works "soon," Per said without being specific at all.
Even though most of the antics of the band are rehearsed, it's still kind of fun and cute… especially when Christoffer starts playing "Ljudet av ett annat hjärta" frantically on his golden Gibson/Epiphone, or starts the intro to "Owner of a Lonely Heart" in "Do You Wanna…"
TDR can also namedrop some of the event's guests; Her Royal Highness Crown Princess Victoria with fiancé Daniel Westling (with stern Secret Service agents hovering,) Swedish singer Lena Philipsson ("Kärleken är evig" etc.) and famous movie and music video director Jonas Åkerlund… just to name a few.
Per Gessle mangles Cirkus
Written by tevensso on May 10, 2009 to Live and Per Gessle.
STOCKHOLM (Updated) - Spring is certainly in the air as the fans start lining up outside Cirkus in Stockholm. "Super fan" Erik Johansson has been there since the night before and is first in line — again. He feels it's his duty. When this reporter arrives at around 4:30 pm, there's quite a few people there already. Cirkus runs a very tight ship and everyone there has a number on their hands, and these numbers are checked regularly. The mood is nice and the video crew interviews people here and there. This reporter notices a longer stay at the Brazilian… or was it the Argentinian camp. Other nationalities noticed are Brits, Russians, Germans, Scots… and a few Swedes thrown in for good measure.
Per steps on stage a little after 8 pm, and the crowd goes wild. Per is all smiles for the whole hour and a half. The band is in absolutely top shape, and you can hear this is a band that is having fun! While shooting photos in front of the stage during the first three songs, this reporter could hear Per's shoes banging on the floor when he does his trademark Per "dance moves."
"The beautiful Cirkus-venue, a very relaxed band and crowd-pleasing setlist and… of course… a mind-blowing audience that makes life so sweet for us!" says Per.
There are, as far as this reporter can tell, no changes in the setlist this evening; it goes from A to Z like a freight train, even though the band jokes and starts playing Gyllene Tider's old hit "Sommartider" after Per yelling "Did I hear 'Sommartider'??" Chris also falls into The Knack's "My Sharona" in the intro of "Do You Wanna be My Baby?"
This is a great concert, the sound is more or less perfect, and it's understandable that they chose Cirkus to be the place for the video shoot. Marie Fredriksson didn't show up, but is expected to make a guest appearance this evening for the last concert. Will it be better tonight? We will definitely see. Stay tuned.
And for those who wonder, the two Stockholm concerts are being shot in hi-definition.
Update: Per lets us know that there won't be a Meet & Greet tonight (Sunday) since there'll be too much going on after the show.
Party Crasher tour rolls into Halmstad; faces large, appreciative hometown crowd
Written by Lars-Erik_Olson on May 8, 2009 to Live and Per Gessle.
HALMSTAD, SWEDEN - About 2,000 tickets were sold to this evening's "homecoming" concert in Halmstad, Sweden. The show, which was held at the indoor Sporthallen, attacted a crowd from all over southern Sweden (along with the now familiar small groups of fans from other countries) eager to hear Per and his band.
In Halland Posten's backstage video interview with Per (in Swedish), he states that he enjoys playing in his childhood town. "The audience is always nice and active," he says. [Editor's note: Per also comments on how people were holding their cameras and taking photos with one hand, while blowing their noses (from crying) with the other when Marie took the stage in Amsterdam.] He also told this local newspaper (see article) that the tour "has been the the must fun thing I've ever done. The intimacy that we experienced in smaller venues has in some way reminded me why I do what I do."
As many of our readers already know, Per and his music are symbols of the Swedish summer, and with summer right around the corner, the Swedish crowd was ready to let loose and celebrate. After opening with "Dressed for Success," Per approached the mic and shouted out "Hello Halmstad!" The response was an explosion of cheers that reverberated in the echo-prone sports hall.
Per's mother, Elizabeth, was spotted amongst those sitting in a makeshift VIP area set up behind the mixing board.
Tonight's concert was, in part, a dress rehearsal for the videotaping of the DVD that will occur at the Stockholm concerts. The set list, which follows, is therefore expected to remain the same with Marie joining Per on stage — as she did in Amsterdam — for "The Look" and "It Must Have Been Love."
Marie joins Per and band on stage in Amsterdam
Written by Lars-Erik_Olson on May 6, 2009 to Live, Marie Fredriksson and Per Gessle.
AMSTERDAM (Updated) - There were screams, wolf whistles, shouts of "Marie!," cheers, hoots, hollers, and just about every other loud sound of jubiliation you could possibly imagine when Per Gessle invited Marie Fredriksson to join him on stage this evening. And yet, if one paused for a moment to look at the people around them, it was rather easy to spot people with tears in their eyes. It was, by all accounts, an extremely emotional moment… and many in attendance at the Melkweg Arena felt they were witnessing pop music history being made.
Despite the publicity put out by Night of Proms that it will be on their stage that Roxette will reunite — and as The Daily Roxette was first to report with authority — it was here tonight before a crowd comprised of adoring fans that that reunion actually occured, and somehow that seemed especially fitting. Marie, wearing jeans and a black blouse and vest, walked onto the stage with confidence, raised her arms in the air, and acknowledged the cheering crowd. After giving Per a hug, she said "Wow!," obviously pleased with the reception she was receiving. Per went to a microphone and joked "Don't forget to bring your cameras," as a virtual sea of cameras had popped up into view. Then, in the moment of silence just before Marie was about to sing, someone near the front of the audience — a male voice — shouted "Thank you God!"
