Majdy said on March 19, 2004 04:21:
hey, guys. can we just ignore her? because if we attact her, they might archived this topic :)
so, next is...Zaine again :) how are u? how was your school?
Roxer93 said on September 18, 2004 10:54:
erm, I guess I’m a regular...
I’m eating a Mars Bar.
Next is someone else with a sweet tooth!
Majdy said on September 18, 2004 11:13:
am I that person? *shy*
next is someone who thinks that blue is the best coulour!
zaine said on September 18, 2004 12:39:
nope, purple is. and yours??
next is someone having a lazy day
infofarmer said on September 19, 2004 12:22:
i’m having sunday
time to relax
but no time for being lazy
next is a hardworker
Majdy said on September 20, 2004 10:02:
umm, I am not hardworker, but I always HAD lots job to do :P
next PM :)
infofarmer said on September 21, 2004 00:39:
it’s 4:39AM
i’m listening to enya
the feeling is MAGIC!
Aaso said on September 21, 2004 12:47:
it’s gettinf colder everyday.... not again :(((
next is someone feeling warmer than me.
Roxer93 said on September 23, 2004 06:47:
That would be me. It’s gettin’ hotter here every day!
Next is someone who likes ice cream!
infofarmer said on September 23, 2004 20:16:
they must have decided to keep out of page number seventy-one
MiracleMan said on September 24, 2004 19:00:
Look higher on the page, you’ll see me there having a coke. And I’m having one now as well.
Away on business this week, and will be for a few days next week as well.
And as I’m a little pissy today, next is someone in a far better mood.
zaine said on September 25, 2004 13:41:
im in a sleepy mood.
Just been to Brighton and it was very soggy. But I got an awesome new hat, so all is made up. It’s the labour conference in Brighton today, so there were cops crawling everywhere, and checking everyone’s cars! was a comical sight :P
next is someone not so soggy
MiracleMan said on September 25, 2004 16:12:
Dry as a bone, but still a little pissy. It absolutely sucks when good friends really let you down. But life does go on, and I will be happier soon. I think.
Next is an undisappointed friend.
IPPIE said on September 27, 2004 15:36:
And I hoped I was over that mood .... :-)
I think I am ............. very bright and happy and smiling at this very moment and I guess the reason this forum.....
next - s.o. like me ? happy......
zaine said on September 28, 2004 11:33:
*hops in* :P
next is someone with not quite as much homework as me ::)
infofarmer said on September 28, 2004 16:30:
lot’s of homework, actually. But I usually put it off until winter session...
edit: next is someone, who has finished his education over 10 years ago
IPPIE said on September 28, 2004 16:31:
Wrong...... ;-)
I bet mine is several times bigger.....
Next s.o. who hasn’t got such intercomunications with you, as mine ,,,,
zaine said on October 2, 2004 16:19:
hey there guys
hope all’s well with y’all?
my band has made a new recording today. bad quality, but if anyone wants to hear it, I can mail it to ya?
next is someone else in a band
Majdy said on October 4, 2004 10:10:
I wish I had a band :)
so, does anyone wants to have me on your band?
Aaso said on October 6, 2004 12:37:
Hi Majdy
How is the thing going on with you there haven’t talk to you for ages :D
next is Info??
IPPIE said on October 7, 2004 15:10:
Zaine send the recording ..............
next , ,oh , well, I hope it won’t be me ...
zaine said on October 8, 2004 18:10:
hey there MM :)
sure I will send you guys the recordings. do you have gmail or somewhere with a large file transfer thing I can send it to. I have some gmail invites if anyone wants one anyway??
next is info
IPPIE said on October 10, 2004 07:55:
Hi there...
What is gmail ? I have 100MB at my yahoo is it enough?
i am just too stupid , I am sorry...
Next , could it be Info ?
purplemedusa said on October 10, 2004 08:21:
Hey all... thought it was time to crawl outa the woodworks; welll only 3 more sleeps before i return home (with a drivers license!!)... but until then I’ll have to be happy with pay per minute internet!! Yakes!!
