The Daily Roxette

Roxette World Tour 2011 schedule
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3758 replies

hey, guys. can we just ignore her? because if we attact her, they might archived this topic :)

so, next is...Zaine again :) how are u? how was your school?

Ow! Kachina—I don’t mind punching (mostly), but do you have to use a pillowcase filled with doorknobs to do it?

Next is Majdy or Aaso. Or Kachina with something more hurtful than the doorknobs.

Nah, I am a pacifist. doorknobs make me nervous.


Next is another person complaining about monday mornings :(

Yeah, it’s something awful :-(
But then - life goes on :-)

Hey infofarmer: I know I am sposed to email you some of the things that I wrote, but I ran out of time/inspiration. hope you can still wait a little bit more. :/

it’s monday but I already miss saturday...

next is Rony or Yashar or MM?

Het spijt me! Ik ben Aaso! Als Yashar will komm zo! ..

Kachina I am trying to learn and speak as soon as I can! But believe me (you amy know) it’s so confusing!!!

Next is Someone who do not need to learn DUTCH!!!

Well, since I don’t live in The Netherlands, I suppose I fit the bill. Altough I have been to Amsterdam. . .

Next is someone coping better with their Monday.

that would be me, since it is now TUESDAY.

Today is the funeral of former queen (now princess) Juliana of the Netherlands. This is equivalent to loads of traffic jams :(

Next is someone who hates traffic jams.

I really hate that!

today I have to cover a story about campaign. I should be there at 9 am, but because of that STUPID traffic jam, I stucked in the bus for two hours...

let me tell you about the bus. it has NO air condioner, very HOT, all the seats were taken so I had to stand...

and I was in jakarta and it feels like it was the hottest city in indonesia *still sweating*

next someone from cool country...

england, gernerally, is cool I guess. Though it’s been nice today.
I am now one day into my art exam, so at lunch we all went into the park, sitting in the sun, in shorts, with a can of coke and chips. very very nice. then some old man came and started talking to us. he was... er... odd, to say the least.
next is someone who has finished all school exams

@kachina: it’s okay. Marie-Claire (m-cvk) has also taken some time off to cope with her graduation. I’m currently replenishing my collection of musical software...

Hmm. I’m finished with my winter exams but summer session is coming and - inevitably - I’ll be into it quite soon.

Next is someone who hates the general education system in his own country and would reasonably like to learn and study on his/her own or in his/her own way.

Not really me, but then again, I was a pupil when Galileo was still considered heresy.

Next is Kachina. Already into Wednesday I think.


wow. been a long time since I took an exam, and I am still a student! confused?!

infofarmer: I have a few lines tho. need to polish ’em up.

kinda sick of cat fights. anyone else?

Count me in :-)

again poor me with lots of things to do! I dunno when is the time to party??!!!

Damn. can’t even remember the last time I partied. getting old and tired. ARGH

NExt is someone with better luckthan me :P

better luck?! in what way?!
next will besomeone on the other side of the ocean

better luck with PARTYING!!

in a way, I *am* on the other side of a body of H2O.

Next is Zaine again ;)

eh eh eh!! hey Kachina :D
next will be MM

how is everyone? you all ok?
next is aaso

I’m peachy. Saw Hellboy last night. Liked it a lot. Rolling through the director’s commentary (Kenneth Branagh) on the Dead Again DVD I got this week. Good stuff.

Next is someone else. Probably Zaine.

Nooooooooooo so wrong it’s me...

Zaine stay away.... she keeps reminding me I am old....


Next is... ummmm I have not done this for ages so I am way off the mark but I will say ....


it’s Sunday 12:00 PM and I get 5 phone calls in 30 minutes while I’m still sleeping. Freaky bastards...

Good morning y’all.

Hey MM, I love director’s commentaries, but it’s really hard to find a pirated DVD with it. So the last one I rolled through was Identity with Cusack. And I was very surprised to know that during some dialogs one man was shot in the studio while his opponent was shot in a desert. Though the complete scene looks perfectly solid.

*yawn* Shit, I was going to bed all in yawns, now I’m awake from my not-too-long sleep - and look - I’m sleepy like I never slept. Shit. Now I have to pour a litre of coffe down my empty stomach to get myself finally up...

Next is someone who’s had a good night’s sleep...

yeah I did. went to a party last night but came home early cos I wasnt feeling the best, so just went to bed.
Then I watched ’Regeneration’ this morning. cool film.
Ally, You are old!! Really old!! lol
next is kachina


I just saw the preview of “hellboy”...what a weird movie!! what is it about!?

Next is MM.

Correct. . .

Hellboy is about a boy from Hell. Actually a man. . .he’s a monster that hunts monsters for the government and ikes kittens.

Based on a comic book series. Wasn’t bad at all.

Next is Kachina

Or ally77. . .nice to see you in here.

Infor—why not buy the real deal?

And whores don’t get a second chance.

mm, i don’t have much $ and the “real” DVD’s are released veeeery slowly down here. You have to wait for up to a year for a major movie to come out. But you can purchase a pirated version for $7 before it actually appears in US stores ;-)

zaine is next

shit.... another sleepy morning.... i’ve really grown to hate this

wakey wakey info!! hows you? not spoken to you in a while either.
next is aaso

hey there. i think i haven’t spoken to you in the same little while :-) i’m doing just fine, thanx

next is majdy

hey, finally someone guessed me :)

aaaw, majdy, you beenhiding away?! heheh
I’m loving the holidays right now. finally some time for me to catch up with all my studies. Though I’m still incredibly tired. ah well
next is going to be aaso
btw does anyone keep in contact with Yashar? let me know

I am here all the time actually :) but no one guessed me, so I thought that I will just say something when someone finally guess me. and, yes Infofarmer finally did :)

well, next will be Aaso :)

Poor Majdy. Have we been neglecting you? Well, that’s a crime, for sure.

