Marie Fredriksson to exhibit her artwork in Stockholm
Written by Jud on October 20, 2005 to Marie Fredriksson.
Marie Fredriksson will exhibit her artwork in a gallery show entitled “After The Change.” The display, at Doktor Glas gallery, Kungsträdgården, will feature 24 of Marie’s most personal drawings, but only for 10 days.
Marie, besides music, has always drawn and painted, but always privately, until last year. Then Marie got a new instrument for her creativity, the charcoal pencil. She painted the pictures of the cover of her last album “The Change” and when the album was ready and released, Marie went on drawing with charcoal. The result are these pieces of artwork, which she will show in her first exhibition from October 21 until October 30.
Marie explains in a press release announcing the show:
“I have never felt myself so free as when I draw. One cannot compare it with music or anything else.
The freedom in my drawing feels like one big love, warmth and energy.
Free in the silence of the charcoal pencil’s light.”
Update October 20: As is often the case at gallery exhibitions, TDR has learned that a catalog has been printed. The velvet covered book, containing all of Marie’s drawings will be available for purchase at the gallery. Limited to 2,000 copies, the price is 400 SEK (€45). All 24 works of art on display are for sale, with the price set at 18,500 SEK (€1,970 or $2,340) each. Most have already been sold.
Update October 21: The exhibition is open weekdays between 11:00 and 17:30 CET, Saturdays between 13:00 and 16:00 and on Sundays 12:00 and 16:00. Entrance is free.
Robert Thorselius contributed to this article.
Other articles with the same topic
- Marie to perform at Citytunneln inauguration (October 27, 2010)
- Marie pushes Roxette into prestigious Australian Countdown! (December 1, 2009)
- Marie Fredriksson turns 51 (May 31, 2009)
- Roxette reunion special to air on Nordic Rox; Marie special on Swedish P4 (May 28, 2009)
- Marie joins Per and band on stage in Amsterdam (May 7, 2009)
sleepingSingle said on October 19, 2005 12:11:
If she feels like it, she should do whatever she wants!!!
The most importent thing to me concerning Marie is that she is happy. After all what she did for me (without even knowing) and after all waht happened to her Happiness is waht I wish for her...
But no qustion: I miss her and I miss her music...
Jag saknar dig, Marie!!!
Breathe8 said on October 19, 2005 12:13:
No, I think it´s a great news, finally we know something about her!!! Recently she sang at spanish club, now she exhibit her artwork....etc. It´s a very possitive news Marie is really fine. Who knows what 2006 will bring us!!!
I´d like to see her artwork too!
colinvdbel (moderator) said on October 19, 2005 12:22:
as long as she doenst draw the next roxette cd cover with her carbon pencil, i think it’s really nice for her to have something in which she can express herself...and i guess there are many fans who’s like to see the exhibition! maybe theyll print a catalogue?
sleepingSingle said on October 19, 2005 12:23:
Mid life crisis???
You have to emagine waht she´s been through - that was not and is not just a mid life crisis!!!
PiR_GeSSLe said on October 19, 2005 12:30:
The cover for “The Change” is amazing. When I saw the documentary, when she explaned half of the face was the “before” and half was the “after”, I was moved.
The cover to the “2:nd chance” single is as well intense, sad in a way. It’d be really interesting to see that exhibition. Please, those lucky enough to go (and if allowed) could take photos and put them somewhere in the net?
Thanks a lot!
ally77 said on October 19, 2005 12:33:
I think this is just wonderful news, well done Marie... I wish I could see some of your artwork, but never mind! :) This news has cheered me up! :)
ally77 said on October 19, 2005 12:46:
What would be so nice also is if she did some copies of this art, to sell for a charity... I could imagine it would go for great prices... :)
Kiwein1 said on October 19, 2005 13:22:
First of all: GREAT idea, love it and would LOVE to SEE it, but: how stupid is that - only nine days??? I won’t be able to manage that!!
Sascha said on October 19, 2005 13:41:
Wow! Finally Marie herself has given a sign of life!!! :-D
Will she be there for the opening of the exhibition?
Colin, as long as there IS a new Roxette album she can put whatever she likes on the cover! Even a shot of her hallway wallpapers. Oh, we already had that on TCOTH... ;-)
Sascha said on October 19, 2005 13:48:
Oh, the original archived smalltalk thread (why?) says even more: “Marie will show some of her art. She will also be in Nyhetsmorgon at Swedish tv4 this saturday!”
Marie will be on swedish TV this saturday? Please anyone, watch it, record it, show us!
Roxryder-V2002 said on October 19, 2005 13:49:
Marie Fredriksson on the news again. That’s something good. I really would like to see her artwork, The Change was very personal.
