The Daily Roxette

Roxette World Tour 2011 schedule
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3758 replies

hey, guys. can we just ignore her? because if we attact her, they might archived this topic :)

so, next is...Zaine again :) how are u? how was your school?

I am sticking indoor too, but no internet :P

Mmm not a bad idea to say a quick HELLO!! How’s everyone doing?

Mmm... should take some time to read this thread from pg1... guess it can be rather interesting - kinda like the QUEER/GAY one!

*hugs pm*

Aw Soooza! How r u baby girl? *huggles back*

i am doing ok thanks, what about yourself?
I will write you tomorrow evening ok!! *hugs*

Boo! Thought this thread was a goner for a while. How’s all? Who’s next?

ME !!!
In a way wondered the same.
Hey... anyone to recomend a good e-library?

@Sooza; I’ll mail back soon babes!

mmm... e-library! Tell me if u find one... would love to explore!!

OMG! My sister & her husband bought a second property... in the country-side for (WAIT FOR IT) R13 000 … no there’s no ‘0’ missing… that equals just a little over 1000 UK pounds! I’m stunned! I honestly didn’t think one you get a m² for that price anywhere in South Africa!! In Cape Town u don’t easily find a decent property under a million! R13 000 is small change! I want such a bargain too!!!

It’s me!

MM next...

Yeah. Went to the dentist today. That was fun.

Next is someone who owns no land, unlike PM’s sis.

Me, I don’t own land which is a right pain in the backside as I feel life would be better if I did!

Next is PM!

me, I slept in late today, missed my first 2 lectures, only got half hour before my next one so I guess I’d better go now huh...?! lol
next is ippie

Not even with an “H”

& I haven’t missed classes in ages. I rained hard today and the sun’s out now and the temperature’s rising.

There’s muggy weather on the way, I heard it on the news.

Next is somewhere not so rainy or sweltery.

where have you been raining at mm?! that’s a telent you have there :P
next will be a true hippie

not me :D

Gosh! I have been having lots of stress lately! with my final exam and all my paperwork for my visa! yup! I plan to move to United States soon! wish me luck :D

next is someone whose having busy day too!

No very lazy day, am waiting in for a delivery... which will be here anytime till 6pm! :)

Next is Zaine...

for sure!!

next... mm?

Woohoo! Got it. And I wasn’t raining personally, Zaine, although the sky was.

Hey Majdy, where in the US are you moving?

Next is Majdy to answer. . .

hey, MM...

I will move to San Diego, California... I am waiting for visa interview now :)

Southernmost California. . .you’ll be close to Tiajuana, Mexico. Will you be schooling there or just living?

I have friends that live in Orange County, a few hours north of SD, just south of Los Angeles. I kinda like California. Good luck with the interview.

Next is. . .

Me! :)

Next is someone who shared my birthday....

when is that, Ally? mine is May 7 th :)

@ MM : the reason I am going to San Diego because my Boyfriend lives there :D

so, sooner I have to spend hours of hours of flight from Indonesia to USA to meet him. Maybe when u visit your friend u can come by :D

I forgot to guess :)

next will be.... Mr. PM!!!

Me, next could be Zaine

OH! Me! I share a birthday with someone here!

I think it’s funny that July 8 is a Friday this year. I see all these movies coming out now that are to be released that day. . . Fantastic 4 for one.

Next is someone who’s seen a movie in a theatre recently.

hey, you’re not interupting ;) everyone is welcome!

I want to share good news with u all...

I am DONE with my college! YIPPIE!

Next is someone who still in school!

yeah, and half way through my exams, my next one is geography on friday. I have some friends coming over for a study day today, whats the betting we abandon the study, and just party... hahaha

next is someone who finished exams a long time ago

*Laughing so hard I think I’ve peed a little*

That would be me. . .not going to say how long ago it was, but suffice it to say there are members in this forum who were still not aquainted with the ways of using the big potty.

Next is someone younger.

depends. I am 26 :)

next is someone older!

Only just 27, or should that be 28 in 5 weeks?

MM help me out here...

6 from last Friday.

Next is someone who isn’t living in the country they were born in.

You’re right! I was born in other planet! next is someone who didnt like starwars :)

I hear that I have been missed :D
so here I is!! how is everyone?

next is someone who really missed me :P

I did! I did! Nice to see ya. How are things in your world?

Next is Kachina to answer my query.

it’s me, me, me...!

but I’ll give Kachina’s time to answer.

Things are ok, gearing up for some time off!! yay!!

Next is Zaine :)

hey hey my friend!!
next is someone with an M in their name. or two?

Ironically, my actual name hasn’t an M anywhere, but as for my nick in here. . .

I’m taking Friday off, myself. Big family reunion on Saturday and my best friend’s birthday the same day. Will be a looooooong weekend with the effing loved ones.

Next is someone looking forward time off too.

Hey all!!

I’m looking forward to getting some time off, but when that will be... who knows :-p

Next is someone who will be working over this weekend.


Someone who is not a BIG BROTHER FAN! LOL

Me. It’s not nearly as popular here as it is in other countries. It runs as a summer series here, and I rarely catch it and I really don’t care.

