“Party Crasher” finally online
Written by tomos85 on November 24, 2008 to Per Gessle and Releases. Source: Telia.
Telia's webshop has added "Party Crasher" and also of course added snippets of the "Telia Edition" with 13 tracks. Unfortunately the album can't be bought from IP-addresses outside of Sweden, plus that the album is in WMA format. The price is 129 SEK.
The album is also available on iTunes Sweden, with its respective edition, including "I'm Glad You Called" instead of "Roberta Right." iTunes offers the album in 256 kbit AAC plus format. The price is 95 SEK.
Other articles with the same topic
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rossyrox said on November 24, 2008 09:19:
As usual, we in the UK have to wait 7-10 days for delivery.
wonderful_balloon said on November 24, 2008 09:24:
Am I blind or why cant I find this album on itunes? can someone please post the link here? wud be great! thx in advance :-)
memami said on November 24, 2008 09:47:
Is there anybody outhere who can buy the two bonustracks for me?
I can pay with paypal.
Please write me a Mail.
Thx memami
kielroxer said on November 24, 2008 10:57:
ok, i found it on itunes sweden. but will the album be available in other itunes - stores, especially in good old germany? Silly really for example is until now not available here...
does anybody know?
tevensso (moderator) said on November 24, 2008 11:05:
Most probably, but as far as I know not before Christmas at least. It hasn’t really been released outside of Scandinavia yet.
PiterPam said on November 24, 2008 11:15:
Album sounds good!
I have ordered it via amazon.de. Must be here in early december. “The Party Pleaser” and “Stuck here with me” sounds really great! But for my taste 2-3 to much ballads on the album, but its ok.
pwbbounce (moderator) said on November 24, 2008 11:21:
As frustrating as it is, the album won’t be available on any iTunes store apart from Sweden for the time being. Get ordering your copy of the CD from the usual online stores!
tomos85 said on November 24, 2008 11:31:
Cdwow.com ships to every single country in the world and you pay no extra charge for shipping.
Bengans.se does the same, but they take 130 sek for sending:
And of course, those two bonus tracks are only available in these 2 Swedish shops. For Swedes only, unfortunately.
DEFAULT_GREEN said on November 24, 2008 13:05:
I have heard the first halve of the cd and I have to say that I am not that impressed, I don’t know why Per just stick with what he is good at
and that is make good pop rock songs - joyride style and stop playing around, I would rather not have an album from Per than having him waste his time like this
crashroxer said on November 24, 2008 13:11:
@DEFAULT_GREEN: The year 2009 is coming!!! Those Joyride days are over...
tevensso (moderator) said on November 24, 2008 13:26:
Yes Default, stop whining already. Easy choice - don’t get the album.
abysmo said on November 24, 2008 14:09:
Very short preview of the album to say my attitude, I have to wait till my Bengans CD will arrive, but right now I can say, that old, driving Gessle with lot of arrangies and tons of ideas in one song is back. Snippets sounds very promising, very fresh and very synth offcourse :-).
Some of the snippets turned into nice surprise (Stuck Here With Me, Thai With A Twist). I don’t like reggae so I’m not fond of Breathe Life Into Me and I Didn’t Mean To Turn You On, but I feel that I will enjoy rest of the album.
The Party Pleaser, Gut Feeling, Kissing Is The Key and Thai With A Twist are classical Gessle crushing pop pearls, Sing Along, Perfect Excuse, Hey I Died And Went To Heaven and Doesn’t Make Sense are classical ballads. I can hear there Pet Shop Boys, Duran Duran and many others, so if SOAP was trip to 60’s-70’s, than with PC we are back in the 80’s.
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DEFAULT_GREEN said on November 24, 2008 14:29:
@tevenso and crashroxer: duh 2009 is comming so why is he making music of the 80s!!!!!
Read what I am saying, I am saying he should stick to what he is good at and continue with his pop rock songs, like the brilliant Mazarin CD, HAND cd CBB cd JOYRIDE cd and stop wasting his time in trying to recreate crap from the past,
Per is a pop rock singer and songwriter and the past 3 years he has become a copycat recreator of crappy music, be original and do what you are good at.
If I want to listen to songs from the 80s I will go and buy songs from made in that time!
