The Daily Roxette

Roxette World Tour 2011 schedule
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3758 replies

hey, guys. can we just ignore her? because if we attact her, they might archived this topic :)

so, next is...Zaine again :) how are u? how was your school?


But next is you zaine!

correct Yashar!!
will Zee grace us this morning??

no It’s me.

Next is Majdy

YASHAR, YASHAR, YASHAR. . .sorry, I even “corrected” my spelling when I wrote that last one. I’ll try to keep al your a’s in the right place.

So. Yashar is next. . .

Wrong, It’s me.
But Yashar will be next...

sorry, wrong again :P
do I act like a fool and guess yashar for myself?!

You are not fool,my friend!
Glad to see you here.

@MM: ;-)))

Next=zaine or MM

Thanks, yAshAr

Zaine. . .


miracle man got bored of performing miracles :P
next is majdy?

yep. it’s me.

next Aaso! hey, thanks for the ecard :)

it still me :P

aaaaw, majdy all alone on here today?! :(
Zaine is here to play!
*hypo mode off*

next is someone who dislikes halloween

I dislike my university lessons! >:-(


Zaine, if I perform miracles all the time, they really wont be that miraculous, now will they?

@MM: I agree.


you are right!!
ok Miracleman, fair point I guess :P
Yashar?? you here??

Yes! I am.

Next is you again zaine.

getting good at this :P *touch wood*
Yashar! I summon thee!

And up pops me.

Try again with Zanie.

2 Majdy, you’re welcome :D
Next will be Yashar!

How are you?

my guess is zaine.

wrong! I’m fine!

Next is Zain!

hey friends :) nice to see so many of you want me here :P hahahahahaha
hmmm, next is... Majdy?

’Tis me, home at lunch and on line instead of feeding myself.

Aaso or Yashar

I’m here... and I got a very terrible headache today...

next Yashar?

I think I wasn’t on time!

Next is yashar!

I’m soooooo sleepy...

Then I’ll try for Yashar.

22 pages... 631 posts?? Why??

Ok.. going back over pages, trying to catch on what this is all about, and I see my nick... so... the point of this thread is?? Hmmm.

absolutely no bleeding point what so ever.
although, it’s slightly more useful than some of Ted’s...

I’m sorry I’m late.You all called me but I wasn’t here.

@MM: What about new miracles?
@zaine: Shouting hurts your voice!!!!!!!!!!!!
@Aaso: Kalle pache mikhai? Vasat mikharam!!!!!!
@Majdy: How are you?

@Denstandigaresan:It’s a place for meeting friends.Simple as that!!
( What a long nick you have!!! ;->> )


Riiiight. Okey dokes...
Moving on. ;)



hi, Yashar, I’m fine :)

next is Aaso!!!

oh how did you know that??!!!

Next is Kalle Pache!!!!

sorry my name is Zaine. kinda like Kalle Pache, only the letters are all different... :)
how are you all??
next is majdy?

Sorry zaine:P it is not Majdy!:P

Next wil be mmmmmmm...... *thinking* .....

......My beloved friend Zee?!

getting good with th letters... begins with a Z... lol
hmmm, miracle man??

My letters are different too. Funny. . .

And Yashar, the sheer fact that I’m still here is a new miracle every day.

Z kalop A oeu I pcw N ekps E is next.

@MM: Why? Are you so busy? Are you president?

@Majdy: Glad to see you. :-)


Zt’s Zot Zaine. Zt’s Ze!!

Zext Zs Zashar!

hey hey :)
you guys taking the piss now?!
next is... Zashar

no, Zaine it’s me :)

Hey Yashar! hey Aaso! hey, everyone!!!!!

next is....

someone who hates Ice Cream!

I love ice cream. And I love Marie !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Next=Aaso (Now zaine comes and says hello)



@Yashar—busy, rather yes. President, of course, but of what I can’t say.

here comes the weekend, and a Veeeeeeeery hyped up zaine!
hope you’re all ok :)
will Yashar grace the board and say hello today??



@MM : Please tell us Mr. president!

Next= A shiny zaine with a smile in her face.

President MiracleMan outranks Zaine—unless there’s a Prime Minister in here. . .

