The Daily Roxette

Roxette World Tour 2011 schedule
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To everyone who thinks Per = a sexy babe

1856 replies

Girrrrrls does it mean you are actually coming back???? I always check this one and its emptiness makes me cry ;)

Let’s discuss Gessle God again :) I love the latest Spanish article pix of him, what do you say sweethearts???

See you all soon here!!!! I miss you all madly :o(

@gee: haha, nettes Wortspiel! ;o)

@gyllene_tjej: THANX for the email!! *smile* and you not that talented?! you know how to make me laugh, girl!

@ gyllene tjej

oceans eleven is nice movie. that’s all i can say. not bad, not special. saw it when we came back by bus from lapland last monday. (yeah, it was unofficial copy from net :D even scouts aren’t always good people...)

No one here?

Didn’t saw Ocean’s eleven, it disappeared quite quickly from the Cinema programme here in Switzerland.

I saw a Swiss sitcom with a famous Swiss comic actor. It’s about that the Swiss embassy in Cuba represents the interests of the USA, quite strange but rather funny idea... Laughed a lot ;-))

@gyllene tjej: No, I haven’t this kind of player. It’s a shame!!!


@raisa: THX I will make my own opinion tomorrow around noon... wow cool that going to cinema will be one of the first things to be done after I get up :))

@lonely_girl: I AM here ;) That’s sad with your PC.... the song would surely give you new ideas for your stories! How many pages btw? :) *no pressure put on you*

@little-miss-sorrow: you are welcome! :) Woody rules!!! Keep moving your fingers on the keyboard!

@chantie: WHERE ARE YOU? We miss you here! :(

am here! story is in progress! am visiting friends but will be back tonight! :)

Chantie get your butt out of bed and get writing!!!!

just wanna add that the previous message that was added by cisca:::: that was me, at cisca’s computer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

@iertje: i was outta bed already!!!!!!!!

Hiya everyone! ;o) Hope you spent a nice weekend... it’s monday tomorrow which puts me in a BAD mood, but hey, only five days until friday (am talking to myself - hehe) ;o)

@gyllene_dear: did you enjoy the movie? always wanted to see oceans eleven but it disappeared quite fast from the cinemas here in germany... been to the cinema yesterday and watched a german film. funny.


Chant: really? That means you didn’t have enought breezers yesterday!!! Do they have ’m in peach-flavor btw? ;)

Chant: really? That means you didn’t have enought breezers yesterday!!! Do they have ’m in peach-flavor btw? ;)

I’m a bit pissed btw, I rented Bridget Jones but my dvd stopped playing after half of the movie! Grrrr, frustrating!

Hej girls I am back!!!

To everyone who has a chance to see Ocean’s eleven: SEE IT!!! It is a harmless and witty one classified as action comedy. I liked that one a lot...and little-miss-sorrow guess what again... POPCORN!!!!! :))))) Yummy! And on top of all this... Brad is SO hot!!! *drooling* But of course nothing compared to BUNNY PER!!! ( so just imagine how Gessle turns me on, hehe :))

@Iertje: how did you like Bridget so far?? I am sorry to say but I found it kinda boring... ( maybe i am getting old ;-))

@chantie and co.:Still waiting for the peach thing... girls do you know it is my fave fruit ever?? Or will it change after your story? ;-D

The thing with Monday pisses me off too... weekend was definitely TOO short...

iwbyb gets better every time. ;)
and i have it only in computer. some genius (=dad)have to make a cd full of this song for me and my cd-player. :D

i got 140e for birthday present for my relatives. tomorrow i’ll go spending some money. i’ll buy rox-dvd at last. (it’s on sale: 14.95!!)

@iertje: no, i wasnt drunk AT ALL, i’ll keep that for thursday hehehe! and YES, breezers come in peach flavor too.....

@gyllene_tjej: after the story, you will run to the store in desperate need of peaches LOL!!

story still in progress. iertje and i are writing together, emailing each other every day at least once or twice :D so the progress can’t go any faster, first we have to write, then send, then wait, the recieve, then read and go mental over what the other one wrote, then think, then write and send again etc. etc. etc....... but heym iertje, maybe we can upload a part of the story to the site already? like just one page, and then the second page the next day, and the next page the next day ETC. then all the honeys in here can read it and we can just go on typin’ hehehe :)


you make me sick!!
you are so pathetic, posting any-stupid-thing-you-have-in-mind just to increase the number of messages.... Let me tell you: you need some help!

Chantie: Yeeeah great idea!!! Go ahead!!!

PINCHILA: You have too much time on your hands, go do something useful! If you don’t like what you’re reading, don’t read it!

@iertje: ok!

@pinchilla: hahahahahaha who is sick in here?! you are the ONLY ONE that doesn’t agree with us, and still you are in this forum... and there are many, many other forums so i suggest you just go and annoy someone else. thank you.

ps i am not posting messages to increase the numbre, what kinda bullsh*t is that?! who cares which topic has the most messages blabla?! pinchilla, you don’t make any sense. you are trying to make me feel bad with your comments but you are only making me laugh HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHA

bugger off.