I actually don’t like much “reality” TV. Next is someone who agrees with me.

depends on the kind of that show:) I like the appretince...

next is someone who likes Fear Factor !

Never heard of it..... next is ermmm someone enjoying the summer!

for sure, and it’s really kicking in today huh?!

next is someone who is craving something...

ermmm I could murder a decent breakfast... I never wanna eat in the morning but as soon as I have got to work sat at the desk, I’m hungrey and of course no eating at my at work! :(

Next is someone who is pissed off with the weather!

I’m okay at the moment, but the humidity has been pretty uncomfortable as yet. I have a feeling this is going to be one uncomfortable summer.

Next is a fan of hot weather.

Not a fan, don’t mind some sun, beats rain but don’t like sitting in it for ages... :)

Next is someone who’s starsign is a Cancer!

Counting on a stacked deck there, Ally?

Turned nice and cool today, so there’s something positive. Go to mow the lawn without collapsing from heat stroke.

I’ve got a dental appointment in the morning, and I’m expecting to have my entire mouth numbed. Yay.

Anyone with a recent visit to the dentist?

Ahhh no not the Dentist, thanx for the reminder.... my appointment is July 19th! YIPPEEE! **NOT**

Ermmm next is someone not living in the UK!

You are so right!
The next one is... my dear friend ally77 :)LOL.

Not quite. . .

Dentist was not half bad. Deadened the mouth sufficiently that I felt nothing. But because I got work on the left and right sides, I sounded mentally challenged after the appointment. I had to speak slowly and overpronunciate until the novacaine wore off. I had fin with it for a while.

Someone else next.

where is everbody? this thread has been so quiet lately :)

anyway, on June 30 I will finally graduate from my college!! woo-hoo!

next is someone who still in college!

Nope, finished my education tooooo longggggggg ago! but good luck with your graduation! :)

Next is ermmm someone in Europe and someone who is also no longer in education!

Out of school. . . Non-European. . . half there. Weather turned cool so I’m thrilled! I have most of the week off for the holiday and vacation day, but I have to spend my birthday on a business trip at a workshop. :(

Next is someone who feels lucky.

hey, happy birthday :)

well, dunno if I am feeling lucky or not. I mean, I am gonna get my visa soon (which is good, cuz I waited so long), but I also so frustrate with all the paperwork I have to do.

next is someone from England.

That’s me! :)

HB MM! ;)


Got any special plans for your Firday, Ally? I know that they’ll have the whole audience at the workshop sing the birthday song to me. . . and at least there’s folks that I like from here going to the same workshop, so they’ll want to go out for a drink that night. I hope.

I’d like to go see Fantastic 4 that weekend, but I fly home from Atlanta, Georgia on Saturday, then fly out to Lake Tahoe in Nevada (other side of the country) Sunday, so I many not be able to do anything with friends from here until I get back on the 13th.

Oh, well. . .

Next is someone without too much to do this time of year.

Ermmm no am working! suppose to be going out for a meal on Friday evening but I don’t think that is happening now....

I have a weird feeling I’ll have Chicken Pox! lol which would not be the best present in the world. but my mum has come down with Shingles, and it’s highly contagious if you have not had Chicken Pox! ermmmm I did not have Chicken Pox as a child nor in the past 15 years so therefore I stand a 90% chance of getting it... gee thanx mum, a card would have been better...

So I am sat here now... just waiting! Won’t be going out for the meal with my parents on Friday, because mum’s in quarantine (I am so winding her up with that)! lol, so I might just grab some films and make a night of it... we’ll see what happens or appears in the next couple of days!

Have a Happy Birthday on Friday, it’s Moo’s today (Denstandigaresen) but she don’t get here as much now, so busy with working all day! :)

Wow, Chicken Pox in adults is rather serious, I believe. That sucks all ’round, that.

And Denny! Happiest Birthday! Haven’t seen her here in donkey’s years. I miss sharing OH! NO! with her.

Next is the Moo herself. . .or someone who know of her. . .(how’s that for hedging the bet?)

Me..... if I get chicken pox it would be in the next 10-21 days after coming into contact with my mum.... so ermm watch this space!

I’ll think I’ll go and boil some soup for supper....

Next is ermm someone younger than me (now that ain’t hard!)

Well me again....

has this topic died off....

I think we’re it for the moment. Where has everyone gone: Kachina? Zaine? Majdy? Medusa? The rest of the sometimes chimers-in? I think people get miffed if they’re not guessed. . .

Isn’t this the most posted to topic, anyway?

Next will be Ally, cus I think it’s her.

(Ally—if you get no response, I’ll be back from the west coast on Wednesday, so I’ll chime in then. . and if you get the pox—DON’T SCRATCH!)

Thought i’d pop my head in here again.

Ally77, I hope you don’t get the pox. I just had them about 1 yr ago. It drove me nuts :@

Next is someone who just came back from a trip.

Well I came back from Sweden in May, does that count! ;)

No pox yet, suppose to be 10-21 days after coming into contact with an infected person... so that would be Thursday or Wednesday or this week would be the 10 day mark....

Next is ermmm someone who can swim!

mmm, yes I guess I can ;)

how is everybody? next will be MM or Ally?