Zaine next.

tis a very shiny zaine, with a huuuuuge smile ;D
and yeah, I’m a president. of, er... shiny things... hmmm
lol, next is Majdy

Nope—but I’ll try for her as next.

Your try is useless Mr. president.
When do you want to sing us “co co jambo” ? ;-DD

Next=a shiny and happy zaine

Co co jambo? Favor us with a rousing rendition, Yashar!

I came so late :)

next will be MM :)

hi everybody! how are you today??!!

Next is SUN!

Sun is in the sky! I’m son of the sun!!!!!!!!!

@MM: “Mr president” is the name of a low class music band.Their most famous song is co co jambo.


You are son of the Sun?? Then go away you little ray!!! Call your MASTER!! ;P

Next is eerrr, Maybe MM!

*dances in*
hey hey :D
how are you all doing?
next isssssss, Yashar

MM beat him to the punch. (Shhhhhh! I’m supposed to be at work!)

So I guess that MM has guesed me so YOU ARE RIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!

Next is MM!

Aw, MM! das istnicht sehr gut!

@MM and zaine:Hey! I want to see your faces.where can I find your pics?


2 MM and ZIANE .... me 2!

next is Yashar!!

please guess me!!! I’m so sad tonight :( it will will cheer me up, I guess :(

next is anyone who want to guess the sad Majdy :(

This topic seems to me not so much a guess more of a....who can jump in first kind of thing....

so anyway... whoever’s watching this will be next ;)

Hwy, Majdy, I’ll guess it’s you next. . .

@Vixzter—I think you’re not far from the truth there. It’s kind of been the same handful of folks who’ve been keeping it going lately. Nice to see someone “new” popping in. I’m a little behind the rest because by the time I get home, it’s creeping toward midnight on the other side of the ocean.

next is Majdy!

Nooooooooo—maybe next is Majdy.

no next is you!

what me?

no you ...

which “you” ? :-D

next=a girl

Not so much. . .

Next Zaine. . .

thank you for guessing me :)

I feel better now :)

next is Vix, maybe?

2 Yashar, you you!

Next is ZAine!

hehehe, yes it is me. I am home from school today, not feeling so well.
you wanna see me? well there is a pic on my msn profile[email protected] (prob have to copy whole link...)
or there another one here with a few more on. click ’my pics’
sooo yer, that me :D
what about yourselves??
next will be yashar

home from school...not feeling so know when you’ve been darknessed ;) LOL

I’m home from work...not feeling so well ;) so more time to look at this topic which I don’t do too often ;)

ah yes, but it was sooooo worth it!
was my first gig, and glad that was it :)

hey Zaine , did you guessed me??! :(( by the way I am here!

PS: nice pic specialy the one “I’m upside down” :D You look more than your age ...! And beautiful!

[EDIT] : I forgot to tell there is a pic of mine on TDR pic page, you can take a look there :)

Next is MM!

aaaw, thank you so much aaso :) very sweet of you
I guess Yashar next

*Zipping in, whispering Vixzter’s name*

*Zipping back the other way, whispering Yashar’s name*

HEEEELLOOO! Heeellooo. . . heeellooo. . . heeellooo. . .

Anybody here?. . . here. . . here. . .

Wow. . . wow. . . wow. . . Cool echo. . . echo. . . echo. . .

it’s me, echo man :)

next is..... AASO!!!

yeah ... eah ... ah ... hhhhh
It’s me! ... t’s me! ... ’s me! ... me! ... eeeeeeeeeee!!!!

Next is Yashar ... ashar ... shar ... har ... ar.... rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!

wow, you guys are happy today then :D
I’m gonna guess vixzter next, and hoping she a lil better??

oooooooh, 24 pages...
just thought I’d comment on that

zaine: Thank you for the pics.
Congratulations! You are so beautiful!

Next=beautiful zaine

Try Beautiful MiracleMan

Someone else guess. I’m in a foul mood today. >:(

okay, I’ll guess for you MM :)

next is Zaine. hey I saw your pic too :)

nice pic!!!

Next is BZ!


aaaw, thanks guys, you’re all too sweet :)
well, I’m at school and thought I’d come on here as our teacher not turned up for graphics lesson. ha ha ha ha ha
hope you’re all well.
next is yashar?