Best wishes to all my angels!!
zaine said on October 10, 2004 17:57:
PM!!!!!! woo, great to see ya!
hope all is well.
you crashed much yet?! :P
purplemedusa said on October 11, 2004 17:39:
Sis on you... the driving’s going fantastic eventhough I’m SHITTING myself for the actual test - anything can go wrong but I trust not!! Otherwise I feel fab; just missing the city sooo much... nothing ain’t happening in this God forsaken town!!!! Aaargh!!
Aaso said on October 14, 2004 11:19:
next week is our holiday. im really looking forward to it!!!!
next is someone also with coming holidays!
purplemedusa said on October 14, 2004 20:22:
Nope it’s lil me!! Got the drivers license... I’m sure it was only luck that got me through the test; but hey atleast thats done now!!
Just so glad to be back in the comfort of my own space... won’t be taking any holidays any time soon!!
Next; someone needing a holiday!!
Majdy said on October 16, 2004 13:02:
you guess the right person, pm!!! I really need holiday. I became an intrepeter for this last four days for american guy who visiting my office. I have to wake up so early, but sleep so late! tomorrow we’re gonna go to the beach.
@ Aaso : hey, how are u? I am fine, busy with school and work. how about u?
MiracleMan said on October 16, 2004 23:20:
I’m on holiday—albeit only a weekend. . .
Congrats on the driving PM— South Africa should consider itself on notice.
Next is a good driver.
Majdy said on October 17, 2004 00:52:
I didn’t know how to drive :(
Hey, Zaine. Yeah, lately I hardly joining here. Too much things to do...
next is someone from USA.
IPPIE said on October 19, 2004 14:07:
not exactly
but if you read it backward you might get quite near the truth...
Zaine - I still haven’t been able to hear the songs, but I hope to achieve this today or tomorrow latest...
Next - s.b. with better internet connection...
RoxHard said on October 19, 2004 15:28:
So that’s me, then! I’ve barely been getting 4 hours sleep for the past 2 weeks!
Next is someone from the UK...
IPPIE said on October 24, 2004 11:42:
I am the right person for this job... :-)
BTW Zaine - what sounds good ?
Next s.o. who hasn’t lost sight of time ....
nate said on October 25, 2004 03:00:
Gosh, a whole year’s gone by since I was last on TDR.
Next will be my friend Majdy. :)
Roxer93 said on October 25, 2004 05:08:
omg! A whole year! Hi nate. I’m relatively new here. I’ve been here for about 6 or 7 months.
Nice to see you!
Next is someone here a little more often.
Majdy said on October 25, 2004 09:11:
I am a little more often lately! nice guess ;)
@nate : hey, thanks for considering me as friend :D
hope everythings always goes well with u :)
greeting from Indonesia :)
next is someone who is as happy as I am :)
nate said on October 25, 2004 12:52:
Nah, it’s me again!
Thanks Rox, nice to hear from you too!
Majdy, it’s been too long! Greetings from the land of the true north strong and free.
It’s still pretty early this side of the ocean. Next will be someone hard at work in Europe.
Roxer93 said on October 26, 2004 06:57:
Nope, I’m an Aussie and I’m doing bugger all right now!
Next is someone also relaxing.
zaine said on October 26, 2004 18:45:
relaxing with some great Thin Lizy tracks... is there anything better?!
next is someone who thinks there is.... lol
purplemedusa said on October 26, 2004 19:16:
Sex on the pearly white beaches of some Thai island with a certain Greek boy, I’d say!!
Mmm... hope it’s MM; haven’t seen him in ages!!
nate said on October 31, 2004 03:00:
No, sorry to disappoint you Purple! :)
Next will be someone who is also up late preparing for Sunday morning service. What are the chances? Anyone?
Majdy said on October 31, 2004 05:59:
hey, nate!!! it;s me :)
I got your email! will reply that soon!!
next is PM!
MiracleMan said on November 5, 2004 00:16:
Another sort of doll instead.
Next is someone enjoying warm weather.
Majdy said on November 5, 2004 06:15:
nope. It’s very cold here now. It’s raining everyday...
next will be Aaso!
Roxer93 said on November 8, 2004 08:16:
Nope, me.
Next is someone also not already on page 73....
Maybe IPPIE?
Aaso said on November 8, 2004 17:11:
me me!
It’s gettin cold up here! i want a hot sun on the beach!!
LaMan said on November 9, 2004 19:27:
it´s me.
“Another sort of doll instead.”