Nope, tis I :)

However, Ally will be next now.

Well I can’t dissappoint you.....

I just got back from Swimming, so next is someone who can swim!

not really. I always had lessons as a kid, but noticed recently that I’m not actually all that great especially when it comes to staying above water, or breathing, let alone floating and moving...!

next is someone who is relaxed

that would be me, I feel good! :) must be all that swimming!

next is someone thinking of studying...

the next one is someone who has no a bike.


ermm someone who wants it to rain!

not me!

next is someone who needs a sunbath!

Noooooooooooooo too much sun is bad for your health!

Next is a BRIT!

no but I´ve been to London 4 times :) brilliant city. I always get lost in the subway :)
Also once in Oxford and Brighton, they were less interesting. Nothing special.

the next one is medusa!

No it would be me again, I’ve only been to London twice, once to Gatwick, and once to London for a TV show in which I got some shopping in Harrods done... I have no real desire to go back again, but I would go for the 2012 Olympics!

And next is me!

Lovely area for my business trip—Lake Tahoe, very touristy, casinos and resorts and losts of hotels. Must be booming for ski season.

I took a gondola ride up a mountain. Absolutely beautiful view of the lake. I’m not so great with heights, but I enjoyed it all the same. I thougt it was interesting the gondola was made by a Swiss company. Makes sense, but interesting to read the do nots in German, French, etc.

Next is somone who loves high places.

high places... well I´ve been in Tower Eiffel! :)
the next one is ally.

hey, some people talking about swimming here :)

I LOVE TO SWIM... but unfortunately I didnt do that in few months!

next is still someone who likes to swim!


next is Ally!

Nope—but I just went swimming yesterday. There’s a lovely lake nearby, perfect temperature, beautifully warm day. Swam to my heart’s content. Tried to avoid the fishes.

Majdy next.

Me again! No swimming today.... although it would be nice... am having a lazy day!

MM, we also have a great lake nearby for swimming. only ours is grimy and smelly and the pike will bite off your fingers or anything else left dangling if it had half the chance.

next is someone who is craving smoething...

Yeah I would kill for some chocolate but I am being good!

Next is someone who is bored

Bit bored. . .

Zaine—My friend tells me not to skinny dip in our lake ’cause the snapping trutles might be lured by my wiggly bit.

Next is someone without that wiggly bit. . .

hi it’s me,hope i’m not interupting anything lol,hows you ally?hope nothing too serious (chicken pox)
anyway next up is purplemedusa

Nope no chicken pox yet... still time... although I have got some kind of allergy think it might be the water in the swimming pool! all my skin was red, and now it’s flaking! ahhhhhhhhh

Next is someone who likes cooking..

Soooo close to 2500!

Medusa doesn’t bother with this thread anymore. . . too busy with his biltong.

And I occasionally like cooking.

Next is plectrum or zaine, or ally, reddish in one way or another.

Me! :)

Taken the day off work to look after sick Alfie day TWO! :)

Back tomorrow....


Congrats Madjy...

dying off this...

only me again,i don’t feel too good today.must have been all that beer last night,ah well what makes you bad makes you good i suppose :o)

next up is ally

How did you guess....

Next is ermmm someone in Europe

yup, and happy

next is someone who wants to see a film at the cinema

yeah, I want to see war of the worlds, but havent got a chance yet!

next someone who still in school.

no one?

OK. next is someone who didnt see batman begins!


I did see Batman Begins & War of the Worlds. I’m keen to see about three movies at the moment, Charlie & The Chocolate Factory among them.

Trying to decide if I should go in to work or just take the day off. . . at this point it would be half a day.

Next is someone.

*round of applause for everyone who got us to the big 2500*
wow, we really are cool huh... :P

next is someone enjoying some sunshine

It’s raining, but I am enjoying that! :) I’m happy......

Zaine have a good trip to Sweden! :)

Next is someone who cannot be as happy as me! :)

thank yooooouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu ally!!

how comes you are so happy? :D

next is someone in USA?

@ Zaine, I finally decided to return to college for the next 12 months and then if I pass I will hopefully go to University in September 2006! :)

Lots of books to read, and stuff to prepare for....

It’s of case of if I don’t try and do this I will regret it forever....

Next is someone who loves cleaning up, and if they lived near me they would come and help!

well, I wanna help but I live in Indonesia :)

so, Zaine will go to sweden??? I am so jealous!!!

@ Zaine : pls kiss per for me :D

next is YOU!!

Morning all..... :) I’ve lost my voice which can only be a good thing! but it’s sore and I can’t Swallow...

hey, Ally. I cant swallow too, but I still have my voice. I heard eating orange will help.


I have Tonsillitis so have some Penicillin antibiotics to take, I am also drinking some high in vit c stuff to try and flush this crap out my system!

Next is MM

From vacationland in sunny California. . .

Hope you’re better ally. Yay for 2500!

Just in from a swim, so I’m a bit waterlogged anf ready to eat a horse.

