The Daily Roxette

Roxette World Tour 2011 schedule
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To everyone who thinks Per = a sexy babe

1856 replies

Girrrrrls does it mean you are actually coming back???? I always check this one and its emptiness makes me cry ;)

Let’s discuss Gessle God again :) I love the latest Spanish article pix of him, what do you say sweethearts???

See you all soon here!!!! I miss you all madly :o(

phew. so good to be back!

holland is in stress, a famous politician has been MURDERED in the street in broad daylight. people in what kind of world are we living here?!

i have been harrased in the train a few weeks ago, i still get shivers when i think about it. a group of about 5 boys, about 8 - 10 years old started to get their hands on my bag, sit beside me, touching my leggs EEEEEEEEEEW then they threw an ashtray empty on my trousers. and NO ONE REACTED.

in my street, junkies can get every kind of drugs they want. i live beside a disco. in the weekends, people beat each other up and play LOUD music in their cars. they get to speeds of 100 kilometers and hour in this tiny streets, with cars but also mopeds or motors. police?! no way, if something happens, the disco-people call A CAB to take people to the doctor.

this world is scaring me. now i am even more sure i dont want children. kinda cruel to put them on this sick world.

sigh. sorry am bit depressed waahahaaaaa!!

oh and by the way i have just seen per in bingolott. yes, i know, i am very late but you know why hehhee!


(fanfic insiprationnnnnnn)

@Chantie: Great to have you back. Finally, everything’s back to normal! :D

@Raisa: It’s red alright, honey. ;) Cute!

Chantie hon, don’t get sad, you have us!!! I guess you don’t sit up these days anymore as you got the job... BUT if you’re still here by any chance, then pls let me know here on TDR! :))

Anyway, I share your opinion when it comes to having/raising kids in a world like this. :((( Things you described happen here as well. I just don’t know bout drug addicts, as I am quite a calm person, but the rest seems right. This world is going nowhere, as a teacher I may say kids have NO respect whatsoever for the teachers... I know how to handle the spoilt brats, as I am still young and trying to act as one of them, but the older teachers have it real hard :((( Not to mention the shooting tragedies which take place erywhere more or less - Germany the most painful case so far.

I am not very much into religion and I am not superstitious either, but hell, maybe we are doomed or sth... If there is God EVERYONE believes in, hen it must be nothing else tha MONEY. It took control of our lives. We are a good example of it as well...sadly... I mean, don’t we work so hard to collect money for all Rox related things? That’s already an addiction :-)))))

Not very much bunnyrelated this *sorry!* and way too long, but I just wanted to speak up my mind since you started Chant!

I have the same naughty thoughts about Per at Bingolotto...hmmmm we gotta start writing again girls!!!! :)))

@little-miss-sorrow: I already wannna say GOOD LUCK at the exams!!!! *fingers crossed here*

ALSO good luck to l-m-s from me!

gyllene_tjej-honey, so great to be back here! about getting up early: mmm well yeah my train leaves in about 20 minutes so now i have a very good reason to get up early hehehehe!

i spoke to sarah yesterday and WE WANNA CHAT!! right now she has a visitor though so maybe next week or something then we can get into the chatroom together??? :D

and yes, gyllene tjej: i agree with what you wrote! and also with the fact that i won’t be up so late anymore LOL! but hey hey what about friday and saturday! and this week is some day off on thursday and friday :D


ps gyllene tjej, i NEED TO KNOW the bingolotto THINGIE!!!!!!!!!!!!! SUSPENSE IS KILLING ME!!!!!!!!!!

Back to the top!!!!!!!!!!!

(I’m not at my Computer, I got thrown out several times now, its so annoying... ARG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

About my writing: Don’t ask, I have kind of a writers block, I don’t know how to start.


(I gave up my job, so I have a lot of time to learn and write :-))) )

@chantie: great you’re back. Good luck with your new job.

Great hun! And thanks for your card, :)

Yeah, its really bad what happened in our country yesterday.
The thing that pisses me off right now is that I cant buy a Dutch newspaper anywhere is this fucking town!!!
You can buy a lot of international ones here, and they all have articles about Pim Fortuyn on their first page, but no Ducht one!!! And I dont have the time to read everything on the net!!! ;(

Well Ok, that seems to be my contribution for the day...

@gyllene tjej; we went on a trampbåt around Djurgården, great sight to Pers appartment most of the time to hehe, it was great!!! And PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE your Bingolotto story!!!!
@fool; LOVE your Bingolotto story!!!! Dont have much time now, but youll get a mail soon I hope (mm said that before but yeah, in the end I always write back!)

just a quick hello for the day. chantie, gyllene_tjej & co. thanx for crossing your fingers. i made it. not sure if it turned out as good as i wanted it but... i made it. am tired. ;o)

@fool, in case you pass by: thanx for the mail (the photo was FUNNY! ;o)), i’ll reply as soon as i find the time for it.

Blehhhh... missed my train! What a “perfect” start of a day... :(

Gotta listen to some Per to get over it ;)

little-miss-sorrow: well done then! One thing less to worry about!
@Iertje how was it with Per today in the early morning? I hope he helped! :)

We still have great weather here!
@chantie and co.: e mail will come, I just have little time problem... to put it mildly :)

heeeeej babes! missed my train to, have to wait now. :’(

gyllene_tjej honey, i knwo exactly what the time problem is all about! :) good luck dear!

seems to be a missing day... i missed my lunch break and had to stay an hour longer at the office. not logical anyways, but my boss thought it was. hu? ;o)

well, i wish everyone a NICE day tomorrow (i think it’s free not only in germany or am i wrong??), will be studying but at least i can sit outside in the sun!! *smile*

*forgot* lonely_girl, thanx for the card!! ;o)

*SNIFF* It is NOT a free day for me tomorrow... but well, I can’t get everything, I know :) So, some work will actually do me good ( yeah, keep fooling yourself dear)

About missing day... i did not miss anything... Or well, I did miss Per like hell!! ;-)))))

you’re welcome ;-)) loved it very much, it’s the way our cat behaves...

Yes, tomorrow is free, but I’m free everyday. Great!!!!

btw, sitting in the office today, pretending to listen to the explanations of my colleague, i got a nice idea for a new little story! ;o) guess i’m gonna start after my exams next week or something. i hope the guy from the office didn’t notice my stupid smile... hehe.

you’re still here??????????????????????

just for a minute dear. gotta go. celebrating first of may as i said in the german talk. or something like that... ;o)

I feel lonely lonely lonely lonely...


l-m-s: yooppie!!! I love it when you get new writing ideas!!!! Pls, fix your exams and start wrrrrriting!!!! :))) Btw...where do you find motivation to study?? I need to open my fat English copybook packed with stupid cultural facts...and it is the last thing I feel like...

@lonely_girl: I am here, so you are not lonely anymore... :))) I will e mail you soon too...just excuse my time problem! :)

No problem. I’m just waiting for someone to chat with in the “German Talk” Seems everyone has gone...

Watching football????????????????????????????

nahhh... i am not really keen on football :( I am chatting too, but on ICQ :) Do you have it or msn?

How come you are free every day, did you quit your job for good?

yes, it was so boring. I’m trying to find out what I really wanted to do now. Today I saw a “job-advicer” (?) for the first time. Hope, he can help me...

Hej gt: what is ICQ??????????????

it is a chat programme, one i use most often... you can get it from this address:
i can’t chat in any public rooms coz for some reason the java script doesn’t work for me :(( It must be because of my lousy connection with internet :(

oh my goodness, what’s that??????????????

Are there any dangerous viruses??????????

Sorry, that’s too much for me. I’ll wait for your mail.


hej hej honeyz! whazzup :) yes i am free tomorrow, probably doin’ a bit painting in iertje’s new house hehehe :D l-m-s, good news that you have a new idea YAAAAY!!!!!!!!!!!! iertje and i should also start writing again but we are short on time as well....



eh whats this not on top?!

“eh whats this not on top?!” agree. it was down to nowhere land when i entered the side. that’s not where it’s supposed to be!

so here i go to bring it back to where it belongs... lol. no sun outside but at least it’s warm. i’m sorry gyllene_tjej but hej, the weekend’s coming soooon! ;o) and me having power to study? HAHA, you should see me, sitting at my desk, staring out of the window, going to find something to eat, taking the dog for a walk, watching tv... all in all i made about 30 minutes today...

well, enjoy the day everyone and btw, what was this topic originally about? ;o) *g*

i was in the zoo today.
polar bears are just sooo funny. other animals were cute too. but didn’t see any bunnys ;)

and nice link to a per pic site in “wifes&spices”-topic. check out. nice pics of per, åsa and gabriel.

and 2nd try tomorrow. i mean my driving test. just hoping that i’ll do it this time..

hej hej! loooovely weather here today. painted iris’ new room today :D had GREAT dinner at mexican restaurant. TALKED ABOUT PER with iris LOL :)

anybody awake? wanna chat??


yeah, yeah, yeah, I will put in on top now :)))
The day itself wasn’t that bad, in the evening we went roller blading, which was exhausting but fun nevertheless :) And tomorrow we will go sunbathing, I can do it - luckily as i start working at 14:00
@raisa: good luck then!!! Did you get my e mail btw?
@l-m-s: now i am disappointed... I thought YOU are the one to show me what motivation is... ;-)))) Hehehe, we all seem to be the same...I wonder if there is anyone who likes studying? I wasn’t born for that I think! :)

@gyllene_tjej & l-m-s: ehm... to be honest i kinda miss it, the studying... sorry... hehehe

chantie, I am on msn for a while, if you feel like please come! :) Puss!

girliez, i have found this GREAT demo of GT on the net: dar är du ensam... who knows how, where, when etc. it has ever been brought out?? and the lyrics... maybe?

if you can, download it!!!! it is on!


I DID IT!! :)

gyllene_tjej: yeah, i got your email. i’ll do something, when i have time..