Oh no, not Monday again. Hate this day!!!!!!!!! :”-((

I got blisters on my fingertips... ;-)) (Wonder where from *grin*)

@gyllene tjej: 18 pages!!!! But I won’t beat your 33 pages at all. I’ve almost finished. I’ll mail you...

HEY HEY HEY!!! girlies! i have added the first page of a new story! check it out!!!

@chantie: heja dear! ;o)

@pinchila: well, my dear. the only one who should get a life here is you, I guess. you see, it’s not only about us... we’re not the only people in the universe you can concentrate on, I think you should really find someone to help you who might even like you... who knows... have a nice life. cheers.

@lonely_girl: am not from switzerland but if you still want a copy of I wanna be your boyfriend mail me! ;o)

@gyllene_tjej: dupdidup (don’t remember what you last reply was about but wanted to say hi ;o)) gonna read the first part of iertje’s and chantie’s probably fabulous story now...

I liked Bridget! I saw it before, in the cinema. And I read the book. And the other book... Needless to say, I enjoyed the movie. Well, the first part anyway ;)

Gonna write again now!

I don’t know what is more cruel. Waiting for the whole story or reading the first part and THEN waiting for the rest... ;o) Argh!

hehehe so did you like this tiny piece little-miss-sorrow????? mmm i can upload another page tonight... if you are still online :)

am back. just wanted to check my mailbox again but then I had to come back *smile* you’d really do that for me? ;o) I’ll check back a little later to see if I find somethin’. till then.

ok! added little more than one page to give you a nice ’cliffhanger’!!! :)

;o) thank you

you’re welcome :P

Hej Chantie. I just wanted to congratulate you with starting up this succesful forum!!! Greetz Martin.

yaaaaay! thanks martin :) see girls, we have fans!!! :) :) :) LOL

first time in 5 months i’m listening something not roxette related music. feels strange.. (kemopetrol, a finnish band.) my “nothing but roxette”-period is over? we need new tour! (or new songs at least..)

and that’s the cute dutch boy who i saw in helsinki?? ;)

LOL@raisa hehehe yeah he was in helsinki with sarah!

yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay 22 pageeeeeees :)

heja! am at school, in the net without my teacher knowing about it... and have to stop writing everytime she comes around... stress! ;o)

chantie, you’re really cruel! how could you stop at THAT point with your story?! ;o) am waiting for tonight...

Wooooooooooow, 22 pages!!! A lot happens when you’re in bed one day with a headache and a cold, KEWL, jopehoe, haha! :)

And if you’re online now, please come to the chat! I soooooooooo want to talk with you, :)

If someone else is reading this and wants to chat,, the ICQ one, :P

@iertje; Bridget Jones = KEWl! Havent read the books so far though, just got the Dutch version of the 2nd one from a friend, maybe Ill start reading that one soon!
And please keep on working on the ’peach story’, and Chantie too, I’ll go and read the first part after this (although I alrrady got a summary of it before, haha!)

@gyllene tjej; about the Ramones CD release party you mentioned somewhere, do you have any idea when and where?
I havent heard anything else of it and would like to try to get in there of course, :P

@raisa; yeah you get yourself I CD with ’IWBYB’ on it about 18 times so that you can listen to it over and over again! :D
And yes, again that was Martin who you met in Hki, another Dutchie!

@pinchila/enchilada or whatever your name is; GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE!
It’s YOU that is not making any sense here, commenting on Chantie’s comments every once in a while, does that turn you on or something?!


CHINCHILA: uuuuuh yeaaaah we are sick and boring and pathetic and u know what??? WE LUV IT!!!! TRY IT!!! ITS COOL !!!!!


LOL@gee! ;o)

always when i think you dutch people i feel sad because here in finland just isn’t any rox people. it’s sooooo wrong!

summer is coming, really. this week is first week without a hat and today i was out without jacket. almost all snow has melted. nooooooo!! i want winter back.

btw, i’ve been thinking about my fanfic. it’s ready before summer.. some fresh ideas are in my head. now all i need is time. more hours in day would be nice. (tomorrow i have finnish grammar test. i just can’t this language. it’s too hard even for us finnish people. :P)

@lonely girl: yaaaay!!!!!! :) can’t wait!!!

have just updated more to the june afternoon-story... getting closer and closer to the peach part LOL LOL LOL

@pinchila: if we are just a bunch of losers writing crap then why don’t YOU find yourself a better place to be? You don’t wanna be one of us, huh? ;-)

@chantie: let me say it again, it is indeed SO DAMN GR8 you started that little thread for us... suddenly I found so many new friends here! Love ya honey!
I WILL LOOK FOR PEACHES ON FANFIX NOW!!!! Last two days were so hectic... :(

@lonely_girl: 18 pages?? Sooo cool! I am waiting like crazy!