Per has wasted a whole year in trying to create this, whereas he could have made a brilliand new and original pop rock album, imagine if he decided to make a cd from the 70s instead of the CBB cd!!! now that is what happened here, wonder which great cd was lost while making this recreation of songs that there are plenty of out there
and that is the bottom line, ever single second he is experimenting he is wasting valueable PER GESSLE time, trying out this trying out that, instead of sticking to what he knows best and sticking to what made him successfull to start out with, and that is definatly not this cd!
pwbbounce (moderator) said on November 24, 2008 14:37:
This is what Per WANTED to make this time around. You say imagine if he made a 70s CD instead of C!B!B! Per was not trying new things that time around. If you compare Joyride to C!B!B! there is a difference in sound and style. They grew up a little bit.
At this time, Per doesn’t need to prove anything to anybody. He makes the music that he wants to. If people want to buy it, thats a bonus to him. I’m sure he isn’t going to be too worried financially if no one buys it. And I’m sure it won’t stop him from making the kind of music that he wants to in the future.
Per WAS a pop rock singer, some of the songs on PC are in that style, but its not where he is now.
Sorry for the comparison, but Cliff Richard WAS a rock ’n’ roll singer in the 50’s, now he isn’t. That style of music has changed, and he has had to change as well. Per is no different. Do you really think an album in the style of C!B!B! would sell more than Party Crasher now? No, I don’t.
If you don’t try new things, you’re stick to something which is the same over and over again. Sounds boring doesn’t it?
pwbbounce (moderator) said on November 24, 2008 14:46:
I’m sure one will be coming at some point.....
tevensso (moderator) said on November 24, 2008 14:47:
There will be an extensive review on Wednesday. :)
emilio said on November 24, 2008 14:49:
Some guys here waste their attention in compare per´s music. I agree with pwbbounce, but the main reason is that he is a musician and if he want to make a mozart´s inspired record he is absolutely free to make it, like it or not.
Roxette stardom days are over, maybe for a while or maybe forever. Per is not Chris Martin not even Bono, and fans have to realize that those golden days would be hard to reach again and we don´t know if Per´s wants to spend 4 months tripping through north america promoting the record.
Enjoy the music, we have to be happy guys! who makes one record per year!!! no one just per! and i love that because i´m just a fan of his music.
Room_service said on November 24, 2008 15:07:
“Imagine if he decided to make a cd from the 70s instead of the CBB cd!!!”
If that’s the case, you’d be comparing “Party Crasher” with that 70s CD right now... But in the end your statements are very contradictory. It seems you consider any music from the past is crappy. So, do you consider that “Look Sharp” and “Joyride” are crappy too?
There’s no way to record something like “Joyride” at the moment. There’s a revival of the 80’s spirit now in many areas (music, fashion, etc), so this new album really fits that trend. The bolder sounds of “Joyride” is not what people seem to like now. The same about C!B!B!
Jud (moderator) said on November 24, 2008 15:12:
I don’t understand this static way of thinking. People change, people should change. Change is good. One always learns from it, there is always a long way which never ends, learning, changing, if not there would not be any challenges, life would be boring.
I think it is more than obvious that he does the music he likes, he doesn’t need to please anybody except himself, I doubt this has changed since he started to make music, just that now he dares much more. He (or any other artist) would go nuts if they had to adapt their music to the mainstream and to what the fans like!
I also don’t understand this labeling. He is a musician. Pop rock, whatever. He composes music, he creates music. Some you might like, some you might not. There is nothing else one can do than wait. Ask me, I’ve waited since 97 to finally like one of his solo albums ;)))
In the meantime I’ve discovered great music as well, music doesn’t end with Gessle ;)
Marie Fredriksson Online
Be strong, speak true
colinvdbel (moderator) said on November 24, 2008 17:12:
Per is an artist.
I would say he isn’t going to make an album just because his fans would love it, as far as I know inspiration/art doesn’t work like that.
He creates music as he likes it. If you don’t like it, don’t buy it and please don’t come complaining here - we just bring you the news. Period.
@Default: Why don’t you try making some music of your own? You seem to know exactly what kind of music the world is waiting for...
miso said on November 24, 2008 17:12:
Am I the only one who can’t hear the snippet of the bonus track?
DEFAULT_GREEN said on November 24, 2008 17:13:
I don’t know if the people in this forum can’t read, but I KNOW Per can do what he feels like, but that is like an AMAZING chef saying, i feel like making ok cupcakes when he can make GREAT meals...