Try Beautifully Handsone MiracleMan. . .

(Better mood despite visiting my twin in Intensive Care)

Zaine—say something adoring about me. ;)

And this one’s just to push this thread to the 700 benchmark.

Just dropped in to see, what’s going on ;)

Majdy, guess you’re the next one. If only Miracle Man does not decide to push this thread to pass the 703 benchmark, heh...

hey, infofarmer!!! welcome to the thread!!! never heard you before!!! hope you’ll enjoy here!!! so next is YOU again!!

I’m not YOU !! >;-DD
How is the weather in your country Majdy? Rain?

next=handsome and beautiful MM (is it enough?)

good afternoon guys :) I slept through lunch today :S
eeeugh, hope you’re all okay?!
hmmmmm, something nice about miracle man... he is... very tall :P (or are you?)
next is majdy

hey guys, this thread seems a lot of fun so thought i’ll drop in...
Next is MiracleMan

aaaw, unlucky Rony, but welcome anyway :)
I feel soooo ill tonight. dunno why, just not too great :’( just thought I’d share with y’all (and hint for some sympathy :P:P:P )
next will be MM

god! it seems like everybody are seek these days...
I’m not yet, but i’m still waiting cause it happens to me every year...

* and sorry zaine, you’re wrong... it’s not MM ;) i’m guessing you are next!

Nope, it’s me again. Bzzz it was rather cold today. There’s quite a chance that Yashar will be the next one.

seems not enough chance :)
gonna say MM again

Why isn’t there even a true guess today?
I’m going to change this:
next=a member of TDR (maybe MM)

Well, I guess since at least 6 of you guessed me next, I should at the very least respond. . .

Rony to be next, I think. . . I’ll be wrong, more than likely, but I’ll take a stab at it anyway.

And, yes, Zaine, I am indeed around 6’3”. Tall.

@Yashar : it’s rain very hard here! and I got a stupid cold :P

next Rony!!

why is it we all find it so hard to be right recently?! lol
yashar, you gonna change this??

More threaders - harder to guess.
Still, Rony next

let me change that!

abrakadabra! alakazam!

next is a cute puppy!!

More threaders - harder to guess.
Still, Rony next

I will try again with new spell!

hopasio turnerro!!

next is INFOFARMER!!!

Wow. Your magic really works! I mean I was away, but then I felt like connecting and checking this thread. GREAT!
Now I use a minor spell from my list (the exact words are somewaht secret ^_^).
Next is MM

I’m feeling better at last! yay!!
gonna go with the flow, and say mm too

*SPINK!* Up I pop. . .Majdy might be the next one. . .then again, I’m often wrong about the following threaders.

ok, you guys- HERE I AM!!!! FINALLY, i was sleeping all this time... ;)
ok, totally not connected to anything, but don’t you guys think that per should do something with his hair already??!!! he looks like such a nerd that way!!!!!!!
i like his hair at the “room service” period...

Ok, zaine is next...

@Rony: I always wanted to see per with short hair like marie’s style.


Does Marie do Per’s hair?


well, I’m here MM :)

gonna try new spell.

gruto! suprano! fruzzo!!

next is Aaso!!!

What has happened to your magic?
Study Harry Potter books!!!!!!!!


hmmm, I always right on the second try...

yasharo! oharroco!!!

Yashar will be next!!! I insist!!

hey I dunno why everytime I come oneline I have to some and check if anybody guessed me or not!!!! bby the way nobody guessed me :((

Nest is mmm,, eeeerrrrr, MM!

Don’t you think Per would look better if he was bald? Hmm, like the keyboard player from Marie’s band, what’s his name... Just kidding.

Majdy next

ok, sssssooo not want him to be bold!!!

next- infofarmer...

are you new or something or I missed it!!! Rony??

nest is Rony!!

hello there, hey aaso :)
I guess either
majdy, yashar, aaso, rony, miracleman, vixzter, or infofarmer

*would laugh if i get it wrong now*

Safe choice there, Zainie. . .just pick everyone and you’ll be right.

I’ll venture Aaso, myself.

alright, it’s me again- Aaso, yes, i am sort of new;)

Next is MM, or Aaso...