All the art is welcome but her music has no match.
So happy!
yellowtigger said on October 19, 2005 14:38:
Amazing new Judith!!
Have you got more pictures?
Any more pictures from the event?
Anyone will go to there? :D
Maybe she will be there!!
She is so cute!!
She is fine again!!!!!! :D
Roxryder-V2002 said on October 19, 2005 14:40:
I don’t see anything wrong, everything is getting better and better :)
Jud (moderator) said on October 19, 2005 14:47:
no pictures of the event.. because it’s still not open ;)
Zargo said on October 19, 2005 15:00:
quite interesting, maybe Marie will abandon the music scene and dedicate herself to her artwork...?
Sascha said on October 19, 2005 15:08:
A new photo of Marie, very nice! Judging from that one picture, Marie’s look is finally on the way back to normal. Still somehow swollen around the eyelids and chin, but looks promising!
What about the TV appearance?
Jud (moderator) said on October 19, 2005 15:10:
we’ll write about the TV program as soon as we get it confirmed.. :)
Cooper_196 said on October 19, 2005 15:28:
Maire looks fine. I thought first that this is an old photo, wow.
ally77 said on October 19, 2005 15:32:
Marie looks great, what a wonderful photo of her! :) it’s so nice to see her again, she is looking so well! :)
kokoroxette said on October 19, 2005 15:39:
she looks fine!I’m very happy for her , she is a fighter .
BadMoon said on October 19, 2005 15:43:
I would like to see these artworks! It’s a pity they can rest only for 10 days... :-/
and Marie looks really fine, I’m so damn happy about this! :) yep she looks so roxette... ;)
Krystian said on October 19, 2005 15:48:
Marie looks really great!!! THE GOLDEN VOICE OF SWEDEN ! - I’m always gonna love her! !!!!!!
Katuska said on October 19, 2005 15:49:
Please, repeat this exhibition in January 2006! I would like to go there... :-o)
Breathe8 said on October 19, 2005 15:59:
Yes, or in the spring. I´d like to go to Stockholm but this week I can not.
Roxreporter said on October 19, 2005 16:11:
Is this a new picture of Marie? If it is she looks really great. Hope she feels as she looks then :)
When you save the picture and enlarge it, it’s quite good.
rox-kuryliw said on October 19, 2005 16:25:
I a huge art fan and doing a photography degree myself, i like her work is so emotional its really deep and soulful.
rox-kuryliw said on October 19, 2005 16:26:
im so pleased to hear something about her to be honest !
patolucas said on October 19, 2005 17:02:
I’m extremely happy to see her again!!!
It’s a great new to know about her again!
Marie you looks simply GREAT as always!!!
I love you with all my heart & soul!
roxgirl_germany said on October 19, 2005 17:22:
Wow, unbelieveable news!!! It is sooo great!!!! I would so love to go but why does the exhibition last only 10 short days?????
PLEASE PROLONG THE EXHIBITION (or repeat it soon)!!!!!
Do we have to start an “Artattaq”? ;)
And the picture is just amazing. This all made my day...
per_mson said on October 19, 2005 17:33:
Ah, nice to hear something about Marie again! :-) Great she seem better!!!
I don’t really think 10 days is so short. She is after all not a known painter. It is, however, great they give her some room to show her stuff.
Would you really consider going to Sweden just to see 24 drawings? I wouldn’t, but that is of course since I am not so interested in art... Or is it because it is Marie?
Nox1983 said on October 19, 2005 17:40:
I love the new picture, she looks so handsome...
Hope she back to us soon (I mean with Rxt)
CRIZ said on October 19, 2005 18:04:
Marie!!!! Wish I could send her a hug...! So nice to get a sign of life! Fantastic photo of her. Would be great to visit this exhibition...Hopefully someone can go there and make some pix.
Rox-Van said on October 19, 2005 18:06:
I am happy! to see again and know something about Marie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-D
Bunio said on October 19, 2005 18:20:
i still can’t believe that this is a new photo! She looks so great!
Wojtek said on October 19, 2005 19:57:
This is the best news in months. I am so happy with her decision and am sorry I can’t get there to see the pictures. If I had known a bit before... “one big love, warmth and energy” - are the feelings I receive from her music and from her lyrics. I wish her everyday freedom, far from worries, stresses and strains. God bless you, Marie! I always remember you in my prayers.