I am saying Per is WASTING his time by experimenting like this, time wasted, year wasted. instead of experimenting why not do something GREAT.
and by the way, Per is not changing he is EXPERIMENTING with new music styles, and is wasting valueable time in the process.
what would you prefer... the song Listen to your heart or Perfect excuse? Comon get realistic there is not even one song on this entire album that even
closely compares to his best work, all because he is experimenting... why must he do that, he is good at what he do, why not keep doing that and keep doing it better and better.
Bryan Adams has been doing it for years and is still great, REM the same... all of a sudden he does not create demos anymore because clarence does not like it. he has not cared for what clarence though for 17 years, what happened now all of a sudden? He gives them to much creative control on the cds, SOAP (no demos) this one (no demos) and it sounds nothing like him. What happend to the pop rock star we once knew? Oh sorry I forgot he made a B rated experimental 60s, 70s and 80s cd.
Really now guys. comon. It is not about change, it is about writing damn good songs and this time around this cd is a joke compared to TWATG, MAZARIN or any other Roxette CD.
CRIZ said on November 24, 2008 17:28:
soon I will start a poll ...I think it’s time to close the opportunty to discuss on TDR. It’s time that TDR is JUST a News-site.
It’s getting more and more embarrasing! Stupid useless discussions from people who think they know everything better...or from people who think they are funny or from people who just want to provoke!
I just can say: If you don’t like what Per and Marie are doing and deciding nowadays than why do you still care about them? I think I just would loose interest if a musician doesn’t make music after my taste and I won’t waste my time in discussion forums! I would sell my collection and just FORGET THEM!
(By the way..I still only know REALLY SILLY from the Party crasher)
I’m so fed up with this embarrasing discussions here! They are repeating themselves again and again and again and again.....The funny thing : It’s only on the TDR like that. In other Rox-forums everything is just more relaxed.
Room_service said on November 24, 2008 17:53:
The point is you are not inside of Per’s head. There’s no way to know his own thoughts and feelings. Maybe he feels/believes this music is a “great meal”. It’s all up to subjectiveness. You believe that “Listen To Your Heart” is superior than “Perfect Excuse”; perhaps Per thinks the other way around (that they are equally good or PE even superior to LTYH). He’s always proud of her job, I am sure he’d say this album is the greatest one he ever made. You don’t have to agree, but his thoughts are as valid as yours.
Personally, I don’t think this new album is a waste of talent. You must be aware this is not Roxette, so the sound is absolutely different. I addition, it must be really boring if all his music sounds like Joyride or LTYH. If you like that stuff so deeply, just dust off the old cd’s and play them. There’s no need to make ’new’ music in that style anymore if he already tried it.
tomsen2 said on November 24, 2008 18:07:
Great album with very great songs. I like almost every one. Maybe the Thai Song is a little bit too silly.
But the way how they release Per’s albums and especially where is getting worse with every new release. It doesen’t make any sense to write two good songs, in english by the way, and then release them only in sweden with absolutely no access for foreigners.
Thats a good reason to steal music instead of buying it. No wonder the music industry is almost dead.
onlywhenidream said on November 24, 2008 18:19:
I can’t wait for mt CD to arrive - I am holding out on listening to any others online.
I know there have been mixed comments about the album - but I for one can’t wait. I love synth music; and I think Per is being both brave and innovative for ’his’ sounds.
Thanks Peter Gessle.
tevensso (moderator) said on November 24, 2008 19:10:
I can’t speak for everyone, I know that, but the album is amazing, believe me. It’s not an album that sets straight in your head, which is good. It takes a while to get into the feeling.
Kiwein1 said on November 24, 2008 19:46:
Into WHAT feeling exactly? ;-)
jobarth said on November 24, 2008 19:54:
here’s the itunes link: http://itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewAlbum?id=295430945...
but you can only listen when you’re not from Sweden!
hiowa said on November 24, 2008 20:35:
Gut Feeling was a really good suprise! Really great song!
I also think that Sing along is a quite good song. But the rest sounds really boring to me. When I first heard Silly Really I hoped that the rest of the songs was better than that but now I am disappointed. I think this is the worst album from Per since Heartland Café 1984. Sounds really tired.