Why do I think Billy Idol when I see your name, Rony?

oh so I was right, i was thinking i didnt see you before :D Zaine you are so smart babe ...!

Next is MM!

@Aaso: Glad to see you again.

next is .... is .... is........... zaine!

MM, sorry. . .

Aaso next.

Nope, sorry...

Next, MM

Yep. Rony Rony. . .

Yep... it’s ME again! ;)

Alright, next is................Aaso

yep! here!
2Yashar, I was off???!!

Next is BZ (beautiful Zaine)!


Majdy. . .

nope, me again...
Yey! i was right for the first time over here!!!
Ok, next is....... - zaine!

congrats rony! seems you’re the only one succeeding!!
thankyou so much aaso, you are sweet :-*
next will be yashar.

ME again...!!
Aaso, how do you know Zaine is beautiful?, have you ever met her before?

Next it Aaso...

@Rony: You can find a link to her pic in the page 23.
@Aaso:Chand rooz naboodi.
BZ is a very good abbreviation.I like it

@MM:What about a photo of you?

Next is BZ

Thanks Yashar ;)
Ok, next is Zaine

You are welcome.

Next is Rony.

yep! you’re right ;)) congrats!!

Ok, next is Zaine!!!!!!!!!!!

Broke the streak, Rony.

Yashar—Your inagination is a much better picture of me.

Rony is next—got a passion for the thread at the moment, it seems.

*embarrassed* I guess I have to finish my Harry Potter and The Order of Phoenix first before I do my magic :)

so, for now I will just believe in Miracle...

so, MM will be next!!!

I am so sorry for you Majdy!! it sounds like you can not pronounce Miracle right!!

2 Yashar, yep you’re right. :D

2 MM, I wanna see you! PLZZZZ

Next is Rony!

Aaso, what did yashar say to you?! you can’t do that!! :P
hehehe, thanks yashar, I like BZ :-*
next is MM

Zaine, what did Yashar told me??
[EDIT] maybe you mean the part that was in Farsi!! If so he said “you were absent a few days!” lolzzz no relation with his next sentence!!

Net is BZ!

alright, i’m here!! ;))

MM- you’re right, i DO have a passion for it- i’m the only one here by now who is succeeding in guessing!!!!!!! :D

Next is MM!!

no you’re not!!!

Next is MM!

*strolls through*

cést moi!

Next one is a moderator(perhaps tevensso) who says to harrije: English please!

@Aaso- just kidding ;))

Ok, next is Zaine...

not zaine, but BZ will be next or that moderator!!!!!!

next is a cute little bunny...

*twinkles* :D
2 Rony me too :D

Next is Tevanesso!!!

Is it time to appoint a bookmaker and start a new thread “GUESS FOR MONEY”?

Zaine next

hey up :)
next will be someone who likes roxette-
maybe infofarmer?!

or maybe not


Everybody knows what “Cést Moi” means: It’s me!

So for now:
Cést Moi!!

Next is: Zaine

Nope, me again ;)) ok NEXT is zaine...

I’m not BZ.I wish I was as beautiful as BZ.

harriej:I know; but maybe tev doesn’t know it. ;-D

Next=Aaso or Rony

Double guess is not quite fair... Though, are there any rulez at all? :)
You’re wrong, anyways.

Rony next...

yep, you’re right, infofarmer ;)

hmmmmmm, let’s see, who could be next........

Ok, i say- Zaine! (or Aaso, or MM, or infofarmer, or.......well, it could go on and on..)

good morning!!
wow, lucky guess! I’m never usually on this time in the morning!! lol
next will be aaso?

Nope. Cest moi :)
OK, I won’t push my luck any more and just guess that Majdy will be next

no man!

Next is BZ!

hello aaso
how are you?
I am in graphics lesson now and very very bored :O I need to sleep!
next will be MM?

Hi Zaine,
I am in IT room and typing my assignment!!! :((( hate it! zzzzzzzzz let’s sleep :D

Next is MM?

or aaso...?! :P


next will be zaine

yay I was right!!
aaso help me!! :P

next will be Aaso!

