“The Look for Roxette” - the discography and more
Written by tevensso on November 15, 2002 to Roxette.
After eight years of hard work, Robert Thorselius’s Roxette and related discography book “The Look For Roxette - The Illustrated Worldwide Discography & Price Guide” will finally be published during the first week of December.
With a preface written by Per Gessle, the hardcover book has 592 pages. It includes a full worldwide discography and videography of items released by Roxette and Gyllene Tider along with any others related to Per Gessle’s or Marie Fredriksson’s work. Extensive biographical information is also included, as well as a ’tourography’ that covers all solo and Roxette tours, plus specific single performances. The text portion of “The Look For Roxette” is written in English.
Where did the title come from?
“The publisher wanted something that was both catchy and sounded like a Roxette title. So I came up with ’The Look For Roxette’ as the title. as it’s sort of a word play on ’The Look’ as a single… and looking for Roxette records. I do realize that it’s not totally correct English,” Robert says with a smile.
As Per revealed to The Daily Roxette during our exclusive interview with him, the first edition of the book (3,000 copies) will include an EP with the four previously unreleased tracks listed below:
1. Stay (At Home, At Work, At Play) - demo recorded at Tits & Ass, Halmstad, July 1995. Micke Syd on “live drums”!
2. I Do Believe - demo recorded at Tits & Ass, Halmstad, July 24th, 1999.
3. Looking for Jane - demo recorded at Tits & Ass, Halmstad, February 15th, 2000.
4. Waiting for the Rain - demo recorded at Studio Vinden, Djursholm, 1997. Recorded by “Marie and friends”.
“When the idea for a bonus EP came up, I talked to Per to see if this would be possible,” Robert grins, “and to my surprise he was all for it!” So when the first suggestion came from Per the EP contained Gyllene Tider’s “Henry, Dansa Inte Disco!” and Roxette’s “7Twenty7” demo, among others. “Of course, ’7Twenty7’ was already published as a B-side of ’Stars’… Then Per came up with this suggestion. I think it’s a pretty decent EP, wouldn’t you say?” The important thing about the EP, according to Robert, is that the material was previously unreleased and new to all fans.
“Gessle loved it!”
Commenting on the project, Per Gessle said “the book is a serious piece of work for hard core Roxette fans.”
When The Daily Roxette asked Robert why he’d ever start a project of this magnitude, he claims it was a “cool thing.” He is a big record collector and thought it would be a piece of cake to put a book like this together. He was wrong. “I didn’t realize the size of Roxette’s combined discography. But I was never discouraged. Sure, there were moments when I felt sick and tired of it, but then a new record came out and ’bam’, it was fun again! I’m glad I didn’t publish it five years ago, it would’ve been a poor product. I’m very proud of this one,” he claims.
“So anyways, we started a project way back in the early ’90s. It was I and two other serious record collectors who thought it would be nice to have a ’complete’ Roxette discography, including all the solo material,” Robert remembers.
What are your favorite items in the book, we asked? Robert’s response is quick: “The Swedish ’Joyride’ fold-out LP, definitely! The LP’s original sleeve was scrapped due to that Per hated the picture, but I love it!” Other favorites are “The Look”, in clear vinyl, “Ännu doftar kärlek” in blue vinyl and “Flickan i en Cole Porter-sång” in burgundy vinyl.
The book, which will be published in Sweden to start with, will be available for purchase through Premium Publishing’s own website and from Robert himself. The price will be set at €43 (Euro) or 395 kronor, and will feature a lovely color section with loads of beautiful posters and rare records!
Other articles with the same topic
- Roxette live in Yekaterinburg: the set list (March 5, 2011)
- Samara was a smash (March 4, 2011)
- Roxette tour moves south to Samara, Russia (March 3, 2011)
- North America and Australia on the Roxette radar for later this year (March 2, 2011)
- Roxette live in Kazan: a promising start to the World Tour (March 1, 2011)
Rich-UK said on November 14, 2002 15:54:
That’s fantastic news and the bonus CD is an excellent idea - I guess it will be very expensive...
Ketil said on November 14, 2002 15:55:
This is good news. I can’t wait to get this book and the EP :-)
daniel_alv said on November 14, 2002 16:03:
i think it will be to expensive for me.... but i want that version of i do belive
Pascal said on November 14, 2002 16:10:
Is there also a biography included? 592 pages are a lot to publish a simple discography.
Junkie said on November 14, 2002 16:21:
WOW, that’s the news!!!! Where will be the book released? Only in Sweden?
japeke said on November 14, 2002 16:30:
@pascal: well, if it is 592 pages, i think it isn’t just a simple discography dont you think!
zaine said on November 14, 2002 16:59:
i love per from this era! he looks so sexy! almost a kid like me!!! hehe, dont tell my bf! can’t wait, gonna be the best xmas pressie!!!