@Sarah: haven’t heard of the release party ever since... if i do I will let you know!

@little-miss-sorrow: it is very bad to surf while at SCHOOL!!! Remember I am a teacher too ;-)

Hope I answered all of you...good night now :)

Haven’t got the time to edit it in the afternoon. I’m drowning in work... S**T (typing mistakes, didn’t get used to the English language again)

Still hope I’m ready till the weekend.

PS: I didn’t start reading chanties story, I don’t wanna be blamed of cheating. The upcomming story is 100% lg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hi! I have followed your discussion and if I may I would like to know if you think åsa is beautiful? I personally think she would look better if she would wear something else then black.

@gyllene tjej; looks like this ramones tribute concert is on monday, there’s a little article about it in todays metro!
BUT, Per is NOT going to perform there the management says, :(
We just put it on the newssite before.

@marjatta; hej hej, kewl another new person here!
I think you’re right about Åsa, I think she’s quite pretty, but it’s true that she wears so much black all the time, I’d like to see here in some light stuff or jeans or whatever some time, she does have the figure for that I think!

åsa rulz man! she is reallt beatiful! i saw her in karlstad last year and i was stunned! so despite everything we all write in our fanfix, per WILL stick to her no matter what, he has done so for about 18 years already :)

Yeah, ok that’s definitely true.
But the question I have is, should she wear brighter colours? I think it would be nice to see her inn another colour than black voor a change!

mmmm yes i agree she is kind of hiding a bit in big black clothes. she shouldn’t, she is pretty enough to stand out!

@lonely girl: don’t steal my story LOL LOL hehehe of course we all believe you wrote it, don’t worry! why not!

gyllene_tjej, where are you?? it’s about åsa!! ;o) well, i have to admit i really like her a lot, she’s just very very sweet and nice (or seems to be as i have never really talked to her or something, just seen her some times) and if per ever ever considered to leave her i’d call him the most stupid man on earth!! about that colour thing... well... if she likes black... she could for sure wear other colours as well but no doubt, black also suits her quite good. *just my little opinion*

@g_t: oops, forgot that teacher thing... but i think you wouldn’t stop me finding me on the tdr page during your lesson... *smile* btw, if she forgets to cut the internet connection it’s her fault, not ours, school’s just too boring.

@lonely_girl: i just dropped you a mail but i’m not sure if everything went well... let me know!

@Sarah: yes, I also thought it would be yoo good to be true to see Per at the party... I mean wouldn’t he steal all attention? :) He is THE star among the others after all :) btw...I have read June...l-m-s is so right: it is cruel to wait, exploring a tiny bit every time... girls, please get down to many pages is it already?

@little-miss-sorrow: okej... I AM here if we talk about our lovely Woody... HOW COULD I BE MISSING?? :o))) cut the long story short Åsa is my dream woman. She is so delicate and beautiful. I like the elegance she wears and I don’t mind the black. I don’t think she is hiding in her clothes, at parties she usually exposes enough to make her even sexier. And come on it is not always black :)

What I also love about Åsa is her modesty...and the lovely positive energy and warmth she radiates with. One smile is enough to make my heart melt. Our bunny has great taste!
I am craving for something new to read... :)))

ok get ready girls, am gonna upload some more in a few mins!!!! we have reached almost 12 pages now, tension is growing, hehehe......


ps gyllene_tjej: you are SO right about åsa! have you seen the pic of her and per at 40th birthday her party? they were so STUNNING!!

indeed honey, I adore the photo...and i AM ready for peaches now... yam yam! :o))))

ok its up :D

oh honey why do you have to stop at such moment... God, peaches, gimme peaches...and that gorgeous hand to feed me... *SIGH FULL OF LUST* when’s the next part coming up? Tomorrow, or? :)

just a short comment on june afternoon before i go to bed... IT’S WHITE AGAIN ;o)

@g_t: could not have said it better.

good night.

“@g_t: could not have said it better.” meant the åsa thing but also agree on the story thing... hehe

hehehe :) glad you like it girls! mmm yeah i am planning to put up the next part tomorrow.... but if you really wanna read more... mmm you could talk me into it *sly grin* hehehe

if you’re still online, let me know!

by the way, am still writing, writing together makes the story longer i think! so i think we are not done yet for a little while. and we already have another idea for a story to write together!

Chantie & Iertje: The Dynamic Duo


well, if we can talk you into it... my dearest chantie... PUT IT ONLINE!! ;o) don’t know where gt is gone but i’m still here. got my mail?

yup, got it! ok now you have persuaded me, i will upload some more!

the new part starts under the horizontal line, so just scroll down!


i have to go, enjoy! feedback here is very welcome!!!