I didn´t get this???? Miracle Man??
The next one is Vixzter.
MiracleMan said on November 10, 2004 00:42:
Hopi Indians craft dolls called Kachina dolls. . .a doll is American slang for a sweet woman. . .I’m not a woman but I’m a real sweetheart. . .a bastard, but a real sweet bastard
Next is LaMan
Roxer93 said on November 12, 2004 11:01:
Nope, just me.
Hi as well to nonofafi. Welcome! :)
NEXT is Vixzter.
Superbullie said on November 12, 2004 12:10:
No one would have ever guessed it was me being next.
Next one is Aaron Carter [img][/img]
beautyqueen said on November 12, 2004 16:04:
no it´s me!
next is Aaso... or is it Majdy?! It´s Aaso! :D
Majdy said on November 12, 2004 16:11:
it’s majdy!!
it’s almost midnight here, so next is someone who like to sleep VERY late too!
Kazza said on November 22, 2004 06:56:
Me.........formerly Roxer93
Thought a “change” was in order! lol
Next will be zaine.
IPPIE said on November 26, 2004 11:56:
No ........... next is me ................
I have been missing a lot recently....., but I did a lot of things ...........
Next s.o who hasn’t been sick for rest ...
Kazza - why ??? Why people who have nicks sooner or later go to their names ?
Kazza said on November 27, 2004 00:49:
@IPPIE: Kazza is more original than Roxer93 I thought.
Next is Majdy
MiracleMan said on November 27, 2004 21:05:
Next is someone with their original nickname.
purplemedusa said on November 28, 2004 16:58:
That’ll be me!!! *banana*
How r u MM? It’s been a while, hey...?!! LOL
Next’ll b Suzza or MM
purplemedusa said on November 29, 2004 12:28:
Hands Miedy one of those chocolate wafer cookies!! (don’t think that i’m gonna share anymore of me cookies!!)
MiracleMan said on November 30, 2004 00:57:
MM. . . hmmmmm?
Purp—been a bad month. Had to euthanze my 13 year old cat a few weeks ago and I was—as a friend put it so well—simply gutted. And that same day, my nephew’s baby died shortly after being born. (Ironically, both succumbed to kidney difficulties.) 2 funerals in 1 week. That’s a recipe for EFF-YOO-ENN! Not to mention Thanksgiving with the F*cking Loved Ones (not really that bad, but 4 days and 4 hours spent travelling there and back is a looooong time. Not to mention I mistakenly ventured into the stores on the busiest shopping days of the year.) Ah well, life goes on.
Next is someone who’s had a better time of it this last month.
Majdy said on November 30, 2004 10:22:
thanks for the Cookies, PM...
Hey, MM, sorry to hear that...
anyway, I don’t have good days lately.. too many stressfull things in my life, my school, my work,..
*SHOUT VERY LOUD* : I WANT TO GET OUT OF HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Aaso said on November 30, 2004 10:52:
Come on Majdy. You can come here for a while :))) I’ll be looking forward to see you ... just take a bus and you’ll be here in one minute ;)
Next is Majdy!
Majdy said on December 2, 2004 09:38:
I wish I can, Aaso. I am so stress living in the place where I have some ppl dislike me (well, at least that was I think :P). I want to go ffffaaaaaarrrrrrrr awayyyyyyyy frrooommmmmm herrreeeee!!
I really need a change! it will take months before I could move to my new life. but it seemed like forever!
oh, well.. next is MM :)
Aaso said on December 2, 2004 11:04:
oh of course ZAine ... I have place for two more people I can have you and Majdy together ... oh that could be lots of fun ... Majdy I hope you can get over your life so soon ...
Next is MM
hotblooder said on December 4, 2004 06:07:
Majdy...Someone miss you in the capital city of your country.
Majdy said on December 7, 2004 08:34:
Hey, Hotblooder. How are u? I hope everything’s okay..
next is anyone..
Yashar said on December 8, 2004 21:45:
No! I’m not boo !!!!!!!!
Who can remember me? I wasn’t here for 9 months.
Next is Aaso.
zaine said on December 8, 2004 22:14:
wow Yashar my friend, I’ve missed you!!
where you been at???
mail me next time you plan to go wandering ok!!!