Santi said on November 14, 2002 18:54:
WOW!!! Those demos have to be really interesting to hear :) I love Looking for Jane!! And a demo produced by Marie!!! :D This is gonna be cool. I hope someone can make them available on the internet since this is a Limited edition just in Sweden, and I can’t buy the book :)
By the way, if it’s 600 pages of just discography is gonna be more boring than a collection of CDs with all their ballads :S
pietROxette said on November 14, 2002 19:05:
EP stands for Extended Play. It’s a CD with a maximum of 7 tracks, with a length less than 30 minutes. It’s neither an album, nor a single.
CRIZ said on November 14, 2002 19:14:
Hej Hej..I AM A HARDCORE ROXETTE-FAN......didn’t understand the thing with the publishing...can we somehow order it somewhere or do I have to jump in my car and drive to Sweden? (I’d actually do that for this book!!!!!)
PeterGm said on November 14, 2002 19:23:
was about time roxette had a decent book... and a decent ep :P
fro_mta said on November 14, 2002 22:30:
Hey... Only Sweden? Why?
Fans from other countries are olso intrested...
I’m from Greece... How can I have this book????
Please think of us.. dear Rox!! :-))
BigRoxfan said on November 14, 2002 23:19:
FANTASTIC!!! PERfectly MARIEvellous!!!
Cannot wait to get it!!
Alesvenska said on November 15, 2002 00:29:
I’m gonna have to kill somebody to be able to get it and to be able to pay it here in Argentina
ditroia said on November 15, 2002 00:49:
I’m sure they is going to be a way for intertaional fans t oget this book, after all thats who it;s aimed at. I myself am getting it direct from the Author.
AntiMario said on November 15, 2002 06:40:
A pity is Waiting For The Rain is Marie demo :(
For me at least...
Speedo said on November 15, 2002 07:56:
Does anybody know how or where to get in touch with Robert Thorselius? Does he have a homepage, or doe anybody know how to get his e-mail? THANX!!!
Patty said on November 15, 2002 08:04:
Wow, it’s great! I can’t wait it!
Thanks and love
Patty from Switzerland
tevensso (moderator) said on November 15, 2002 08:18:
You can get in touch with Robert by mailing TDR.
Ketil said on November 15, 2002 10:24:
40 Euro is a very decent price for a book with almost 600 pages and an exclusive Ep.
tevensso (moderator) said on November 15, 2002 10:33:
According to the writer and the publisher, no. I guess they should know...
TheBigger_TheBetter said on November 15, 2002 10:53:
To the Anomy’s that say they wont buy the book, good for you, your anomy it wont matter. But this is the ROXETTE BIBLE.
Love to all Roxette and former band and current band members, Roxette families, and of course us, yes you and me!!!!!!!
I will buy this book ’coz I luv ’em and to see how much my Roxette Vinyl of Almost Unreal is. Its a picture disc!! I payed AU$80 for it. I got a bargain I think. It sits on my TV in a little easel. One side is a pic of Roxette and the other the Mario Picture.
This is my fav Roxette item amongst others inc.... roxette dressed for succes CD single. So it’s a book to treasure for us collectors. I have lost a few things on the way though :(. but that’s life. Love you all.
Rich-UK said on November 15, 2002 12:10:
There is 592 pages and over 1000 photos - I can’t wait to get the book and bonus EP - I think that 40 Euros is a reasonable price for the book... and when you get the book you are likely to find that one of the records you have is worth more than 40 Euros!
ernes said on November 15, 2002 12:29:
Both reading the article and the cover of the book it’s obvious that there will be an English edition. (and who knows, maybe there won’t be a Swedish edition)
Santi said on November 15, 2002 13:18:
@Antimario: What’s up with that demo, what is a pitty???? I don’t understand you :S
Desert-Moon said on November 15, 2002 13:36:
@ Rich-UK
1000 photos? Where did you get this onformation?
Bonne journée! Have a nice day!
Santi said on November 15, 2002 13:47:
Erh... but can anyone answer me:
The book is 600 pages of lists of releases like
Name Country Format Colour Date Cover
Joyride Sweden Cd-single Blue 1991 Elephant
Is it gonna be like this??? :S
Because if it’s gonna be this it’s SUPER BORING!!! :S Like those never ending lists of gigs all around the world :O
And another thing... about the cd it includes... what has Mr. Gessle in mind for the demoes to songs like The Big L., She doesn’t live here anymore, I don’t want to get hurt, You don’t understand me, Stars (that they say was “hard rock riff”), Beautiful things, Crush on you, The Centre of The Heart, Real Sugar, God is a Girl... :S I mean: Jefferson, Breathe, A thing about you (that is the actual recording they used for the song -vocals and guitar-), It hurts...... ??? This is such a great chance to make us available... :( And we just get 2 Roxette songs and 2 Per songs recorded by other artists.