PS: “big love”? sounds familiar...
realsuga said on October 19, 2005 20:25:
fantastik news! gosh, doesn’t she look healthy and by & radiant! sooo pleased to see Marie bing creative again, altho her comments about preferring drawing to singing have a bit of a dark undertone for me. Here’s hoping I’m only reading into things too much - WELCOME BACK MARIE! WE MISSED U TERRIBLY! xxxxxx
mf2004 said on October 19, 2005 21:20:
This news are so great, Marie we miss you so, and you come back finally, first singing blues in Marbella and now this great idea, exhibit your artwork, oh my god!, i wanna travel to Sweden now, but i don´t have money.
“Marie you looks very very nice, more than ever”
Thanks GOD for hear ours players.
Marie i love you more than ever, and i know i love you for ever, i´m hope you see you the next year, and give you a great hug.
Juan José Campora - Rosario - Argentina
MrBurns said on October 19, 2005 21:32:
Great news, great pic. I’m so happy that I can hardly write. It’s so amazing to hear from Marie again!
pilar_g said on October 19, 2005 22:26:
I don´t believe!!!, Marie looks really fine...Thanks to God!!!!
heligman said on October 19, 2005 23:11:
I’m SO HAPPY!!!!!!!!!! =)))
Marie you are the BEST!!!!!!!!!!!!! =)))))
oukkirox said on October 20, 2005 04:42:
Great! Art is my hobby too,that is very good to do hands someting and enjoy it. my best to you Marie!
AURYTE said on October 20, 2005 04:51:
I’m so happy :) This is the best sign that Marie is doin’ great. Oh, the pic is just fantastic!
Hotblooded said on October 20, 2005 06:36:
Wow great to have some news on Marie and good news at that! I couldn’t care less what she does anymore I just want to know that she is well and enjoying life :)
ally77 said on October 20, 2005 06:50:
I just having to look at the picture.... she just looks so fantasitc.... :)
carbon_boy said on October 20, 2005 07:07:
I’m quite emotional today, and reading the article above, seeing the new pic of Marie, gave me a huge lump in my throat. I’m so happy...
I hope Marie will have a catalogue printed to showcase the work. Would love one. I’m a huge art fan and this would really be a cherry on the cake for me to have something like that... or even an original!
Breathe8 said on October 20, 2005 07:15:
I printed this article with her photo!! I am so HAPPY!!!!!!!
gessleism said on October 20, 2005 08:58:
nice to see marie again ... she looks amazing !!!
all the best, take care for her
girl7twenty7 said on October 20, 2005 09:07:
Excellent news and marvellous Marie pic! I’d like to see her artworks and also to hear her commenting them.
First I thought it is some of the old her pics. But a close look and reading your comments made me really happy: Marie’s ok, she looks wonderful and thinner which means she’s recovering! WOW!
RobS said on October 20, 2005 09:32:
Great to finally see some Marie news. And what news it is :-D
Love to see some of her works!
And a beautiful picture of her as well!!
Rich-UK said on October 20, 2005 09:56:
Marie looks great. I’m so pleased for her. All the best, Rich ;-)
Loki said on October 20, 2005 10:38:
thanks Judith... and thanks Marie! To be honest, I’m pleased with rare news about her: it’s better to know that she doesn’t waste herself anymore giving tons of interviews to stupid newspapers and magazines. She appears only when there’s something really important. But it’s sad to read that she doesn’t feel quite free in music. Maybe, it will come with time.
roxgirl_germany said on October 20, 2005 11:05:
Whooo, a catalogue!! Wonderful news! But is it available via mail order?
Mikalex1 said on October 20, 2005 12:19:
It´s really great! She looks very fine. I think that´s her new project without Per.
Roxette will be back- Ifeel it!
Can someone tell me where I can buy the book from her paintings?????????
ally77 said on October 20, 2005 12:27:
This book.... will be on sale for a little longer than the 10 days..... this kind of reminds me of the book on Halmstad that came out after my last trip....
Dressed_for_success said on October 20, 2005 12:42:
I haven’t got any words...
they aren’t enough to explain how I feel anyway ;)
I’m just SO happy when anything tells me marie’s ok.
I’m gonna go there tomorrow, cos it’s kinda close to my house =)
roxgirl_germany said on October 20, 2005 12:51:
Dressed_for_success: Oh, please tell us about it!!!
And could you be so kind as to enquire if the catalogue can be ordered from abroad? Tack så mycket!!!
ATLTK said on October 20, 2005 16:02:
I read in expressen that the drawing were for sale
can anyvone confirm that
tevensso (moderator) said on October 20, 2005 16:18:
They must mean the book that will be available.
ATLTK said on October 20, 2005 17:08:
tev: yes maybe but I´d like to know if any of her paintings will be for sale
Debora said on October 20, 2005 18:31:
I’m happy to know Marie is fine.