@raisa: congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(back to the top)

@g_t: you got mail

GO RAISA, GO RAISA!!!! congratulations babe!


where is everyone?!

raisa = is driving around town
gyllene_tjej = writing down song lyrics for me
l-m-s = pretending to be studying


LOL@chantie, you got it... ;o) no, was at school today, pretending to listen to my teacher... btw, i read the email with the pic this morning before i left home... jeez, how do you think i made my day??? *g*


@l-m-s: mmm..... maybe your head was in the clouds a bit? HEHEHE! it was YOU who asked about the topic of this forum RIGHT :D

point for chantie! ;o)

ladies, since my barbecue evening got destroyed by LOOOTS of rain i’m bored. i’m sure noone will pass by tonite as the weather seems to be brilliant everywhere but in my hometown but IF... let me know... ;o)

tack för alla. :)

mom’s car is now mine too. ;)
ford ka is nice car, small enough. heh.
have to record some rox-albums on tapes (no cd-player in ka..)

hehehe LOL@raisa!

@l-m-s: sadly the weather sux over here too so you are not alone! but i have a visitor so cant be online just yet!!!

@raisa: very well done girl!!!! AND I like ka, it looks so funny! :)
@chantie: I have been fighting with your lyric yes, but now it is more or less ready :) so check your mailbox :)
@l-m-s: Indeed I did some sunbathing earlier that day but real storm is in the air ever since the afternoon. I think we will have a spoilt weekend coz of the weather ( i am working anyway, so who cares...) And barbecue... you could change it for a McDonald’s- at least they offer barbecue sauce :))) Had it today with chicken pieces ;-)

gyllene_tjej, thank you SO MUCH for the lyric, i got all week inside, s i g h .... aint he a genius?! to celebrate that, here is the faboulous lyric for the rest.... excuse the ???, cos it is a very bad recording, gyllene tjej has done a GREAT job!! and maybe some of the others can help us out??

Dår är du ensam
Du och jag, du och jag | vi ??? länge på att älska och hålla om varandra | Du och jag, du | och jag | två små barn i människovimlet | som letar efter himlen | och jag tror att jag kan rädda dig från stormen | om du tror jag är en man | som slåss med glödande händer | bara för...???? | Då är du ensam, då är du liten | då är du chanslös och får börja om igen | Du och jag, du och jag | Vi kan bara va’ så batter | eller sämre än nån annan | du och jag, du och jag | två små bitar i ett pussel | vi lägger åt varandra | Och jag tror att jag inte har nåt värde som en människa | Och jag tror att du är nånting jag förbrukat | en blomma som vissnar över tiden | Då är jag ensam | då är jag liten | då är jag chanslös och får börja om igen | Du och jag, du och jag | viljan i att bygga | en bro eller brygga | du och jag, du och jag | ????? | som försöker styra vinden | Jag är en och du är en och tillsammans skall vi vandra | känna doften känna solen | och flyga och landa | bara du bara jag bara du | och du må va´ liten och jag må va´ chanslös | Och helt förlorad | men aldrig ensam

Then you are alone
You and me, you and me | We ??? long to love and hold each other | You and me you and me | two small kids ???? ( don’t know what it is) | who look for heaven | and I think I can save you from the storm | If you think I am the man | who fights with glowing ( can also be passionate) hands | only to...????? | Then you are alone, then you are small | then you are chanceless and can start all over again | you and me you and me | We can just be so better | or worse than anyone else | you and me you and me | two small pieces in a puzzle | We lay against each other | and I think I don’t have any value as a person | and i think you are something I have used | A flower which withers over time | Then i am alone | then I am small | Then I am chanceless and can start all over again | you and me you and me | craving to build | a bridge or a pier | you and me you and me | ???? | who try to steer wind | I am one and you’re one and together we can wander | smelling scents, feeling sun | and fly and land | only you only me only you | and you can be small and I can be chanceless | and totally lost | but never alone

The Swedish words that are missing, where can I get (listen to) them?

människovimlet = crowd of people

heeeej! great, fool! well i downloaded this lovely songs from because it’s a demo, and i think it is only on a bootleg somewhere so i got it from the net!

*my little contribution for the day to bring this back to top*

@raisa: hehe, i know the thing with the tapes... before i had my driving license my dad didn’t even know how to use the cassette player in our car. now he only knows how to get the tapes OUT of it... ;o) too bad he learned so fast.

@gyllene_tjej: probably you’re right. and i should get used to mc donald’s again. i think i haven’t been there since the rs tour but notp is coming soon. ;o) i can already see my friends and me, travelling round germany... sooo happy to find another mc donald’s. it’s always the same. lol

@chantie: *sigh* nice lyrix, indeed... i also found it on audiogalaxy some time ago but of course (since i’m not a swedish genious)... no lyrix for me until yesterday. agree with you. ;o)

well, i guess that’s all. be good!

Hi girls!

Like l.m.s, I just wanna bring this topic back to where it belongs! :)

I hope the sun is shining on you too. It’s seems like summer is already here.

Anyway, I´ll hope you all will have a great evening. I’m going out partying (again)

Take care! :)

Finally back again after some busy and mostly sunny days, its soooooooooo HOT here in Sthlm!

@raisa; CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@gyllene tjej; great work those lyrics!!!!
the only thing that chantie and me just discoveredn, the title from audiogalaxy is wrong, it should be ’Då är du ensam’ not dår, but whatever...

Just wanted to have this back on top!
As always....


just wanna state that once more :)

O O O HE’S SOOOOOOOOO FINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Btw, talking about bunnies, I see them a lot here, on my way from uni I have to cross a field where they usually walk around...:P

O and another totally stupid fact; on my way to Gröna Lund last wednesday evening I could see someone on Pers balcony from the buss, so I looked very carefully then of course...someone was cleaning the windows, and it wasnt per or Åsa, so not interesting at all, but just that you know that the GESSLES WINDOWS ARE KEPT CLEAN, hehe!

LOL@sarah!! ;o)

sarah, now we know it. :D

(three 60min-tapes full of rox-music for car music are ready.)

i hate spring!!! birchs me sneeze and my eyes are red. ARGH! (okay, i don’t hate spring, i hate being allergic.)

yuhu! Finally! :) And thank God no work tomorrow ( earlier I thought I’d have to work though) So, I am happy! And in all my happiness I think I will go to bed and finally get some sleep!

All in all the day was nice although I lost some card games... besides that, my friend was here and we had a really nice bunny time :)))) Isn’t he our GOD? And so cool he keeps his windows clean, he’s always been so neat, sweet! :)))

Hope someone could help us up with the lyric!!

Greetings to all my girliez here! :)))

Raisa...great work girl!!! Enjoy the driving!

Chantie... wow...those lyrics are just beautiful!

Sarah: LOL! I bet you’re the first Per-fan to have ever seen his windows being cleaned!

Going to my new house again to paint, paint, paint

My goodness, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I just read a review of the Ramones tribute album in the Swiss Teletext. It’s pretty good and Per and his single is mentioned with name!! I almost jumped!!!! The whole thing got 4 stars out of six which means “strong record”!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hopefully they will mention it on t he Swiss radio this afternoon. I’ll be brave and listen to it the whole time ;-))

@g_t: will you write another story? Maybe about Bingolotto?????????????

Oaoahh, here comes the sun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunglases up, chair out, sipping some mineral water (too early for wine ;-)) )



yeah, it seems that everyone is outside enjoying the sun! Here it is pretty nice as well, and as a matter of fact i am on the balcony writing letters :))) The day was pretty lazy, i woke up at 11! Finally some sleep for me, heehe :)
But Monday is coming, I hate it really...
@krisy: It is VERY sweet Per’s project is mentioned and praised outside Sweden!!!! I am very happy about it! :) And another story... yes I have been thinking about it... it is just about writing skills you know :)
And wow, I put fresh Rox related posters on my walls today. Right now I have the giant RS, original RS tour poster advertising Swedish shows, the black and white one they were selling outside the arenas. also GT Återtåget poster and Marie Äntligen tour from Gtbg. And I have some big Rox pix in frames as well.

interesting to know, how do your walls look like, everyone? :)

WICF is a great driving song. 100km/h and that song... it’s so nice.

i can imagine how per has got the idea for the song while driving in sthl with one of his nice fast cars..

and the weather is great. +21 and sunny.
(my eyes are still red and i still sneeze a lot. rain is welcome now. it’ll help me and my allergy...)

well... no sun but i’ve been outside the whole day nevertheless. accompanied by a bad conscience since i’ll have my second exams on wednesday. ;o) who cares?

lucky you, gyllene_tjej, been writing letters?! i haven’t done this for ages and now there’s a bunch of letters waiting for me. am looking forward to next weekend, am gonna answer all. *a big hug to my penpals outthere and thanx for your patience... ;o)*

hm, the walls in my rooms... let me think... there’s a tour poster from the c!b!b! tour from dortmund 1994, one from munich last year, the joyride flag (but it doesn’t count, it’s behind the door), this big black poster made during the shots for the listen to your heart cover and one from the joyride era (it’s behind the tv set so it doesn’t count either). and some photos and concert tickets in frames as well. and the pic of per and me... in A3 size... ;o) that’s it, i guess. nope, i forgot one. a marie tour poster from the halmstad concert. it’s “a bit” destroyed since we picked it from some wall after the show...

be good everyone!

hej hej! mmm interesting topic about things hanging on the walls.... in my living room is the BIG room service poster, from the album promotion and a poster of marie’s tour; i BOUGHT it in helsingborg :D in the study i have the green RS promothingie and some vinyl is hanging on the walls there too... and some advertisement stuff from TWATG and IETSV... then up the stairs and make a left turn you will run into a promoposter.... mmm what is it for, i am not sure, i think GT’s second release of their first album.... and then in the toilet is the small, fake poster of the tour oh and in the study is the real BIG poster of the tour that cisca stole for me in goteborg YAAAY :D

hehehehe my contribution to this forum today. oh and now i am going to watch the IWBYB performance again, need some insperation for an new FANFIC....


har ni redan lyssnat den där per-intervjun?
det ju bra hörförståelseövning ;) i morron jag har svenska i skolan igen. :)
“Varje år kommer Per Gessle tillbaka till Radio Halland. Lika säkert och lika efterlängtad som tomten.” X)

and.. i have to do lecture in swedish lesson about a nordic artist. it can be painter, author or something.
of course i thought first that i’ll do it about roxette, but then i remembered that i had heard that our swedish teacher is a marie fan. so my choise is marie.
first i had to convince my friends about that it’s good idea to do the lecture about marie. they know that i’m big rox fan and first comment, when we heard about lecture, was: “we DON’T do the lecture about roxette even if we know that you want to do!!”
teacher said “oh, this is a nice choise” when she looked at people’s choises and saw that maria, raisa and otto are doing it about marie. ;) we’ll get a good mark!! :)
now i have to find some nice swedish words to describe her and her voice. ;)

my walls.. i have pic of me and marie and per from helsinki in front of my desk, pic of marie and pic of per on my noteboard and yellow room service pic above my bed. not much..
and then i have harry potter -poster. XD

now raisa goes to bed. blood tests early tomorrow. and i don’t even get car, have to take bus.. and then to school. (okay, i have only two lessons and i had four day vacation now.. i won’t die or something. :D )

Finally, hay fever has caught me as every year...