Well, anyway, at least is something, but a bonus CD with 12 songs would be worth buying even with a very boring book!!! :o
daniel_alv said on November 15, 2002 14:07:
i wont buy it, maybe later when i got a job and make money.... it’s to expensive.... it vosts 395 SEK (a little more then 40 €)... so I wont buy it.... the only thing with it that i really want is the demo of i do belive.... i think that gessle sings that sp great!!!!! the song is great.... and i think gessle sings better then paris so.... and i want stay to... does anybody know anything about that?
pietROxette said on November 15, 2002 14:10:
€43 + €30 for shipping is extremely high price for a book. Premium Publishing is ripping off fans cause they know some people will buy that anyway. This is ridiculous and very rude.
kibkalo said on November 15, 2002 14:17:
C’mon, this book is a gift of fortune for fans!
The best fact is that it’s in english :)
Will try to get limited edition of course!
tevensso (moderator) said on November 15, 2002 15:40:
The book won’t look that boring Santi. And also, while I agree that 4 songs is not a lot, but how much is zero (0) songs?
Afsilva said on November 15, 2002 16:13:
I hope this book be published in brazil. I’ll Buy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
gyllene_tjej said on November 15, 2002 19:12:
I am totally speechless... and SOOOOO happy!!! Finally the book for us and the EP mmm :)
imazombieinthem... said on November 16, 2002 04:18:
I’ld like to buy the book, but why havent they got a better payment methods ie mastercard, than sending cash?! I have a large Roxette collection so I will get the book and the bonus cd is a fantastic idea! But it looks like alot of Roxette fans wont pay around $70 us for the book inc shipping, many will complain of never getting the cd, just the mp3’s, then they will be released as b-sides on future Roxette singles, I can see this happening. A website of all Roxette releases would be better than paying for a book which cant update itself. But its all about making $$ isnt it!?
Joyride007 said on November 16, 2002 07:55:
Yea! I love the time of Joyride...Per looks so coooooooooooooooool! :) I must buy it
Santi said on November 16, 2002 22:01:
Now that is available for every one the Demo of “I’m waiting for the rain” in Chantie’s site... there are just 3 unreleased demos in that EP... C’mon Per!!!! Give him some more!!! :)
roxcyn said on November 17, 2002 13:28:
No offense to the author of the book, but since it is very hard to get I do not think I will buy it. I mean, the fan has to fax them, okay so I DO have a fax for a credit form, but then it says only AMERICAN EXPRESS, and babes, I don’t have that! Plus there is the issue with my fax being on the same line as my phone, so it is just a bunch of troubles. Then with the money in registered envelope, perhaps I will do that, but if the shipping, is around 10 USD, that would make it 53 USD which could buy about 3 Roxette DVDs or CDs ;). Perhaps if the publisher wasn’t so greedy :)) or they got with a bigger company to distrube (such as AMAZON.COM or TOWERRECORDS.COM), then the price would be lowered. Until then, unless some nice Swedish fan wants to send it to me, I cannot buy it :)
harriej said on November 17, 2002 20:29:
Does anybody know if this is the same book that the (Dutch?) Roxette Fanclub give away to its members?
I was mixed up with the tourbook.
felicity-brown said on November 18, 2002 00:58:
If you want it, then buy it... if not, then stop moaning! If you REALLY want it, I’m sure there will be plenty of peeps to help out... As you know, Roxette no longer have a massive worldwide market, which is why this book won’t be as widely available as we might wish... maybe later (?!) It’s for the fans and collectors, you know, and apart from a great sense of achievement, Robert’s not getting much out of this for himself. Gratitude for ya, eh?
ditroia said on November 19, 2002 01:56:
Look folsk were talking about a 600 page Hard cover book, with a colour section and cd. If you want it get it, other wise don’t. You can always go to ultimate.roxette.org, whoch hasn’t been updated since 2000.
P.S. who knows how many copies are being printed once it is out of print, who knows when it will be rereleased.
alchemiste said on November 20, 2002 10:36:
The Book is available at the Fanshop at:
Or follow the link on
By the way - it´s cheaper there... :)
Mfan28179-Jason said on November 27, 2002 02:35:
I would order it from the fanclub, but after reading all the comments from fans here, how do I know it will ever get delivered? LOL. *confused* It’s scary.
onlywhenidream said on November 14, 2002 15:47:
woo hoo! can’t wait!