Marie sang lead vocals on "It Must Have Been Love" (view mobile phone video posted by Expressen) and "The Look" (view video from same source) which surprised many fans who were expecting her to take over for Per and sing "Wish I Could Fly." There are links to better quality videos in the comments below.
Update: Just prior to the concert, TDR was in touch with long-time reader "Kachina" (Sheba Argarwal-Jans). Knowing that this would be her first Roxette-related concert, we invited her to write a review, or provide us with her impressions. We're delighted with her report, and hope you'll find it interesting as well. We've also added photos shot exclusively for The Daily Roxette by staff photographer Colin van der Bel. Click here for a special TDR slideshow with more than 50 pictures of the concert!
London concert satisfies, both on and off stage
Written by Lars-Erik_Olson on May 5, 2009 to Live and Per Gessle.
LONDON (Updated) - Having recovered from feeling a bit under the weather in Gent, Per Gessle was in top form Monday night when he and his band performed here at the Islington Academy in front of a very appreciative crowd. Per told The Daily Roxette after the concert that he thought it had become one of the Top 3 shows on the tour so far.
Fans from Brazil — almost all of whom had flown into London just to attend this concert — made up the largest contingent of fans from outside the UK. It was easy to see their numerous green, yellow and blue flags being waved from the upper-level lounge that overlooked the stage. Having also travelled from overseas, some long-time fans from California (USA) and Canada were there as well enjoying the show along with their European counterparts.
While the set list remained the same, "Hey, Mr. DJ" was moved from it's position in Gent just after the band introductions to become one of the encore songs.
Many fans, still riding high on the energy from the concert, waited outside in the chilly evening temperature with the hopes that they could get a glimpse of Per and other band members as they made their exit from the venue. A "meet & greet" was not possible, they had been told, because the venue had a private party scheduled for after the concert. However, after other band members had been outside for some time signing autographs, tour director Bo Johansson made an appearance to say, in very strong terms, that IF fans were willing to get in a single-file and ask for only one autograph — and not stop to take any "personal photos" — that he would bring Per out. Concerned that Per — who had just recovered — not get sick again, he also said "no kissing or hugging or anything like that."
EDITOR'S NOTE: Please read comments for additional details on this concert. Some of our readers make very good reporters! The fan meeting Per in the photo above (click photos to enlarge) is Cory Mistysyn from Toronto, Canada. — LEO
Per Gessle’s show in Gent a magical night
Written by colinvdbel on May 4, 2009 to Editorial, Live and Per Gessle.
(Updated) -
EDITOR'S NOTE: TDR reporter Colin van der Bel files this additional account and review of the Party Crasher concert in Gent, Belgium. Update: Click here for a special TDR slideshow with more than 100 pictures of the concert!
GENT, Belgium — It was a cloudy afternoon in Holland as this reporter began the drive down to Belgium to see Mr. G and his Heavy Metal Kids live in Gent's Handelsbeurs music venue later that night.
When I arrived, a large group of fans had already assembled and were pretty excited when Clarence and Pelle made a brief appearance. The show wasn't sold out completely, but surely the enthusiastic fans would made up for that!
The show started with support-act Martinique, who performed (singing, playing the guitar and even doing the elecric-boogie) a number of his songs. Also worth noting is that, in my opinion, the selection of music played before the show and during the intermission was excellent!
Per’s concert in Gent a real doorbuster
Written by Lars-Erik_Olson on May 3, 2009 to Fans, Live and Per Gessle.
GENT, BELGIUM - Per Gessle had a doorbuster of a concert here in Gent last night. And we mean that literally.
Leaving the venue at the end of the concert, this reporter asked one of the staff members who work at Handelsbeurs, a young man named Andreas whom we had met two days before, what he thought of the concert.
“It was good,” he said somewhat hesitantly.
“Only good?”
“Well, the concert was good, but his fans are CRAZY! They broke our door!!” Apparently, that had never happened before.
For several hours, fans from around the world had waited patiently outside Handlesburs, waiting for the doors to open at 7 pm. It was a festive atmosphere, with a mix of fans from countries including Spain, Russia, Holland, Germany, Romania – Belgium of course – and even small groups from as far away as Argentina and Mexico. Many had taken advantage of the three-day holiday weekend to attend this particular concert.
At one point, the house manager came outside to tell the waiting fans that there would be plenty of room inside, and that everyone would have a good view (the venue can hold up to 800, and only around 280 tickets had been sold). But, of course, many in the assembled crowd had hopes of being in the “front row.” So when the big, strong, wooden outside doors opened inward, there was a mad rush to get inside.
The actual concert hall was still closed, however. The idea of course was to give the venue a chance to sell drinks in the lounge area. Not interested in “lounging,” the small mob outside quickly became a small mob inside, and when they finally were ready to open these much more fragile wooden frame doors, they needed to be opened outwards. It was difficult for the staff to get people intent on proceeding forward to move backwards, so when they did manage to get one door open, there was enough pressure placed on the other door as it was opening to cause the unmistakable sound of cracking wood to be heard throughout the lounge.
Seriously, it was an accident. Per's "crazy" fans had a lot of fun during the concert*, and were by all accounts very well-behaved afterwards, waiting this time in an orderly line as Bo Johansson, the tour manager, ushered everyone waiting past Per, who was willing signing autographs and posing for quick photos.