So I’ll guess it’s you next. Or Aaso. Or Zaine, Kachina, Info. . .

yeah, it’s me :)

I know in this world there are people that you can’t forget. maybe because of they talent, looks, etc..
so, when they disappear, people will notice...

but there are also some people that always forgotten, where you don’t realize when they appear and disappear...
well, maybe I am in that?

lol! I am in negative mood now :) so, don’t mind me :D

well, next is someone in positive mood :)

Majdy: you know, what you said might be true on some level, but remember:

1. At least 2 people in this world love you so much they would die for you.

2. At least 15 people in this world love you in some way.

3. The only reason anyone would ever hate you is because they want to be just like you.

4. A smile from you can bring happiness to anyone, even if they don’t like you.

5. Every night, SOMEONE thinks about you before they go to sleep.

6. You mean the world to someone.

7. If not for you, someone may not be living.

8. You are special and unique.

9. When you think you have no chance of getting what you want, you probably won’t get it, but if you trust God to do what’s best, and wait on His time, probably, sooner or later, you will get it or something better.

10. When you make the biggest mistake ever, something good can still come from it.

11. When you think the world has turned its back on you, take a
look: you most likely turned your back on the world.

12. Someone that you don’t even know exists,loves you.

13. Always remember the compliments you received. Forget about the
rude remarks.

14. Always tell someone how you feel about them; you will feel much better when they know and you’ll both be happy.

15. If you have a great friend, take the time to let them know that they are great.

I got this in an email sent by a friend I didn’t even know cared! :)

Hello! Next is MM! ;)

heya Ally :D
next is MM

majdy-majdy. I said once, that the way word “zaine” sounds make me feel right, because it resembles a nice word in my native language. There’s something about “majdy” too, something, that I can’t hear in “MiracleMan” or “Densta...” or any other nick (forgive me MM, u’r a great guy) but I just can’t make what is it. Maybe it’s just too deep in me...

Hey guys, I just thought about connection between all of us. Sometimes we miss each other in a way, sometimes we don’t. We wouldn’t look for each other if we loose this feeble connection - via a forum. In time we would most likely forget about it. But there’s something that is left in us from these talks. What we share here, stays with all of us forever.

Well, nevermind. Someone will be next.

Well, I’m not upset about anythng at the moment—not even that MiracleMan doesn’t do it for the infofarmer. My nausea has even seemed to go by the wayside now. Of course, I came home from work and slept for three and a half hours too. . .

And Majdy is one of those names. Slightly exotic and a bit mysterious. That’s a good nome to use for a character in a story someday.

There are plenty of times that we feel that we are not important to anyone, that the better part of us is missed by everyone. But when I feel that way sometimes, there always seems to be someone that reminds me that I am cared for and loved in some little way.

Moods are like clouds and it’s best to remember that they move on. . .

I heard this not too long ago: You can’t see the stars without darkness.

Okay. Enough talking out of my ass for the moment.

Next is Ally, my Birth Day friend. (Which reminds me—the last time I gave blood, the woman taking my information had the exact b-day as me—day, month, and year. Thought that was rather cool.)

Hej! your right it’s me!! YO!!

Yo? jeez.. so 90’s... sorry little sleep last night, little Alfie kept me awake!!! ;)

Talking of giving blood... it’s mine turn again this month... just waiting for the letter to arrive in the post....

@ Zaine.... stop reminding me I’m old... ;) speaking of age.. you’ll be 17 soon! old enough to donate a pint of blood yourself..... ;)

Next is Zaine.... when she rolls out of bed.... oh joy to have school holidays :)

kinda scary that you knew I was still in bed. You stalking me? was it you at the window last night? And 17 isn’t that old!! exactly 5 months to go today actually. And trust me, I WILL be giving blood!
next will be Majdy. Or MM. Or Ally if she has found her zimmer frame

this has harked on for ages!

Next i think judith will reply. I’d laugh soooo much if she archived it! I can imagine the responses.

Please make my day. ;-)

Nah... tis me... Judith won’t come here... ;)

Hey less of the Zimmer.... I don’t use them... I’ve got class an electric scooter!

Next is ermmmm Madjy...

next is echoes of the doubt.

STORM!! hey you!! how you been keeping?!
I would laugh so so much if this thread was archived. Then I’d go away and cry somewhere, as I would miss it so much. Mind you, we haven’t had any grey patched on this ’ere forum for a while... what’s happening to us?! nooooo!
Do you reckon you can get electric zimmer frames? Like the skateboard thangamy in Back To The Future? If they make them, then I’ll get you one when you’re REALLY old Ally. Say when you’re about 32...
next is gonna be Ally complaining about the youths these days, MM complaining about people who complain, or Kachina just saying hi

I’m older than all y’all so quit the bitchin’! (Hey—I AM complaining about people complaining! Zainey. . .you was peepin in on me too.)

Next is the Keeper of the Storms. We’re expecting a visit from you tonight for a few showers. Bring your own soap and towels.


I am having a long day at work so thought I would take a break and jump into this discussion.

Next - MiracleMan with a witty comment.

hey there :) I am back...

and I am in a VERY good mood now. thank you for all your good comment :)

@kachina : I think I once read that somewhere too, but I don’t remember where :)

next is Info, MM, Zaine or Aaso :)

anyway, anyone will be fine with me :D

Hey there. Hope I’m not too fine :-)

zaine is next?

Nah lazy bones will still be in bed.... the youth of today... so lazy... ;)

Next is ermmmm Zaine...

Awww who wants Alfie for a day!

Hey! stop trying to give me away...

I’m Alfie by the way! only I don’t like mummy anymore... she sent me to the vet and I had my balls chopped off two days ago :(

bloody charming.... now can’t make puppies...

Bet she will be next.... my so called mummy...


Get off that PC now... jeez.... see what I have to put up with....

I’m not a bad mummy... it’s for his own good...

Next is... NOT ALFIE!

God where is everyone.....

I am here, Ally :)

let the next one guess for me :D

too lazy to think ;)

hey, we have new member :)

hi, Alfie! how are you? welcome to this thread :D

Ally, I’m seriously spooked that you know when I’m in bed... ;) and I think you’re awful, for doing such a mean thing to poor ickle Alfie! jeez, the old people in Britain these days! send him here, I’ll look after the poor ickle pup!
next will be mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmajdy, who sounds just as lazy as me ;)

He He... I spy Zaine and now she is drumming away in her room!

Little Alfie is fine now... back to normal! if I can define normal....

Next is MM....

A-ha!! caught you! I was not drumming! and I haven’t done at all today! so there!! :P
next is aaso to say hey :D

Nah... tis me I’m stalking you....

ermmm not Zaine.. passed her bedtime me thinks!