Majdy said on December 9, 2004 08:27:
hey, Yashar!! of course I remember u!!! where how have you been?? so good to see you again!
so, I hope next will be you!!!
Aaso said on December 9, 2004 13:51:
Se Yashar I tols you ;) good to have you back (although I don’t think we can trust the show up... maybe he will disappear again )
Next will be Yashar!
Yashar said on December 10, 2004 12:16:
@zaine and Majdy : Hi my dear friends! Glad to see you again. :) I was very busy in recent months. But Now I’m here among my good friends and will stay here forever!!
@Aaso: No! I won’t disappear. ;-)
IPPIE said on December 10, 2004 17:07:
This next one is me .....
Kazza – what do you mean more original? If you talk about creativity, taht is your name isn’t it ???
And the next next one is s.o. of you .........
Aaso said on December 13, 2004 09:26:
hi ppl! It’s becoming damn cold here every day ... every day is fuggy or either rainy! .... I feel so blue :((
Next is someone happier than poor me!
zaine said on December 13, 2004 16:59:
I’m happy, I found myself a guy :D
he is so great, I cant quite believe it yet
next is someone sleepy
purplemedusa said on December 13, 2004 17:03:
What ya mean... been sleepin the entire day!!
How IS Donald doing, babes?
zaine said on December 13, 2004 20:44:
he is great, less of the worrying which is awesome.
ah there’s so much I could say, this is such a good thing for me :D I think I’ll email you, I haven’t seen ya for a while now, been mega ultra busy with everything.
only a week left though, til xmas holidays :D
next is MM
Majdy said on December 14, 2004 05:51:
I am back..
I am not so lucky lately. Someone broke into my room when I was sleeping. I woke up when I heard something, it turns out the sound of someone’s hand who was tryingreach my key :P That was my fault to leave the key in the door... :P
He realize that I had woken up, so he ran away. I didn’t even see his face, now I couldn’t sleep for days...
next is someone luckier than me...
purplemedusa said on December 14, 2004 17:13:
Hey Yashar... u guessed right :)
OMG I’m still fuming!!!
MiracleMan said on December 15, 2004 00:30:
Well, shut my mouth! I think it’s been a week. . . or so. . .
Busy time of year at work. Put a slight dent in the Christmas shopping and I need to finish soon. Every year I swear I’ll start earlier and every year I don’t.
Next is someone more advanced in their shopping.
Aaso said on December 15, 2004 13:22:
Sorry to disapponit you but it’s me ;)
next is Majdy (are you ok????)
Majdy said on December 16, 2004 10:07:
right! it’s me!
I am fine now. Maybe I will move soon, because I don’t feel save in that place anymore. still couldn’t sleep everynight, although I haven’t put my key away from door now...
next is the prettiest gal in TDR...
is that Aaso, Zaine or Kachina?? :D
Aaso said on December 16, 2004 12:29:
Im not the prettiest ;) I just happen to be here in the wrong time :p
next is Yashar??
Yashar said on December 17, 2004 21:20:
How are you zaine. I saw your fabulous pics on Orkut.
@Majdy: I had the same exprience when I was 13.
It was really terrible.
Next is Aaso.
zaine said on December 19, 2004 19:02:
unlucky, it’s me instead ;)
I saw you on orkut too, was cool to finally match a face to the name!!
next is mm
Aaso said on December 20, 2004 13:07:
nop me! Yeah I was always imagining yoruf ace Yashar now I can exactly imagin you :D
Next is Zain
zaine said on December 20, 2004 14:42:
ello my love ;D
*hugs for the hungover Hanrich*
you wanna cookie?!
next is majdy
Yashar said on December 20, 2004 22:22:
you’re unlucky too dear friend! It’s me instead!!!
@zaine and Aaso: Why hadn’t you tell it to myself?
next is Aaso
Yashar said on December 28, 2004 19:59:
Where are you friends?
next is Aaso
zaine said on December 28, 2004 21:42:
hey it’s me, good evening to you Yashar :D
how did everyone enjoy Christmas?
Next is aaso or mm
Majdy said on January 3, 2005 09:21:
I don’t really enjoy my christmas because of the disaster that happen in my country one day after christmas :(
Yashar said on January 4, 2005 11:53:
@Majdy: I’m sorry for the people of your country and all of those people.