It’s a shame, it’s nice weather and warm outside and I have to stay inside :-(

Hm, it’s a good time to continue my writing...

The walls in my room aren’t full of Rox-Posters anymore, there is only the Room-Service-Tourposter hanging over my bed, saying “31st October Hallenstadion Zürich”. But when I was younger, I had posters everywhere, on the door, on every wall and even on my bookshelf and my wardrobe... :-)

@raisa: SO great you can write a project about Marie!!! :) I miss school too, as then I could write Rox essays as well! :))) And btw, I do want so much to see your photos!!! :o)
How about you girls have you ever had the chance to “advertise” Rox in your school community? I had such chance twice, first in high school we presented our hobbies at the introductory lesson. I talked about Roxette for the whole 45 minutes! *proud of myself*
Then it was university when we needed to do a formal presentation... as I dealt with economics everyone got so serious describing some company, mobile industry and such... But NOT me, hihihi ;-) I prepared a nice Rox talk again, with many visual aids, such as meeting pix, Cds and so on :))))

@l-m-s and chantie: where did you disappear today??? Is it work or studying that is killing you? I am finally home btw!
@lonely_girl; don’t worry girl, I am not in perfect shape either... coming back from Sweden ( 15-17 degrees) to Poland ( 30 in the shadow!) I went through my own temperature shock as well. KEEP WRITING :)))

ufff. chantie = too tired! zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz....

i’ll send the pic to you as soon as i get our digi-camera in my hands and have time..

i’ve been driving whole day. (okay, i was in school too, but whole afternoon and evening..)
tomorrow i have to prove to my crush that i really can drive a car. his birthday is december 28th, so no driving license for him for a loooong time. ;) and, yes, he’s a scouter too. :D i only know scouters here in oulu, i don’t have life outside scouting and net.

i haven’t listened room service for a month. OMG. maybe i have to do that too tomorrow. have to record it too on tape. maybe it doesn’t bore me anymore.. and HAND is a nice album for driving alone.

i’m just cars, cars, cars now. sorry.

damn, have to do my homeworks. i don’t like swedish prepositions. boring!

hej hej ladies! ;o) am at school but this time it’s totally legal. hehe. since we had our exam in this subject last week we now don’t need to study anymore. finally! next one is tomorrow but then it’s over for good. at least the written ones.

about talking bout rox at school... did that once, some years ago in the music lessons when everybody had to present a band. most of my class mates weren’t into bands that much so their essays were quite short and not full of info. i remember my teacher was shocked when i wasn’t finished after 45 minutes... ;o) it was fun, i put up some posters, played videos and some songs, showed pix of per when he was a kid (you remember the one where he wears glasses... hehehe!!) and everyone except me was totally bored. ;o)

well, i guess that’s it for today, it’s break soon and in the afternoon i gotta study a bit. blegh! ;o(

cheers and be good everybody!

*forgot* you’ve got 30° in poland??? ;o) jeez!!

Wow yeah thats HOT!!!
But have to say its not 17 degrees here anymore Gyllene tjej, its at least 20-23 now every day (okej if im being fair; we had some clouds yesterday but that was for the first time in more than a week!), I got sunburned and I think I haver a sort of a sunstroke as well as my headache wont go away, even not after 3 days! ;(

Anyways, talking about fast cars: I SAW PERS NEWS FERRARI YESTERDAY!!!!
Yaay, :P
My Dutch Roxfriend Gineke (Marie fan) and her boyfriend were here for the weekend, well long weekend as they were here for 5 days but yeah, and after a really exiting sunday afternoon* Gien decided that she wanted to see where per lives as there we go Im just trying to explain on which floor he lives bla bla bla as I suddenly notice this nice blue coloured Ferrari being parked almost in front of the door, :)
It was funny, we took some pix, double copies will go to Chantie and shell put them on her site (right hunnie?!), and then sat on a bench for a while (you get tired after walking from centralen to Strandvägen when its warm), and you just saw almost EVERYONE looking at it!!! Even the neigbours, :P
Gineke was so smart to notice that the back seat was kind of dirty, its creamy white leather on the indside so, obviously Gabriels place to sit, hehe!

Okej, that was my contribution for today and probably for this week, am going to Copenhagen tomorrow, yaay!!!!!

*Doesnt really fit in this forum I guess but here comes a short summary:
Djursholm, Micke and kids driving around in new American car with open roof, later on Marie and Micke sunbathing in the garden, didnt really want, and meant!, to see that, run away.

First of all, back to the top!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It’s really a crazy world: A wellknown teacher in our town is thrown out of school because he beat up his pupils... It’s really a scandal, because he’s also a member in the executive in our town. The whole town is shocked... A lot of writing in the local newspaper and the local TV and Radio stations.

And yes, it seems that summer is comming to Switzerland too. Tomorrow and the day after we are expected to have 28 degrees. Unfortunately, the water is too cold for me, only 14 degrees, BRRR!

The weather is much too beautiful to stay inside. I finally bought some antihistaminikum to get rid of my hay fever...

@Sarah-P: OF COURSE i will put per’s aso car on my site :D can’t wait to see the pix!! sorry but your letter is delayed :( i keep forgetting to send it, sigh... but it will be waiting when you come back from copenhagen, promis!!!! give stina a big HUG from me :)

well the summer has seemed to have skipped holland. it was raining like hell this morning when i got on the train at 7.30!!!!!!!!!!! yeah one has to be tough to get a nice job hehehe!

@gyllene_tjej: girl, after your story i am on a cloud hahaha! can’t stop thinking about HIM anymore, i am even irritating myself.... mmm and my friends LOL...

@iertje: girl, i am starting something tonight, hope you have email tomorrow ;)


finally 18!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(29 april the same day as marie’s daughter by the way)

The point is:

... Per can’t say that i’m too young ...
:p :p :p

lots of love and kisses to everyone ...XXX...


@little-miss-sorrow: GOOD LUCK tomorrow!! So great your exams will be over for a little while now! Mine will start in July... and i still haven’t opened that damn fat copybook... I am lazy and bored with it already ;-)

And yepp, true with the weather! It got a bit colder the last days and some storms tore across the sky...
@sarah: what an experience you had again!!! And was it you who saw all these Marie things? Wow!
@chantie: yezzzz honey, I know how you you can easily guess how it feels for me :))) It is not that nice of take our hearts and run away with them :)
@lonely_girl: such things happen more and more, let’s see, which of the brats shall I beat up? ( And more importantly, which of them is gonna beat up me, to make it equal ;-DDD)
@Wendy: funny coincidence - my best friend is April 29 as well...1978 though! And of course a Rox fan too! World is small :)


@gyllene_tjej: indeed he ran off. not nice of him to be so damn good looking and make us all confused and stuff. s i g h . . . BUT i do like to share hehehe so let me know if you’re ever online between 19.00 - 22.00 ... coz i am limited to thise times now that i am working again. of course not in the weekends though....

mmm yeah i think i kind of started sth... i have sent it to iertje and now it’s up to her :D we really like this writing together-thingie, is very exciting to find out what the other one wrote!!!

ok lovely girls, now i have to get to work :)


i am BORED!!! new job is OK but i have very boring moments, as right now! weather is stunning here, cant wait to see 17.15!

sigh. please help me get less bored :D [email protected]!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

definately back to top. :P

anybody around? ;o(

Sarah...was the Ferrari really a blue one??? I thought the new one is TITAN-SILVER???????
I mean..if it’s the Blue GT - 456 ..than it’s the “old” one...I’d die to see his new Barchetta Paninin Farina 550...even if it sounds like a Pasta...hahaha...

Gyllene_Tjej...I really would like to see your new decorated room! :))
Make some pix! :)

@l-m-s: yup, still here :)

@criz: now that you mention it.... we’ll have to wait for sarah’s answer coz she’s in copenhagen! :)

Ferraris are sooooo damned sexy...!! yam yam!!!
I always go wild when I see one! >:)

still there chantie? i am sooo depressed cause of my tests, i’m absolutely sure i failed them all... life sucks!

but... a ferrari could cheer me up... anybody willing to give me one as a present? ;o)

HAHAHA LOL@l-m-s!!! well i would love to chat to cheer you up but i am going to watch the election stuff on tv. we had elections for the parliament today :) I VOTED FOR A WOMAN hehehe

you’ve got elections on a wednesday? strange... ;o) we don’t have any women to vote for in autumn, just boring old fat guys... that’s life, it sucks (i did say that before, hu?).

anyways, soccer champions league just started which will definitely cheer me up! ;o) no matter who wins... if the german team will win i’m happy for them and if not... HAHA! it’s one of the teams i don’t really like... but won’t bore you with football...

well, as it seems, no ferrari for me tonite so... goodbye.

to be honest, i hope the german team won’t win... okej, that’s it. ;o)

HAHAHA! ok lets hope the germans loose LOL!

why is it strange to have elections on a wednesday??

I hope you are having a nice evening everybody. :)

@ Chantie: I guess there’s a lot of things happening in your country right now. I heard that there were people not voting cause of what happened to Pim Fortuyn .

@ Criz: One day to go! Done any packing? :)
It will be great, having you on Swedish soil. :)

hej! most weird elections ever i think.

@fool: i think more people went to vote because of the death of pim. i saw on tv 78% of the people voted, 4 yrs ago it was 73%. pim’s party got 26 places in the parliament which means they are one of the 3 or 4 biggest parties. then to think they started with nothing. everything in politics has been turned upside down, we have to wait and see what happens :)

other than that i am fine and politics are BORING!