Ermm MM...

passed my bed time?! nice!!
next is my aaso. orr kachina. or Ally

BINGO... it’s me...

I hate Saturdays... I am soooooooo bored...

Ermmm don’t have a clue.. surprise me...

And up I pop again—long day yesterday. . .

And I’m not sure if I’m more frightened that you got Alfie his own log-in or the idea that a dog can actually use a computer let alone navigate a keyboard without opposeable thumbs.

Next is Alfie, who may have piddled under the compter desk.

Nah he’s banned... will I do...

I was serious... who wants Alfie... I’ll start the bids at £5...

Oh ermm next is... Madjy..

hey it’s me, and I’ll take lil Aflie for ya :P though I’m not paying. you can do it from the goodness of your OLD heart... :P
you guys getting fat from Easter eggs?!
next will be Aaso or info

hey, Ally :) I hate Saturday too! I wish we only have sunday to friday...

it’s funny because when it’s monday, I miss Saturday, but when it comes and I ended by doing NOTHING, I hate that :)

it’s like playing soccer. you like to chase the ball, but when you got that, you kick that away :)

next is..

Easter Bunny

It’s me... I hate Sundays too and Bank Holidays... in fact right now I just want next Saturday to come... as I should know one or two things.. this week is going to be a bad one....

Next is Zaine.. feeling sick from all those eggs..

hey guys

i’m not an optimist but i like week as it is. all its week-days and week-ends.

hmm... Next is... Monday!

Monday tomorrow... too true....

Next is ermmm NEXT!

sick from all those eggs?! what eggs?! I didn’t get any!! and that’s the honest truth!! my parents did this last year too, they waited until the very end of the day before they gave them to us, though I am seriously wondering today. I nearly cried earlier though, met some of my friends in town, and they all had pockets full of sweets, and I had nothing :’( ahhh, it’s a tough life eh?!
next will be Ally, MM or kachina

It’s still Sunday in this chilly part of the country. Easter is beight and sunny but the temperature doesn’t seem to want to be spring yet.

Next is a Monday response.

Correct! A monday response.
Ally77 next one?

Yeah I’m here.... ;)

Ermmm it will be lazy Zaine on a lazy bank holiday morning!

Must still be in bed. . .

Majdy or Aaso or Kachina next.

Unless it’s Ally. Or Infofarmer. Or Zaine. Or somone else. . .

It’s me.... me little old me... only I’m not old...

Next is ermm MM...

you are old. just give in. admit it. old person. ;)
next will be someone eating too much chocolate

oh yeah, that’s definitely me. I’m not really a fan of cakes and sweets, but I looove chocolate.

Next is someone, who is drinking too much alcohol

dammit, that’s also me :-(

next is someone very healthy

That is not me..... ;) no chance, not in this life time...

How’s everyone day gone... I feel I am going mad.. but that’s my age!

Next is ermmm Zaine or Madjy!!

Unless the m’s in ermmm count as part of my nick, then not so much on the rightitude there.

In a bit of a blah mood, ish, not much, but there ya go.

Next is someone in The Netherlands.

I guess I could be that. ;)

tis a loverly spring mornin’

Next is someone enjoying the blue blue sky.

I love blue sky, kachina :) but the sky is greay today..

and guess what, I am totally hungry....

next is someone who can give me advice what to eat tonite...

How about a pizza...

Next is, well it has to be MM...


pizza? hm, maybe :)

now it’s almost dinner time again....

*Just popping in before I head out the door for work*

*and again at lunch*

Hellooooooooooooooooo? *listening to the echo*

Heya people. hope you’re all well. I been up starying with xarrrr the last few days, so now I’m a bit worn out as she’s seriously crazy... :P and what’s up with the cows!?
anyways, next will be Ally77 or MM. Or Santi, if he can be bothered ;) :P

*listens to the distant echo of MMs echoing echo, echoing along with my very own echo which is echoing like an echo*


hello? how are you people??
next is gonna be ally

wrong :P

hey, Stupid Girl :) welcome to this thread :)

so, maybe next is you again?

hey Majdy, how are ya? next will be mm or ally

Hiya. The medium is the message, isn’t it? Next will be some girl, I bet!

nope i think i’m not.

heya Santi, good to see you finally gave in then ;)

oh fuck, what is this...

majdy is next

I am the next one after you!

next is Ally!

Nope it’s just me...
Info: did you get my email?! :)

Next is Info!!

it’s me. good to say some of ya back again ;)
next will be kachina

Nudie pix? Really?

Next is someone clothed. Or a picture of someone in clothes.

well, I have some cloths in my closet if you mean so! but right now I don’t wear any!!!!

2 Zain : how is it going??

well next may be .. mmm .... someone who has seen the secret window!

No I haven’t seen “the secret window” but i wanna!!

Zaine: nice to see that Ive been missed ;)

what’s this about nudie pics?!?!

Next is someone who misses me too ;)))

yeah I miss you too *shy* by the way you wont miss anything if you do not watch the secret window. at the end the only thing that was coming outa my mouth was “was it?? is that only this?? oh come on!!!”

Next is someone whos gonna swimming this weekend!

awwwwwwwwww Aaso ;) Im so bad, I beg for compliments hehehhe.

not going swimming this weekend but will be sleeping most likely.

Next is someone going swimming ;)

I actually think I need to go swimming again soon, I’m getting kinda fat again :P
yeah I missed ya kachina, and you too aaso. I’m good, how’re you keeping?
next is kachina or MM

it’s me :)

I haven’t been here for a while :) and I am miss this thread :)

so, next is someone who can help me make desicion.

should I watch Gothika or not? I know many critics said that it was bad. but maybe some of you didn’t agreee.

so, help me, pppllleeeasseeee...

I have not seen it yet but i’ve heard that it does not worth the ticket!

I rather avoided it myself, but I might be tempted , here or there.

Hopefully I’ll get to see Kill bill Vol. 2 , this weekend. . .

Next is someone going to the movies this weekend.

Is vol.2 on in US already? I’ll get a dvd by the weekend, I guess :-)

Nice to see you here, kachina. I dropped you a line some minutes ago.

