Gyllene Tider updates their web site
Written by roxeteer on May 12, 2004 to Gyllene Tider.
(UPDATED) - Gyllene Tider has updated their official web site with the first promo picture for the forthcoming “Finn Fem Fel” album. In the photo the band poses by the sea and their faces, as well as the name of the band, have been covered with a crayon.
Confirming that the release date for the album will be June 9, which is a week later than originally planned, the site plans to re-launch with new content on that date as well.
Gyllene Tider has put some effort into their online presence. In addition to the band’s official web site, their GT25 summer tour has its own, regularly updated site. Both web sites are in Swedish.
Update May 12: A large picture of the sleeve has been added.
Jicko contributed to this article.
Extra concerts added to GT25 tour schedule
Written by tevensso on May 7, 2004 to Gyllene Tider.
STOCKHOLM (UPDATED) - Due to the enormous pressure for tickets Gyllene Tider has decided to add four new concerts to their schedule this summer:
July 24 - Stockholm’s Stadium, Stockholm
August 10 - Gränsö Castle, Västervik
August 17 - Jogersö, Oxelösund
August 18 - Örjans Vall, Halmstad - Sold out
The tickets will be released Friday May 7.
There are now over 325,000 tickets sold. These new concerts are added to stifle ticket scalping.
“We are overwhelmed! Not in our wildest dreams we could imagine that this tour would dwarf Återtåget! This may be very fun,” Per Gessle says in a statement.
- Aftonbladet’s article (In Swedish)
Dance covers of Gyllene Tider featured on new CD
Written by daniel_alv on May 4, 2004 to Gyllene Tider.
STOCKHOLM - A couple of years ago, a CD called “Replay Dance Mania” was released in Sweden. It contained dance covers of famous songs like “Heaven”, “Forever Young” and “Words.” Now they have made their fourth album in the series and it’s called “Replay Dance Mania - Svenska Hits” (Swedish Hits). The album features popular Swedish songs like “Öppna landskap”, “Främling”, “Sommaren är kort” and also two covers of Gyllene Tider – “När Vi Två Blir En” and “Sommartider.”
The album was released last week.
New GT single due to air on May 17
Written by tevensso on April 29, 2004 to Gyllene Tider.
STOCKHOLM - Capitol Records announced today that Gyllene Tider’s first single off the forthcoming “Finn fem fel” album will be released to radio stations on May 17th.
Although TDR was told at the release party for “GT25 - Samtliga Hits!” that the first single would be “En sten vid en sjö i en skog,” the band members will meet again next week to make a final decision on which one of the 15 songs featured on the new album will be chosen as the first single.
The single is expected to show up in stores in early June.
Museum’s Gyllene Tider retrospective expected to attract 100,000 visitors; will include fan’s bedroom
Written by per_mson on April 17, 2004 to Gyllene Tider.
Fans who make the pilgrimage to Sweden this summer will have an additional “must see” destination to add to their list. The Länsmuséet in Halmstad, as previously reported, is mounting a major Gyllene Tider retrospective – Återblickar – that will depict the band’s career from their start in 1979 right up until today. The show opens on June 6th.
“Gyllene Tider is a phenomenon in Sweden,” says Bo Ericson, the retrospective’s curator. “They’ve had a tremendous impact, not only on the music industry, but on popular culture here as well.”
The Daily Roxette has been in contact recently with both Ericson and Håkan Kvist, who serves as the exhibit’s lead designer.
“A few of my colleagues are terrified – really scared – about the stampede of visitors to come this summer,” says Ericson. “Even I’m kind of sweaty,” he admits. The museum is expecting 100,000 people will want to pass through the retrospective’s galleries, with extremely long lines expected on July 14th and 15th, the dates of the two GT25 concerts in Halmstad.
The items on display will showcase not only the band’s own memories, but also those of their fans. The curators were able to locate two “girls,” now middle-aged women, who were huge Gyllene Tider fans at the beginning of the ’80s. From them, the museum has borrowed a lot of vintage material, like posters and photos from different magazines, newspaper articles, and other memorobilia. All of this will be assembled to show what a typical “teen girl’s room” might have looked like in the early ’80s when a lot of Swedish girls were “in love” with their adorable boy band and covered their rooms with Gyllene Tider posters and pictures.
“For us, this is a whole new way of mounting an exhibition,” says Ericson. “It’s very modern.”
The exhibition will have a kind of “media” room where one can not only experience the music of Gyllene Tider, but also be bombarded with moving images and pictures of all the records that Gyllene Tider has ever released. This video wall will be put together with about five large monitors and Kvist hopes it will give the whole room a really cool and overwhelming feeling.
The exhibition will also give guests the possibility to see instruments, photos, never-before-seen film clips and – of course – records. So far, the museum has been able to obtain no less than five of Gyllene Tider’s guitars including a bass from Anders Herrlin and a Fender Telecaster from Per Gessle. Also on display will be a big (and rather heavy) Farfisa organ from Göran Fritzon.