Hej alla!

yesterday it was a too busy day for me to show up here :( (see chantie: you were bored and i was damn busy, if we’d shared some of your boredom and mine business both of us would have been happy :)))
Little-miss-sorrow: how is it with your tests? I am sure you ONLY think they went wrong but it is not true at all... It was always like that with me, I always expected the worst and got a nice surprise in the end. One tends to dramatize! Head up! And yeppp... I would buy you a ferrari! ;-))))
sadly i won’t join your football discussion as I am absolutely not interested in this field.

@fool& co: please wait patiently for my e mails... i am just SO busy :((( and you have a nice time with Criz in halmstad! :)))

and I also think it is weird with elections in the middle of the week. They are always held on a free day, like Sunday here, to increase attention and probably make it a more important Sunday thing :))

@Criz: I hope you will soon have the chance to see my room with your own eyes again! :))) PUSS OCH KRAM!

And now I am off to work!

hej-hej-hej...where did all my darrrrlings go today??? I am free for now, but will be busy again in an hour or so...
anyway, that’s a good opportunity to put it back on top! ;-)))))

dad bought dvd-player for us. no more watching on computer. YEEEAA! i watched harry potter and the philosopher’s stone today and now i play marie-videos.

i donated blood today. it was scary at first. these are the things i can do now because i’m 18. :) maybe scouts are helpful people, at least i felt good when i knew that my blood can help someone.

and i listened c!b!b!-album today. and woke up with room service. such a perfect day. (just two german lessons at morning. yeah!)

tomorrow to forest. yippee! i’m gonna sleep out again, but now it isn’t so cold than a month ago.

nothing else to say.
1000th message isn’t far away. who’s gonna write it?

Heja....the suitcase is packed! My friend Sandra is on her way to me...maybe somewhere lost in the traffic jam in a highway...sniff...

I ’m really looking forward to meet you FOOL!!
How is the weather at the westcoast right now???

Please order some sun for us!! :)))
Yam..can’t wait to eat the greatest Pizza on earth again........Cleopatra 4-ever!!!!!

gyllene_tjej darrling.....! Stay healthy...get ready for the summer!! I miss you!!

Just needed more than 30 minutes to delete all the replays I got... ;-) I’ve been pretty busy the last 3 days. But the long weekend is comming, great!

Weather doesn’t seem to be great for the next days, writing time then for me.

BTW: Does anyone know where I can find the tour schedule from the “Join the Joyride Summer tour”? It’s rather important for my writing ;-)


very empty here... little-miss-sorrow and chantie WHERE ARE YOU???? Did work kill you or something? You are missed here!!!
lonely_girl: I have such 20 page glossy booklet from England. what do you need to know?

And why is it long weekend for you? Does it mean you also have a free Monday? *I don’t*

Check out Staffan Öfwerman’s homepage, his list should be complete :-)

I am number 1000!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

your 999, Im 1000!!

woops, posted twice, this is 1001 ;-)

@gyllene_tjej: I just need the three last gigs, before they finished in Stockholm, with datas if possible. Would be great, if you could give me them. Tack!!!!!!

Strange experience yesterday night: I was busy typing when I suddenly heard someone on the door and then walking around. I was so shocked, that I turned off my Computer and hided myself under my blanketts. I really thought there were some burglars, until I realised that it was my father, going to bed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;-)) Shame on me *grin*

okej, honey, here we go. They played more times in Stockholm though, do you know? Anyway, as requested I will write here information about 3 last concerts before the great final in Sthm :)

Westfallenhalle in Dortmund July 15
Sheffield Arena July 17
S.E.C.C in Glasgow July 18
Sjöhistoriska Muséet in Stockholm 22 July

hope it helps you!
And yepp, funny story! :) i know how easy it is to lose sense of reality when you write something ;-))) Who was more frightened in the end, you or your dad? ;-)))

Great, thank you!!!

I threw away some old articles in some silly german youth magazines some years ago, and now I should have those articles desperately... ARG

BTW, didn’t know that they were playing in England and Scotland. Nice to know...

Fortunately, my father didn’t realise that he gave mee the shock of my life... I won’t tell him anything ’cause he would start asking then what the hell I was doing at this time :-))) Don’t like to explain my writing stuff!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

YAY YAY YAY its weekend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 3 whole days!!!!!!!!!!!

by the way japeke IS 1000. too bad. i wish it had been someone who is really comitted to this topic, not someone who just came here to be 1000.

’’s the time for weary minds, the moon is northern bound...’

AND it’s time to stay up late! anybody here? ’ there someone, i can talk to. is there anyboooooody, ONLINE...’


shit is not working for me. messenger, anyone? [email protected] :D

sigh. guess not. gonna get writing again. CMON iertje, email me cos i wanna know how our story continues :D meanwhile i got another idea which i am also gonna write down now!


hej ladies! ;o) yep, it’s weekend and the best is, tomorrow is free as well, could it be better? just wanted to pass by since i’m not sure if i’ll ever come back... nooo, not seriously but my dad bought himself an own computer (thank god!! hehe) and we’re gonna install the internet programmes now so it’s not gonna work for some time i guess...

@gyllene_tjej: THANK you for the email!! ;o) am gonna reply as soon as possible.

@chantie: yeah, too bad japeke (or whatever his name was, dunno) was no 1000 but hej, at least he had some fun! ;o)

am gonna go now, doing that computer stuff and then writing some “real” letters... yeah, there are still people doing that though there’s internet. hehe. :D see ya later hopefully!

@l-m-s and gyllene_tjej: i have tonz of FB’s here but i don’t have any ’real’ penpals anymore! INTERESTED???? i NEED to get rid of them and throwing away would be a crime! if you want some, email me your address! and that goes for the rest as well!


@chantie: done! ;o)

Hej! Buenos dias! Ciao! Hello! Czesc! Hoi! Hei! Hallo! Bonjour!

Have a nice day everyone! :)

Waarwel Chantie en Sarah! Do Widzenia Gyllene-tjej! Hyvästi Raisa! Hasta la vista! Aurevoir! Ciao! Auf Wiedersehen Little miss sorrow! Hejdå! Goodbye! :)

See you later!

HAHAHAHAHA i love you fool!

finally weekend....

my boss is a real JERK !!!

he called me bitch yesterday....

what?! SUE HIM!

@fool: hej! ;o) lol

am bored with writing letters... i’ll call all the people so i don’t have to write anything anymore! ;o)

Yippppieeeeeee I am ONLINE AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yihaaaa hurrayyyy!!!!!!!!

Can anyone tell I’m happy? ;)

Aaaand I wrote a biiiig piece in the fanfic... :)
And she didn’t meet Per yet, hehe. Gotta get her into some trouble first :) Chantie come back and write! I promiss I’ll continue it tomorrow or maybe even tonight!

Okay girls, only 981 to go before reaching 2000. Hopefully it’ll be one of you girls who writes that one.

@Wendy: shoot him!!! :)







hehehe seems gee made a new page by mistake LOL!!!

oh and @criz: don’t forget to scan them hehehe AND put them online. it’s been a while since some GREAT pix where shown here!!! if you have nowhere to put them online, i will gladly give you some webspace LOL or gee will, i’m sure!

hello my darrrrlings! :)
Gr8 to see some traffic here again :) Yeppp, i am also sure we will soon beat 2000! So, let’s have some intensive bunny talk again :)))
@l-m-s: you are welcome! I will be waiting impatiently to hear from you! And good luck with the PC! That reminds me I will disappear soon :(((
@fool: are you a language prof honey? Sweet! Still waiting for your address to treat you with this nice record! :)
@chantie: I want FBs too, it is fun! Don’t you have my address already? Or was it deleted?
@Criz mouse: I do keep my fingers crossed! MEET DA BUNNY!!!! And we’ll have another chance in the summer :))))
I will soon be going, tomorrow I’ll have one hell of a BUSY day :( Hate Mondays so much... but I love Per :)))

by the way i do still seriously think that PER IS THE SEXIEST BABE AROUND.

just wanted to state that :)

oh yezzzzz, our msns chat surely proves that tonight! If bunny only knew ;-DDD

@gyllene_tjej: i am afraid the stupid email never got to you >:( i will try it again today!!

I woke up today and i realized that Per is one of the most sexy persons on earth!!!!
yeah,he definitely got the look!!!!!!!!

hehehe welcome to the club, wendy :D

Wow, finally back behind the computer and just spent like 20 minutes reading everything from the last week, yaay!

@chantie; toooooooooooooooo bad the chats are not working for you, maybe we can find another one?!

@criz; it was you who wrote about Pers ferrari if I remember right; Im quite sure that its his new one, hos old one only had 2 seats right?! This one has 4! And the 1 on the left site in the back is kind of dirty, it must be Gabriels seat, haha! :P

Mmmmmmmmmm, what else can I say rigth now?!
I definitely agree with everything you guys say about our hunniebunnie; HES PERFECT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My friend Stina definitely brought me back in the Rox mood again (finally!); we watched the Sthlm concert on her laptop one night and also Ive finally seen the Zurich concert now, now the cd(s) by heart so it was great to finally see what really happened on stage there!
Oh and Stina has this theory that something between Per and Marie must have happened at one time, it could be something quite innocent but theres been SOMETHING she says and I have to say....I kind of agree with her, especially after seeing Zurich, haha!!! :P

(ehm was stupid message LOL)

HEJ SAWAAAAAAAAAAA! welcome back girly! about the cars...

i thought per said this when he once was asked why he still had his old ferrari while he had bhought a new one: i kept the old one cos it has four seats and the new one doenst

LOL to make it all more confusing hehehe!

ps i heard he HAS 2 NEW MERCEDESES?!

Fuck, I cant join your chat! See mail.

About the ferrari, I thought it was the other way round, he kept his old one because it only had 2 seats while his new one has 4.
If Im right the number plate of his old Ferrari is AYR 707, the numberplate if the one I saw is SXA 901, anyone who knows what the final answer about this is now?!


Oooooooooooooooooooooooh FUCK I said the F-word, fuckerdefuck Im BAAAAAAAAD!!!!!!!!!!! :P




you naughty girl!




Per is SEXY
Per is KEWL

Just wanted to state that one more time!!!