I haven’t had a chance to watch Gothika, but I’ve downloaded its soundtrack which is veeery cheap.

next is somebody more than 2500km far away from me :-)

Excellent guess. Although I wouldn’t be able to tell you the difference between a kilometer and a mile if you threatened me with a bag of doorknobs (Zaine knows how they hurt).

Yest, Vol 2 opened last weekend and I’ve not been able to get the crew together to see it yet.

Next is Ally. With or without a new home. Or her dog. To guess, not that she’s without the dog at this moment. I’m sure Alfie hasn’t left her. . .unless he can order a taxi. And if he can use the computer, then I’ll assume he’s capable of anything short of cooking a souflée. Not that he couldn’t then, but those things require a certain amount of quiet for them not to fall, and if anyone walks or drives by while the thing is baking then the barking starts and there goes the souflée.

Or whatever.

MM you come out with some interesting things to say the least... lol
I got a fun day of theatre ahead of me today. it was a choice of studies, or climbing up ladders fixing in lights... hmmmmm
anyways, next will be Majdy or info. or ally. or someone else...

next is next page

Zaine is next?

no It’s me. Harrie I was in Delft in the weekend. you have a beautiful city :)

Next is someone who also visited Delft!

Jep, that’s right! I visited Delft a lot of times :-)
Next one is......Aaso.

heyho. how is everyone? good I hope
next is someone who feels as stressed (or more) than me

i think i’m stressed. but it’s been so for months now. i don’t feel anything about it anymore...

next is somebody in a state of absolute composure

well this week has been a hell for me also im expecting teh same situation through the next week!!!

Next is Zaine! (hi)

heya Aaso :D I hope you found my photos ok in the end?
I made cakes today :D *proud* hhehehe
next will be MM or Majdy

I finally didn’t see Gothika, but I bought Cast Away. I always like Tom Hanks :) can’t wait to see Ladykillers :)

next is zaine

heya Majdy :D
next is MM

After a week away, it is me who is next. Business abounds.

Tiredness as well.

Next is someone rested.

May 1 - russian national holiday, as well as May 9. We have a week of rest ahead of us. Cheerz :-)

I have Hell Boy poster :) like the mak up, but not interested in that movie. nevr really like movie that based on comics, although I will probably see Catwoman.


Next is MM

i didn’t mean that, did i?

i love y’all guys :-)


The hangover is a bad one. one of the worst actually... Not getting any younger, shit.

Hangovers don’t get better with age either.

Hello all. How’s life?

hello. life is, uh, tiring right now. Only one week left of school before I start my gcse exams. kinda scary...
how are you?

how was drunk?? who??

Erm, nevermind :-P

oh ok!
Next will be Pinnokio!

I mailed a CD to Tehran (Iran) today. Hope it won’t get lost :-)

Next is Aaso


Tis me, was bored thought I would see what u guys have been saying about me... ;)

Next is ermmmmmmmmmmmmm NEXT!

ally, only the usual stuff; commenting on how incredibly OLD you are... :P

Watch it Zaine.. it’s all downhill from here.. I still remember leaving school a mere 11 years ago, although seems like yesterday I was running through the town centre throwing eggs!

**whoops should not have confessed to that**

Next is MM!

Cést moi!
Next is Aaso or Zaine.

@Aaso: If you are again in Delft, don’t hesitate to visit me. You (and all Roxfans) are welcome!

lol Ally, we have things FAR better than eggs. oh yes is this going to be fun... *muahahahah*

I hope by eggs, we’re not talking about overies. That would be a completely different sort of thing. . .

Ahhhhh, well, there’s nothing exciting at the moment. Working hard on my novel.

And specking of novels, I’ve been LAAAAAAAAABORING through The Satanic Verses for a while now. I’ve got about 75 pages left, but I’ve gotten to a stopping point and I’ve picked up Jasper Fforde’s Lost in a Good Book—#2 in the Thursday Next series. Rather fun and a rather good antidote to Salman Rushdie.

So, next is someone reading something enjoyable. Not that the Rushdie isn’t good, it’s just that it’s a slog in spots. I’ll finish it soon. I think.

What’s the point of this thread? Forgive me but it’s stupid as hell.

2 info, Well. It does not get lost but will never get to the reciever! What kind of CD is that? And may I ask for kind of reciever is it (company or person) and did you send it by DHL?

2 Harrie, ok thanx. I did not have your phone number at the moment.

By the way I like to meet Zaine (*+*)

Next is Ally!

aaso, we’ll sort it some day soon I hope :-*
next is ally or harriej

MM instead.

Kwelis—if you’re confused, start at page one and READ.

Next is Aaso. . .

Nope, MM instead.

And Kwelis: TRY REEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAADING. Page one to the end.

Next is Aaso.

yep you’re right. both about me being next and start to reading from the page ONE! ...

By the way did you read the whole MM?? cuase I can remember you were not here from the start of this thread the same with Zaine and infofarmer maybe (!) ..

It is always recalling good and bad memories ...

Next will be Aaso!!

Yes I am so tried of everything today. I woke up early because I had lessons at 8.30. Then guess what when I got to the street which ends to the university I saw like a bounch of police men and police cars closing the street ... they did not let me in and they say that they had a call which indicated there is a BOMB placed in school!!!!!

I was confused and went back at home!!! Now I am at school .... there was nothing!!!

aaso, I remember this thread when it started, only back then I was too shy to say anything to anyone ;)
next is ally or kachina

Aaso, I sent it to IUST via registered airmail. Hope it makes it. By the way, I was in the thread from the very beginning, but MM erased all my messages along with your memories about them
As a matter of mact, I was the one to start this thread. Majdy just asked MM to hack it once more and change the starter to her nickname

next is tev, saying that he’s the admin of the site, though it was me, until he hacked in and took over

1’/\/| 4 70+41 14|\/\

lol, you are a very strange little person... :P
next is aaso or kachina. or majdy

Erm... OK...

This is a great use of time!

Zaine hi!! how is life?....exams gettin’ you down? :(

Harriej: didnt knw you are in delft. I pass by there everyday driving to work ;)

Next is someone who believes in this thread!!!!!