Terrible event!
Next is zaine
ally77 said on January 4, 2005 13:17:
Me.... not as though I pop in here much.... it amazes how long this topic has now been going! :)
Next will be Madjy!
zaine said on January 4, 2005 18:45:
yeah majdy, be thinking of you. take care ok
Ally, it’s cos we’re all just too cool in here ;) how can we let such an awesome thread die huh?! actually, there arent many threads if any that are better at the moment :P
next is...... yashar?
Aaso said on January 5, 2005 12:07:
hi friends, wassup with the new year??? I tried to put all the bad and sad things behind. what about you??
Next is Yashar ... or maybe Zaine??
Robrox said on January 7, 2005 17:43:
School was funny today, but I´m not zaine;)
zaine will be next...
Majdy said on January 9, 2005 11:41:
and I am still not Zaine :)
hey, Robrox, I just notice you! are you here?? ;)
next is you again then :)
Robrox said on January 9, 2005 13:00:
Ok, it´s me again.
How could you know that? ;)
next is zaine then
zaine said on January 9, 2005 17:25:
and it’s STILL not zaine!! :P
school’s not too bad thanks Majdy :D
how are you coping with everything?!
MiracleMan said on January 13, 2005 00:19:
Hello, all.
Next is someone more regular these days. In the forum, not the bathroom. Although that’s okay too.
Aaso said on January 14, 2005 13:19:
neither in the forum nor in the bathroom, but in the library!!!! too many things to do before weekend.
next is Yashar?
MiracleMan said on January 17, 2005 23:30:
Wow! A week later amd I’m the next one?
Aaso. . . say hello as the next person.
zaine said on January 20, 2005 15:56:
hey guys
our school had power cut today, it was very fun for us all. well not for the teachers as they couldn’t find us but still :P
next is majdy
MiracleMan said on January 21, 2005 05:09:
Lately I’ve only been using my computer about once a week. #2 for this one. Party time. . . No, wait! Bedtime. Gotta work in the A.M.
Next is LaMan. Or Zaine. How is Zaine? And where has the PrimeMinister been? How is our South African friend?
Majdy said on January 25, 2005 13:00:
It’s almost midnight here and I am still at work! so stressful!
so, next is someone who woke up in the mid of the night to post in this thread!
eBay said on January 25, 2005 13:09:
Nope, its me! ;-) Woke up at 6.30 this morning, not even close to midnight! ;-) lol
Next I would guess ’moin’, coz she/he seems to reply to a few of my messages..
Dizzy_Miss_Lizzy said on January 25, 2005 17:55:
It’s me, sorry, hehe. Next will be Zaine I guess...
MiracleMan said on January 26, 2005 04:29:
Zaine—Aside from having severely bruised my tailbone in a fall down some stairs—and the resulting pain in the ass when sitting or moving from one position to the other, or even caughing for that matter, I’m well.
So next is someone who had no pains—physically.
eBay said on January 26, 2005 09:06:
True, I have no physical pains! :-)
Next one will be a Roxer! ;-)
Aaso said on January 26, 2005 12:48:
I think I am, that’s why I am here ;P
Next one will be a Marie Fan!
MiracleMan said on January 28, 2005 01:47:
A Marie fan also, but not Aaso—although all of thouse letters appear in my actual names.
Next is
Aaso said on January 31, 2005 13:52:
naxt one is someone with the letters AASO in his name! (whats your name?)
Majdy said on February 2, 2005 08:01:
I am back everyone! although I doubt if anyone een notice that I haven’t been here for awhile ;) but anyway, it;s good to be back :)
next is...
new TDR member!
zaine said on February 2, 2005 20:35:
nope, zaine with her amazingly new and sexy guitar *drools*
next is pm
Majdy said on February 3, 2005 15:02:
I haven’t guess MM for a long time :)
so, u must be the next one!!
Aaso said on February 3, 2005 17:24:
I’m sorry but it is Aaso although no one seemd to be guessing her for a while :(
next one is Zaine!
purplemedusa said on February 3, 2005 18:54:
Nope... tis lil moi!!
Mmm... I’ll put my c*c* on a block & say MM!!
zaine said on February 3, 2005 20:07:
tough luck there pm......... rofl
im not putting anything anywhere, but i guess pm again
MiracleMan said on February 4, 2005 00:12:
Who’s puttin’ what where and is it even legal in your home country?
