The Daily Roxette

Roxette World Tour 2011 schedule

Four times platinum for “Mazarin”

Written by daniel_alv on November 28, 2003 to .

STOCKHOLM - This week “Mazarin” falls two spots to #16 on the official Swedish album charts. It’s still selling and the chart also confirms that “Mazarin” now has sold four times platinum (240,000 copies).

  The posters for the new DVD “En Mazarin, älskling?” also tells that “Mazarin” has sold 4 x platinum.


Wow, it sounds great!
How many other albums were 4 times platinum in Sweden ?

could Mazarin reach also 5th platinum? if yes - when?

i think it will

they say that cd’s sales very good around christmas

4 x 60,000... 240,000 copies

emi is known for confusing sales figures lol

I think Mazarin will be 5 times a platinum. It is a fantastic album, I have helped the sales as I have buyed albums for foreign friends (not enough for another platinum yet!).

Hey! I got my copy here ... I guess every Roxette fan in the world has his/her copy. That helps a lot!

It would be intresting to know how much has Mazarin sold outside of Sweden.

mm has the quantity for reaching platinum changed over the years? Somewhere I read that Eva Dahlgren sold 500.000 of her En blekt blondins hjärta and it said 5x platinum, so platinum = 100.000 ????

...lemme look for the link... brb

here it is:

“En blekt blondins hjärta” från 1991 är nog ändå den skiva av alla som Eva borde vara mest stolt över. Skivan har sålts i mer än 500.000 exemplar (5x platinum) i Sverige och därmed är Eva Dahlgren en av de svenska kvinnliga artister som sålt flest plattor i Sverige genom tiderna.”

Judith, Finland changed gold and platinum limits couple of years ago. If I remember right, also Sweden changed at same time.

they changed from 80000 to 60000 in 2001... so maries äntligen sold 3 old platinum 3*80000, which is as much as 4 platinum now....

but then they must have changed it since 1991 till 2001 from 100.000 to 80.000 and now to 60.000.. how tricky + convenient this is ;)

I wonder if it could enter the cahrts in Netherlands also. Why is it not here?!


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