Next is someone with hunger.

hi mm,hows things over in sunny california?i’m speaking from a dull & cold sheffield i bet your glad your not over here,i think i’m coming down with something,every joint in my body has stiffened up & i can’t hardly move.looks like i’ll have to order some extra strong cod liver oil capsules lol,

anyway next up is zaine

Nooooooooo me! :)

Next is a brit

No but I like London :)
the next one is NOT Wendy because she doesn´t post anymore. So it´s someone else!

true, I am not wendy! next wont be PM either because he didnt post in here too!

Me again...

back at work... great! you can see the excitment in my face...

next is someone outside of Europe!

ya, I am from asia and I am confuse about what work I will do when I move to the US...

next is someone who wants to change job too...

Hello! (again)!!!

next is someone who would love to come to the planned UK fan meeting

Sure, but I doubt I will make it.

I’ve got a tan now. . .at least a little bit of one.

Next is somewhere sunny.

No it’s dull and I think about to rain! lol

Next is a brit....

And I bet the next one is not this guy because he´s dead!

So it´s someone alive hihi

and kicking!!
in a good mood today :D
going to cornwall tomorrow night, whhhhhhhooooooooooohhhoooooooooooo!!
exam results next week though, ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!!

next is someone not at school

just graduate a month ago....

anyway, I have a day off work now :)

next is someone who cant wait to see harry potter movie

Me, I love Harry Potter! :)

Next is someone who left school education a longggggggggg time ago!

Where is everyone?

Hmmm good question?!

I’m still around :-D

Next is someone who hasn’t been to see a doctor for a long time...

No sadly.... I seem to have been there more times this year than ever... but hopefully I’ll know my fate or part of it in 2 weeks!

hope things are cool ally
I havent been in aaaaaaaaaages, but I’m thinking I need to see someone, dont know if doctor is the right person for it though lol
next is someone in a good mood :)

@ Zaine, keep well!

My biggy is I will find out if I am diabetic! Had to wait 4 MONTHS! for an appointment at the hospital for a glucose tolerence test.....

Me again, it’s gonna be a shit day!

Me again!

Next is someone who prefers GT over Roxette

I thought i’d better post here, so you don’t have four in a row :-p

I like Roxette way more than GT :-)

Next is Ally...

Yup..... I got nothing more to do!

Back again, I really need to start getting out more... whoops I can’t I am at work!

It’s Thursday. I’ve been off all week as I have to use my vacation before October or lose it (and I’m travelling A LOT for business in September.) I still have 3 days left after this week. . .

And this is the first time I’ve turned my computer on in a week or so and I see not much is new except Jude’s willy. Which isn’t really new to him, but for the rest of the free world. . . the one’s he’s not shagged, at least.

Ally is next. Because.

Sorry wrong!!!

This is the first time I’ve replied to this.

I think it’ll be Ally next though!

Ha Ha someone beat me!

Me me me me me me! happy today is Friday, and a bank holiday and tuesday off so I am not back in work till Wednesday... bliss!

so in the end i did have to see a dr, about something completely different though; I havent eaten since last saturday evening. It got to the point in mid-week where i was super scared, so went to be checked out. she said it was nothing major but that I should try eating half a sandwich and build up from there. I haven’t even managed that though, and that was on wednesday, so I am going back this afternoon. I’m startin to get bit creeped out, I’d lost half a stone in a matter of days. I’ve also been getting anxiety attacks which is what I think is half the cause, so gonna chat with her about that too.
anyway, if anyone knows any ideas or tips on how to start eating again after a fast, please let me know!!

next is someone more hungry than me

Wow Zaine, I don’t know what advice to offer you on that, but you sure did the right thing by seeing a Doctor, good luck, and I am hoping your starting to feel a bit better soon.....

thanks ally!
well i saw her n had a chat, didnt let my mum come in this time cos i figured i could maybe talk more without her there. I started eating better yesterday, and my mum is cookin me dinner tonight, so we will see how i manage that :P
I’ve still got a long way to go, especially with the a/a, and gonna need a lot of help, but things are even lookin like i can get that sorted :) woooohoooooooo!!

next is... ally or mm

Glad to know your hanging in there....

I am taking a break from the housework!

hey, zaine. I hope you get your appertize back again.

about me..... I am in a very bad mood now..... so bored... so tired.... etc..

next is someone who has better mood.

Today was a okay day.... I spent the first half of the bank holiday shopping, the second half in Casualty with my mum for 3 hours.... She hurt her knee last week after Alfie escaped and with no improvement I took her to casualty....

Why no eating, Zaine? Hope you’re having a nosh now. Not eating won’t do, my dear.

For the non-British audience, something I’ve wondered for years. . . how many pounds is “a stone”?

@ MM, I can answer that for you, 14lbs in a stone! :)

Well I spent over 2 hours at hospital this morning, took blood, drank this awful sweet glucose drink (like pure sugar, thick and just bloody fow) and then had to sit there for two hours until more blood taken, now just gotta sit back and wait for the results, although I know it’s just going to come back I am diabetic.... great stuff!

Now back at work, feeling more perky now I had lunch.... but really not in a working mood!

Thanks for straightening up the stone thingy.

I hope everything turns out medically well, Ally. My sister is a low level diabetic, if there is such a thing, and she manages it, careful about the diet and the medication. Good luck with it.