*I’m here* lost for words! :o) WHAT WILL HAPPEN NEXT??? I want to read more before I go to bed chantie... my mind is craving! :)))
@l-m-s: got the mail too AND replied :)

btw, chantie, is working in a duett really easier? Do your thoughts always go into the same direction? Has it happened that, writing the story, you wanted to make it “white” and iertje suddenly made it “black”?? What do you do then to straight things out... GOOD LUCK WITH A NEW STORY, gr8 that ideas are growing!
@l-m-s: WE gotta write sth together too, if your head is full of ideas as well ;-)))

am back! can’t stay away LOL! is there still anybody online?

“is there someone, i can talk to, someone out there, on-line, anybooooody who wants to hear what’s on my mind....”


aaah! i didnt see your message! but i guess you are not online anymore! too bad... i will try to find some time tomorrow to upload some more, if iertje agrees on that. i am not sure if we don’t need to make more changes. the writing together is just a PARTY! iertje and i are doing very well because we are very much alike... and it’s very exciting to read each other’s email and find out where the story is going. if we don’t like it, we discuss it and maybe change a bit. and if we have an certain idea of what should happen next, we just let the other in on that so she can take that with her while writing the next part :) i must say, i am not even sure anymore who wrote which part of the first pages LOL!

well, since it’s long after everyone’s bedtime, i think you are both not online anymore, sigh... and i am still typing! story is going faster and faster! what do you say iertje, maybe we can even come to a conclusion when i am at your place tomorrow and friday!! :D hehehe or maybe ron can lead us to a certain ending, LOL LOL LOL.... mm no i don’t think i wanna know how ron would end the story HAHA

by the way: ron is iertje’s boyfriend :)

ps have to mention the time on TDR is 2 hours behind the time here in holland....

@chantie: it IS tomorrow already... does it mean I can get you to upload just a LITTLE bit more???.... Thursday will be bloody busy for me, so I might not be around at all ( but i will try to, very late in the evening though.)
I am up just for you, hehe :))SIGH* I can’t sleep...for some strange reason all I see is peaches and HIM... tight blue jeans once again, yeah,yeah,yeah!!! :))))
seriously: I understand if you need some time to make changes and so on... I will be waiting!.... although it is SO hard, you know it yourself :)

Yeaaaah we’re like batman and robin, with both of us being batman... ’cos robin’s a dork =P

And oh man... Chantie was talking about Jenny (storygirl) was almost having phonesex with Per and I wanna reeead!!!! But she sent me the wrong file... *cry*

BTW tonight = partynight, we’re going to a Garbage-concert!!!

hehehe.... file is on the way iertje piertje! sorry! it was very, ver, very late at night when i sent it to you! so, gyllene_tjej, i guess you were up even later than i was! i didn’t see your message, was too busy typing!! i’ll upload some more later today ladies :)

Huhu? NO girls for the whole day??? *sniff* Was everyone else as busy as me?
@chantie: how is your party going?
@l-m-s: it is too late to find you here now, huh?
@lonely_girl: have you drowned in your typing?
Wish you all a good night and I am still craving for peaches :) PUSS!!!!

hehehe, hej girls, it’s kinda late but i uploaded another part of the story, YAAAAY! xxx

@gyllene tjej: No, not drowning, I had a bloody busy day yesterday, just rewieving my story till half past eleven p.m... I have to do the final edit a bit later.

@all: Get yourself ready!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wow sooo gr8 gr8 gr8!!!!!! Suddenly, we will get so many nice things to read *yam-yam*
@lonely-girl: will you mail me the story?? :)
@chantie: thanx for June Afternoon update, reading it was the first thing I did in the morning, what a lovely start of the day. And now, I am off to work *yawning*

We had a grrreat Garbage-concert! But the partying after that went less great, we were all really really tired so we wrote only a small part and then we went to sleep ;)

I just love June Afternoon!

@gyllene tjej: You’ve got e-mail!!!!!!!!!!
@chantie: you’ve got e-mail!!!!!!!!

I’m going to hide till someone is calling me back. It’s now in chantie’s hands...

CY (have to go back to work now)

Nuthin’ to say really, but I want the topic back on top ;)

ps: everybody: feel bad for Chantie ’cos she’s out of computer rightnow!

*feelingverybadforchantie* ;o( miss ya around!!

@everybody else: it’s so quiet here these days so if anybody’s around show up! ;o)

AM BACK!!!!!! hehehe! first gonna read lonely girl’s storyyyyyy!!! and then will be back with updated site :D

missed u all too, was a terrible evening and day without pc waahhaaaa but am back kickin’ ass hehehe!

ietjeeeeee!! fanfictime tonight!!!!

WAHEY!!!! ;o)

Absolutely fanfic time!!!!!

site is updated, everybody come read Lonely Girl’s story CHANGES!!! and i have added another piece to june afternoon!

hej my darlings!!!!
I am sorry I was silent, but since I am planning a little vacation soon I am doing a lot of overtime these days, weekends included :( But anyway, I am back :) AND what do I see? FANFIX!!! What a great way to spend the night! I am reading like crazy!!! :)
btw: what about this IWBYB single, is it really true?
Would be so DAMN cool!!!

hi darlings! iertje & i are approaching the end of JUNE AFTERNOON! YAAY!!!