I feel a bit sorry but cancelled the order from Cdon, to much money for an album with 1 great song!
So sad, I was so happy when I first heard Son of a plumber, en händig man, finn fem fel, mazarin and roomservice but this is so average.
Don´t get me wrong I think Per is one of the best composer of all the time but he has take a wrong way with this project. Thats why it feels even worse.
But howsoever Gut Feeling is great! too bad that not the whole album is like that song.
PolicarpoAroca said on November 24, 2008 20:45:
It was supposed to be a dance-oriented album, wasn´t it? After hearing some snippets, I would call the album a chill-out oriented one. I wouldn´t buy it. Don´t like to be deceived.
ncurran said on November 24, 2008 21:21:
I kind of agree Policarpo.....not that we’ve been deceived, but it does sound different to what I had expected. Not as ’fresh’ and innovative as I hoped and expected from ’silly really’, but it still sounds like a cool album. Looking forward to getting my copy and hearing the songs in full
Eloy said on November 24, 2008 22:00:
I´m listening the album for the second time and I gotta say that I really like!, the sound is different, the style is really good ... .
Per sounds great with Perfect Excuse, I think!. I guess my favourite one is Gud Feeling, it really rocks!
PS: congratulations to helena! she made a great job!
ncurran said on November 24, 2008 22:07:
The thing is, Per is never going to please everyone. There is still a section of the fanbase that wants Per to return to more rock/pop stuff with guitars/powerpop/rock ballads from the 90’s....thats not going to happen. He’s been there, done that. Then there are those who liked EHM/SOAP and some of his more accoustic/organic stuff. I dont fall into either of these camps. I think its good to see him experiment. In fact I wouldve liked him to be a bit more experimental with the album (from what ive heard). Then there are those who would love the album if he had just farted on the record while Christopher played the coconuts.....
Of course there will be people who dont like it, and they are perfectly entitled to their opinion, so i dont think people jumping on their back is fair either. If they want to say they think the album is rubbish i dont see a problem with that. If I hated it I would have expressed that opinion as well.
hiowa said on November 24, 2008 22:50:
I don´t have a problem with an experiment at all. I was hoping for something really special. maybe a punk-album or a guitarriff-album or something really exciting. not this kind of music that sounds really dead in my opinion.
I think per is best when he just write songs, melodies that just knock you! no silly effects and borring sounds.
I understand that he can´t satisfy everone but I think this is the wrong way to go. No big surprises, just mainstream music with no soul (don´t talk about the genre) in it.
I gues I´ve to wait 1 or 2 or 3 year for the next album and hope that he´ll make the best album ever! And if necessary he must fire Clarence, I think he´s one of the problems!
Well, finally I think the best thing with this album is the name. At least something.
DEFAULT_GREEN said on November 25, 2008 05:18:
There is a reason why the Joyride album sold 10 000 000 copies and SOAP only 3.
Jud (moderator) said on November 25, 2008 06:03:
I thought that as well, but party can also be a cosy dinner home, with some good friends ;)
just give it a try, it’s more than worth it. The album is great.
Marie Fredriksson Online
Be strong, speak true
tevensso (moderator) said on November 25, 2008 06:57:
Yes, and the main reason for that is promotion. Or lack of...
Roxerally said on November 25, 2008 08:33:
DEFAULT_GREEN - You know you really do get on my nerves... perhaps you should go find another music artist to review and snipe at!
abysmo said on November 25, 2008 08:37:
I heard only snippets, but I can say that Helena sounds fantastic here, fits the sound of the album perfectly. Especialy in Stuck Here With Me (amazing) and Hey I Died And Went To Heaven (so sweet). And I really like this new, synth album sound. So fresh again. Tommorrow! Tommorrow! Hope my Bengans CD will arrive.
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Robbie said on November 25, 2008 09:11:
It seems that Per is not being affected at all by the worldwide economical crisis: the album sounds very catchy and cool, sexual oriented and controversial.
Hard to name the best song of the album!
I would give a 5 ***** plus though for: Stuck Here With Me, Hey, I Died And Went To Heaven, Gut Feeling, Sing Along, Thai With A Twist, Perfect Excuse.
pwbbounce (moderator) said on November 25, 2008 09:16:
@ Default_Green - During the Joyride days both Per and Marie went around the world so much promoting, doing a massive world tour, they were in the 30’s!! Effectively there are both 50 now. Those days are over, just get used to it. They are never EVER going to return to those days now.