Next is someone fnot medically nervous.

Sorry to dissappoint it’s me again..... :)

Next is someone with a good life!

Me again, I really need to break free from this PC!

LOL, doesn’t work, you always end up coming back :-p

Next is definitely not Ally...

Sorry to dissappoint you.... same stuff, work in the morning checking TDR.... :)

Next is someone in Spain.....

well, sorry to dissapoint u, ally :) I am not from/in Spain...

damn.. my stomach sssooo hurt! I hope it get over soon :P It’s so hard to be a woman...

next is someone who agrees with me.

Dont think i’ve ever participated in this thread :|
First time for everything.
NEXT is the guy who dressed up like a woman lastnite after a having one too many (you know who you are..)

I am sooo bored :(

[Edit] i’ll agree with anyone if there is something in it for me :)

I am female, agreeing with have it so easy!

lol TB, that isn’t zee by any chance is it?!

thanks for all your kind thoughts n stuff guys, these 2 weeks have been so manic weird for me, I’m almost back on top now though
and tonight I am going to watch the fireworks in my town with my guy, the start to our towns carnival. parade tomoz evening!!

Me again!

Someone not in the UK is next

I’m in Australia!

Next is someone who is going oversea’s shortly...

Well I think it’s 10 weeks till my trip to Stockholm!

Ooooh i’d love to go to Stockholm and visit my dear friend Elisabeth:)
No it wasn’t Zeeshan haha :PPP

Statistically it has to be Ally next!

hey, TB! good to see ya again. We had so much fun in TDR back then :)

next is the Birthday Gal :)

Not my birthday.... well I am here now but I am guessing I won’t be around as much over the coming months.... as I return to my studies soon which I am looking forward to! But having not studied for some time I need to put in 110% to get the first couple of months on a even keel! :)

Sorry forgot to say who I think is next.... perhaps it will be the birthday girl, but I am guessing she will be celebrating with some friends...

you’re right. she’s still celebrating her B’day :)

anyway, there was plane crash in my country few days ago, and then in this whole week, at least three planes having landing problem... thats really sux, and it made me scared to hear this, because I am ssssssoooo scared of flight more than anything. but soon, I will have to spend maybe 18 hours of flight on my trip to usa.

next is someone who can comfort me, cuz i am really scared...

There there will be FINE. You’ll see! Just keep reminding yourself of what is waiting for you after those 18 hours!! ;)

@ Majdy .... it’s only understandable to be scared after seeing the news, but be + as it’s gonna be a whole new world for you..... think of the excitment! :)

Next is someone who knows when enough on online is enough!

Thanx ally and TB :)

Cant believe that I am journalist but I am afraid to fly :)

you gals are right. I should think about what will happen in 18 hours after that :D

next is Ally again :)

Nope, it’s me :-)

Next is someone who hasn’t replied to this thread in a while...

me. I haven’t replied at all!!

But you did now :)

next is a fan from aussie!

Me again, not sure for how much longer, finding TDR is becoming a bit too (how do I put this....) there are certain people out to spoil others and personally I don’t wish to be part of all that... besides I have my studies next month when they start so my head should be stuck in books! lol

Next is someone who used TDR for years...

I think I qualify now. It’s been at least 2—maybe 3 by now. Not sure. It’s a regular part of the internetting now.

Now, next is someone newish. Or Ally. Or Zaine. Or someone like that stuck up Medusa who can’t be bothered to check in here anymore. ;)

Me again, I was up too early this morning, I was so cold in bed, time to dig out the winter duvet me thinks!

BTW, nice to see you back here MM! :)

Next is someone in work....

Well Ally you ARE up early - isn’t it like 4am by you?

MagicMushroom where have you been all this while!!! Missed ya buddy!

So who’s going to make me coffee... (next person perhaps?)

*Pours a cup of coffee for purplemedusa* be careful it’s hot :-P

Next is someone who doesn’t drink coffee...

No I love my coffee, far too much! lol

@ PM, I was up just before 5am! I was cold, I need to buy a new duvet.... it’s getting cold not here at night and for me to complain I am cold it must have been cold! I got up to make a nice warm cup of tea! lol

Next is a tea drinker........

me again! boring day at work.... I have that Friday feeling!

Why is it that some people just got no regard for service.... aaaargh just threw ALL my toys out of the cot to get a response from a UK record dealer!!!

Next, somebody who’s having a better friday than me...

aww bummer PM....

I am so bored.... dealing with tons of people on the phone who can’t be arsed paying there council tax! it’s summons day!

Hehe Ally that sounds like a fun job - it gives you a valid excuse to take your frustrations out on non-paying pricks!!

Oh I know and trust me I do, in fact I do it and all my calls! there is nothing more fun than the irate customer! lol , and me winding them up even more!


Today was a good day! lots of shopping! :) and a planned holiday next week! :) last minute thing need a break!

Me again!

hey how is everyone keeping
i am knackered today, stayed at ryans last night ::) lol! been at work all day though, so proper tired tonight *yawns*
next is majdy

hi, zaine. ;) U make me reply...

about me? so tired and bored with this job, cant wait to have new and fun job...