I helped you!

next is BZ!

lol, does this count?!
are we cheating?! next is aaso :P

no who said we are cheating... How could I guess you were the next one??!!! I just guessed!

Next is Marie!

Which Marie? Fredriksson?
Maybe I’m Marie Fredriksson under the name of Yashar.Who knows?

Next=Aaso [ @infofarmer: Is it fair now ? ;-) ]

MiracleMarie maybe?

lol! it;s MiracleMajdy here :)

next is....


next is MM

MiracleMan, Majdy, Aaso, zaine, infofarmer, Yashar, ... - these are just different nicks of Per and Marie, who are communicating throught this thread, thinking that they are talking to their fans, but in fact... Eh...

Let it be zaine next

and God said “let there be light. Lx! go! go! go!!”
sorry, theatre techie joke :P

so how are you all? you not got this flu/cold/pneumonia thingamy-wotsit that’s going round?!
next will be yashar

Miraculously healthy—ish. So don’t breathe on me, as I need to go to the hospital to see my brother again and the last thing he need is a cold.

I really don’t have the energy to guess. I’m just amazed this thread keeps going like the energizer bunny. I wonder if the otheres gave up because they’re too lazy to scroll through the pages?

LOL, yeah, it’s kind of happening to me... ;))

Ok, still- next will be.... Zaine

and still,you’re wrong! ;-D

next is MM

Yashar, you’re not doing much better :P
I’ve been revising all morning for my exams next week. the sudden realisation that I am going to fail maths has just set in :’(
next will be yashar again

And, Zaine, you aren’t doing much better than Yashar. ;)

Next in inforfarmer, he guessed, thoroughly expecting someone else.

And you are doing as well as me :P
MM will be next unless he gets jealous I am right, and refuses to post ;)

Jealousy is an ugly, ugly word. And No, I will not post, if for no reason but to make you wrong. ;P


hahahah, thanks MM. always great for a laugh ;)


Next is Zaine *Mwahahahahahahhahahaha*

nope! wrong again MM ;)))

Ok, next is MM...

Our rate of true guessing is very low these days!!!!!!
What should we do to make is better?


I dunno! Maybe we can cheat!!

Next is MM!

Nihao. How are things?

@MM: Expect me when you guess me and I will come for sure :)))

Aaso next...

Are you sure???

So next is Infofarmer! (what do you mean by your nick)

yeah, yeah, i know you’re already sick of me but it IS me again.
Ok, don’t kill me, but aren’t you guys getting tired of that thread already?? :-S

next is Yashar

>>checkin’ incheckin’ out

I once kew a girl, I can’t remember her name. . .

Wait. . . it was Zaine. Checking in soon. . .

>>checkin’ in

Woooooo! 28 pages!!
just thought I’d celebrate that!

Invite me in that celebration!


*sings* yeeeeeaaaaaaah, let’s celebrate COME ON! and have yourself a good time!! wooo!
again, someone else is right. grrrr, why am I never right?! please please let it be Yashar!!

100000000000$ for you!

*Dancing* ——-> I’m celebrating!


yeah go us!!!
and next will be, hmmmmm, yashar!!!!

And this time, 100000000000000000000000000000 $ for you!

*Singing* ——> continuing the celebration!!


Next=BZ(eating cake)

actually, I’m kinda scared ’cos I am eating cake!!!! mmmm, cherries :P
lol, next is YASHAR eating pop-corn (long shot)
btw, you got msn???

No, I never chat.What time is it there?

mmmmm! tasty pop corn!!! ;->>>

Next =BZ

It is 22.06 here and there?
Yashar, i gtg to bed now :’( so I won’t be next :(
If you do get msn, be sure to let me know ok :)
see y’all tomoz
next is yashar :P

01:40 AM

Good dreams!

Our rate of true guessing is high now! ;o)

Next is Rony

yep!! congrats yashar!!!!! ;))

you guys, i just wanna say, we’re getting better and better in here, and i wanna see the 1000th thread!!!!!!!!!!!!

ok, next is yashar?

Late here now as well. Tired of travelling. . .

Next. . .

hey, you MUST guess!!!

next is.... ALLIGATOR!

Me??? OMG I didnt know before ... Am I an Aligator??!:((

ok, So next is an Elephant!