@gyllene_tjej: i think ronald got the info about the single from the management so then it should be true... :)!!!!

i think the strory is about finished now, iertje just has to review it one more time and then i will put it online completely! :)

where is everybody! i feel so alone waahaaa!

yoohoo I am here chantie!!! How are things with JA? Final revising in progress?? CAN’T wait!!!
and yeah, WHERE is everyone??? little-miss-sorrow are you studying hard on Sunday?? Or already planning what we will write together? ;-)))
@lonely_girl: COME OUT!!! You have got mail girl! I had a nice time reading Changes! :o)
See you all around asap! :)
ahhh...will be SO great with a bunny single.....
gotta go and do some reading :)

heja ladies! it’s been much too quiet here the last days, hasn’t it? gotta change that! ;o)

@gyllene_tjej. more the planning thing to be honest... gosh, i’m soooo lazy ;o) buuut, am on holidays right now so i can start studying tomorrow. or on tuesday. or somewhen else.

@lonely_girl: you should definitely come out again! changes is great!

wishing everyone a nice sunday evening. till later.

soso... fanfix is under construction... it’s not that i’m curious or anything... ;o)

almost done! stay tuned :)

@lonely girl: i agree with the other ladies, you don’t have to hide :)

ps added someother new thingies as well, look out for all the NEW NEW NEW things beaming at ya LOL!!!

@chantie: we’re waiting to see the bright coloured changes :) God I am so hungry!!! :) We had such an AWESOME idea to take up writing, don’t you think girls? :o)
@little-miss-sorrow: HOLIDAYS??? you lucky little girl!!!! I am still waiting like a week for mine...which I formally don’t deserve as a teacher... but i forced my decision on pupils, hehehe :) So, in some days from now I will also be having fun! Let’s celebrate!!!! :)

ok girlies, fanfix is BACK online :) enjoy!


WOW the site looks great!! Great work, Chant!!!


shit i didnt see another page coming oh oh...

sorry hehehe

FINALLY girl!!!! I already saved the whole JA to read later on! As (DAMN IT!) I have to leave now, reading will have to wait a bit...and then I will be up for the best part of the night :o) ( depending when I am back home that is)
I love the changes, it is nice to get a new background in every story! Keep up the good work chantie and I am sure more fanfics will show up in time :) After all we are all too talented to let it be! :-D

hehehe... agree! SHARE your fantasies people :) :)

It’s a beautiful story, Chantie and Iris, I love this one best!!!!

yaaaaaaay!!! thank you thank you :)

*s*i*g*h*..... no one online anymore? i hate sunday nights, so boring because everyone has to work tomorrow except for me....

hej! ;o)

no work for me today but i was long gone to bed nevertheless.

just wanted to have a look if anybody’s here before i start studying again (i fought my lazyness, yeah!) and... chantie ’n iertje... june afternoon is sooo nice. congrats, totally agree with bluesue!!

*shows up slowly*

I’M BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

oh, and what THE HELL is the real title of that alanis morissette song?? i now all the lyrix but what’s the name of the song? i just don’t remember and been thinking about it since i read it... makes me mad! ;o)

whoops... hej! ;o)

LOL@l-m-s :) i think the alanis morisette song i mentioned is... IRONIC :D

@lonely girl: welcome back! :) there was no need to hide, your story was read and appreciated by us :D we like it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

thank you chantie! you saved me from thinking about it any longer. ;o)

Wow... so glad you girls like it!!! It was so much fun writing it, we already started a new one!

heja ladies! am at school again, as i’m not free from the school days... ;o( blegh! and... noones here... life’s cruel.

buuut, you started a new story again? cool! ;o)

Eeeuw - you find Per attractive? How could you? He’s about 50 now isn’t he? I find that quite disgusting actually - well done, you’ve turned me off my tea now... How can I eat spaggetti Bolaniese when I’m thinking of Per’s wrinkly body? Thanx a lot you people!

at least you’ll lose some weight now... and we’ve something to smile about!

and hey, he’s in his 60ies already!

I am here too - better late than never :)
That new story thing is very tempting already!!! :)
@little-miss-sorrow: that was nicely said! Mmmm...we could actually be eating things right from his body, instead of a plate, couldn’t we? ;-)))
btw: your pix l-m-s are SO gorgeous, will email you later in the weekend :)

what a nice idea gyllene_tjej. though it shouldn’t be spaggetti then... ;o) great you liked the pix. i still have to laugh every time i see them!

no, but how about covering bunny with cream and dip strawberries in it, all done in a candle light, our shadows flickering on the walls... what do you say?? AHHHH Let’s write another fanfic!!!! :)
Regarding their garments they suck BIIG time, but their faces and smiles... soo yummy! :o) Are you enjoying your lil holiday btw?