It was criminal that SOAP was not succesful, but these things happen. SOAP had no promotion worth mentioning so it was hardly surprising that it didn’t do anything outside of Sweden. Maybe Party Crasher well get the promotion it deserves and then it will sell. I’m pleased that Per is writing English songs, and has released an English album. I’m one of those people that pretty much loves anything he does (with a couple of exceptions though).
I’ll repeat myself again, if you don’t like it, why comment so much on it? Just say you don’t like it once and let that be the end of it.
emilio said on November 25, 2008 11:38:
“There is a reason why the Joyride album sold 10 000 000 copies and SOAP only 3.”
Someone who says this, definitely never understood the music bussines. Quantity is not quality. Aplying this rule you could say that Abba is musically better than Pink Floyd and the beatles or that the second record of britney spear is better than OK computer of Radiohead... sounds crazy.... doesn´t it?
Joyride sold 10.000.000 because Roxette was a good deal in the 90´s for the record companies, for MTV, for the radio station and because they made good pop songs and Roxette sounded Fashion. Is there a radical difference between Room Service and Joyride to justify the sales difference?... mmm not. is like everything in the world you have to be in the right place at the right time..
I terms of quantity, today i think that would be more succesfull a millon of Party Crasher albums sold than the 10.000.000 of joyride
Room_service said on November 25, 2008 12:12:
“Joyride” sold 10 million copies, ok. But now it’s a totally differen scenario. In the 80’s, the only way to get an album was buying it (either on LP or cassette). Of course, you could get a copy on cassette from a friend, but that was no as massive as the filesharing of today. Now any artist should be really happy if he/she sells up to 2 or 3 million copies. The times of the 10, 20, 30 million sales are gone forever. Just imagine “Thriller” by MJ being released for the very first time in 2008. Would you say it could sell 80 million copies worldwide? That’s no longer possible. Every one person buying a CD, there’s five downloading it. Promotion counts, but this factor is very important too.
Back to the “Party Crasher” topic, I have not heard the songs in their entirety yet. But judging from the snippets, I am quite fond of the style of the album. It’s a step in the right direction. I have to disagree with some of the posters above, who said this album is his weakest since “Heartland Cafe”. Frankly, I was tired of the SOAP/EHM nostalgia-flavored style. It never suited me. Imo, EHM was Per’s weakest album ever. If you listen to it carefully, the only ’singles’ on it were the title track and “Jag skulle vilja tänka en underbar tanke”... The rest was not suitable for radio airplair in any way, I still can’t believe the sound is so flat and monotonous. So, I am really happy he has changed and decided to explore other styles! I am one of those that think that the 80’s rule!
PS: Personally, I can say that ABBA is as good as (or even better) than Pink Floyd... ABBA is not only happy songs like “Mamma Mia” or “Dancing Queen”. Have you ever heard “I Let The Music Speak”, “The Visitors” or “I’m A Marionette”? It’s time to get rid of that prejudice.
abysmo said on November 25, 2008 12:56:
Room_service said: I am really happy he has changed and decided to explore other styles! I am one of those that think that the 80’s rule!
That’s also my point of view. I like this change.
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DEFAULT_GREEN said on November 25, 2008 14:15:
Name one song on this album that is better than, Joyride, FLAF, Spending my time, Perfect day, if you can find one that is better then I might believe you.
This album sounds really forced and not original at all, it is a real shame he wasted a year of his life like this.
DEFAULT_GREEN said on November 25, 2008 14:17:
oh and a good song does not need promotion to be sucsesful. take the look for example, had NO promotion
All I am saying is that PER GESSLE is much better than this.
PiterPam said on November 25, 2008 14:45:
I think the album is ok. Don´t know if it could be a hit. And we all know, that Joyride was really good, but is that the reason why Party Crasher is bad? Do you really want compare 2 Albums, which are almost 20 years away from each other? Joyride was a product of the best Roxette days, they are over now.
