Per releases remix album of “Mazarin” songs
Written by tevensso on April 1, 2005 to Exclusive.
STOCKHOLM (UPDATED) - Per has said earlier that he’s working on a new album and now he has revealed parts of the new material. It comes as a big surprise that, instead of writing totally new songs, he has been remixing and translating the songs from his Swedish “Mazarin” album which was a huge success in Sweden in the summer of 2003.
“I’m trying to reach wider audiences and why not use the songs that have been tested to have hit potential,” Per said to reporters in a Stockholm hotel. “This album is also a homage to ’Dance Passion’. I always loved it, but it was so underrated.”
There’s more in common with “Dance Passion” than just the fact that it’s a remix album. Per asked the same guys who worked on the “Dance Passion” tracks to remix some of the “Mazarin” songs. “Tycker om när du tar på mej” (or “I Will Love You Forever” as it will be called) by René Hedemyr will make it onto the album. In fact, Per had plenty of remixes to choose from. “There must have been at least five different versions of every song. Only one of each were chosen for the album. Fans will love the extra material on the singles we release,” Per said laughing.
Capitol has released an advance listening sampler CD with seven tracks (CDPRO 5110). The retail version will contain all 14 tracks from the original “Mazarin” album. Here’s the track listing on the sampler CD:
- I’m Gonna Give You All I Can (But You Really Must Wait) (C&C remix) (Här kommer alla känslorna (på en och samma gång))
- I Will Love You Forever (René’s 7” Mix) (Tycker om när du tar på mej)
- We Will Be Again (Almighty 2005 Mix) (Smakar på ett regn)
- Strolling Through the Town (Nordin Trance Mix) (På promenad genom stan)
- Rockin’ (Slusnik Luna Vocal Anthem) (Gungar)
- It’s My Day (Stonebridge Dub) (Födelsedag)
- Disco Ball (Jimmy’s Guitar Mix) (Spegelboll)
The Daily Roxette wishes to remind everybody that this article was published April 1…
Other articles with the same topic
- Roxette live in Kazan: the set list (February 28, 2011)
- Roxette's Charm School World Tour is underway... with extension planned! (February 28, 2011)
- Per makes another mixed tape (February 25, 2011)
- Plans for Roxette in Canada seem to be coming together (February 13, 2011)
- Per tells TDR that he and Marie are "thrilled" with what's to come in 2011 (January 3, 2011)
Roxlight said on April 1, 2005 05:01:
And Roxette is recording a new album :)
It´s very stutip to think that roxette will come back, because we all know that roxette will never return.
I disagree with all this jokes.. I find them too much stupid.
Staffany said on April 1, 2005 05:01:
Sorry Tevensso, but the Fan Club has won this year!!! They did it first, now we suspect about EVERYTHING!
Nice try, anyway.
@Roxlight: I disagree. They will come back, but no this way. They will take their time, good things can be made in a rush. Thanks God, that awful artwork is not real!!!
Hotblooded said on April 1, 2005 05:11:
Sorry totally onto you guys ;) After being fooled by the fanclub earlier today there’s no way I’m gonna be had again...oh and even if it was true what a horrible idea ;)
Ramas said on April 1, 2005 05:19:
It would be great, if it wasn’t April 1st... Yet such kind of activity would be useful for PG to refresh “writting in English” skills ;)
n-Somnia said on April 1, 2005 05:47:
April Fool’s prank or not, it’s not a bad idea for while we wait on the next studio album...whoever it may be from.
not_funny_at_all said on April 1, 2005 06:01:
None of these jokes are funny, we have been waiting for so long to hear Roxette since Maries illness. I thought it funny however that these projects have just popped up completed. Roxette have never done anything in under a year almost, and 8 songs in a few weeks, yer right!!
We know this is a joke, because TDR have not done a story on the Fanclubs joke!!
Not a nice one, sad....
