“Party Crasher” finally online
Written by tomos85 on November 24, 2008 to Per Gessle and Releases. Source: Telia.
Telia's webshop has added "Party Crasher" and also of course added snippets of the "Telia Edition" with 13 tracks. Unfortunately the album can't be bought from IP-addresses outside of Sweden, plus that the album is in WMA format. The price is 129 SEK.
The album is also available on iTunes Sweden, with its respective edition, including "I'm Glad You Called" instead of "Roberta Right." iTunes offers the album in 256 kbit AAC plus format. The price is 95 SEK.
Nunstedt previews “Party Crasher”
Written by tevensso on November 14, 2008 to Per Gessle and Releases. Source: Expressen.
STOCKHOLM - Expressen's Anders Nunstedt has gotten an exclusive prelisten of "Party Crasher," here are his comments:
SILLY REALLY - Relentless keyboard riffs dominate the album's absolute feel good-hit, which consists of 87 % hair mousse and 13 % disco.
THE PARTY PLEASER - hard-as-a-nail pop song with tons of oh la la's, hey-hey's and yeah yeah's. It sounds like two Roxette robots mangle P!nk with a gigantic steam roller.
STUCK HERE WITH ME - Per Gessle goes Justin (!). An r'n'b ballad (!) which is more exciting than Gyllene Tider's "Upphetsad" ("Excited")! As if the title starts with "F" instead of "St"…
Video premiere for “Silly Really”
Written by tevensso on November 14, 2008 to Internet, Per Gessle and Releases.
(Updated) - "Silly Really" is now available to see at Aftonbladet. Featured in the video is, besides Per and a bunch of drunk stock brokers, also Frank the rabbit from Donnie Darko!
Update: The video is now available at gessle.com in better quality.
Get your “Party Crasher” signed
Written by tevensso on November 12, 2008 to Per Gessle and Releases. Source: Capitol.
Per will go on a small signing tour after the "Party Crasher" release:
Thursday November 27 at 16.30
Åhléns City, Stockholm
Friday November 28 at 17.00
Skivlagret, Halmstad, Brogatan 6
Saturday November 29 at
12.00 Rocks, Kungsbacka, Kungsmässan
15.00 Bengans, Gothenburg, Stigbergstorget 1
“Party Crasher” tracklist revealed
Written by tevensso on October 26, 2008 to Per Gessle and Releases.
(Updated) - The full tracklist of Per Gessle's forthcoming album "Party Crasher" has been revealed:
01 Silly Really
02 The Party Pleaser
03 Stuck Here With Me
04 Sing Along
05 Gut Feeling
06 Perfect Excuse
07 Breathe Life Into Me
08 Hey, I Died and Went To Heaven
09 Kissing Is the Key
10 Thai With a Twist
11 I Didn't Mean To Turn You On
12 Doesn't Make Sense
For a preview of the "Silly Really" video, turn your dial to gessle.com or YouTube. The video has been made by the company Stark in Gothenburg.
Silly Really snippet now online!
Written by tevensso on October 23, 2008 to Exclusive, Per Gessle and Releases.
(Updated) - Please enjoy the snippets of "Silly Really" and "I Didn't Mean to Turn You On" at www.gessle.com!
We've just received notice that the album release has been pushed forward to November 26. Per has also remodeled his YouTube page. Worth a look perhaps. More things to show up there soon.
Radio promos for the new Gessle single
Written by tevensso on October 21, 2008 to Per Gessle and Releases. Source: d&d management.
STOCKHOLM - Per Gessle's management has announced radio promo sessions for the new single, all on October 24:
08:10-08:55 RIX FM * Morronzoo (Also broadcast on TV6)
12:00–13:00 P3 Populär Fredagsgäst.
13:30-14:15 P4 Lantz i P4
The times are in CET. All shows are available online.
Also, according to TT, Per will perform at the Swedish soccer gala November 17. The gala is held at the Globe and will be televised on TV4.