You are free to write your opinion, but it´s clearly for me and others: Everything seems to be crap in your eyes what Mr.G do, nowadays. So leave this place and let people have fun here or just ignore PC and listen to the Joyride-album, thats always a good choice ;)
crashroxer said on November 25, 2008 14:46:
@DEFAULT_GREEN: Don’t forget: Tastes are different!!! We will see how it works in europe. The recent TOP 10 in germany for example IS pure crap - hehe...and yes that’s MY opinion ;)
Ramas said on November 25, 2008 15:46:
So, here are my impressions:
01 Silly Really - silly, funny, FUN :) Great
02 The Party Pleaser - standart Pop, fast song
03 Stuck Here With Me - r’n’b, belongs on the shelf together with “Cry” from Roxette - skipping in the playlist
04 Sing Along - best ballad on the album
05 Gut Feeling - fast song, great, maybe a bit too simple. Very good to feel the rythm :)
06 Perfect Excuse - overrated by Per. Music at the beginning is annoying - seems like smbd. playing smth backwards. Later it is getting better, but bad beginning spoils the impression
07 Breathe Life Into Me - very “touching” ballad. #2 ballad of the album
08 Hey, I Died and Went To Heaven - why is Per stealing from his own songs ? :) Chorus melody is from “Salvation”. Interesting song, but that’s all
09 Kissing Is the Key - don’t know what to think - standart, normal, a bit boring. Impossible to remember melody :)
10 Thai With a Twist - great fast song !!! maybe chorus could have been better, it’s too shortened. I know, it’s the idea, but a bit longer chorus could rule the charts :)
11 I Didn’t Mean To Turn You On - slow, a bit boring song. You have to spend a lot of time to start liking it :)
12 Doesn’t Make Sense - nice ballad. Not exceptional, but nice :)
13 I’m Glad You Called - another nice ballad. Could be on the album, instead of some very slow/r’n’b things :)
14 Theme From Roberta Right - why it’s not on an album ? Great fast song, kinda funny, makes you smile and dance even when it’s raining :) One of my favourites
Again - it’s personal opininion. If you throw rocks at me, don’t hurt anyone around ;)
MANDMMUSIC said on November 25, 2008 16:41:
I’ve listened to the full album
I give 2 of 5.
It’s not my cup of tea.
There’s 3 or 4 really good songs into the album (incl SR)
I hope therewill be a new Party next year..a really good party.
It’s just my opinion
hiowa said on November 25, 2008 16:51:
I write more than “I don´t like it” because I feel frustrated that this album isn´t better. Its a shame after all waiting and I was hopping for an album in english but not this.
Some of you wrote that the joyride-days is over and we never gonna get that kind of music again. Of course, thats right! I don´t even want him to sound roxette actually.
But I thought that he was going to release something better than all the crapmusic on the lists. It feels like he´s doing this album just because he wants to make hits again, but just because a song is a hit it dosent mean that the song is good.
Some people tell me that Per just write silly songs and they don´t understand the big thing about his music. They think he´s writting digestible songs. I use to think that they are dead wrong. This songs sounds so bad that I can understand them actually. Not about the old songs but I can´t stand this music.
I was hopping that I never should feel like this about a Per Gessle-album but this day has come. I can´t tell myself that this is good music when all my body think its crap!
I really hope he´ll make some demos again before the next album and I really hope he dosen´t listen so much to what Clarence and Christoffer wants. They are really good producers when they do things right but I think at least Clarence like synthesizers to much and he don´t understand the best side of Pers songwritting I understand that more and more after I read the book last year. And the most important: don´t think hits! think quality for gods sake! He have the money to do whatever he wants to do. The freedom to make any kund music he wants to do.
hiowa said on November 25, 2008 17:01:
PiterPam, I am not one of the people who thinks his music is bad whatever he do.
I love all albums this fantastic artist has made the last 20 years but this is the first time I think that a new album from him is just bad.
I know some people didnt liked the SOAP-album, I loooved it, and I still do. Still remember when I first heard Drowning in wonderful.. on my stereo and thought: yeeess! this is so beautiful-great!!! And then all the other magical songs!
This is the opposite.
Well well, you can´t be happy all the time I guess, however, hope Paul McCartneys new album is good! otherwise this is a really bad year of music,
The single sounds really good: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vepDWDUbRrA
emilio said on November 25, 2008 17:59:
@room service, we can´t argue about music taste. ABBA is good, even i don´t like them, but i can´t denied that thay were damn good! I have 4 ABBA´s cds but i don´t usually listen to them.