Wrong again Kachina!

kachina, I’ll catch up with you on msn some time soon I hope, exams not too bad, I left school yesterday so a lot of time to study now... :P
next will be MM or majdy or info

info, you revealed our secret!!!

next is NOT kwelis :)

Thanx for not calling me a liar, Majdy :-)

I was thinking, maybe Aaso, Harriej, m-cvk and me could meet somewhere in Holland. I’m planning a little trip there. What do you say? Delft, Hague or somewhere else?

Next is a n@roxer

oh that would be gr8 but remember to call Derek as well ... :)
(By the way I prefer Nijmegen!)

Next is Zaine!

heya aaso :D
its summer time, singing in the summer time, lazing in the summer sunshine! la la la
next iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiis maybe ally77 or mm

She shoots—SHE SCORES!!!

Next is Kachina Doll.

he he he...

i think i might just interupt all of you! all the time!

*meow meow*

Next is Zaine!

Kachina my love!! heheh how are you??
wow, the ammount of studying I have done in my study leave so far... perhaps I should start soon... :P
aaso!! aaso, you next are ya??

yep me me!!! ME! Summer .... well i dont feel it its different here :(( its not hot!

Next will be someone from a country with a real summer!!!

I guess that’s me so! It’s been scortching hot here in Ireland for the past few weeks! It’s about 28 degrees celcius here - about 90 degrees farhenheite! Too damn warm, if you ask me!

Sorry that I don’t “believe” in this topic. What exactly did that mean? Oooh... I don’t believe in a stupid boring topic that has people saying “ooh Aaso will be next!” So the hell what who replies to you!

And Aaso, I doubt they have a REAL summer in Iran! The meaning of summer is that it’s a change from winter - as in, it’s not just stupid desert heat all year round! You don’t have summer in Iran, you have nothing but desert heat all year around!

Do you call 28 C hot? We call 30-40 “hot” in Russia, though I’ve been in Tripoli when it was 59 C (fifty-nine) and I spent a summer in Kuwait, where it was 45-55 C every day. Just imagine that you leave your car out of shadow - and when you jump in it half an hour later the air is 100-120 C (!!) inside it. Thanx for air conditioning, I’m still alive.

Then again humidity is an issue. 35 might be killing in Ireland while 45 feels cool in Kuwait.

next is zaine. Though MM can appear if he wants to :-))
but definitely not somebody as Loud as the Talker

heya info :D
my first exam is tomorrow afternoon. I have German. not sure if I’m nervous or not... it’s kinda weird!!
next will be MM and some lame attempt at German.. :P

Was ist deine lieblings essen? Mit schizen?!
Essen mein schizer!

I’m sorry if I’ve caused any actual offence here, I just couldn’t resist! I’m not sure if it even makes any sense.

And to all you non-german speaking folk: it states something that has a particular shade of gooy-brown, and also has something about someone eating it.

It’s discusting, I know. But silly none-the-less - which is, unfortunately, as far as my (apparently) cold Irish climate will let me go! Burr, it’s 00:30am here and it’s 21C - I hope I don’t freeze to death in this eskimo I’m living in here!

And I feel for you with that German exam. Don’t worry, you’re not alone - my BIG BIG BIG school exams (which I haven’t even really studied for yet!) are starting in less than 3 weeks! It’s that damn Coyboy - he’s compelling me to come here and bitch about you all! lol.

2 loud talker! I do not want to say anything about Iran now cuz it sounded like you know nothing about geography. If so then please take a look at your map at home or easily search for 20 seconds on google then post something so so stupid that you do not know even a sh** about it! We have all for seasons in Iran and right now you can go sking and sweaming at the same time!!!!

By the way what I meant about summer is what they call it here in Netherlands!!!

Next will be dear info! (eh??)

[EDIT]If you sent your CD via regular mail did you mentioned that the content is a CD? because if you do so then they will open it to check and then I dont think that it would be rescued. But if you did not mentioned that you have sent a CD but just papers then there would be no problem! (I hope so) but do not do that again.

I know nothing about Geography?

Iran is the largest country on the Saudi peninsula. It’s main exports are oil and electrical goods. It has a largely muslim population, and experiences temperatures in excess of 45C. Even in Winter it has days of 25-30C.

Want more info?

And, by the way, how much do you know about Ireland?!

I have no claim! But Iran is a big country which has mountains and jungles and deserts as well as see and the largest alke of the world Caspian sea! And the wheather is between -20 and 40 C !!!! And I do not want to discuss this with you anymore!

And Iran is not in the Saudi peninsula!!!!!

“Was ist deine lieblings essen? Mit schizen?!
Essen mein schizer!

I’m sorry if I’ve caused any actual offence here, I just couldn’t resist! I’m not sure if it even makes any sense.”

No, it doesn’t make sense at all, maybe because neither “schizen” nor “schizer” are words that actually exist... ;-)

lol starrox I was just gonna say thT... ;)
next will be MM or Kachina

Nope just little old boring me...


you’re not boring at all!!!

Zaine will be mine!

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaso!!!! ello ello :D
my German wasn’t TOO bad yesterday, a few random guesses, but I’m hoping ;)
next will be Kachina or Aaso

Guess again... just lil’ ’ol *me* :)

Next will b Aaso

*sit & wait*

Do you still have problems with your PC beeping PMedusa??

next is Zaine Again!

(Am I good or what?)

LOL to Aaso - can’t believe that you still remember... no I shut the bitch up by putting a huge fan up her P#$$Y... Nothing like a cold breeze to keep her quiet!!

Next will be Aaso, again!

Starrox, well you might wanna tell Robbie Williams that the word ’schizer’ doesn’t exist, as he finished every night of his last tour by saying ’essen mein schizer’ - it’s supposed to mean ’eat my shit’. And you might also wanna tell it to the people who made Bigger, Longer & Uncut - The South Park Movie (the scene when Cartmen’s mam is in the German Porno movie - guess what the German guy says? That’s right! ESSEN MEIN SCHIZER!

And Zaine, I’ve always wanted to say ’thT’ too - but I’m afraid my highly developed typing-techniques just won’t allow me to. If you don’t mind, I think I’d rather stick to ’that’.

And Aaso, (in my best kiddies voice) ’I think someone doesn’t know what a Peninsula is’!!! Erm... Iran, is close to Iraq, Iraq is close to Saudi Arabia, and Saudi Arabia is the largest country in that part of the land. That whole place is a Peninsula - and seeing as how Saudi is the largest country there, it is commonly referred to as the ’Saudi’ peninsula. Listen, whatever it is you’ve got against the Saudi’s - don’t take it out on me!

