Gyllene Tider concert at Ullevi sold out
Written by Lissie on March 31, 2004 to Gyllene Tider.
GOTHENBURG (UPDATED) - According to an article published on Göteborgs-Posten’s web site the tickets to Gyllene Tider’s Gothenburg concert at Ullevi Stadium are already sold out. EMA will release some more tickets but with blocked sight.
GP also writes that “Gyllene Tider’s web site” claims that the tickets were sold out in less than 40 minutes, but The Daily Roxette has not been able to verify that information, as there is no info at either GylleneTider25 or EMA Telstar’s sites. At any rate, this is a new Swedish record. The total amount of tickets sold are now 50,000. Ullevi’s limit is 53,000.
- GP’s article (In Swedish)
Yet one more concert moves to a larger venue
Written by Lars-Erik_Olson on March 28, 2004 to Gyllene Tider.
VÄXJÖ (UPDATED) - For those who appreciate nature, Evedal would have been a beautiful setting, situated as it is in a pine forest just outside this city. But… it just wasn’t big enough. The July 30th concert is moving instead to Värendsvallen, the local soccer stadium. Last Thursday, 7,000 additional tickets were released – and have since sold out.
During the past few weeks, the local organizers of the concert in Växjö (Hovshaga AIF, an athletic organization) discussed the possibility of moving the concert in Växjö with EMA Telstar, the tour operator.
With approximately 24,000 tickets sold, this concert easily beats Gyllene Tider’s own record achieved in ’96. Many believed this record would tumble, but nobody expected it to be by so much.
“So many tickets have been sold… the response has been incredibly high. We have to try that as many as possible get a chance to see Gyllene Tider,” said Hovshaga AIF spokesman Roland Östberg to Smålandsposten last week.
“With so many people, a place like Evedal can create safety concerns. Värendsvallen is a much better alternative,” he added.
Judith Seuma contributed to this article.
Gyllene Tider tries to break Springsteen’s record
Written by roxeteer on March 27, 2004 to Gyllene Tider.
STOCKHOLM - “We want to do something nobody else has done,” says Per Gessle on Expressen. Per and his pals in Gyllene Tider want to break the record number of attendees in Ullevi Stadium, Gothenburg. The record was set by Bruce Springsteen on June 8, 1985 when 64,312 people saw “The Boss” perform there. “We want to draw the bow now that we have the chance,” says Per.
In Göteborgs-Posten Per tells that even though it’s still months before the tour starts, he’s already working with it all day long. “But first we have to get the album done. It must be ready in the beginning of May. In June we’ll have the rehearsals, but I can already say it will sound great,” Per promises.
Expressen also reveals that a Gyllene Tider documentary - probably the one that was shown to the press on Wednesday - will be shown to the fans before each concert during their summer tour.
The fans who bought tickets to Slottsskogsvallen will automatically get a field ticket to Ullevi concert. The extra tickets - 25,000 of them - will go on sale on Wednesday.
(Editor’s note: Our reader Christel Johansson noted that with the additional 25,000 tickets the attendance reaches 50,000 which is still a long way from the record. It wouldn’t be the first time Expressen misquotes people, but here at TDR we still hope there will be a need for another set of extra tickets so that Gyllene Tider would actually break the record.)
Gyllene Tider to release new album in June
Written by tevensso on March 24, 2004 to Gyllene Tider.
STOCKHOLM - As reported earlier today, Gyllene Tider is celebrating the release of “GT25 - Samtliga Hits” album today. The big news is that they are actually celebrating the release of two albums: June 2 they will release their brand new album with brand new songs, titled “Finn fem fel” (“Find Five Errors”). The album is being recorded in Christoffer Lundquist’s studio in Vollsjö, Skåne, the same studio that baked “Mazarin”.
The first single out of this album has the working title “Sitter på en sten vid en sjö i en skog” (“Sitting on a Rock by a Lake in a Forest”). The sound of the new album is close to the debut album’s sound, or as Anders Herrlin - bass guitar, puts it “It sounds like how we wanted to sound in 1980…” Anders also adds that most of the songs (“16 so far”, Per interjects) were recorded in less than half an hour. “We also decided that no other instruments were to be used than our own. The synthesizer sounds are actually all made by the Farfisa, for instance.”