Ooooooooooh btw, my friend Stina had a great pic of Pers hips, mjam!!!!!!!!! :P

pix of his HIPS?! !!!!!!!!! mm sounds very interesting hehehe! is that the pix you got from her too, sarah??? SENDDDDDDDDDDD

No i ordered it from her, so now i just have to wait................

’Its hip to be a square, ta tadada....’ -> old song that Dutch singer Hessle used to sing, its in my head now!!!!

hessle? swedish impression of hessel LOL

Ooooooooops, my mind was probably somewhere else, gessle, gessel, hessle, hessel what’s in a name, haha!

LOL LOL your mind was in GESSLE LAND hehehe :D

Ooooooh I see Sawa has been naughty! Shame on you, girl! ;)

@Chantie: we have to safe the 2000th message for you to write! ’Cos you started it all! Oh and I want the fanfic! Did you get inspiration to write? Otherwise I’ll bring you in a Per-mood tomorrow! Haha let’s drive everybody at work crazy and only talk about him! They think we’re weird anyways ;)
(well, they think I’m weird...)(and I don’t care...)(...I guess I AM just weird :) )

Sigh... three days weekend is over again... it went too soon and we had too many parents coming over too many days... sigh

We just came back from Scheveningen btw to watch the new Star Wars movie. It was nice. Not great, just nice.

Sleep tight everybody!

Im too sexy for my band...

lol@roxette-atic :)


i just want you to know that i’m one of these happy ROX-fans who can say:I’VE GOT ONE OF PER’S PLECTRUMS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
yeahyeah,i was standing in the front at the Brussels concert , i was just screaming all over the place I’VE GOT HIM,I’VE GOT HIM,I’VE GOT HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Never screamed so loud before , even not when i saw a spider.

Even his finger-print are sexy!!!!

Even his finger-prints are sexy!!!!

Even his finger-prints are sexy!!!!

WHAT HAVE I DONE ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

YAAAAY! good for you wendy, i can imagine great it is to have one wow! :) well probably the TDR was slow again and your message got posted 3 times, nevermind, it is a good statement hahaha!

Yaaaaaaaaaay page 36, up to page 40 now!
If we continue in the same speed as yesterday we can reach page 40 by the end of the week right?!

@wendy; wow, you go girl!!!! is there any text on the plectrum btw?!
@chantie&iertje; werk ze! well I have some work to do as well, am reading Elsa Beskows ’Putte i blåbärsskogen’ now, it fits my blue berry taste Chantie! :P

Heja girls!! Hot greetings from sunny Göteborg! I’m here at “Fool’s” appartment together with my friend! The weather is great. Halmstad is still beautiful.....but the most important thing is:


Have fun! And a big hallo also from FOOL who is doin a great job guiding us truh Göteborg!!
Special puss too gyllene_tjej!!!!!!!!!!!

@sarah yes on the front it says PER GESSLE ROXETTE on the back-side ROOM SERVICE 2001
not so very much but hey, i’ve got him!!!!

hello girls!!!
what a speed we have, yaaay! :)))))

thankfully, Monday is over - was a nightmare, but now i am awaiting bloody busy Wednesday :( :( Gotta go to sleep very soon!

@Criz: pussar to you too mouse!!! I hope you are having time of your life there! And soon it is US again, jeez how lovely :))))

just to put some more excitement here... BUNNY IS SEXGOD! AAAAAAHHHH!!! ;-D


Who of the Holland section will also visit Germany during the NOTP? Chantie? Iertje?

@Gyllene_tjej: great that you are coming to Holland! It will be nice to meet you!

Hey this topic belongs ON TOP! :)

Chant I want the fanfic back!! Dying to know what is gonna happen next!

@iertje: darling work is so f*********** busy at the moment, i hope i can wrk on the fanfic tonight!
@bluesue: sorry to say honey, we are NOT coming your way. or, actually, we are not sorry coz we are TOO PROUD that rox is finally in our country! no more long trips to germany this time! so too bad that we wont see you there....

YAY YAY YAY gyllene_tjej! get back to me! xxx

@Chant: ouch! Good luck with all the work than! Sterkte meid! Throw some balls to the guys that are bugging ;) And look at that pic in your agenda much today, that will get you through the day!

btw those pringles paprika were gr8!


btw 2: Per was in Antwerp?!?! Wow so close!!!

@gyllene tjej; great that youre coming grl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well teach you how the Dutch party, hehe!

@Iertje, Chantie, anyone from NL /BE;
Did any of you see/tape7heard more about ’De rode loper’ the belgium programme in which per was inerviewed????????????
Was it promo for his single???????????!!!!!!!!!!!


2002 May 21-Gessle solo single

Per Gessle’s recording of “I Wanna Be Your Boyfriend” for the Ramones Tribute album will be released as a commercial single in Scandinavia May 27 and the rest of Europe June 10. The vinyl 7” and the CD-single will include Per’s version of “Sheena Is A Punkrocker” and the 12”-vinyl will have yet another track; Per’s version of “Gimme Gimme Shock Treatment”. Per has just returned from Antwerp where he checked out a special performance of Night of The Proms.

Finally, I managed to organise a computer to show you that I’m still alive. I have a bloody busy time, I’m gone again.

See you later

@Gyllene-tjej: Going to Holland?! :) Me to! Does that mean that I’m gonna meet you too!? Life is good! :)

Then we’re two non-domestic girls who has to put up with the crazy Dutch ones (kidding). You see, as Sarah says, they are partying pretty wildly!!!, hihi :)

@lonely girl: good luck!

And yeah, I dont really have something to say but I just couldnt stand that Japekes thread about marie being a sexy chick was above hours!

Just to state one again;


Yeah!! Go Sarah, go!!!

And I didn’t know about De Rode Loper... didn’t even know Per was in Antwerp :( EMI didn’t think it was worth mentioning, same as they didn’t think that Rox at NOTP was a big enough deal to tell the fc about... *sigh*

Grrrr and why can’t I find nice curtains for my house?!?!?




Oooooooooops... I did it again!

Baaaaad bad bad girl!!! ;)

Yes, gotta check out Ikea this weekend!!

yeah , he WAS in Antwerp, he was so close to my hometown,and nobody let us know grrrrrrrrrrrr.................
it makes my flesh creep

hehehe! mmm. so japeke is imitating us. YESSSSSS i am cool. otherwise i wouldn’t be imitated LOL LOL. but hey, marie is pretty sexy too, i do agree. but PER IS THE HOTTEST GUY AROUND.


about per-in-antwerp-story: i really CANNOT stand it that emi and ema leave us out of everything altely! IF they want the fans to get the news, the BEST way is the FC, i think. even though many complaints are all over the net, i bet all those people do check from time to time. GRRRRRRRRR and they also hadnt mentioned NOTP either!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


And on top again!

@iertje: you’ve got mail!

have updated newssite. stupid EMA/EMI ##$%@#)(*#)&@$(*_$@_)GRRRRRRRRRRR

GODVERDOMME KLOTE EMI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(-> Dutch saying when were angry)

Anyway, is it just me or is the news about Per in Antwerp not on the newssite yet?!

LOL@Saar! Hehehe you can swear in dutch all you like, the editors won’t understand it anyway ;)

And grrrr why is this not on top AGAIN!?! :)

@Ier, Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaay, GDVD!!!!!! Klerezooi!!!

And yeah, whats going on I actually had to SEARCH a bit for this topic!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oooooooh and WOW!!!!
Could finally read what Per said on Belgium TV on,

HAPPPPPPPPPY now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

5/6 songs and maybe new ones, ole ole ole ole!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here I am girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I guess my writing is postponed again (good old rox-tradition, isn’t it???????) I hope you’re in better shape than I am.

@l-m-s: thank you very much for your card. You have mail!!!!!!!!!!!

5 or 6!!!!!!!!! Yeah!!! Yippie!!! Much much better than 3/4!!! And new ones maybe!!!!


5 or 6!!!!!!!!! Yeah!!! Yippie!!! Much much better than 3/4!!! And new ones maybe!!!!


ps: I’m bored!

Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaay Iertje yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay, ole ole ole!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Is Chantie the career woman busy at the moment?! Otherwise you can just bore her, hehe! (dont tell her I told you so!)

Looks like Princess Coolio is bored to, she posted this fantastic poll at runto.roxette, :P

Im kind of bored too although I should be working on my paper, but at the same time I wanna be outside in the sun!!!!!

One good thing though; Im going to Tallinn tomorrow, yaaaaaaaaaaaaay!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tallinn? what are you gonna do there?
Yeah Chantie the careerwoman is very busy calling important people, ’cos she’ll be the hostess of a convention next week! (petrovision). Thumbs up for her!

Sigh I only have stupid things to do rightnow. But I organized a ’borrel’ for 16.00 pm ;)

And yippie I started a new page! What did Princess Coolio do? We’re gonna visit her tonight, I just heard.

O wow, BIIIIIG HUGS to Chantie and Coolio then!

Im going on a trip to Tallinn with 60 international students, we take the boat there tomorrow ’Eurovision!’ night, then spend the day there and take the boat back on Sunday.
Itll be loads of wodka, and esp. Coolio knows what that means hehe, ask her tonight!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And to enjoy Coolios poll; just go the the runto.roxette forum!
—-> Were gonna kidnap Dimman, yaaaaaaaay! :P

..........just cant stand the japeke forum touching ours, hehe!

And I just remembered I said sometime this week that maybe we d make it to page 40 soon right?!
Well...not just yet, but 37 is good too I guess, and you girls will probably become really active again from tonight, or not?!

Sigh...getting sick of Andersens fairy tales! ;(


Japekes forum is now turning into a gay talk, kind of funny actually! :P

waaaaaaaaaaaah i am back! had an Xtremely busy day as iertje kindly stated for me hehehe!

about!!! the server has a problem so we can’t add news. so i have put it up my sites, check out in a few minutes!

c’mon girls, we don’t want the marie forum to win do we hehehe!

well... i wasn’t even logged in when i passed by but chantie’s comment got me thinking... ;o) this marie thread confuses me, it was i guess two or three times that i clicked on the wrong topic and was wondering why there were only so few answers... stupid lil me.

so, i hope everyone’s having a wonderful weekend, it’s raining outside but you get used to it after a while. my ramones cover cd was supposed to arrive here today but of course it didn’t so i’m pissed off. sorry.

@gyllene_tjej: where are you dear?