About the release party of the Ramones tribute CD. I have heard Per and Woody were there, also Clarence and Dimman. But he wasn’t performing just drinking beer at the bar.

cream and strawberries... well, we should actually think about that... ;o)

am not enjoying my little holiday over here, no way. it’s not that bad, just boooring...

gosh, i’m wondering if there are any photos from the release party. they’re not partying without the press, are they? ;o)

Poor you, but hey, can holidays really turn boring?? I have been busy way too long and I have forgotten the real taste of freedom i guess. So, i would gladly be in your shoes now! :o) soon, in just a couple of days I will be free too! :)))

I think it would have been diffferent if Per sang a song too... has any Swedish fan been there?

the studying thingie, ya know... would you really come over and take my place? i’d be quite happy bout that! ;o)

btw, is somebody going to see bingolotto finally?

girls. EXCUSE me. the strawberry thing was a good idea. BUT HOW ABOUT PEACHES?????!!!!!


hope you puked.

by the way, honies, you still online?? gimme a sign. have a secret to share...

oh and the new story that iertje and i started is not going anywhere, i am stalling the process due to writers block...


OF COURSE peaches, chantie... How could i forget... the honour is yours! :) And yesss... I AM online, what’s the secret about?
@l-m-s: studying sucks... but you are not alone! Recently I have borrowed a copybook full of things I need to know for my colledge... Damn, it is so fat! :(

hehehe.... so we mix whipped cream, strawberries and peaches then? :) oh and some grapes for iertje LOL :) :) :)

well the secret... mmm i am not confident enough yet to share it with the whole TDR so i will email you an url... or maybe we can chat at messenger if you are not sleepy enough yet??

ps and champagne, of course. we will go shopping with per’s platinum credit card anyways. then tie him down, strip him, get out the groceries... WHAT A FEAST ;)

smalltalker, you still with us? hello? smalltaker? oops. puking again. LOL LOL LOL

@chantie: just read the mail for all the warm words! :)
and yesss...that fruity mix seems so tasty, gotta try some day!!!! Keep posting! I am never sleepy enough, you know...unless it is my working time and boring ( I am sorry to say) pupils! ;-D

hahaha, oh yes, i bet the pupils feel the same way, sorry honey! have been a student too ya know LOL.... you’ve got mail! and sms! YAAY!

oh! almost forgot! fanfix has a new guestbook, i just got so annoyed with the other one because it gave 5 (FIVE) popups lately and that erally sux. so i got a new guestbook and it is sooooo empty waahahahaaaaa!!!!!! please enter messages again, the other one had very cool messages but they all have been deleted, sniff...


Chantie! So this is where you are!
720 messages posted about this topic.
Seems like you girls can go on forever!:)
An inexhaustible subject maybee!
Well, I´m with you.:)

hahahahaha! welcome to the club, fool, very very welcome!! :)

abslutely inexhaustible subject, well said!!!!!!!

Chantie! You are probably writing fanfiction at this moment!
So, how is it going? :)
What is it about this time????? Well, I know it´s about Per, but in what situation?:))

indeed! soon we will cross 1000 post, yooppie!!! :))) Just wait until we see Per at Bingolotto...mmmm will give us some new and hot ideas!!! :o)
anyway, now i am off to bed...nah, not sleeping, just reading and I will see you all for a litle while tomorrow!
@chantie: thx for the mails and sms QL it works! :)

hehehehe OH NO, no peaking LOL! well... iertje and i started another story, very good idea by iertje, but it is not going very well as i am currently experiencing some kind of writers block waaaahaaaa! i cant get myself into the story so it will be delayed! maybe something else will come up in the mean time, i have no idea :) we’ll see, iertje is very busy with work and i am lacking inspiration, so thi is a HINT to the other girls!! get ur ass at the computer and start wrtinggggg!

by the way, fool, have you checked out the other two websites with fanfiction that mention on my site? to keep you busy in the meantime :D

goodnight gyllene tjej :)

oh and @gyllene_tjej: msn is still working, TDR is doing fine, now my emailserver is down :(

No, I´ve never been wisiting those other fanfix sites, But maybe I will tonight. Staying up late you know. But first I´m going to write something cool in your gestbook.
see you later. (tonight?):))

yeah, fill up the new guestbook on fanfix people, it is FAR too empty :)

@fool: i am staying up late as well so i will run into you a couple of times :) if you want to chat, join me: because i am all alooooone in the chat room!!

fooooool! please come back to the chatroom, my connection failed but i am ON again :)

some time later: ok i have HAD it with this STUPID computer, is constantly going down, my connection sux, my site is down, the mailserver of the FC is down aaaaaargh!!!! frustrationnnnnnnnnn!! so am done with this day and will go to bed now! see ya’ll tomorrow!