Hmm. . .next is someone keepin’ everything where it goes.
Majdy said on February 4, 2005 01:33:
I forgot if I keep everything where it goes. hmmm, next is someone who thinks like what I am thinking now...
purplemedusa said on February 4, 2005 05:39:
Urm... not gonna do that again! Eeeek! Miedy, I stopped reading minds a while ago... it’s not polight to scratch in other ppl’s privates!!
Lil Sooza next... *returns to the hole*
zaine said on February 4, 2005 10:01:
pm, you get to keep everything this time then huh... ;)
next is aaso
Aaso said on February 4, 2005 12:40:
hi what is going on here. i though im in the *** club! though, maybe I was wrong
next one is someone as confused as me
MiracleMan said on February 5, 2005 17:41:
The Billy Club—confusion can be fun, can’t it?
Next is someone who goes clubbing. Not baby seals, because that’s just not right at all. Or people. In fact, hitting any living thing with a large stick or bat isn’t right. So don’t. Unless you’re being attacked and have to defend your life. Wait. What was the question?
zaine said on February 5, 2005 18:51:
did you forget your medication today or what?!
next is pm probably lol
MiracleMan said on February 8, 2005 23:38:
I’m not on medication, but after being beaten with a club, I might want to be.
Next is someone who is on medication.
MiracleMan said on February 12, 2005 18:22:
And that’s not me, but it’s been daaaaaaaays since this one was hit.
Next is someone bored.
purplemedusa said on February 13, 2005 07:53:
Yes so i really want to be here... but the purple little thingies in the cake got the better of me & made me vomit like a todler... but i guess thats all part of the process... me mommy always used to say don”t eat anything that’s not supposed to be green... but the download most certainly doesn’t want to be downloaded today... so **** it and **** the site and **** i need some COOKIES!!
Urm next’ll b Sooza or ManMagnet...?
MiracleMan said on February 15, 2005 23:43:
LOL! Enjoying a cocktail or two, PM?
Next is someone sober—or at least staying away from the purple things.
IPPIE said on February 17, 2005 09:47:
Purple is not exactly red, but is not also blue....
Could be like when you are sad and you are bleeding...
...or when you are idling under the rainbow
purplemedusa said on February 17, 2005 12:32:
ooo now we’re talkin!! purple fings are like little purple thingies that just is!!
purplemedusa said on February 17, 2005 21:04:
Mmm... yakes I hate chewing on sand... sum nutty gal was tellin me how she craved crushing ice with her teeth whilst being pregnant...
zaine said on February 19, 2005 17:42:
awwww bless ur little cotton socks... ::)
anyway how are you doing my friend?!
wooooo, late xmas presents from my aunt!!
LaMan said on February 20, 2005 21:36:
Yesterday I didn´t SEE YOU (lol) but noticed you posted something a few minutes before :)
The next one is Aaso again :)
Aaso said on February 22, 2005 14:05:
hhahahhaha... ok!
next is someone who do not try to remind me of the old days in TDR!
MiracleMan said on February 23, 2005 00:59:
Since I don’t remember the old days beyond a year and a half ago, I’ll chime in.
Next is Aaso.
zaine said on February 23, 2005 16:44:
tis indeed. don’t you hate hypocrites huh?! *not indicating anyone here, just in general*
next is majdy
purplemedusa said on February 23, 2005 19:40:
Nah it’s lil moi again!! Sooza the plder you get you realize that there’s no such a thing as hypocriats... only complicated people!!
MiracleMan said on February 24, 2005 00:55:
That’s because most people don’t even realize when they’re being hypocritical.
Next: Majdy.
Majdy said on February 24, 2005 03:47:
since some of u guess me, so I BETTER reply :)
so, whats up everyone!!!!
next is....
Steven! are u new? I never guessed u before I guess :)
purplemedusa said on February 24, 2005 07:57:
Yip tis moi!! Still sleepy, but there’s work to be done!!
Mmm... Steven next?
Majdy said on February 26, 2005 04:08:
but I am not that old too, I am still 25! :D
next is someone older!
ally77 said on February 26, 2005 12:21:
Ohhhhhhhh I’m older I’m 27 **sob** but I look forward to reaching 30!!