While museum exhibitions are usually serious, Ericson tells TDR that Återblickar will incorporate “a bit of a sense of humor.” The whole idea for the museum project was hatched, after all, while Ericson was drinking ouzo and beer with Mats “MP” Persson. The two have been friends and neighbors for years, and were vacationing together in Greece. Ericson, perhaps inspired by a successful ABBA exhibit that ran for a year at the Nordiska Museet in Stockholm, asked if there wasn’t a Gyllene Tider anniversary coming up. Once home, Ericson wrote up his proposal for a museum exhibition and MP presented it to the rest of the group.
“We never asked the band as a group, or as individuals, for any help with the budget,” explains Ericson. The exhibit costs are attached to the museum’s annual budget, with some underwriting from local sponsors.
Museum visitors will be able to purchase a commemorative exhibition poster, measuring 70x100 cm. Currently in production, the poster will be sold for 60 kronor (about €6.50). The entrance fee to the museum itself is 40 kronor (about €4.50).
Working with the old private film clips and home movies the museum has collected, a prototype DVD has been produced. Copies of this proposed DVD are currently being reviewed by band members and the group’s management. If the necessary permissions are granted, this too will be available for sale at the museum’s gift shop.
The retrospective is scheduled to remain open until the end of October.
EDITOR’S NOTE: Per-Axel Månsson, TDR’s lead reporter for this story, has also contributed to the exhibition by lending his Gyllene Tider record collection to be photographed for use on the video wall. Photos on right courtesy of the Museum of Halmstad. Additional reporting by Lars-Erik Olson.
- Museum of Halmstad (additional ’sneak preview’ photos, including larger versions of those shown here)
Gyllene Tider is #1 - again
Written by tevensso on April 16, 2004 to Gyllene Tider.
STOCKHOLM - “GT25 - Samtliga Hits!” takes a small step forward - to the #1 position! After only three weeks it has gone from #3 to #2 to #1. This is also interesting since there is absolutely no new material on this album, it’s basically the same album as “Halmstads pärlor” released in 1995, which sold 592,000 copies before being withdrawn.
And as a bonus effect “Mazarin” shoots up to #12 from #30. It seems Gessle and his companions are unstoppable this time too…
Tracklist for “Finn fem fel” revealed
Written by daniel_alv on April 9, 2004 to Gyllene Tider.
STOCKHOLM - EMI Capitol revealed the tracklist for “Finn fem fel” (“Find Five Mistakes”) today, the new Gyllene Tider album scheduled for release on June 9th. The catalog number is 5710922.
As we earlier reported, the working title for the first single was “En sten vid en sjö i en skog,” and Gyllene Tider has decided to keep that as the final song title. Here are the other song titles…
01: En sten vid en sjö i en skog (“A Stone by a Lake in the Forest”)
02: 72
03: Ande i en flaska (“Genie in a Bottle”)
04: Nere på gatan (“Down on the Street”)
05: Jag borde förstås vetat bättre (“Of Course I Should Have Known Better”)
06: Varje gång det regnar (“Every Time it Rains”)
07: Tuffa tider (Tough Times)
08: Choklad, vanilj, jordgubb (“Chocolate, Vanilla, Strawberry”)
09: Solsken (“Sunshine”)
10: Ta mej, nu är jag din (“Take Me I’m Yours”)
11: Hjärta utan hem (“Heart Without A Home”)
12: Ordinärt mirakel (“Ordinary Miracle”)
13: Du måste skämta (“You Must Be Joking”)
14: Speciell (“Special”)
15: Har du någonsin sett en dröm gå förbi (“Have You Ever Seen a Dream Pass By?”)
“GT25!” climbs
Written by tevensso on April 9, 2004 to Gyllene Tider.
STOCKHOLM - Gyllene Tider’s latest greatest hits album, “GT 25!,” climbs to #2 this week. The top spot is held by Anastacia’s new album.
Meanwhile, “Mazarin” falls to #30.
“Parkliv” to be released on DVD
Written by tevensso on April 4, 2004 to Gyllene Tider.
STOCKHOLM - Micke “Syd” Andersson, Gyllene Tider’s drummer, was interviewed on the show “Kalas” broadcast on Swedish Radio’s P3 channel last Friday. During the interview, Micke revealed that in addition to “Återtaget,” the legendary “Parkliv” filmed by Lasse Hallström in 1980 and released in 1981 will be also released on DVD.
Micke also told the reporter that they will surely record “a third Parkliv” – a documentary of the coming summer tour in order to have recorded concerts from three decades.
“Kalas” asked Micke to write a tour diary and he answered he would start writing on the tour premiere, even though he has “never written a diary,” but he will have some months to practice before the show.
Jicko, Anna Hedqvist and Daniel Alvedahl contributed to this article.
- Interview at “Kalas” - SR P3 (In Swedish, file available until April 9th)
“GT25 - Samtliga Hits!” enters the charts at #3
Written by daniel_alv on April 3, 2004 to Gyllene Tider.
STOCKHOLM - Gyllene Tider’s new compilation album “GT25 - Samtliga Hits!” enters the Swedish official album chart at #3 this week, behind Marit Bergman’s and E-Type’s new albums, which enter the chart at #1 and #2.
On the other hand, Per Gessle’s “Mazarin” leaves the Top 20 for the first time since its release in June 2003 and falls to #25.
AnimalKingdom contributed to this article.
- (In Swedish)