Hi hi hi. Stackars Chantie!!:))
Vi ses imorgon. Kram och godnatt!

sigh... seems i was gone far too early yesterday... ;o)

@l-m-s-: yeeeees you were missed girl!
@fool: we should try again eh! :)

@chantie: Chatroom? I’m a bloody beginner, I tried to enter it several times and never ever found anyone to chat with. What am I doing wrongly????

welllll lonely girl, i dont think you are doing anything wrong, its just that NO ONE EVER goes to that chatroom. i am somtimes there with Sarah-P but i never see other fans there when i log on.

HEJ! GIRLS! IF you are online and wanna chat, just post a message here that you will go to the chatroom and that we we know when someone is there :)

That is a very good idea indeed, it seems like only Chantie and I are using this chat for our talks!

Can’t wait untill Saturday anymore!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Have to see if he’s in the new TVguides that are in the shops from today, :)
On Sunday I already had the shock of my life when Pers head suddenly appeared on the free Östermalmstidingen that was in my mailbox as usual, not very good to a Roxfan with a hangover! :p

@gyllene tjej; you’re making me curious, do you have a friend who actually went to that premiere part? There was absolutely nothing in the papers here the day after!

so, anybody there tonite?

yesssss l-m-s, i’m here :) wazzup!!!


yup! ;o) but am only free in half an hour or something. i’ll check back then.

ok! i’ll be in the chat in half an hour then :D

just wanna add that bluesue and i are at the chat now! :D


just so you won’t foget why we are all here. thought i’d post an url...

:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

ok it took ages buuuuuuuuuuut here are the pix of PG and MF at the grammis, efva’s party and chess premiere!

chantiechantiechantie... those pix are soooo nice, THANK YOU!! ;o) i won’t repeat that angel thing now hihi.

aaaand... i’d kill for those marie trousers...

it’s really quiet tonight!!! Where is everybody?

oh i had such a BORING day today. was at a VERY boring party tonight. almost fell asleep. phew, sure am glad to be back home and ONLINE :)

Huhu??? Anyone here?!?

HEJA! it’s kinda quiet today... just wanted to say bye bye for the weekend as i’m off to a little rox party tomorrow. well, actually it’s not a rox party but we’re sure gonna turn it into one. ;o)


hej hej girlfriends! iertje and i are having a blast on this friday night, having a 2personparty at my place :D we have been talking about per, listening to his songs, watching him (stockholm show on video cd) OH MY GOD OH MY GOD OH MY GOD i now definately remember why i ever started this topic:

Gorgeous Genius Gessle

s i g h ......

“there is no such thing as bad weather, just bad clothing” (does not make any sense but is quote from christoffer. he make look like a creep but he is one of the nicest persons i met on tour!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

I have to say that I thoroughly enjoyed all of the stories! I never knew there were so many ways to seduce Per! I’m just wondering what’s next!


Back to the top!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(I’m pretty bored, I’m already at work... A lot of work is waiting for me...)

Hey little girl I wanna be your boyfriend...

Finally I got it, thanx to l-m-s !!!!

@gyllene tjej: you’re right, I might get some new ideas for a new story...


hehehe no comment. check out.


girliez! who has seen per on tv tonight!!!!! SHARE :)

wazzuuuuuup!!!!!!! why do i have the feeling i am shouting at myself here....... mmmm. indeed very silent this forum.



But you already knew that right hunnie?!
Of course my dad suddenly had the urge to call me right when Per came on, so my vcr was turned on just 2 seconds too late, :( (but he’s giving me more money so you don’t hear me complaining!)
Anyway, it was just great, but short tyvärr, Per looked great, smiled a lot and it seemed like they were really having a lot of fun all together!

Today I watched the rerun of all the ZTV Nytt, so their news ’shows’, from the past week, because I all of a sudden thought their might have been something about the releaseparty last Tuesday.
And yesssssssssssssss, there was, some bits from the performances and almost to the end while putting on a Ramones video all of a sudden a VERY FAMILIAR VOICE....PERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!
He just talked about his cover, bla bla bla, but he looked greaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat!!!!
Funny thing was that I was first wondering what that light thingie in his neck was... turned out to be a plaster (yep he’s more tanned than plasters haha!), oops...! :)

No photos on TV4’s bingolotto site unfortunately,

Not yest I mean, hope they up put a nice photo ASAP!!! :)

Hej People!

I’m new here, visited the daily roxette some times before but now I saw this forum it seemed like a good idea to sign up, wow what a stories you guys have!

HEJ!! ;o) gosh, i’m gone for just one day and miss out on almost everything... two whatsoever gh albums, bingolotto and most of all... that “i’m still laughing like hell” link by chantie. hihihi.

but anyway, anybody chatting there tonite?

seems everyone’s gone... ;o( bye bye.

i’m hereeeeee girliez! :) just had another very boring day with a friend, didnt turn out as much fun as i expected so i have lots of energy left :)

@SweetLittleGrl: WELCOME :) so have you read all 26 pages of this topic now ?! hehehe we are quite active don’t you think hahaha!!

i’ll check the chat, if you people wanna chat, come over!!!!

