Gyllene Tider enters the charts at #1 with double A-sided single
Written by Jud on May 28, 2004 to Gyllene Tider.
STOCKHOLM - As everyone expected, Gyllene Tider’s singles “Tuffa tider/En sten vid en sjö i en skog” enter the Swedish official single chart at #1 this week and has sold gold (15,000 copies) in one week.
“Thanks thanks, this is really nice!” Per tells Aftonbladet, “especially because both songs are number one now.” Aftonbladet’s reporter Klas Lindberg wonders which is the real single, “both of them,” Per replies, and continues explaining that their ambition was to break with the fact that everything is so formated in the music business.
With almost 400,000 tickets sold for the summer tour, Per wishes to have a great summer with nice weather “since we all deserve it after the cold winter.”
GT to visit Rix FM’s morning show
Written by tevensso on May 26, 2004 to Gyllene Tider.
STOCKHOLM (UPDATED) - Per Gessle and Anders Herrlin of Gyllene Tider will be guests at one of Sweden’s biggest radio stations - Rix FM’s “Morron Zoo” tomorrow morning.
Per visited the show last summer, and like Per did last time, the guys will be helping to barbecue during the program “and it looks like this time it will be fish,” says Rix FM’s website.
The program runs between 6:00 and 10:00 CET and can be heard via Internet. According to the hosts Gyllene Tider will appear shortly after 8:30.
- Rix FM (In Swedish)
Gyllene Tider to release karaoke record
Written by tove on May 25, 2004 to Gyllene Tider.
GÖTEBORG - People have been singing along to Gyllene Tider songs for years, but now there’s to be another option available: karaoke!
Göteborgsposten in their print edition on Friday reported that Gyllene Tider plans to create karaoke versions of their songs. Anders Herrlin is now listening to the songs and mixing them to take the vocals away.
The compilation will be sold during the tour for the benefit of BRIS - Barnens Rätt i Samhället (Children’s Rights in Society).
Signing sessions for “Finn 5 Fel”
Written by tevensso on May 24, 2004 to Gyllene Tider.
HALMSTAD - Record signing sessions for the forthcoming Gyllene Tider album “Finn 5 Fel” have now been published on the band’s official site.
Wednesday June 9, Skivlagret, Halmstad
Thursday June 10, FOLK & ROCK, Malmö
Thursday June 10, Åhlens City, Stockholm
Saturday June 12, Skivfyndet Frölunda Torg, Gothenburg
All times are CET.
- Official Gyllene Tider website (In Swedish)
Single out today, song clips on Gyllene Tider web site
Written by Jud on May 19, 2004 to Gyllene Tider.
STOCKHOLM - Gyllene Tider’s double A-sided single “Tuffa Tider / En sten vid en sjö i en skog” hits the stores today with very positive reviews from various media. RixFM, one of Sweden’s biggest radio stations, added “Tuffa tider” to their playlist on Monday morning as this week’s “hit warning”. Expressen’s Anders Nunstedt wrote that this summer belongs to Gyllene Tider. “Don’t worry if you don’t hear this song today, they will play it tomorrow, and the rest of the year…”
To celebrate the release, Gyllene Tider has published clips of six new songs on their official web site. The songs are “En sten vid en sjö i en skog”, “Tuffa tider (för en drömmare)”, “Solsken”, “Ta mej… nu är jag din!”, “Du måste skämta” and “Jag borde förstås vetat bättre”.
- Expressen’s article
- Official Gyllene Tider website
- Aftonbladet article (In Swedish)
- Aftonbladet’s article II (In Swedish)
Final “Finn 5 Fel” tracklist
Written by Jud on May 18, 2004 to Gyllene Tider.
HALMSTAD - Gyllene Tider’s official website has revealed the final tracklist for “Finn 5 fel” today. The tracklist is, though, slightly different to the one we published earlier in April.
01: En sten vid en sjö i en skog (“A Stone by a Lake in the Forest”)
02: Solsken (“Sunshine”)
03: Tuffa tider (Tough Times)
04: Ordinärt mirakel (“Ordinary Miracle”)
05: Ta mej…nu är jag din (“Take Me…I’m Yours”)
06: Jag borde förstås vetat bättre (“Of Course I Should Have Known Better”)
07: Du måste skämta (“You Must Be Joking”)
08: Nere på gatan (“Down on the Street”)
09: 72
10: Ande i en flaska (Gabba gabba gabba come on come on karma karma) (“Genie in a Bottle”)
11: Varje gång det regnar (“Every Time it Rains”)
12: Hjärta utan hem (“Heart Without A Home”)
13: Speciell (“Special”)
14: Har du någonsin sett en dröm gå förbi? (“Have You Ever Seen a Dream Pass By?”)