@chantie: sounds like you really got an interesting job... ;o)

@sarah: are you really going to see the eurovision song contest??? or is it just coincidence you’re going to tallinn this weekend?

@lonely_girl: thanx for the mail. ;o) am gonna reply straight away!

@fool: am sorry for my delay but i’m gonna reply this weekend, promised! ;o)

phew, guess that was it. cheers.

hehehehe HI LADIES!!!!

*Sawa: sounds cool!! Have loads of fun and don’t get a hangover! ;)

*Coolio: Hi girl! :)

*Chantie: did you arrive okay at your place last night? Feeling a bit rested?

@Sawa: sounds cool!! Have loads of fun and don’t get a hangover! ;)

@Coolio: Hi girl! :) Hug Dropje for me!

@Chantie: did you arrive okay at your place last night? Feeling a bit rested?

@Everyone: Hurray it’s s-s-saturday!!! The Perrest day of the week!

Godver, posted twice AGAIN!!!

Hi little Gessle-maniacs!

I´ll hope you all are having a great Saturday. I am. :)

By the way: I’m a traitor! I visited the “Marie = a sexy..”-thread, hehehe.

What can I do?!! I love her!!

Love them both! :)


Heeej everyone!!!! :)
Finally, a little while to catch my breath :) My Saturday was very busy. Now it is Mother’s Day in Poland, so we’re gonna party, my mum and me :))) Ice cream and such!

Sorry I was silent but these weeks are so hectic, students take final exams and they suddenly recall there are still many things to be done about their English. So, let’s say that i am very needed. ( and adored haha )

Whether I come to Holland to meet all my darlings, depends on my friend and money. Or maybe i will take my boyfriend... I don’t like long term planning it would be so much easier if I lived in one of the host countries... :) But we’ll see :)


@lonelygirl: mmm... my job is not so important, i think... well maybe for the people that organised it but not for me HAHAHA...
@gyllene_tjej: girl... the long term planning is needed ’cos the tickets will be sold out in a few weeks...
@iertje: yes i got home alright :) but i have been very busy all day, got up far too early at 8.45 :( now it’s sunday and i slept untill 12!!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D


just to mention it again hehehe

oh and to answer the Q about sarah: nah she’s not in tallinn to see the eurovision, in fact i think she really thinks the eurovision is stupid HAHA or not honey? anyway she won’t be answerring here for a few days, i am not sure when she will be back.

BUT......................... important date
12 JULY SARAH WILL BE BACK IN HOLLAND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAAAAAAAAAAAAY!

hehehe :D

Hejhej girls...

Just wanted to say hello and put it back to the top before going outside the house. Sun is here and I don’t have the intention to move a lot anymore today. I did my workout in the morning, when the sky was still cloudy...

Here comes the sun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

just to throw in a link again... ain’t they just SWWWWWEET!!! :) my oh my... gessle=gorgeous...

:D :D :D

*b*a*c*k* *t*o*p*


No one loves me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

huh why is that lonelygirl?! you said the sun was with you today, well the sun left me all alone with TONZ of rain today


we love you honey!

i am a princess

mmm... so if you are a princess, you must be rich. so you can buy the same ferrari as per has LOL

Phew! The day disappeared somewhere...and i’d better not think about monday, work will kill me...

lonely_girl: Gessle loves you!!! You will go to bunny paradise together with us and there we’ll live happily ever and after :)))

speaking of bunny being HOT... check out

and well, he is damn hot, but wasn’t he EVEN hotter in the pic with me??? ;-)))))) *just teasing*

@chantie: could you come to msn for a little while, pls?

ofcourse im a princess and i have 3 of those ferraris, in fact, i employ micheal shumi to drive one of them darlings, he is gaining a few of those lil points with it too, lol

heheehe but he didn’t win this weekend, princess, so what went wrong eh?!

gyllene_tjeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeej!!! it is monday. goodmorning all, goodluck with this week :) my week is looking like horror a bit...

nobody is missing me? :o

only german test left and then the summer holiday begins. can’t wait..
i’ll travel to greece on saturday for a week and after that just working and working... but i don’t want to think about that now.

and only marie was in my dream last night. weird. she was driving a car. what would have happened in that dream if i haven’t woke up middle of the dream... damn.

hehehe heeeej raisa-babe! everybody is having vacation and i have to work, work work :((((!!!!! but hey at least i HAVE a job, even that’s totally new for me LOL. well honeyz, i am at work and is not always so joyful so pleez email me if you’re also bored hehehe ;)

ps raisa, dreaming about marie can also be fun eh! i haven’t dreamed of either of them in ages... mmm maybe i should get a bit more INTO our fanfic... iertje?

marie was kinda funny in my dream.
she drove a red ford ka and i had our blue one.
we had little competition.. ;)
and i could never beat per and ferrari with my ka. :D

btw. sun is shining and it’s not even windy out. (here is almost every day windy weather. that’s the only reason why i hate the sea..) last 5 days have been great. on saturday i was out whole day 05-19. scouting is great... ;)

have a nice day.

hej everyone! tried to send emails but that stupid computer guy from my firm has blocked all email programmes to make sure we do nothing else but work... ;o)

i hope everyone’s got a nice day! till later.

i’ve lost my voice. have you seen it??
i lost it on saturday and i haven’t found it yet.
scouting competitions are fun.
(i’m bored too... i wrote already two emails in english and i still have lots of time. grrr.)

@l.m.s: I was delighted to receive your e-mail. Vielen Dank! :) Nice pic, hihi. ;))

@Raisa: Glad to se you’re back again! :)

@raisa: no, where did you loose it? And what does it sound like, so I can look around for it? :)

@Chantie: poor girl!! I hope you’ll have loads of nice, fun-to-do work after this stupid congress! I’ll come and bore you a lot this week, ok? :)
(but not too much ’cos the boss is back :( )

@all: Thank you girls for cheering me up a bit. Live is quite unfair, it’s raining outside the whole day and I should do some phonecalls, but I really hate phoning to some bosses, asking them if I could do a practical training as a librarian... (seems that my fanfic strikes back ;-)) My parents are always crossing me, and the NOTP seems too far away for me.

The worst is that my holiday in Sweden is canceled. I’d be glad if I can go for a few days to Göteborg or something like that...

Hi People!
Back from Estonia, and have to say...I’m totally DEAD! Well yeah, I seem to be alive as Im stting an dtyping here, but I feel kind of dead from the inside, if you know what I mean, hehe!

It was just purely coincidence, but in a way it was funny to sit there, half drunk, with a lot of drunk (Estonian) people and then us exchangers, screaming and yelling whenever there was another song on the was just tooo bad!
Of course my favourite didnt win, but yeah it could have been a lot worse then Latvia, what about Bulgaria and Greece, yak yak!

@chantie: GOOOOOOD LUCK with all the work this week! still nothing in my mailbox.....:(

this sunday i will see thomas again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i’m think i’m going crazy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i lost my voice somewhere near our airport. maybe it have travelled away. bohooo. :’(

and, hey, why people underestimate small people??
just wondering...


Tooooo wake uuuuup lalalala mocking bird something!!!

Twalalala twiedeliediedie!

Raisa: small people rule! And middle sized people too!



nice bunny pic here:

(yeah, i’m bored...)

Hehe, me too! :P

Ill have another class at 16:00, so no use in going home before that, so Im just surfing and sufing................................

he, small people really rule!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I’m only 1,53 m, so I know what I’m talking about

@raisa: how “tall” are you??? (If you don’t mind this question)

@chantie: thank you very much for sending all the rain clouds to Switzerland. It was raining since Sunday evening... And it got very cold. 13 degrees!!

This morning I was more than an hour in “bunny-land” to warm me up. Finally this helped *hehehehe*

Oh yes, almost forgot: Can anyone tell me what the cover of the tribute-CD for the Ramones look like? I tried to find it today, but I didn’t see it...

i’m 160cm ;) so, not so short, but not tall at all.
and, yeah, small people rule. :)

and btw here in NORTH it’s +23 in shadow and all is just sunshine. >:)

Hello my darrrlings! :)

I am happy, all my pupils passed their finals and i must say they did well! I even got an elk as a thank you present from one of them! ( i am an elk collector :))) ) cool, like teacher like pupil ;-) Now i will be a bit less busy... and then jobless for like 3 months... holidays and Sweden yaaaayy!!! :)

Here we go, I gotta catch up a bit:
raisa: funny you still find the time for hobbies like scouting... I have no time sadly... and how’s your voice doing? :)

little-miss-sorrow: you seem to have a smart boss darling... prepare a baseball bat for him :) And i see you are enjoying your ramones CD. I bet no7 is worn out by now huh? Listened to for 347829403 time probably :)
lonely_girl: exceptm my e mail with ramones cover scans! And hey, we can always meet us in Göteborg, just tell me when you could come! Good luck with looking for a job!
@chantie: thx for e mail, you guessed right, busy like hell but i will get back to you asap!
@Fool: something is on its way to you! Posted today! But forgot bout airmail, so I guess delivery will take its time...
@Sarah: what kind of behaviour is it? Heavy boozing in a foreign country...*tse-tse*

Hope i did not forget anyone :))) Puss!!!


I don’t care about size/looks etc. at all, but just realised that it is not that nice to ask “how tall are you?” Especially as the respondent is short. ;-)))

Girls you rule, heads up!!!

of course i have time for scouting.. it takes all my time. i have totally wrong priorities: scouting first, then school and studying. :D gotta live... ;) all my sosial relationships are in scout related or in the net. i’m really boring person, really.
and my voice is almost normal now.. thanks for asking.

@raisa girl: boring?! Noooo way!!!
Hint: one october day, almost 4 years ago i met my boyfriend, living on the other side of the Baltic sea, just on internet. and we are still together :) So, keep surfing and good luck!!

Besides, I think school and studying suck most of the time, so your priorities seem very right!

okay, no one calls girl with dreadlocks and funny clothes boring... >:)
i have no normal social life like normal teenagers do. i’ve never been drunk in the city and so on..
i’m not normal. i’m boring. :D

@Raisa honey: Don’t say you’re boring because you haven’t been staggering down the city streets drunk and nasty!! BE PROUD! I wish I could say the same thing! :)

@Gyllene tjej: I will be waiting, impatiently. :)


Being different is always a reason to be proud, don’t you think so?