@Aaso: phil khodeti ! ;-DDDD


2 Yashar,Nemidoonestam toee vagarna migoftam zanboor!

Next is BZ!

hey Aaso!!

yeah yeah! hey now, touch the sky!
next is going to be my friend Yashar again :P
btw, it was 22.10 here when I signed out last night :))

no no, you’re wrong zaine, it me...

next is.... MM!!

aaaaw Rony, you always spoil our fun ;) hahaha, kidding you :P
Yashar meine freunden!!!

Yes! This time 1000000000000000000000000000000000000 $ !!!
How are you zaine?

@Aaso: Chera zanboor? Mage viz viz mikonam?


you know what? i think you are TRYING to fail me...
now i’m SURE that whoever i’m gonna say is next, will do it in purpose and won’t reply... ;)

So, am i right... yashar???!!!

I think you’re getting paranoid. . .



Next: Little Spooky.

Even more WRONG! ;D

Markuz again, perhaps.

MM, what happen with your miracle??? it is Majdy here.

anyway let’s try with Markuz again!!!

GOOD! It’s me!

mmmm.... next? I’d say... MiracleMan

nope, it’s Majdy here :)

now it’s time for Miracle!

wooo! I’m home early ’cos my exam finished this morning!! yay!
hehehe, I’m fine yashar, and yourself?
next is majdy

good luck with your exams, zaine!!!

are u still student?

next is YOU again :)

yes I’m still a student, I’m only 16 :P
and you again

No, it’s me.

Next Madjy.

well, I’m still student too :P but in university. dunno when i can finish that though. too busy with my work...

next Markuz!

no me again!!
next MM,M,orM?

it’s M :)

so next is M or Z????

nope, next is R... look at how this thread keeps growing and growing!!!!!!!!!

ok, after me is Zaine

next is yashar

I’m sorry for you!! It’s me :D

Maybe next will be Markuz (Last time I saw you, was in a public chat with TDR members and you said goodbye to go and eat your PIZZA and you never came back on TDR again.)

hey, is me again.
sleeeeeeeepy, and too much revision *yawns*
next will be MM

Hi zaine! I’m not that bad,but I have a headache. >:-

no, it´s me ;)

the next is Zee btw.

*exhuasted after hours of hacking this account’s password*
@Aaso: I don’t really know what this stupid nick means. Ask its owner. Or try to guess...

Rony won’t be next :)


Next -> LaMan

hey, I like the Infofarmer idea :)

next WON’T be Aaso!!! :)

Yep! It seems more usefull! lolzzzz

Next wont be MM!

However you’re sucessful;I’m not MM! ;-)

Next is Rony and isn’t zaine.

HaHaHa - It’s easier this way...

Look: Next it’s NOT TinyTim.

lolzzz, so is it going this way ? OK!!!!!

Next wont be My Mom!!!

hey, me again, next is Aaso...

Next is Yashar!

boo. i dunno who will be next.
just thought I’d say hi :)

Yup, I also wanna say hello and... I just wanna predict that this thread will stop when it reaches 147523 messages count. C’mon, guys, prove me wrong!

Rock on!!!

rawk off :P
i thinking either mm or yashar is next

hello :) it´s me.
Next one is Zaine.

hellow, it’s ME! ok, next................................................................................Yashar!!


hey!! you didn’t guess!!

next is Annie Lennox fan!!!

OMG I hate her!!!!! uuuuuughhhhhhhhh

Next is Stormkeeper!

OMG I love her—Annie Lennox. Eurythmics fan from waaaaaaaaaaaaay back.

Next is a fan of cooling systems.

Edit: Wow, I’m the first on the page. Feels great. Yeah! I’m famous!!!

Edit: Oh, I meant... I was... Just forget it. Lol... Hmm

@zaine: sth wrong with my signature? :-)

You next ->


Or You?

-> you

something wrong with what signature where? *confuzzled* explain that infofarmer...


ahhhhhh, re-read last page and understand now ;)

Next is Rony

@zaine: btw, there’s sth that feels great about your nick. it sounds like a very tender word in my native language (zai or zaia - short for zaiats - ’a hare’). that’s like how you call sb you’re in love with. so every time i write you a reply it feels like talking to a close girlfriend I don’t even know. nevermind :)

Yashar next

nope- me next ;)

i’m tired!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
next is a ROXETTE fan!!! :-DDDDDDD

WRONG! I’m a Lennox fan!