I see that PM is back on this thread again, so maybe next will be him again?

Mwhahaha no. It is me :D

Okay i forgot the protocol...

NEXT is Ally.

Hello!!!!!!!!!! not to dissappoint....

I am a little hacked off today, someone is pissing me off big time, tomorrow is my day off though!

I am going on holiday at the weekend! last minute trip away with a friend from work! :) can’t wait to get away for some time out!

Next is a brit!

You were right!!! Where are you going Ally?

Salou, and it’s Thursday..... my friend called me a couple of hours ago to say she sorted it out for Thursday! :) we spent the lunch time looking and we came up with some possibilities but she really needed to go before Saturday as she has a wedding to go to on October 1st which she can’t really miss it’s her brothers!!!! Anyway I said I was free from Thursday after we begged work to let us both be off from Thursday, there was hols for next week but not for both of us from Thursday, anyway we won (only because big gob here said I would help with the telephone interviews the week I get back!!!!)

So yeah it’s Salou on Thursday for a whole weeks of sun, sea, sand, and ermmm relaxation! I intend on doing sod all, but I will spend some time in Barcelona as it’s been 10 years since I was there....

I just needed some time out and getting away from others was the ideal chance, we’d talked about going away togeather for a few months, but we wanted to wait till we could grab a bargain, so this morning in break we just finally decided! It was a possibility last week, now it’s happening!!

Next is someone who needs a holiday!

OMG you cudn’t be more right!! Just a month to go and i’ll have my week holiday. Going down to London and my sister is coming to visit me oooh cant wait. Finally going to see Stonehenge and Bath. Cant wait!!!!

[Edit] Shit keep forgetting... NEXT is Majdy!

ps *sorry* bout the language :$

Me.... again!

Next is ermmm someone not in the UK!

Not from the uk here. :-)

All this talk of holidays makes me wanna go as well... love to see stonehenge one day.

Next is someone who’s surname starts with ’S’

Haha yes my lastname does start with an S. Mmmm next is someone who likes Sheryl Crow..

how do u know???? I really like Sheryl. My fav song is The First Cut Is The Deepest.

next is someone who didnt sleep all night (like me)

Well, I didn’t get to sleep until after 4 a.m. the ight before, so I was dog-tired enough to sleep last night.

PM—I do a lot of travelling for business in the summer, and I’ve had a busy schedule this year, so much so that when I’m home, I’ve got lots to do and I keep off the computer in favor of getting up to speed with the everyday things I need to do. But come October, the travelling is pretty much over for the season.

It’s funny to come back here and find the topics tagged as new listed half-way down the second page!

Next is someone who’s busy at the moment.

yep, so busy with work!

next is someone whos even busier than me.

Sorry, :-( I’m not that busy (But I have some homework I should do, so we can say you right Shi* I am busy just wont accept it ;-)

Next person is someone who just answers...mabye

wrong.....hi roxers,on a bit of a high at the moment,don’t know why lol maybe because i’ve got a few days off work but anyway the next person to post will be ally (i think)

hey long time no... uh.... reply.
i am tired tonight, and full from eating too much strawberries and cream
next is someone more hungry than me

yes, I am so hungry!!! I want to eat lost of chicken!!!

next is plectrum, because I am curious about her/his nick. dunno what it means but it sound good in my ear :)

Noooo it is me mwhahaha. Isn’t a plektrum something u use to pick guitar strings?
Ok so he is next..

“He” yes. But not “him”.

Her next.

hi again,just wanted to let you’s know how i got my nickname.well everytime i go out & watch a live band i always tend to ask the guitarist for a spare plectrum & my mates cottoned on & that’s how i got my nickname,

anyway up next i’ll say purplemedusa

Swayin’ to the band, movin’ like a hammer. . .

Next is a Euythmics fan.

Nopes, but i love Annie Lennox.
Next is Majdy.

Nope it’s me.... hello people, Spain was good bla bla bla

hello it’s me again, how did the holiday go ally?hope it went well.anyway up next is tiny bubbles

*sneaks in and looks arround*

Hi guys. Just dropped in to say HIIIII, How do you do! :D

Next is someone who is going to go to a party tonight :))

No party, I’m afraid. . .

Spain, huh? Espero que le gusta. . .

Next is a Saturday response.

Meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee again, taking a little break from reading some books!

Wazzup with Spain?

Next will be M&M’s :p

hey, nice to see u here ;)

next is someone who can help me to be more positive. I think my negative thoughts will kill me soon.

Sorry Im a grumpy old sod most of the time :P
Next will be a brunette...

Yes. . .

Majdy: GO TO YOUR HAPPY PLACE! Deep breath through the nose, exhale through the mouth. Repeat.

Here’s a happy thought for you: ***********************

(I was thinking pretty hard there, so I hope you got it.)

Next is a happy thinker.

@ Santi, Spain was great, just being home is crap....

*doing what MM’s said*

hmm... I think I get your happy thought. now I am ****************** too! it seemed work! now I think I become more positive :)

next is someone who wants to change job!

Oh boy do i ever!! Only 4 months to go and i will quit this job and become a full time student yayy!!
What is your msn id majdy??