Next will be tevennso... moaning as usual!

... and I’m surprised with how often you all get this ’next will be...’ thing wrong!

oh so it was just as I guessed... I remember after chanding the CPU fan I had to listen to the fan sound while I was not listening to MP3!!!

PS: I will never tell you why I still remember it ;p

’I will never tell you why I still remember it’

Oooh yes, it’s a big naughty secret, isn’t it? The mystery of the bleeping PC! Give me a god damn break would you???!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And could someone please tell Madjy that her title for this topic is a sentence fragment?! If your english ain’t that good, why not type it onto a Word Document first? It should be ’guess who will reply to you’! And you all moan about Per’s “Yea’s”

Aaso; come on - share it with us!! U’ve got me all curious, now!!

it seems someone is in dyin need of happy-pills!

Aaso: I spose people here do not know that you lived all your life, until recently, in Iran, so if anyone is an authority on Iranian weather, it should be you!!?

Stop turning the only sane and FRIENDLY topic on this forum into a warzone.

Next is zaine, agreeing with me :P

hey Kachina ;) Damn right I agree.
@LT, if this thread is so pathetic then why are you here?? surely you have more important things to be doing; like pulling your finger outta your ass...?
aaso, how are you?? I saw you on msn today, but you’d gone before I got the chance to say hi...
next is Kachina, or LT being a fuck up...

I don’t really care about Iranian weather, to be honest!

And you were all saying that Ireland is cold?! Ha! We haven’t had temperatures as bad as “-20C” since the ice Age! The lowest it ever gets in winter here is 12C!!!

what do you know, it was the fuck up...


we be ze champions!! or is it champignons??

NExt is Aaso or Zaine or Madjy.

Wrong guess. And your $ goes to the casino :-)

Hey guys! Aaso, I sent the CD via ordinary airmail and stated in the declaration that there’s a cd inside. It’s not really possible to fake it, cuz most of the parcels get x-rayed, here or there. Anyway, it hasn’t been received and I’ll try DHL now. Hope it works, cuz your people owe me more than $200 for the program on the CD ;)

@LT: Are you one of those Irish afroamericans? You’re talking like a white nigga, man.
*Adding LT to my personal ignore-list*

I’m in the middle of different tests and exams. Trying to swim up to the surface but I end up lying at the bottom, getting 2-3 hours of sleep daily.

edit - P.S.: Cranberries rule. I guess, somebody has to be stupid for them.

Next is dear Aaso :-)

“Starrox, well you might wanna tell Robbie Williams that the word ’schizer’ doesn’t exist, as he finished every night of his last tour by saying ’essen mein schizer’ - it’s supposed to mean ’eat my shit’. And you might also wanna tell it to the people who made Bigger, Longer & Uncut - The South Park Movie (the scene when Cartmen’s mam is in the German Porno movie - guess what the German guy says? That’s right! ESSEN MEIN SCHIZER”

And what exactly is your point? That you believe someone who probably only knows a couple of words more than a native speaker? It’s not even a common saying, BTW!

Correct me if I’m wrong, but they only said that, didn’t they - which means you made up the spelling? Well, here you go:
“Essen”: should be “Iss”
“mein”: should be “meine” in this case
“schizer”: should be “Scheiße”
I guess you can put the whole sentence together by yourself...

2 PM (I like your abbreviations), maybe some day or somewhere I will tell but it’s probably not at TDR :D

2 Kachina, well babe, It sounds like we are about to see another Coyboy borning here as well!!!

2 Zaine, I was so busy today ... just a chance to come and go. I’ll catch you later on (*+*)

2 Info, ya know if the content of the CD is anything except MUSIC, VIDEO, MOVIE, any kind of SHOW, or anything that would be against the Islamic rule ... there would be no prob then. yes maybe you’d better to try DHL! I hope you get succeed this time.

Next is Zaine or Info!

lolzzz to Starox

lol well said Starrox :D

@PM: Okay, no prob. We just have to meet Aaso. Drinks are on me. I bet we’ll learn much more, than a mere fan-secret. I believe, she’s got a whole lot of killing-worth secrets.

@Aaso: I just checked DHL rates. It will cost more than a hundred bucks to send one little CD :-( Will think twice about it.

Next is an evil mailman

evil mailman here!

“Drinks are on me”

Just say the word & I’m there!! PS... where shall we meet - Aaso you choose the place!

Next Aaso

Nope it’s me.

Hi purplemedusa. I’ve always thought u have the most interesting nick.

Next is Zaine.

No, it’s not Zaine, she’s studying German :D

Next... someone who likes Gessle’s trousers... I guess... :p

Nah hate ’em actually - wouldn’t be seen dead in them!

kachina008, thanx so much... purplemedusa’s web is comin soon though with some exclusive Rox downloads/ mp3’s etc.

Next will be.... mmm let me think... Loud-talker?

hey tis me. Santi I never have to speak another word of German again; I took my exam on wednesday. Though I did have a media exam this morning for THREE HOURS!!! argh!!
Santi, how are you?? I haven’t been able to speak with you in ages :( did you listen to the song yet? And yes, Per’s trousers are the best!!!
Next will be aaso or kachina

A swing and a miss! (Again with the sports analogies?)

ISS MEINE SCHEIßE! (Danke Starrox)


And after a brief hiatus I am here. I was without power for a while as we had some tornadic activity in the area Monday night. Almost had to cook everything in the freezer, but without electricity, an electric stove does very little good.

Next is our South African friend, Purplemedusa. Or Señor Santi. (Sorry if the tilde is wrong, but I took French in school.)

Or anyone else not threatened by tornadoes when the weather gets hinky. (Do you have tornadoes in other parts of the world? Ignorant question, probably incredibly ignorant, but there you are.)

We have tornadoes yes, at least there are news on them every now and then in Catalunya and other parts of Spain, I guess in Italy too. So over here there are! :D

@zaine: I’m ill :( Damn.... Well, anyway, I’ve heard the song, yes, but still the cookie is alive, not for too long :D How is it that you’re never gonna talk German again? Aren’t you travelling there some day... Not even as hooligan in the World Cup 2006? :D

Next will be... zaine again? :D

tornadoes... mmm... well, I guess - judging by what I see in the mirror every morning that’s one pluasable explination!