Also, the documentary “Återtåget ’96” will be released on DVD this summer. Details are at this point unknown.
All the Gyllene boys are very happy with the celebration of their anniversary. Micke “Syd” - drummer: “This is so big that we cannot comprehend what’s going on. We are truly overwhelmed.”
It was also revealed that the opening acts during the GT25 Summer Tour will be Pugh Rogefeldt (the man who introduces Gyllene Tider on the EP “Swing & Sweet”) and rap group The Latin Kings. The Gothenburg gig will be moved to Ullevi Stadium, instead of adding another concert. Ticket sales at the moment are up to 225,000, compared to the 301,256 tickets Återtåget generated in total.
The press conference opened with manager Marie Dimberg giving out the good news, after that Kjell Andersson and Lasse Lindbom talked about their memories of Gyllene Tider, and finally a short film was shown, showing Gyllene Tider during their career. “Weird that we even had a career looking like that!” Micke “Syd” Andersson said afterwards.
New gig added in Halmstad
Written by tevensso on March 19, 2004 to Gyllene Tider.
HALMSTAD - As anticipated, The Daily Roxette has learned that EMA has indeed decided to add a second night in Halmstad to the Gyllene Tider tour schedule.
The tour begins in Halmstad on Wednesday, July 14th, and when tickets were first released, this premiere concert sold out quickly. Örjans Vall had originally been reserved with an optional second night, and “due to the extremely high demand for tickets,” the Thursday night concert (July 15th) has now been added.
“Fun!” said a spokesperson for the group.
Tickets will go on sale tomorrow (Friday).
Update March 19: This concert is now sold out, and was sold out almost faster than the first.
Chaos at Ticnet as GT tour tickets go on sale
Written by tevensso on March 12, 2004 to Gyllene Tider.
STOCKHOLM (UPDATED) - This morning at 9 a.m., Gyllene Tider’s summer tour tickets went on sale. And on sale they went! Reports from several Daily Roxette readers able to access the Ticnet site, indicate that the premier concert in Halmstad sold out within an hour. Both Ticnet’s telephone lines and the Internet booking system have been jammed during most of the day.
EMA Telstar, the tour promoter, says that 100,000 tickets were sold in less than three hours. The concerts in Halmstad, Helsingborg and Gothenburg are sold out and ticket scalpers such as are already offering tickets at an inflated price.
Update: The Daily Roxette has learned that additional tour dates are under consideration, including the addition of a second concert in Halmstad.
Lissie and Daniel Alvedahl contributed to this story.
- Aftonbladet’s article (In Swedish)
Gyllene Tider tour dates revealed
Written by mattias on March 10, 2004 to Gyllene Tider.
Sixteen tour dates were announced today as the schedule for this summer’s Gyllene Tider 25th Anniversary Tour were finally made public:
Jul 14 Halmstad, Örjans Vall - Sold out
Jul 15 Halmstad, Örjans Vall - Sold out
Jul 17 Lysekil, Pinneviken - Sold out
Jul 18 Helsingborg, Sofiero Castle - Sold out
Jul 20 Norrköping, Idrottsparken
Jul 21 Sunne, Rottneros Park
Jul 23 Stockholm, Stockholm Stadium - Sold out
Jul 25 Falun, Lugnet
Jul 28 Skövde, Karstorps Fritidsområde
Jul 30 Växjö, Värendsvallen
Jul 31 Malmö, Mölleplatsen - Sold out
Aug 4 Örebro, Eyravallen
Aug 6 Jönköping, Elmia
Aug 7 Gothenburg, Ullevi Stadium - Sold out
Aug 11 Eskilstuna, Sundbyholm Castle
Aug 13 Sundsvall, Park Arena
Aug 14 Skellefteå, Torget
The tickets will go on sale on Friday, March 12, at 9 a.m. CET. The price will be 325 kronor (about €36) plus a service charge of 25 kronor. Children under 10 need only pay a service charge of 10 kronor.
Gyllene Tider’s comment: “This will be a great adventure! We feel younger and better than ever before!”