New Per Gessle single “Silly Really”
Written by tevensso on October 6, 2008 to Exclusive, Per Gessle and Releases. Source: Capitol.
STOCKHOLM (Updated) -
Per Gessle's first single "Silly Really" off the forthcoming album "Party Crasher" will be released October 29. The single as well as the album is a step in a new direction for one of Sweden's most successful songwriters and artists.
After two solo albums in Swedish ("Mazarin" in 2003 and "En händig man" 2007), another studio album with Gyllene Tider ("Finn 5 fel!" 2004) and a double album under the name "Son of a Plumber" Per Gessle now shows us a different side of his pop talent.
"Normally I write the melodies first and then we build an arrangement in the studio. This time I've started with a groove and then written the melody from that, just like when I wrote that little ditty 'The Look' once upon a time," says Per with a crooked smile that's hard to read. "It’s really simple power pop, lots of choruses and such. I’m very pleased and Clarence feels it’s the best album I’ve ever made."
"The songs are written in the '70s '80s era type of dance music. The result is a fun album that is both immediate and in your face, but also brooding and beautiful." says Per. "My wife says the album sounds like The Bee-Gees meet Gyllene Tider. I don't really agree, but I can see her point. It has a sweet disco feeling all over it. But recognizing Per Gessle over the beats shouldn’t be a problem."
The album is made in English to be able to hit internationally. Per: "But it’s a long way to go, I don’t take anything for granted. It’s not like I’m going to England to sell out Wembley, unfortunately. But at the same time, Roxette's songs are bigger than in a long while, so we’ll see."
"Party Crasher" is Per Gessle's first international solo album in his own name since "The World According to Gessle" 1997. The album will be released December 3.
Vanilla Ninja records Gessle-penned song
Written by tevensso on May 5, 2008 to Misc, Per Gessle and Releases. Source: Broken Records.
SANTIAGO (Updated) - Vanilla Ninja, the Estonian power pop trio formed by Lenna Kuurmaa (vocals), Piret Järvis (guitar) and Katrin Siska (keyboards), a rocking girl band that is a well known act in the Central European scene, and now in Latin America, after participating successfully in the biggest summer Festival in Latin America, the Festival of Viña del Mar, this past February.
Before the girls will go on tour next June in the Baltic states, and their second visit to several countries in Latin America in July - August, they want to release a single to warm up the audience. After discussing this issue with Hector Faune, their manager/promoter for Latin America, Hector proposed to get in touch with Per Gessle from Roxette to have a possible song co-operation, as he feels Vanilla Ninja's music has lots of similarities to Roxette's uptempo and power ballad style.
When Per was approached for a co-operation he sent over two demos; "T-t-t-take it!" and "Every Day Outside My Window" but the girls felt these particular songs didn't suit them; "Per kindly sent us two songs, and we picked one to use for the next release" says Lenna, vocalist in Vanilla Ninja. The song, "Crashing Through The Doors," is composed by Per Gessle, with original lyrics from Piret Järvis and Lenna Kuurmaa. Readers of The Daily Roxette will be pleased to know this is an English version of Per Gessle's "Spegelboll" from the highly successful "Mazarin" album released in 2003.
"The girls are in the studio working hard to get a cool version out of it," Hector Faune says to The Daily Roxette.
On the question if this will be the start of a bigger co-operation with Per, Lenna replies: "Probably. I hope so. He himself was also very interested in it, but unfortunately a person who's as famous as him, his calendar is planned for a year or two."
The song will be released on May 9 to radio stations, firstly in Estonia, and a little later in the Central European Countries, as well in Latin America.
Download a sample.
Snippets out on Gessle.com
Written by tevensso on April 29, 2008 to Internet, Per Gessle and Releases. Source: Gessle.com.
SÖDERHAMN - Snippets of some of the new songs are now available on gessle.com. The remastered and extended version of "The World According to Gessle" will be released May 14.