The world would be boring as hell when everybody was all the same!

So being (a bit) different does not make you boring at all, it makes you interesting! (which is positive!)

@ fool
okay, i’m proud about that. but my point is that i’m not normal and i don’t have social life (outside scouting and internet). and that means i’m boring.

i’ve been looking for some new clothes for my grete vacation and i have found only one shirt. damn. have to try again tomorrow. i hate shopping.

today is hair dyeing day. dark brown this time.

have a nice day you all babes.

What’s this forum doing so far down? With even Japeke standing above it!

I’m at my work now, but there is absolutely no one in my part of the office, everyone is at that congress/convention that Chantie helped organising! I hope everything will go okay for her! Tonight I’m going there too, to check it out. But for now I’m BOOOORED!

hej everyone. it’s a free thursday in some parts of germany so i don’t have to work today. nice. ;o)

where is everybody gone these days? it’s not as crowded as it should be, definitely...

@gyllene_tjej: yeah, i definitely have a smart boss... hehe. no, in fact it’s not that bad there and i wanna work there at the weekend when i start uni so i better behave. ;o)

@lonely_girl: HOW was that job thing you had yesterday???

Back on top!

@gyllene tjej; hehe, you have to booz around somewhere else right when you live in SE?!!!
When I was in Copenhagen 2 weeks ago I already found it shocking that they had wine in the supermarket there and in Tallinn then I saw my beloved bacardi breezers again (didnt buy any stupid me), waaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!!!!!!!

@Iertje; poor you! greet chantiedepantie from me if you see here there tonight. I smsed her good luck and that they were playing ’Du är en gangster älskling’ in H&M here and the answer was; not time, x, hehehe hope shes not getting too stressed over there!!!

@chantiedarling; hope all went well?! now its time to rest again and the first bbq weekend for you guys, yaay! O and I bought the ’IWBYB’ single today, cant wait to be at home and to be able to listen to ’sheena’!!!!!

@raisa; Youre soooooooooo not BORING!!!! Not normal is something else, but who is in this crazy world were living in?!

@fool; agree! Ive sooo been drunk in the city (even more than one) and its not something that be very proud of or anything, being drunk on the boat isnt either, although both of them can be extremely fun, but being drunk with your friends is always the best, no matter where you are!!!

sheena is to die for.

Hehe, I already heard something like that, cant wait any longer!!!!

But I still have to go to this radiomeeting about one of our last shows here, grrrrrrrrrrrr......

you gotta play it at that show. ;o)

Yihaaaaaaaaaaaaa congratulations to Chantie!!!
Please give her all a big aplause because she did really really well last night! Chant: Wim was giving you a compliment he said: yeah, everybody was helping really well, and Chantal did a really great job!

So here you are: je bent GOED!
:) and hope you’ll have a nice free day today!

@Sawa: she was reading your sms on the toilet of Ahoy last night LOL On your welcome home party: loaaads of Breezers!!! :P

@the other girls: it’s friday again, almost weekend! Enjoy the day! Here it’s gonna be really nice weather on sunday, how about in your countries? Anybody doing anything exiting?

2½ months free (and working and working and working.. gotta get some euros.)

tomorrow i’ll travel to grete for a week.
so, no raisa here for a while.

look at..
never seen that before.

hu, an åsa pic... ;o)

@raisa: lucky you, have fun in greece! it’s gonna be nice, i guess, warm at least.

nothing special for the weekend, am going to the hair dresser tomorrow but that’s REALLY off topic... ;o) though quite exciting. hehe.

btw, any comments on sheena by anybody??

@Iertje; Breezers, breezers Sawa wil breezers hehe! THX!!!! Still have to inform my parents about this whole party thing though, :P
Sunday is gonna be hot here yeah, but today its been great too even though they said it was going to rain, :)))))))))) Maybe me and a coupke of friends are going biking at Djurgården and have a picknick etc!

@raisa; HAVE FUN IN KRETE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And that pic is from per and Åsa at the ’broinvigningen’ in Malmö, what was it 2 years ago?!

@lms; but she just couldnt stay, she had to break away, well NYC really has it all, oh yeah, oh yeaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sheena is soooooooooooooooo KEWL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Like this too: ’all instruments and voices by Per Gessle’, hehe! :P

sheena is sooooooooo lovely, pg has done it again!! ok saar, i will bring LOADS of breezers and ’bessen’ to your party :D

Well shes a punk punk a punkrocker, punk punk a punkrocker, punk punk a punkrocker, punk punk a punkrocker nohoooooooooow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

O this is sooooooooooo good, I programmed the song and used it as my alarm this morning, mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm..........................................................
O this is a mail from a Hanugarian friend of mine, she met Per en Gabbe yesterday!!!!

Jag träffade Per igår på Skogsv ,nära hans hus .
Han var så söt, slank och vältrimmad.
Gabriel var med.
Han åkte sin cykel och Per följde med honom.
Han hade också en cykel, men bara gick brevid den.
Han hade jeans och vit skjorta och en kavaj på sig.
Och han sa till Gabbe att han ska ta det försiktigt och de ska hem nu.
Jag har inte sagt nåt till dem, föratt Per var där som “pappa” och inte som popstjärna.
Men det var kul att se dem.
Det var bara en halv meter mellan oss.
Det var på 30.e.så han var inte med på Maries födelsedagfest tror jag.

O some great news for me, looks like I have a summerjob for august, in the national museum in Amsterdam, yaaaaaaaaaay!!!! :P

(the bad thing is that Ive never been there myself, o o o wat een blamage! )

HAHAHAHA thats because you are not a tourist LOL! i have been there with family from australia :)

Yep and because I think that the ’Nachtwacht’ is really ugly!!!!!

Punk PUNK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
A punkrocker nohooooooooow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well the Nachtwacht IS just plain ugly ;) No clue why it’s worth that much. (and yes I do love art)

Good for you, Saar!! What will you be doing there? Guiding tourists? Sounds interesting, meeting a lot of foreign people and all...

Sheena = great!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hejhej girls



And please, please be a bit more patient about my new fanfic thing. I’m filling page after page but there is no end... :-)) (Well, I had to wait till my brother phoned ’cause he went to Germany today to see his German girlfriend. Seems that he’s falling in love too...)

@sarah: please, please translate!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Giiirls, hello there!!!!

@Raisa: have it nicely on your lil holidays! :)))) I long for mine too, soon soon, just some more stupid work to be done :(

@l-m-s: I looove you!!!! I guess you know why :))))))
@chantie: cool it all went well for you at work!
@sarah: good luck with summer job! And damn, how cool with this PG meeting... I would die to see him with a bike, too bad that not biking himself... and sweet gabriel, mmmm :))) Maybe you are gonna meet someone in Djursholm having a picnic ;-)))

Sheena has been listened to 68392046 time already :))) As i am so busy during the days, I was listening to it whole night :))) M-A-S-T-E-R-P-I-E-C-E I say :)))

Weekend plans: gonna work till noon and then I will socialise, finally!! Meeting with a friend and it might even be a movie in cinema, if we like the repertoire enough :)

may even show up here later :) Puss to all of you :)

oh, hej lonely_girl, haven’t seen your comment before, for some reason :( So, MY CONGRATULATIONS!!! I am happy for you! :)

Translation: Sarah’s friend met Per and Gabriel near his house on May 30. They were both with bikes but only Gabriel was actually riding, Per was just walking beside the bike. Dressed in jeans ( YAM!!), white shirt and jacket. They were about to go home, and the girl did not talk to Per at all because he came there as a daddy and not as a popstar. That’s more or less this. Funny experience, huhy? :o)

Merde alors!!!!!!!

I just got on a french homepage, but I’m a bit drunk so I don’t know if I manage.. I really hate it. I thought I saw something like a flight to Göteborg for SFr. 330.– but I can’t find it... ARG!!!

My goodness, I wanna see bunny too, live, not only photos

Thank you gyllene_tjej. You got E-Mail, girl!

mmm, what’s the thing you have been drinking, huh? :))) Is this rum and coke? I WANT RUM AND COKE!!!!
Not having rum, i have been trying cognac mixes too, but it is a bit bitter...but good :)

i am gonna check the mail now! :)

OOps, no its Barcardi Breezer with orange flavour.

BTW: chantie: I saw an advertisemement today for a schnapps with peach-flavour. june afternoon is comming soon...

(oops, i think i’m really a bit drunk... hihi. do you know bridget jones? i feel a bit like her at the moment... *grin*)

I love animals, i just saved a fly from drowning in my baccardi hihihihihihihihihih btw, where is my cat??????????????????????

i know how it went: the fly ate your cat and feeling guilty wanted to commit suicide by drowning in your drink :))))
i dont drink anything now, just coke....there is still some alcohol left me an idea....hmmm... ;-))))

Oh god, I knew this would happen... Btw, I found an interesting flight offer for Fr. 330.– to Göteborg, but it stops in Amsterdam. Strange things happen...
Anyway, I’ll hit the pillow soon, bloody drink... but its so yummy

girl, you make me thirsty!!!! I don’t think i have ever tried it!
havent you thought of using ferries from germany instead of flying? it gotta be way cheaper! and longer, of course! :)

if you are going to sleep good night, if not i am still here :)

well, I need matches to keep my eyes open ;-))
Ferry: Not such a bad idea, but first of all I have to get to Germany... And I don’t know if I’m getting sea sick... Oh, btw, I wanted to check the train time table... My brain... ARG!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ferries are fine, believe me, you dont feel the waves at all! I have been using them like all my life :) Why are you so sleepy? I wonder what kind of hard night you had ;-)

writing is waiting for me and was waiting for me the next night... l-m-s and you seem desperately need a new story...