Marie Claire contributed to this article
Summer fun... Gyllene Tider’s new singles see sunshine!
Written by tevensso on May 16, 2004 to Gyllene Tider.
The Daily Roxette is proud to present, courtesy of EMI/Capitol Records, snippets of Gyllene Tider’s brand new double A-sided single “Tuffa tider/En sten vid en sjö i en skog”. In this Flash-based presentation, you’ll find several surprises!
Many of our regular readers have already heard the complete songs after reading a TDR report Friday that revealed that one Swedish newspaper did not follow the procedure mandated by the record label and prematurely posted the songs to their website, in full. Göteborgs Posten has since been directed to remove the songs.
Nevertheless, even if you’ve already heard the songs, we invite you to explore our Flash presentation, created for The Daily Roxette by Judith Seuma and Txiqui. You’ll find more than a few things to explore, including a contest for registered TDR subscribers!
- Tuffa Tider/En sten vid en sjö i en skog (mirror)
- Tuffa Tider/En sten vid en sjö i en skog (Requires Flash plug-in)
GT’s single world premiere on May 15th
Written by tevensso on May 15, 2004 to Gyllene Tider.
STOCKHOLM (UPDATED) - Gyllene Tider will appear this Saturday on a morning television program. Their website has announced that the band’s first single will premiere on TV4’s program “Nyhetsmorgon” on May 15th.
Update May 15: A “video” was shown, homemade, like the “Mazarin” sessions. The video looks perfectly OK. What was interesting is that a recording schedule in the video listed the illusive Roxette song “Ghost in the House” to be recorded. The Daily Roxette guesses this song has become “Ande i en flaska” in Swedish. Other interesting things on the schedule was for instance “Ingen kan som du”, which is on Per Gessle’s album “Demos”.
Other than that Gyllene Tider feels that it was great to meet again, the songs were recorded very fast, sometimes even “too fast”, according to Micke Syd, drummer. The interview was rather vacant as nothing really new came up.
Swedish paper puts new singles online, removes them later
Written by Jud on May 14, 2004 to Gyllene Tider.
GÖTEBORG (UPDATED) - The Swedish newspaper Göteborgs Posten reviewed the two new singles, “Tuffa Tider (för en drömmare)” and “En sten vid en sjö i en skog”, on their online edition earlier today. They also put the songs online for listening, but replaced them later with a message that tells the songs will be available from Monday.
GP’s Magnus Jönsson gives three points out of five to “Tuffa tider (för en drömmare).” “It’s the new sing-along song,” writes Jönsson, “in a backbeat even. Professional and playful, but a bit thin. It catches on after a few runs though.”
On the other hand, “En sten vid en sjö i en skog” receives the maximum score: five points. “Don’t let the title deceive you,” he comments, “this is Gyllene power-pop of its best kind. Classical but modern. GT 2004 quite simply. This song makes Tom Petty lift his hat.”
Thomas Evensson contributed to this article.
- Göteborgs Posten’s article (in Swedish)
Gyllene Tider’s single to be released “twice” next week
Written by tevensso on May 12, 2004 to Gyllene Tider.
The upcoming Gyllene Tider-single will be “En sten vid en sjö i en skog” after all, and it will be released in exactly one week - next Wednesday. But there’s “another” single as well.
It’s an old Gyllene Tider tradition to release double A-sided singles; it started with “Flickorna på TV2/Himmel No. 7” and continued with “Ska vi älska så ska vi älska till Buddy Holly/(Dansar inte lika bra som) Sjömän.” Now, this new single will follow that tradition by including two tracks: A-side “En sten vid en sjö i en skog” and the A-side: “Tuffa tider (för en drömmare)” (Tough Times (For a Dreamer)).
“It’s been like going on a very much longed for school trip recording with the Gyllene-guys again,” Per Gessle says. “We recorded 15 songs down in Skåne and 14 have made it to the album. Half of them feel like strong singles so it’s been almost impossible to select a single. So we picked two!”
“Tuffa tider” includes a ukulele and an ocarina, while “En sten…” is a power-pop song á la Gyllene Tider.
Pelle_Pop contributed to this article.
The Daily Roxette will stream the new songs on Sunday at midnight CET.
- CDON (In Swedish)