She’s fantastic, she’s the best, I really love her.
Go, Marie, Go!!!
ally77 said on October 20, 2005 18:34:
@ Debora... it sure is nice news!
@ Ted.... I think maybe some copy prints might be forsale.... the originals.... perhaps out of your price range!
I want the book thought....
tevensso (moderator) said on October 20, 2005 18:37:
The news has been updated, the pix are for sale.
ally77 said on October 20, 2005 19:28:
2000.... wow I am guessing they will all be sold out by December then! damn..... by the way does anyone know if this gallery has a website because I cannot find one?
CRIZ said on October 20, 2005 19:33:
Per should buy some and put them into his hotel!! Then we can watch them much longer! :D
ally77 said on October 20, 2005 20:53:
@ rox-kuryliw, I’ve been looking, no avail yet, with a bit of luck TDR will show us some more!
ally77 said on October 20, 2005 21:11:
Awww Ted, I do hope you can get it, it would be nice to see one fan get a copy!
Tobben said on October 20, 2005 21:15:
Send me 2000 SEK and I can buy one to you ;)
Just joking... :P
denny said on October 20, 2005 21:37:
I’ve been always reading about how Marie likes painting. I’m glad she exhibits.
I can’t really give a clever comment about her picture (since I haven’t got a clue about art ;) ) except that it looks ok to me. :)
But I’m glad to see Marie. :)))
And I like her hairstyle.
Mari said on October 21, 2005 04:55:
So is Marie guest? on Nyhetsmorgon or not?I didn’t found anything on tv4 website...
Breathe8 said on October 21, 2005 05:19:
Why exhibition is only 10 days?? Please, repeat it. I want to be there too.
Yes, I think Marie will be guest in Vyhetsmorgon. Please, swedish people, could you record it???? Thanks.
Mari said on October 21, 2005 06:03:
Well, I’m not Swedish, but I’m gonna record it...if I solve out how to record digital channel...How do people know Marie is guest on Nyhetsmorgon?
RobS said on October 21, 2005 07:27:
Even more Marie news!! Wow again :-D
I’d love to get one of them booklets.
roxgirl_germany said on October 21, 2005 08:01:
I don’t see why it should be a problem to ship the catalogue internationally. If need be, do it via the fanshop. *HINT*
Room_service said on October 21, 2005 08:09:
I don’t think they have enough catalogues to sell them abroad. It’s a 10-day exhibition, I guess they have printed a limited number, just for the people attending there. Who’s gonna be interested on Marie Fredriksson’s drawings outside Sweden? Just some fans, be realistic. I can’t imagine those catalogues being massively sold everywhere... That’s why they are not for sale on-line (I guess). Call me negative, if you want, I don’t mind.
ATLTK said on October 21, 2005 11:33:
the gallery dont seem to have a telephone (phoned the number which is on theres no telephone answering maching to this number the call ends”
how to reach them???? no mail no phone eh weird
Adriano_silva said on October 21, 2005 12:15:
It´s Fantastic!!!!!
It doesn’t matter what Marie is Doing, The important is She’s Well. So Beatiful, Almost Like Roxette Years. It’s Great.
Marie, Be Free. We love you.
Thanks Judith, send us always news about Her.
Adriano - Brasil
ATLTK said on October 21, 2005 12:34:
“agrees with Tev” fanhop eh what shop “oh you mean THAT shop that never works”
ally77 said on October 21, 2005 12:57:
I think we can say, that your only gonna get this “book” if you go to Sweden or live there...
Joyrider_Malin said on October 21, 2005 14:59:
oooh god I have no words almost but I‘m really really happy!!! like everybody else here.
Marie you looks so pretty! LOVE YOU!
ally77 said on October 21, 2005 15:35:
The artwork on display from the picture of Marie in front looks really good, I only wish I could see it!
BadMoon said on October 21, 2005 16:43:
@ally: yes, they are! I’d really love to see them, and not only in some pix...they lose their natural and intact feelings in this way. :(
Mari said on October 21, 2005 16:46:
I and animalkingdom were right :D We both wrote about a year ago that cover art of the Change reminds Helene Schjerfbecks work. And today Marie told on Aftonbladet that Helene Schjerfbeck is her idol :D So I do know a little bit about art :)
Roxette-atic said on October 22, 2005 14:59:
Anyone want to visit the gallery with me?? Dont want to go alone...
missmaja said on October 23, 2005 07:37:
i am so happy i,m getting her book from a good friend
soooo happy maja
Nixie said on October 23, 2005 14:48:
The book is available on eBay:
ThePopHits said on October 19, 2005 11:51:
She should get ready for the next Roxette CD, not draw.