Next is someone who has tried sleeping with curlers in their hair. (not recommended)

Yup tried that, many moons ago, don’t know why as my hair is CURLY... must have been a mad moment! I have then a lot....

Haven’t had the long hair in years. Never tried the curlers. ’Cuz I’m a dude.

Did have hair curled for a halloween costume—thick sausage roll curls all over my head. Wore an ugly pinafore (made from a sun-dress) and a perriwinkle blue tutu sort of thing with flouncy white under layers. Also wore heavy hiking boots, t-shirt with a pack of cigs rolled in the sleeve, a unibrow with a scowl, 5 o’clock shadow, smeared lipstick, a dead bug of a beauty mark, ribbon in the hair, and a cigar stub sticking out of my face. I was Surly Temple. Got a laugh. Doing the curls with a curling iron and lots of hairspray took abot an hour. Never did it again.

Next is someone who’s frocked up for a costume party.

I am not in a costume now... have been in the past!

Next is Madjy...

Not is costume at the moment either. But the night is young. We’ll see how bored I am.

Majdy next.

Me again.... having one of those days... or weeks or perhaps it should be year!

@ TB and anyone who interested :)

my MSN is, havent use that in a long time, but will use that ALOT very soon start in Oct 21 (I will be full time unemployeer!)

next is TB, or anyone!

Me again.... you know I have not seen or hear from Ted for ages....

next is ermm someone who is not in Europe!

Me again....

Me—I’m in the US!

Been listening to the traffic reports from London on BBC Radio 2 on the net (New Eurythmics single of the week! New Kate Bush was last week! Weeeeee!)

So Ally, how’s your day.

Me again....

@ MM work is treating me like crap, am thinking of taking some weeks off.... which would be nice....

Well someone has to keep this going.....


hows it going?

next is ally

Sorry 2 destroy your good guessing but now you were wrong ;-)

So maybe the next is someone total different...

Me, I am fine, still here lol.... back to work tomorrow... the weekend goes so fast...

Me again....

I haven’t even popped up on this page yet??

Next is someone who’s married...

don’t you just hate working weekends :o(,ah well at least that’s it for another two weeks

next up is zaine

good guess :D

next is mm

sorry to dissappoint! lol

next is someone that is glad work today is over...

I just felt that this one was for me ;-) *lol*

next person has just finished the walk with the dog

Not me, unless that’s a euphamism.

And even then not me.

Next is Allyster.

I’ve just done doggy walking... we went to the park, I love walking on dark cold winter mornings.... great way to start the day! :) alfie likes it as well...

Next is someone with a tattoo!

yupppppppppppppppppppppppp :D

i am trying to register my new phone online, taking more time than i thought

next is someone from the states

sorry zaine sweetheart but i thought i’d have to have my 2 peneth in with what ally had to say with the tatoo,just had the grim reaper covering all my left forearm & it looks brilliant anyway up next is somebody who likes a good drink....

@ Zaine, I been farting around doing the same with my new phone as well lol

Next is someone who has not seen the soap forum!

ive just been directed to it, its kinda cool but basically the same as r2r right now

next is someone hungry

but im not hungry.
i guess the next reply is one day after me.

Me again!

And me! Still listening to BBC Radio 2 in the a.m. (8ish hours after the breadcast or more.) I have to say, the Pop Master Quiz baffles me. Mostly because it’s about the UK (at least I assume) charts. That and I have no idea how it’s scored. . .

Next is someone on the internet.

why everyone around me keep talking about world cup? why I dont like socccer???? why?????

Why DO you not like soccer? And do you care you don’t?

I don’t care about football... except when it’s world cup or some other event or my team Real Sociedad plays! :P Next is someone who dislikes every sport but croquet! :) :D

I am a bit care that I dont like Soccer, because everyone here is CRAZY about that and dislike it made me me looked abnormal :)

anyway, I DID try to watch that, but NO fun at all :D

next is someone’s normal

(the only sport I ever enjoyed watching is Formula 1, but I stop watching it when Mika wasnt around anymore)

the next is Miracle Man...

Nopes. It is miracle woman :D

Majdy: I LOVED Mika!! He was wonderful. I still watch but not with as much passion..

Next is a roxette fan (figured i cant go wrong there) (unless i am next)

I suppose I would be classed as a fan....

I like World Cup soccer too. It’s really the only time I ever watch it.

And croquet rocks! But Ihaven’t played it in donkey’s years so I may be talking out of my southern oriface. Lat time I had a mallet in my hand. . . well that was last Tuesday. But the last time I did play it was with a lot of adults and it was rather cutthroat and fun.

Next is a mallet handler.

I had to sell quite a few at work today as it goes...
bless santi and his croquet :P lol
next is someone wanting to turn their music up, even louder!!

lol @ reading me like a book now.actually playing some traditional rock & roll & i’ll tell you now it’s quiet loud,(not surprising,our lass is drunk again)pmsl

guess what?....... yep another chinese supper,forgot what you call it but anyway up next i’ll say is ally

All this talk of chinese is making me hungry.

Next is MiracleMan...

nopes it is miracle woman again aham aham.
next is ally..