What I was trying to say is that, hey! Pink Floyd change the music scene, inspiring generations of musicians like beatles and i´m sure ABBA not, maybe Andy Bell from Erasure. However ABBA sold surely more records than pink floyd. The numbers don´t say everything in music, just listen Dark side of the moon and you won´t believe that was made in 1972/73.
The other fact is that you can´t rate a disc because of its potential radio singles. I don´t know were you live but here in Argentina there is a Band that never officially release a single for difussion and it´s one of the biggest and greatest bands ever, Patricio Rey y sus redonditos de ricota. If you are argentinian you´d know what i mean
I completely agree with you in terms of sales today ´cause we grew up recording cassettes and now it´s almost impossible not to download an album or a movie you want and this changed the music bussines.
Room_service said on November 25, 2008 19:40:
No SOAP for me! From what I’ve heard “Party Crasher” is his best album since “Mazarin”. I can’t stop playing “Kissing Is The Key”, it’s absolutely addictive! I think the strength of the album lies in the up-tempo songs. The ballads are not that special. Well, the original idea was to make a disco-flavoured album, so it makes sense to me if the ballads are mostly a “garnish”.
Default_green: if you believe that “The Look” had no promotion, check your facts again. To your knowledge, radio airplay counts as promotion too. The single didn’t sell by itself.
onlywhenidream said on November 25, 2008 19:57:
at least one thing that we can all agree on is that it has got the forum pumping again, and for once it is about music from (at least) one half of Roxette.
Peace, love and Mc Chicken nuggets to you all - apart from you veggies - have a cauliflour instead.
goetz said on November 25, 2008 21:33:
I just listened to the snippets on “Telia”.
I think it sounds promising... very promissing!!
So, is there anybody who thinks the snippets are missleading?
I mean, did anyone freak out due to the snippets and then fall asleep while hearing the whole album?
Jackeill said on November 26, 2008 00:34:
1. silly really - average pop song, neither hot nor cold, sounds like outtake from rs/hand - 5/10
2. party pleaser - again, average pop song. nothing special, kinda boring, could be another lost song from rs/hand era - 5/10
3. stuck here with me - new quality, nice melody, cool production - 9/10
4. sing along - verse is very good, chorus bit boring, but exploring a new way - 7/10
5. gut feeling - sounds almost like soap/ehm, quite fun, but lyrics too stupid - 7/10
6. perfect excuse - i don’t get it, boring, simple, banal - 5/10
7. breath life into me - just like above, again? no way - 4/10
8. hey i died and went to heaven - has gabriel written the lyrics? a 7-old year kid could do that. and chorus from salvation, only shortened and worse. shame on, per. - 2/10
9. kissing is the key - just like songs 6&7. has a disco feeling, but weak. - 4/10
10. thai with a twist - another song fitting soap (a sister to something in the system?), but chorus too short, it ends even before it starts. - 5/10
11. i didn’t mean to turn you on - an example of nice electronic and reggae tune, it’s ok for me. - 8/10
12. doesn’t make sense - ok, it really doesn’t make sense - anothers song as boring as 6,7,9. - 3/10.
i’m a big fan of soap and experiments. stuck here with me is one of the best per’s songs recently. the rest.. is just a test. he shouldn’t go worldwide with it. it’s not worth buying. a disappointment for me.
bigbigbig_love said on November 26, 2008 02:51:
I hear many things, old roxette, ’Small Talk, 727, Chers ’Shoop, Shoop’ song, Jacko...LOVE IT!!!!!
regn said on November 26, 2008 07:31:
I guess i like it so much the 75% of the album & i’m in love with Sing Along!!
Wicf said on November 26, 2008 18:58:
@DEFAULT-GREEN You said: “Name one song on this album that is better than, Joyride, FLAF, Spending my time, Perfect day, if you can find one that is better then I might believe you.”
OK, you are one of those people who don’t seem to get the fact, that different people have different taste. There are people, who like a song from The Party Crasher more than FLAF, SMT, PD, Joyride, isn’t that clear? A lot of people could name you one song... or I hope so
rossyrox said on November 27, 2008 12:55:
Hello, is there anyone willing to buy the bonus tracks and send them to me?
I will happily pay over the odds for it as I’m used to being ripped off by the European music’s anti-uk setup.
I can send money using paypal.
Roxerally said on November 24, 2008 07:36:
Whoops... can’t order it with my IP address! :(