The celebration of Gyllene Tider’s 25th anniversary will continue all through 2004, and “officially” starts March 24th with the remastered releases of Gyllene Tider’s first three albums, and a new greatest hits album.
Please note that even if a show is “sold out”, tickets still may be available later on.
- Aftonbladet article (in Swedish)
- TicNet/Biljett Direkt (Phone # +46-(0)771-707070)
- Halmstad (Check out for accomodations)
- EMA Telstar (in Swedish)
Gyllene Tider tour to begin in Halmstad on July 14th
Written by japeke on March 4, 2004 to Gyllene Tider.
HALMSTAD - For some time now, it’s been widely reported that the upcoming Gyllene Tider 25th Anniversary tour would kick off some time in the mid-July. In addition to that, a person familiar with the negotiations with Örjans Vall, a soccer stadium that will serve as the opening venue, was quoted as saying it would be about a week before a scheduled soccer/football match there. That narrowed the potential opening concert date down to about a 4-day window of possibility. But what will the exact date be?
Today, this TDR reporter called Örjans Vall to ask when Gyllene Tider would play there.
The man on the other side of the phone line didn’t have any problem answering the question, and said that the date would be July 14th.
Obviously, this is not an official announcement. The Daily Roxette expects there will be a press conference to announce the tour dates within the next week or so, with tickets possibly going on sale as early as March 12th.
Newspaper: Gyllene Tider performs in Gothenburg on August 7
Written by roxeteer on March 3, 2004 to Gyllene Tider.
GOTHENBURG - Swedish newspaper Göteborgs-Posten reports that Gyllene Tider’s 25th anniversary summer tour will visit Gothenburg on August 7. The tour plan is not yet disclosed, but the paper says the concert - or one of the multiple concerts in Gothenburg - will be at Slottsskogsvallen on that day. Göteborgs-Posten also repeats an earlier rumor of the premiere in Halmstad to be held in mid-July.
- Göteborgs-Posten article (in Swedish)
Gyllene Tider starts celebrating 25
Written by tevensso on February 27, 2004 to Gyllene Tider.
STOCKHOLM - Gyllene Tider is beginning the celebration of their 25th anniversary by re-releasing their first three LPs – “Gyllene Tider,” “Moderna Tider” and “Puls” – with re-mastered tracks. At the same time, they’re releasing a new CD: “GT 25 - Samtliga Hits!” (“GT 25 - All the Hits!”) [Incidently the same title as the subtitle of the last two greatest hits albums, released in 1989 and 1995.] This album will be relased both as a digi-pack (5769602) and in a normal jewel case (5769592). The scheduled release date is March 24th.
While it hasn’t been officially announced, The Daily Roxette has reported previously that Per and others have talked about new material that they are recording, so the widespread expectation is that a new album/single/EP will be released later in the spring, just in time to help promote the tour.
Yes, the summer of 2004 will see Gyllene Tider tour the country of Sweden again. It’s been eight years since they toured with “Återtåget” in 1996… a tour so successful that in Stockholm they had to move from a open-air venue outside of the Naval History Museum (where the Marie Fredriksson concert DVD was filmed) to the Stadion arena as 35,000 people wanted to see the band! Now, everyone in Sweden will have the chance again to experience the band live. The journey in time will continue - with Gyllene Tider playing for a new generation of fans.
Update March 1: “Kung av sand” was mistakenly omitted from the tracklist.
Tracklisting for GT 25 - Samtliga Hits!
01 Flickorna på TV2
02 Ska vi älska, så ska vi älska till Buddy Holly
03 (Dansar inte lika bra som) Sjömän
04 Rockfile - Marie i växeln
05 När vi två blir en
06 Kärleken är inte blind (men ganska närsynt)
07 (Kom så ska vi) Leva livet
08 Det hjärta som brinner
09 Billy
10 Ljudet av ett annat hjärta
11 Tylö sun
12 (Hon vill ha) Puls
13 Sommartider
14 Flickan i en Cole Porter-sång
15 Pers garage - Småstad
16 Det är över nu
17 Kung av sand
18 Gå & fiska!
19 Juni, juli, augusti
20 Faller ner på knä
21 När alla vännerna gått hem
Daniel Alvedahl and Robert Thorselius contributed to this story. Read more…