Rox_Nox2003 said on April 1, 2005 06:11:
A remix album for April’s fool day ... wonderful what’s next? A porn fim?
per_mson said on April 1, 2005 06:35:
Well, the FC:s news must be true since that one was published on the 31st March. I know it is just a bluff, but it can’t be considdered a april fools joke IMHO. So seeing it like that I think TDR “won”! ;-)
AddeColciago said on April 1, 2005 08:51:
To bad, actually I think that would have been great! I will love you forever
nicci_The-Look said on April 1, 2005 08:55:
I think it would be fun if he releas a remix album
But it isn’t nice to joke about it when we long for news ;-)
rox-kuryliw said on April 1, 2005 09:11:
Dance passion was ROXETTE not per solo, why not release ROXETTe remixed ?
** ow i forgot its april fool’s LMAO **
what a fish i am !
animalkingdom said on April 1, 2005 09:13:
Ah how lame...
Remixed translations in the same package?
Anyway, the one from last year was way better as this one loses hands down to the FC April Fools News.
lonely_girl said on April 1, 2005 09:14:
LOL, almost got me... ;-)
Look at the date ;-D
Dunno if I should believe the bit with the new Rox-EP, really...
Breathe8 said on April 1, 2005 10:07:
We have been waiting for a new Roxette album, not Per´s solo album again. I still believe our year will be in 2006!
coyboyusa said on April 1, 2005 11:01:
lol not the best thing to see when ur half awake but quite funny indeed
CRIZ said on April 1, 2005 11:53:
April april...
and...what kind of joke is to be read on jokes with new Rox-albums please.....that is not sooo much funny...
she wears loud clothes..ramalamadingdongjoy.. ;) ;)
Jackeill said on April 1, 2005 12:43:
i like this joke. it’s not that stupid like the one from the fanclub...
LaMan said on April 1, 2005 18:26:
Nice one Tev! You got me. I was so amazed about the “news” until I read the first posts by users::)))
AURYTE said on April 1, 2005 18:46:
It’s quite a nice joke.:) But it didn’t sound so real for me. However in my opinion, Fanclub’s joke is better. Though it is so cruel - new Roxette E.P.!!!
Jud (moderator) said on April 1, 2005 20:18:
It was fun to sit and think of the article so we hope you enjoyed it as much as we did preparing it :P
I specially like the “Strolling Through the Town (Nordin Trance Mix) (På promenad genom stan)”. First I came up with NordinLoveMix but then Visa thought about the Trance :D
Thomas, Visa, Lars thanks for the laugh :D
GERMANrosario said on April 1, 2005 22:11:
you got me!!!!!!!!, the fool day in ARGENTINA is December 28
Roxlander said on April 1, 2005 22:18:
I didn’t get that “April’s Fools” thing because in this part of the world there’s no such thing in this date. So I thought it was real news, and actually I was excited because I’ve always liked Per’s songs in English :-(
Thank you anyway.
Grasi said on April 1, 2005 22:28:
That was a good and funny joke... but I wouldn´t doubt if Per release something like this - Gyllene Tider remixed “Sommartider” and “Flickorna pa tv2” in 1989... but no, he would never use this titles :P
Although the FC joke wasn´t funny at all.
Bunio said on April 1, 2005 23:03:
I’m Gonna Give You All I Can (But You Really Must Wait) is my favorite ;)
animalkingdom said on April 2, 2005 12:40:
Hehe... You actually had some serious time with this news item all 3 of u?
tevensso (moderator) said on April 2, 2005 14:05:
Visa sprung the idea, I wrote it, Lars edited it and all four of us polished it. We were thinking about making it more serious, but that would’ve also meant that people may have gotten upset because it would’ve been very believable.
Jud (moderator) said on April 2, 2005 14:38:
It was fun to make :D Hope you had as much fun as we had while writing the whole thing :D
Electra said on April 3, 2005 09:51:
Mikalex1 said on April 3, 2005 12:15:
The joke from the fanclub wasn´t funny at all!!!!! We all hope, that Roxette will come back one day and everyone- reading the article - at the first moment believed it. Your joke wasn´t bad, it could have been even true, but your joke noone hurts. The FC joke does!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11
Linnea_ said on August 9, 2005 15:13:
send me that song!: D.H.T.’s Listen to Your Heart.
Fading Like a Flower by Dancing DJs vs Roxette
justroxette said on April 1, 2005 04:33:
jajjajajjajajjajajjajajajaj...... i can’t believe this news...