I’ve spent obscence amounts of money today... I love shopping!

Did I mention I have gone blonde! lol

Blonde, huh? Are you having more fun yet?

Next is a blonde—natural or otherwise.

Blondie is in da house! No more fun yet, but I do like my blonde hair.... will go slightly lighter in November... :)

So I see that you’ve given up on the “next up is” part of the thread (not that it matters all that much). Or is the blonde leeching the brain cells out? ;p

lol.....says you mm

up next is somebody who adores dark chocolate

Yuk, I hate it.... **throws at the the thought**

I love white and milk though! :)

I will go to USA tomorrow. so nervous and scared :P

next is someone from US

Majdy, have a great trip, will be thinking of you! :)

next is someone who is cold... and wishes for summer



@ plectrum - I’ll take it anyway because you never know when you might have a chocci emergency....

next is ermmm Zaine!

I love dark chocolate. myself. Prefer it to the other. And dark chocolate is better for you. They’ve reccommended you eat a bit of it every day.

Welcome to the United States, Majdy! I’d say you’re next, but I think you’re busy elsewhere.


Here’s hoping Majdy got there safe and sound!

Majdy was going to San Diego right?

to majday....hope you had a good journey have a good time

MM ?

Nope little old me sorry.... I finally started to wrap some presents....

Next is Zaine!

Yup it is Zaine. Using TB’s id. Next is the real TinyBubbles.

Wow. Good show.


Next is someone who never gets bored cuz of all the hobbies they have.

Hobbies.... naaaaa

next is someone wondering about christmas

hey TB, gimme my nick back :P

not worried about christmas just yet, my sis bday tomoz. still not got a present for her....!

I just started thnking about Christmas. May even make a list so’s I’m not shopping in a few weeks rather than the eight or so I’ve got now. It’d be nice. . . I have a friend that shops ALL YEAR LONG!

Next is a late holiday shopper. Unless it’s Ally who already wrapping. Grrrrrrrrr.

Done the wrapping... and the cards.... I seem to have time on my hands, and I just really wanted t get it out of the way!, in fact part of me what’s christmas to be gone with already this year....

I still have a couple of things to get...

Next is ermm that new guy, Plectrum!

NEW GUY? lol lucky you ally having done your xmas shopping/wrapping,i haven’t even started yet :o(

up next is somebody else who hasn’t started their xmas shopping

I went to shopping yesterday but not for christmas!

yay! I am in San Diego now!!!! my flights was okay (I spent 18 hours on plane!) (thank u for wishing me a good trip everyone). I was so afraid but things went well pretty good, and I finally meet my my bf :) again after two years!! and last time we met was only for a month away!

I think I am gonna like San Diego. Everyone said that its warm there, but it’s very cold to me! maybe because I am coming from indonesia, which I think is one of the hottest place on earth.

next is someone who ever been in California :)

still cant believe that I am in the US now :)


I spend about 2 weeks in Orange County (About an hour and a half north of where you are now) each August (usually 4 days of work and the rest staying with friends for vacation).

You’ve arrived in the autumn, the temperatures should be cooler now, and in the spring I’m told it rains a bit. But compared to the rest of the country (north and east of you) it’s getting COOOOOOOOOLD. Time for the heavy coats now.

San Diego is lovely, though. We took a trip there this last visit to see an wonderful exhibit at a museum there.

How long are you staying?

how long?

Ummm... actually I am getting marry with the most handsome Roxette fan here, hopefully on November. So, it seemed I am gonna stay here forever :)

is the museum u mention was in the Balboa park? I went there yesterday. The place was so beautiful. There were also a huge tree there. Very interesting.

Wanna know what I am also exited for? that I am gonna have my first Halloween ever :)

Awww Madjy, I bet Halloween is great in the US :) I am pleased you got there all safe and sound!

Next is MM!

thanks, Ally ;)

next is someone in witch costume!

Not quite.... just my mickey PJ’s!

Next is someone who has just eaten!

Ha-ha :-)
Quite near, it was about an hour ago, but I am to it in 1 as well...

Next s.o. that has else to do during the night , ( but surf)

well i would’nt say that ippie,just taking a 5 minute breather lol

up next has to be either ally or zaine

Yello! :)

only me...............






dis place is soooo dead!

halloween and all that, innit :P

My net has been down the last few days. Thats my excuse.

next is MiracleMan...

I woke up so early today. anyone did that too?

nope, lost my phone and my wallet though :(

Bummer Zaine, hope you find again....

Going to the cinema today! :)

what movie you’re gonna watch? I planned to watch fight plan last weekend but then I didnt cuz I was ssssoo tired...

oh and for Zaine I hope u find your wallet...

I saw Nanny McPhee, I loved it, was a really good film!

Next is Zaine!

Nop Ally77, it was me, but I guess you will be the next.

nope, only me, still not found my wallet or phone, but luckily i had paid for insurance so I get a replacement phone within 24hours :D
next is someone who is not so keen on fireworks...

we reached:
a) 91 pages, and
b) 2700 replies!!


I know how it feels like to lose phone. I lost mine TWICE, and it didnt insurrance. what I hate most is I have to lose contact with some people....

Deborah next!


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