Gyllene Tider’s single to be released “twice” next week
Written by tevensso on May 12, 2004 to Gyllene Tider.
The upcoming Gyllene Tider-single will be “En sten vid en sjö i en skog” after all, and it will be released in exactly one week - next Wednesday. But there’s “another” single as well.
It’s an old Gyllene Tider tradition to release double A-sided singles; it started with “Flickorna på TV2/Himmel No. 7” and continued with “Ska vi älska så ska vi älska till Buddy Holly/(Dansar inte lika bra som) Sjömän.” Now, this new single will follow that tradition by including two tracks: A-side “En sten vid en sjö i en skog” and the A-side: “Tuffa tider (för en drömmare)” (Tough Times (For a Dreamer)).
“It’s been like going on a very much longed for school trip recording with the Gyllene-guys again,” Per Gessle says. “We recorded 15 songs down in Skåne and 14 have made it to the album. Half of them feel like strong singles so it’s been almost impossible to select a single. So we picked two!”
“Tuffa tider” includes a ukulele and an ocarina, while “En sten…” is a power-pop song á la Gyllene Tider.
Pelle_Pop contributed to this article.
The Daily Roxette will stream the new songs on Sunday at midnight CET.
- CDON (In Swedish)
Other articles with the same topic
- Rock Band 3 features Roxette (September 8, 2010)
- Roxette rocks Halmstad with Gyllene! (August 15, 2010)
- Mats "MP" Persson turns 50 (February 27, 2009)
- Gyllene Tider and Per Gessle released in the USA (October 10, 2007)
- Gyllene Tider and Per on Halmstad compilation (April 25, 2007)
Jud (moderator) said on May 12, 2004 13:47:
it’s one CD with 2 tracks, and both tracks are the first single.. :)
CRIZ said on May 12, 2004 16:58:
Yaaaay....a moose...a moose on the cover...I love mooses.....finally one on a sweet... ..Gimme a poster........okay I calm down...;)
Rich-UK said on May 12, 2004 20:39:
Nice cover, can’t wait for the single! - I thought that there were 15 tracks on the album?... Rich
Jud (moderator) said on May 12, 2004 21:00:
both are the single cover.. take one for Tuffa Tider and one for En sten...
roxtexanet said on May 12, 2004 21:34:
“Half of them feel like strong singles so it’s been almost impossible to select a single.” Hmm... this is what Per said about “Mazarin” and he couldn’t have been more right!!
Lars-Erik_Olson (moderator) said on May 12, 2004 23:27:
The “two covers” are on either side of the single package. Turn it over... other “cover.”
tevensso (moderator) said on May 13, 2004 07:24:
Ginza has it on preorder.
The tracklist is not yet fully set according to a person close to Gyllene Tider, so the tracklist published earlier may change. And probably will since a song is missing...
Roxrider_USA said on May 13, 2004 13:37:
Could any of you tell me the name of that swedish online cd outlet which its name starts with an S? Also, in case any of you know any other online cd store that ships to the US, I would be glad if you could let me know their websites’ addresses.
I’d really appreciate it.
Thanks a lot!
Take care care.
Carlos E., New York.
tevensso (moderator) said on May 13, 2004 13:46: /
Same store. :)
lonely_girl said on May 13, 2004 20:05:
Oh, great news to “finish” the week... ;-P
Anyway, what does CET mean? Is it Greenwich-time +1 hour?
Jud (moderator) said on May 13, 2004 20:28:
we have always used CET when posting times.. Central European Time
Roxrider_USA said on May 17, 2004 03:06:
@Tevensso: Thanks a lot. I appreciate it.
Take care.
Carlos E., New York.
Bunio said on May 12, 2004 13:29:
i dont understand this.
So there are 2 separate cds with 2 diffrent covers ?
Which song will promote album?