Next is ermmm I always get it wrong so I don’t know!
ally77 said on February 26, 2005 22:06:
I have a band..... it’s made of rubber **sorry bad joke**
Ermm LaMan is next...
ally77 said on February 26, 2005 22:16:
Nope me again! having a boring evening....
Next is ermm same person as last time!
MiracleMan said on February 27, 2005 01:31:
Not so much.
Next is a Medusa, Purpled or an owner of Annie Lennox’s second solo effort.
purplemedusa said on February 28, 2005 08:33:
Hehehe... what a w/end... with the result that I have two lesbians in my bed!!
MM... can’t WAIT for Annie’s new album... oh & is REALLY hoping I’ll be able to see her on the 19th of March - wonder if she’ll do any of her new material!!! Wooohoooooo!
Anyways... next will be someone wishing they had two lesbians in their bed!!
MiracleMan said on February 28, 2005 23:55:
PM—What new album? Can’t find a shred of news about it anywhere on the net. (E-thrill is no longer updated. . . Eurythmistan is gone too. . .) I’d heard talk of a best of compilation, but nothing beyond that.
purplemedusa said on March 1, 2005 05:03:
MM... her greatest hits were dropped for another studio album.... trying to find you some news now!!
MiracleMan said on March 2, 2005 00:37:
Answering. . .
I’ll be as excited as you if she does release, PM, but all I found was about Bare.
Next is someone unBare.
LaMan said on March 2, 2005 21:25:
what´s the reason Eurythmics‘s latest album (come back album) was not very succesful?
next is on-a-mission even I bet she´s not!
Majdy said on March 4, 2005 11:12:
I am back!!!
next is someone who’s think Hilary Swank looked amazing with her dress on Oscar night!
LaMan said on March 5, 2005 18:27:
I don´t really even know who she is...sorry.
do you watch the news every day??
IPPIE said on March 10, 2005 11:25:
I am sorry I seem to be disoprientated , but what are you talking about ?
zaine said on March 16, 2005 13:26:
I was going to say that I had caught MM in a lassoo but I don’t know how to spell it. seems he got away
next is someone with better weaponary...
MiracleMan said on March 16, 2005 22:56:
(Only one o)
Try a lariat next time—it’s the same thing. . .
Someone else armed better than that?
MiracleMan said on March 18, 2005 00:03:
*tumbleweed bounds through thread again as someone whisting “Me And My Shadow” can faintly be heard*
purplemedusa said on March 18, 2005 15:54:
*hick* Allllllllllllllllllllllllll byyyy myyyyyyyy self *hick* whereth the thampaign... my glath ith EMPTY!!!! *hick*
MiracleMan said on March 18, 2005 23:25:
Madame Zaine, I shall meet you on the dueling field at first light. It shall be pillowcases filled with doorknobs at thirty paces.
Or crosswords puzzles at ten.
The least you sould do is give me some of that bubbly Medusa’s drinking. Are you out of that drunken stupor, PM?
MiracleMan said on March 24, 2005 18:55:
After all this time has this thread finally petered out? Just a scant 15 or so away from 2400? Say it ain’t so!
MiracleMan said on March 25, 2005 18:30:
Where’s anyone?
Zaaaaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnneeeeeeee! Hi.
You’re next.
Majdy said on March 31, 2005 03:17:
nah, I bet I will make Nick won’t reply :D
so, no bet, and LaMan will be next ;)
Cerchio said on March 31, 2005 03:24:
Do people still enjoy this? OK. Let me try.
Next is Satan himself.
zaine said on March 31, 2005 19:04:
too close, my identity is being uncovered...
next is mm, also a little satanic
NickNL74 said on March 31, 2005 22:50:
mm-ick?! :-)
somehow I find myself more and more on this forum these days.. lol
Next will be the easterbunny
LaMan said on April 1, 2005 18:37:
sataNick?! Hi Nick nice to see new people over here. The next one is... some European.
IPPIE said on April 16, 2005 21:17:
I don’t know............
Outside I guess !!!!!!!!!!!! :-)
Or stick indoors like me, but with no PC ....
Roxer93 said on September 16, 2004 04:14:
....and u forgot to guess who’s next!!!
Next is someone purple!