Next will be some exotic beauty from the far east! (BTW... do they still live on rice-water there? LOL)


Yes my child...?

I’ve seen a tornado today. Called “The Day After Tomorrow”. The worst mid-budget disaster movie I’ve ever seen. Everything worth seeing is in the trailer. Except for the Return of Bilbo Baggins. He’s more addicted to old scotch now, rather than his pipes.

LOL @ Purplemedusa!!! *giggles insanely in the corner*
mext is pm, or info.
or mm
or santi

nop me :p
The day after I was waiting for it a long time *2 months!!* Wonder if it is on here yet ...

2 PM, what do you think of Info’s house?? Is it big enough for a party??

Tis me...

Next is ermmm Aaso!!

or me ;)
next is ally or aaso


Next is Someone with brown eyes.

it’s me :) my eyes pretty born I guess...

next is someone with smooth skin :D

My last girlfriend used to say my skin was smooth...

@Aaso: in-house parties are not the thing I’m talking about. Outdoors rule :-) And I have the biggest outdoors in the world (check it out on your map :-] )

next is pm
edit: or anybody else coming to my big party

It’s me, and I give up guessing who will be next...

info, can i come to your party?! :P
next is majdy or ally, or santi daring himself

Miracles never cease.

I’ll guess ally or medusa.

Heya all! been a rough w/end -so be kind tothe ol’ medusa.... (’where’s that darm purple jelly mask?’)... mmm, so the party’s @ info’s house - always wanted to go to russia!! I’m in & I’ll bring the whiskey’s & tomato cocktails!

next will be Aaso or MM..

Tomato cocktail... puaghhh
I’ll bring the Bailey’s... being Russia I guess no one has to bring ice :D

Next will be someone crazy enough as to join this thread... :p

Me?! Crazy?! I THINK NOT!!!! what do ya reckon Santi my friend!? muahahahahah
next is someone very very boring :P

that would be me. im vvv boring and vvv bored. HAH :P

Next is someone who is nicely balanced, not too exciting, and not too boring.

I’ve never been called balanced. Random—that I’ve been called.

Next is someone rather on the random side themselves.

Aaah... random i am indeed!

Next will be someone who doesn’t appreciate #69’s value...

for a sweet n innocent 16 year old, not yet I dont pm... :P
ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh I cant stop laughing tonight, especially now after MM and Kachina’s random knicker explosion ;D
next is someone who collects something unusual...

I collect stationary.

NExt is someone who gets mini orgasms just walking into a book/stationary store.

I must be totally honest but it takes a little more than books & pen’s to get me going => that just darn twisted!!

Next person would be someone who claims to perform the impossible!

oh for heaven’s sake. :P

purp: I guess when I said ORGASMS, i didn’t really mean sexual ones. ;)

im not weird, im normal i swear!!!!!!!!!!!!

I know, I know... was just saying!

Next will someone who’s seen Ab Fab series 5...
*pm sulks*

Not seen Pats & Eddie since they were bought by Oxygen and are not on Comedy Central anymore. Series 5 is out on DVD now though, except I’d rather rent it and not have to buy. *Shakes fist at lackluster Blockbuster rentals*

And Kachina—you get excited by just stading still? Statationary orgasms. . .that’s talent!

Everybody—DON’T MOVE! We’re in for a treat. Well, maybe just one of us. . .

*waiting 4 the explosion*

what?? what did I miss?? well who cares?? since nobody missed me :((

Nobody even gussed me :(

Hey Aaso! If it makes you feel better i’ve missed you and yes I refered to u when i mentioned an exotic beauty...

And don’t worry bout the explosions - they’re harmless, but fun to watch!

*streching foot on the table* well yeah it made me better ;) But it depends what kinda explosion it would be ...

stationAry or stationEry?!?



Hi Aaso *hug*

next is Aaso, hugging me back ;)

Careful... don’t squeze to hard... we might have a burst!

:) *wide open*

Hi back,

Next will be anotehr one to hug or maybe a kiss for Kachina *blinking*

well, you’re in the middle so there would be no prob :D

*pm gives all users currently online a hug!*




PM: are you a guy or a girl????? i can’t tell :(

Edit: oh wait a minute. just looked at ur profile.

Next is someone who isn’t confused as me :P (or as tired!)

PM’s female... yes... but her creator isn’t!

now i’m even more confused :(

Don’t be love... if you ask u’ll receive the answers! :)

next will be a truly enlightened being...

& the fourth syllable is silence. . .

Ooooooooooooooooooohhhhhhmmmmmmmmmmmm. . .

Ooooooooooooooooooohhhhhhmmmmmmmmmmmm. . .

Hey! Aaso would work too.

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaassssoooooooooooooooooooo. . .

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaassssoooooooooooooooooooo. . .

Hey guys!
I was hit by a car yesterday. I went up in the air when it hit me, made a nice somersault and landed rigth onto its hood with my head. Then I just fell down on the road. And guess what? I don’t have a single fracture or even a brain concussion! I’m all in scratches and bruises and my sweater is torn to pieces, but I’m OK!
Hell of an experience...

Next is someone as lucky to survive this kind of accident but not as unlucky to get into one.

Wow, that’s terrible man!! :s Take care of yourself and be careful with the traffic :s

Next one is someone happy.

infofarmer ... I suggest that you go for a cat-scan... look after yourself & don’t play around with your health!!

infofarmer ... I suggest that you go for a cat-scan... look after yourself & don’t play around with your health!!

I suggest the very same

Well, let’s check if you’re posting from heaven or not ...

Next is Another TDR member from heaven!

@aaso, you’re right, and I did miss ya :D
@info, take care dude!!
@Kacina: knickers
@MM: ..................
@PM: straight answer then, male or female!?
@Santi: hi :D
@Me: shut up

Zaine... male!

yeah that’s what I thought ;)

Infofarmer—Stop, look both ways, THEN cross. I agree with Santi and both Medusa’s suggestions. Doublecheck to make sure you don’t have any internal injuries.