Hm it would take me 26 hours to get there by train. And the price of the tix isn’t mentioned... I’ll check the ferries out, tomorrow

oh yes, KEEP WRITING!!!!! We can’t wait that’s for sure! And I am jealous of your writing power, I am sadly not in mood or something, I can’t say I lack inspiration coz i can be staring at his HOT photos all the time... it is something else, maybe that I am a bit stressed with work or sth...still gotta work till June 20, then all pupils quit for this year! :) FINALLY :)

quite a difference compared to flying.... i checked warsaw rotterdam... it would only be 2 hours by plane! and 20 by coach :)

oh yes, KEEP WRITING!!!!! We can’t wait that’s for sure! And I am jealous of your writing power, I am sadly not in mood or something, I can’t say I lack inspiration coz i can be staring at his HOT photos all the time... it is something else, maybe that I am a bit stressed with work or sth...still gotta work till June 20, then all pupils quit for this year! :) FINALLY :)

quite a difference compared to flying.... i checked warsaw rotterdam... it would only be 2 hours by plane! and 20 by coach :)

oh, coach, i forgot this possibility...

btw, The songs Ramones the same IS released in Switzerland! Check out my thread about it, there Ooliver says he actually had the CD in his hands but did not buy it ( he is from your country)

anything about the coach? :)

bloody cat is not comming home. Well, she’s gonna sleep outside, but I’m not getting up in the middle of the night if she wants to come in...


Oh, Oliver, yes, I know him. We had a great time at the Zurich gig... He even tried to get me in, backstage... Unfortunately, the security was so unfriendly...

yeah, i have heard F*** security! it is always so hard, some really think they are such smart asses so annoying!

use earplugs ( against the cat scratches at night)

yup. I don’t know if there is a photo on ollies homepage from the group which was at the Zurich gig. Unfortunately, I can’t open this site... Strange, but true...

It’s soo unfair, if I have a look at the northern sky, I still see some light there. Here it’s already dark.

Well, tomorrow I’ll have a look at train and ferry-connections. I’ll mail you, you gave me (cheap) ideas. Thanks a lot

the pleasure is mine!
With the site it is the same for me, i can only get to the main page, then no other files are found :(
And WHERE IS EVERYONE ELSE??? It is only us talking tonight! Forgot it is Friday :)

Hi everyone!

Right now I should be writing an essay about “survey methods and means of providing information on economic crime”. Sounds fun?? It’s not, believe me. I hate criminology (for the moment) :(

Therefore I’m avoiding it by doing everything else but studying. I’m checking out this place instead. So much more fun! :) Isn’t life suppose to be fun?

Take care

hello mouse!!!

Yes, life is about fun :) therefore I am stuck in front of PC, downloading songs :)

I should be reading English history, geography and such as well... and just like you, I don’t! :) You are not alone honey! :)

@fool: good luck with the studying!

@Lonely girl: Take that flight to Amsterdam! And come and visit the crazy dutch roxers!

@Chant: where are you, girl?! I wanna talk about SHEENA!!!

@fool: good luck with the studying!

@Lonely girl: Take that flight to Amsterdam! And come and visit the crazy dutch roxers!

@Chant: where are you, girl?! I wanna talk about SHEENA!!! And write fanfix!

Hi golden_ girl! :)

Nice to know that I’m not alone! But school is soon over for both of us, which means FREEDOM!!
And when your little letter is arriving my mailbox (hopefully next week), then life’s gonna be really good. ;)

oh yes! :)
and i am so stupid, I forgot to send it by airmail, I had it in mind, coz i know it takes ages otherwise, but I forgot :(

I really want my holidays now..... :)

@Iertje: Thanx ;)

@gyllene tjej: you’re not stupid!! I’m sooooo thankful for you doing this for me! You’re the best! Kram ;)

@gyllene_tjej: I’m sorry about my quick leaving yesterday, but I heard my parents comming home and my father was in a really bad mood yesterday evening. Therefore it was better that he didn’t caught me in front of the computer... ;-))

I’ll mail you when I found something more about the plane/ferry/coach/ thing...

BTW: this barcardi breezer thing must have more than only 5.6 VP.... I really felt drunk yesterday, fortunately no hangover today...

hehehe it was clear you girls where a bit booooooored yesterday evening huh :D :D :D i watched a movie: the discovery of heaven. really beatiful!! so that’s why i wasn’t here...

@ iertje: sorry i wasn’t here, but i’ll see you tonight at gien’s and then we’ll discuss OUR FANFIIIIIIIIC!!!!
@lonely girl: MMMM peach plavour RULES!! :):):)
@gyllene tjej: have you made up your mind about november yet? and if you wanna fly over here, i can advise you to take a flight to amsterdam. ITS CLOSER TO MY HOUSE :D
@fool: i miss youuuuuuuuu!!

mmmm i think thats about it. HUGS!


@Chantie darling: I miss you toooo!!! :)

i have just contributed to the MARIE = A SEXY CHICK topic :D :D :D

@chantie: My mother brought some peaches today when she did the shopping and wondered why I started laughing like hell... heheheh, won’t explain that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

@lonely girl: LOL LOL!! iertje and i also have that when we are on our lunch break at work and we have this drink there with peach flavour as well.... wont explain that to our colleagues either HAHAHA!!!

Mh, At the moment, I can’t eat any fruits without having bunny-thoughts. Its “worse” than ever...

Hej girls!!!

mmm peaches! Luv them, want some too! Meanwhile i added some % to my coke :))) So bored, I mean SO bored it has been raining here ever since I remember.

no cinema this weekend, I will meet a friend in the evening. Right now I will go on with my LOTR reading, has any of you read it?

and WHAT is little-miss-sorrow having done to her hair? You did mention a hairdresser dear, didn’t you? Show us the outcome!!! :)))

LOL! ;o)

got back home from the hair dresser at noon. i spent the whole morning there but hej, at least i can feel pretty for a day now, haha!! it’s blonde. and red. a bit of everything. it’s okej. ;o) until i get up tomorrow and have to do all those things the hair dresser did myself... *g*

i haven’t read lotr. i wasn’t interested in it until i saw the film last year. i think i’m gonna read it this summer, if i’m not too lazy and just wait for the film to continue.

*they got their surfboards and they’re going to the disco take a go-go* ;o) IT’S BEAUTIFUL! to say it once more...

a nice weekend to everyone, the sun is out here and we’ll have a barbecue tonite. be good everyone!! ;o) cheers.

found a net connection with touch screen.
my flight is 21.15.
just BORING! (it’s hard to write with this thing. have you tried one?)
i’ve read lotr. it’s great. but i didn’t like the movie.

but have a nice week, i’ll be back on next sunday...

hmmmmmm......gyllene_girl DARRRRLING..Thanx know !! You are a honey! And so is Mr. G. from H. in S.! :) (Just in case somebody forgot that :))
I’m the middle of the night..Maybe I should go sleeping.

Back to the top...

Yes, I read the 2nd part of LOTR (but in German). At the beginning it was quite boring, but it gets better and better...

@l-m-s: thank you for your e-mail... I’ll write back soon

@g_t: I found some informations about the ferry but nothing about the coaches. Have to calculate it first, though...

LOTR = one of my fave books... read it like 4 times... yes, I’m a freak and proud of it ;)

We went to a Rox-friends’ birthday yesterday, with most of the dutch fan-group. We had a barbeque, it was fun! I think Chantie is still there, because she stayed the night.

girls help me out here: whats LOTR?!?!?!

@iertje: AM HOME!

Hello everyone!!!
it’s still raining here, so boring... but nevertheless i have been shopping and got myself some nice clothes again :) And the new Bryan Adams CD, so great!!!!

How was the party chantie? LOTR= Tolkien’s lord Of The Rings. i am currently reading it ( The first one Fellowship of the ring) and i agree with iertje that it is great!! :)

Cool with some change l-m-s, I guess you are not here coz you are busy styling your new hairdo? Gotta visit hairdresser soon too and have my hair shortened.

@Criz: YOU are my darrrrrling too :))) Puss!!!
@lonely_girl: good luck with your counting, and let me know what you have decided!

haha, yeah, i’ve been styling the whole day ;o) *justajoke*

but you didn’t buy a new jacket, g_t, did you? ;o)

Hej everyone!

I need some special Bunny Fans to help me out! I don´t know if somebody asked this before, cos I couldn´t read all your replies here! :o)

Does anybody know, if there will be a Videoclip of “I wanna be your boyfriend”?

aha, lord of the rings.... not my cup of tea really...

yeah the party was really nice in my opinion, i had a good time :D just love to be outside untill almost midnight, feels great! and this afternoon we sat in the sun and my arms even got a bit sunburned!!


Yeah, sitting in the sun is really nice! Did the same today too! But not sunburned today! :o)

Hej chantie, if you have already sunburned arms today, how will you look end of the summer??? ;o)

I envy you the weather!!! And i would kill for barbecue...i love such food! :)

@roxmaniac: Personally, I don’t think there will be a video for IWBYB... it is way too silent, the single is already out in Sweden so the video should have followed...unless Per is waiting until the European release... but i don’t think so. I’d love to be wrong though! :))

@little-miss-sorrow: no jacket... but I WAS close, there was something you could call “summer jacket”, it was short sleeved with zipper and looked like a jacket :))) I ended up with two nice tops instead... is it already an addiction? ;-))

i guess there’ll be no video for iwbyb... as the single is already out it’d be a bit late and to be honest, what for should they do one? anyways, a video for sheena would be much nicer. hehe.

chantie, did you see the lotr movie? i always thought i wasn’t into that things much but the film was great!! (but since i didn’t know anything about it before my friends took me to the cinema i was... well... surprised bout the ending... nobody told me it’d go on ;o))

Thanks g_t! I don´t even think so too! But I´m still hoping! :o) More Bunny-Stuff wanted!

Thanks for your answer too, l-m-s! :o)))

Yeah, the movie of LOTR was great! I also didn´t know anything about it! And now I´m reading the books as well! But in my opinion the movie is much better. It´s also very hard to read the book, if you hadn´t seen the movie before, I think!

wow, i’d call that crowded...

gyllene_tjej ;o) that was something we call “two fools, one thought” here in germany. LOL *since the single is already out...*


yeah, let’s convince chantie to give lotr a try! I agree it is kinda hard to read if one hasn’t seen the movie... To tell the truth, the book is so rich in details that it is still hard to understand/remember all, even if i had seen the movie before I started reading :) reading is recommended as they skip many details in the movie! gonna see the film once again after the book!!! :)

two fools one thought...hehehe, funny saying, and very true, all gessle fraks have the same thoughts :)

sheena video would be cool too!!! Btw, i will give you a really hard time: please choose your fave song IWBYB or Sheena???

I am only waiting for ONE song, come on girls, gimme your thoughts!


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