Next will be someone using glasses.

Well, I’m actually quite short-sighted, but I haven’t used glasses for years. And I’ve never used contacts.

Edit: I use sunglasses when the weather is clear enough :-)

So next will be somebody with 100% sight

I’m actually nearsighted, but I hardly wear the spectacles.

Next is someone with second sight.

nope, i don’t think i have second sight... ;)

btw, MM did you get my mail?

next is MM...

Yes I got it. Thanks. Been a busy 4-day weekend—dinners and hospital visits, and even managed to sneak in a movie this afternoon.

Next shall be. . .


did you notice that every time it’s time for me to reply, you actually never GUESSED?????

next is..

My concious :)

@infofarmer that’s really sweet. thank you :) you wanna know the story of where it comes from?! here y’go... well my name is actually Suzanne. But my mates (especially when pissed) morph the end of it, so they call me sue-zaine. Also, my mum said when I was an ickle kid (even ickler than I am now) that I was a vary zaney character. ie, an idot. not very interesting, but meh.

@everyone, I just realised you know what I look like, but I don’t have a clue about you! show me your pics!!

@the person who will reply next... I think it will be you. am I right?! :P

wow. dead topic.
what’s up?! y’all got that flu-pneomonia-whatsit-thingy-back again?! :¬p

Not dead—we gotta push it to at lest 900.

I logged on earlier but I was still waking up. Can’t think right when I’m that foggy.

If I guess Majdy, that means she WON’T be next.

thank God someone’s here!!
so you were right that you were wrong :P

hey guys, what’s up with y’all today? everything good??
here it’s snowing like hell... reeeaaally depressing... :-(

well, next issssss....... Zaine

Yeah, I’m here—gotta check on my thread, and thank you, Zaine—but I gots to decide what I’m doing today, so I may not be here much longer.

Next isn’t Majdy. It’s Zainejdy.

@MM:Complex guess? Good way!

Next is zaiaso!

*popping in*


*and out again*

next: Aaso (how is holland treatin’ ya?!)

Holland? I never be in Holland :)

next is the first girl on the moon!!!

it’s true...

I’m the first girl in the moon...

well, next is Magic Friend???

I’ve certainly got the look.

Next is someone who’s kissin’ is the wet sand: Full of grit and tight lipped so you don’t get it in your teeth.

@Majdy: Wow. I don’t know who you meant, Majdy, but I often get this very label from my friends.

@zaine: Well, I feel that it’s my turn to explain my nick... Years ago I had many nicks, but all of them were somewhat plain or sth - you could always get ten thousand links if you searched them in the Net. Then I had to choose sth businesslike, friendly and original simultaneously. Quite accidentally I stumbled upon “infofarmer” in my word-factory, liked it much, thought if it sounds all right for about 3 days, and - here I am :) BTW, does it sound all right (no white lies, heh)?

@MM: Nah! Quite opposite. Though you’ll never know - I’m a guy, lol. I used to have a girlfriend, who’s kissing was 100% wet sand. One’s got to try that to know what Roxette’s singing about :) It’s more romantic than you’ve described it!.. Still, it’s my opinion only.

I hope, next will be the one I’m thinking about right now :-) He-he-he

I guess I’m not that person! :-(

Next is Rony I think.

@info—NOT kissing me is MORE than alright. You keep on kissin’ those beachy girls.

Next is someone up late or up early. . .

up early :)

next is

secret agent???

Majdy: Yeah! I’m pink panther!
Still rain there?

Next is Rony.

hi Yashar,
2 Kachina, well Holland is treating me good! ;D
[EDIT] 2 infofarmer, now I am famous!!!

Next will be Rony!

Lol. I guess we’re all celebrities of this thread.

@MM: Naughty boy :-D

edit@Aaso: You’re actually super-famous - your previous reply was #900 (post #901 - including the first post of the thread, which is not a reply)

Next is someone using desktop PC


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