And for Zaine—

Got your mother in a whirl
She’s not sure if you’re a boy or a girl
Hey, babe, your hairs alright
Hey, babe, lets go out tonight
You like me, and I like it all
We like dancing, and we look divine
You love bands when they play it hard
You want more, and you want it first
Put you down, say I’m wrong
You tacky thing, you put them on

Rebel Rebel, you’ve torn your dress
Rebel Rebel, your face is a mess
Rebel Rebel, how could they know?
Hot tramp, I love you so!

Doo doo doo-doo doo doo doo doo

Next is a Hot Tramp

Be careful, MM. I’m not a native english speaker :-) [tramp?]

I guess I’m still okay. Not the time for me to go...

I definitely have some memory loss, so I’ll go check it with a neurophysiologist....

Next is somebody still alive

Infofarmer: sure hope you are ok.

Zaine: PANTS!

Next is someone who thinks that conformity suxx.

I’ll conform to that!

Info—no offense meant, just a little Bowie.

Next is someone else to conform to nonconformity.

Miracle Man will probably reply next.

Nopes. Next is me, still confused my MM’s vocabularly. Someday I’m gonna get a Ph.D. in Anglo-Saxon languages. Then we’ll fight :-)

Guys, I can’t agree with you. I mean, conformity really suxx and nonconformity really rulez, but I just can’t agree to that! Sorry, I don’t know why...

Next is someone who has never voted for a Bush

@info, a tramp is someone who sleeps rough on the streets; doesn’t have a home. I don’t know how else to put it without sounding incredibly crude...

next is someone with as crazy a song as MM...

Info—since my Russian concists of simple words and ETA DOMA (no cyrrilic on this keyboard), I think you’ve got a head start on me. But bring it on, buddy! ;D

POMAHOB—that’s Russian! Tsarist Russian, but still. . .

Zaine—get thee to a record store to purchase a Bowie CD forthwith! There’s a good recent compilation called The Best of Bowie (I think that’s the name).

Besides, I think Bowie was referring to the other kind of tramp. Still one who sleeps around, but not necessarily in the street.

And I NEVER NEVER NEVER voted for Bush.

Next is someone with a shorter response.

shorter than you think

infofarmer, u think so; I’ve seen some short ones in my time!

Next will be a much larger one or Zaine...

you saying I’m small?
what you implying?!?

*PM tries to recover from spinning in chair*

What-what? Zaine = small... thought that would b a compliment ;)

*holds pm up straight to save him falling over from dizziness...*
I’m kinda short I guess, about 164cm I think ;) How is it a compliment? I’m in blonde mode this evening...

Blonde JUST this evening?

Next is someone who actually IS a blonde.

That’s me! That’s me! That’s me! That’s me! That’s me! That’s me! That’s me! That’s me! That’s me! That’s me! That’s me! That’s me! That’s me! That’s me! That’s me! That’s me! That’s me! That’s me! That’s me! That’s me! That’s me! That’s me! That’s me! That’s me! That’s me! That’s me! That’s me! That’s me! That’s me! That’s me! That’s me! That’s me! That’s me! That’s me! That’s me! That’s me! That’s me! That’s me! That’s me! That’s me! That’s me! That’s me! That’s me! That’s me! That’s me! That’s me! That’s me! That’s me! That’s me! That’s me! That’s me! That’s me! That’s me! That’s me! That’s me! That’s me! That’s me! That’s me! That’s me! That’s me! That’s me! That’s me! That’s me! That’s me! That’s me! That’s me! That’s me! That’s me!

Next will be someone less repetitive!

Sooo. . . uuuum. . . does the carpet match the drapes?*he distastefully asked*

EXCUSE ME! I take issue...

... but yes!


But got to add I’m dark blond... so naturally darker carpets!

Pardon the forwardness. . .

Next is someone less forward.

Oh, I’m as straight as one could be.


OUCH! Easy there. . .

Str8... really?

Next will be someone less str8 (Judith maybe?)

wow, nice and friendly info...
btw MM, my mum was a big bowie freak so I might find some of her records when I find time ;)
next is pm or mm with more ramblings

hey Zaine... howzit goin? What’s on tap for you tonight! I’ve decided to stay in tonight (already in my PJ’s) as I’m kinda tired of the Saturday morning hang-overs... Will be takin it easy in front of the fireplace with a couple of DVD’s & a bottle of good red wine... and if I’m really lucky my best friend would pop around later for a good gossip session!

Next.. Zaine... fingers crossed... or someone else stayin in for the night!

For the night? I can still see the sun in the sky.

Sorry, MM, that was just my straightness, nothing else :-)

Not a problem Info, my friend.

Zainey—Find the time. It’s worth the effort.

And it’s all but 12:30 for me. Lunch time at the moment.

Going away for the weekend to celebrate a friend’s birthday.

Next is someone else going on a little holiday this weekend.

Nah not going away this w/end:( (But I atleast tried to make a plan)

Hey it is 7:35 pm here in South Africa, you know!! But still lotsa time to play around - however I’m thinkin I’ll go out afterall... I’m not able to sit still tonight!

go! have fun! ill live vicariously thru you.

Next is someone who can spell vicariuos :P

Mmm... I think I’ve had to much red wine already! Bollocks going out... I’ll just pass out on my keyboard!!

Next will be someone who’s planning on drinking & driving tonight!

* PM sings “Crash! Boom! Bang! Na na na... but then I hit the wall... Crash! Boom! Bang!” *

Not drinking, not driving, no thank you very much.

A policeman called me and said that they can sue me for the car damage I inflicted :-) And I was really lost. I didn’t know if I should be mad, cautious or go laughing...

The matter is that as I was almost ok after the accident, I told the police that the driver wasn’t really responsible (I didn’t want him to have many problems). Now he’s trying to use my words against me. He’s saying, that I actually fell onto his car, made all the damage and then lay down to the road.

Next is someone insured.

You can’t be serious! That’s just awefull - I hope that nothing will come of it though! best of luck & I’ll be keeping my fingers crossed for you :)

info that is ridiculous. SHEESH!!!
good luck to ya.

next is someone whos never been in an accident.

Oh God... winter’s not even a week old and I’m already melancholy - for no particular reason:(



its summer in my area...if you call 50’s summer weather???
Just thought i’d say “HI”


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