The Daily Roxette

Roxette World Tour 2011 schedule

“Room Service” goes Gold in Brazil!

Written by PerFanatic on June 3, 2001 to .

There’s more good news coming from Latin America!

  Roxette’s “Room Service” album has gone Gold in Brazil, which means over 100,000 copies have been sold so far!

  In addition, “Room Service” is #6 this week on the Br@sil 100 chart, its highest position so far. While this is not the official Brazilian sales chart, it is based on a sampling of retail sales, mass merchant and internet sales. The soundtrack album for the novela “Um Anjo Caiu do Céu”, which includes Roxette’s “Milk & Toast & Honey” is at #3 this week on this same chart.

EDITOR’S NOTE: A spokesperson at EMI Brasil has indicated that Roxette are expected to visit that country in August for promotional appearances.


It proves that Roxette´s forever in brazilian hearts, it´s a great news.I don´t thinks this is sucsess because of the soup opera, but it will help it to be bigger than.I hope it bring them to tour in Brazil

It’s unfair... Brazil was always good for Roxette and again they’re having success in here, but we won’t get any tour !! It’s sad !

That’s not necessarily true. IF the tour is continued in 2002... and indeed it becomes a World Tour... then Brazil would be a likely stop. Look how many times Roxette visited Germany doing promo... and now they’re doing 12 concerts there. My guess... and only a guess... is that if Roxette does indeed visit Brazil (it’s not 100% certain) in August, it’ll be partly to sell CDs... and partly to generate press so that if they DO extend the tour... they’ve paved the way in Brazil a bit futher.

Com licença, mas essa nota é brasileira hehehe...
Puts... é muito bom saber que Roxette ainda é ROXETTE no Brasil.
Puts... e esse negócio de ser tema de novela, foi importante... mas não acho que tenha sido tanto assim, já que nem tocou direito.... REM e Dildo tão tocando muito mais.
E da-lhe Rox que tá conseguindo um grande sucesso com um álbum tão bom e tão roxette como é o Room Service!
Puts... viva o Brasil, viva Roxette.


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