Bah! What’s Per got that I haven’t?????

well, besides the mansion, hotel, golf course, 100 hit songs, ferrari, millions of Kronor.....


no comment ;)

hey no more girlfriends online tonite anymore????

but also hope you’ll be back here soon LOL

just wanna let you all know, i have got some help with the fanfix site! jorge from run2roxette has created OUR OWN FORUM and this one is muuuuuuuuch better than the one i made :) so please check it out and start talking hehehe

@Chantie: Yes, you guys seems very active especially with the writing of those fanfiction stories.
I haven’t read everything which was written down here, but I think I got most of it, the main thing to know is of course...THAT PER IS A SEXY BABE!!!
Hihi, :)
Now I guess I have to start reading those fanfiction stories right?! Will I be shocked?! :P

And WOW did you see that photo from Bingolotto?! He looked GOOOOOOOOOD and SEXXXXXXXXXXXY!

@Chantie; Haha!!!! If this doesn’t make us look at this gr8 pic right?!

@SweetLittleGirl; kewl another new person! Yeah, that fanfiction can be a bit shocking maybe if you never read anything like that! :P

whatta nice pic... *sigh* ;o) though i soooo wanted to see that black cowboy boots he wore (he did, didn’t he? i read that somewhere) - haha

@chantie: nice new forum!!

@SweetLittleGrl: heja! ;o) i hope you’ll like what you read.


@sweet_stalker: ;o)

nuthing to say, just back to top.



THIS MAN IS JUST GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Other thing: I’m looking for a language school in Sweden which also accepts total beginners. Can you help me?

oh finally, someone said something LOL it was SOOOO quiet in here and actually i wanted to shout something but i didn’t know what hahahahaa!

@lonely girl: good luck with finding the school :)

aint he just still gorgeous?!

WAAAAAHEEEYYY!!! ;o) wow, i was already thinking everyone was gone...

yeah, that pic is, well, gorgeous... *smile* does anybody know if there are any others around? or is it the only one tv4 put on the net? i still want those cowboy boooooots!!! ;o)

*smile* hehe, can you imagine how gorgeous he looks with a whole orchestra behind him playing his songs... ;o) ;o) ;o) ;o)

sorry, am still on a high....


aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaargh! they are coming! after 8 years, roxette will FINALLY perform LIVE in holland again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i am going out of my mind here!

dunno the details yet, all the info i have is on :)

It will be soooo cool, all of us dutchies taken over the front line together! Per and Marie will look into the audience and see only familiar faces!!!


@iertje: same here in germany... ;o) am gonna call the ticket shop now!

jeez, i just downloaded the video from bingolotto... it’s faaaab, isn’t it? (c’mon ladies, i want somebody to agree with me as it’s been much too quiet in here lately) esp. mats is so funny doing that guitar solo... hehe.


Wanna also see them here in Switzerland... *snif*

Where are you girls? Busy writing or what??????

not writing... annoying the ticket shop man on the phone... ;o) he hates me, i’m sure!! hahahahaha

I’m sooo happy for you guys!! All of you seem to goo crazy, hahaha! :D :D :D :D

Maybe I´ll leave Sweden and join you for a concert or two, in November?! (I did reserve a couple of tickets, just in case) :) :)

@ l.m.s: Yes Mats looked sooo funny, considering, playback and all, hihih

@fool: but the best is the beginning, when christoffer suddenly realises he has to sing... oops. ;o)

Hehe!!!!! :)))))))))))))))))))))))))))
I’M HAPPPPPPPPPY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

@Fool; Yeah come on over to NL we’ll show you how we Dutchies party over there! :P

btw do all of you really think they’ll do ALL the shows?
I know they are the main act, but still this little voice inside me tells me they won’t do that, it’s just too much!

i’m a bit scared they won’t play all the shows... it’s 37 or something and that’s A LOT. but then on the german notp page someone asked the guy who organizes the event and he said they’ll play all shows for sure so...

Yeah, they said the same to Chantie in Holland she told me.
But yeah, it just seems too much for me too, even though theyre the main act.

To how many shows is everyone here, who is going, planning to go?!
This really places me in a BIIIG dilemma once again...I cant afford so many Im afraid and so are so many other people still in debt from the RS tour right?!

well... am thinking about seven shows right now (if there are three in munich, there are rumours there are two or three shows), though i’d love to come to belgium in october at least for one show... don’t wanna wait till december. dunno yet. ;o) it’s all so weird. yesterday at this time there was nothing and today?! *smile*

Haha, yeah youre right its all going really fast and the worst thing is that we have to start to make decisions really fast too, otherwise the tickets will be sold out, ;(
I think Id like to see one of the first shows, or maybe the last in Belgium, and then some in Rotterdam of course, but its soooo hard to decide like NOW how many!

Well, I’ve been e-mailing a Dutch ticket-guy at the “ticket-service”. He said that their gonna do all the shows. Seems a little bit much though. Anyway, he got me tickets for the 21/nov, Rotterdam,
standing-place (front of the stage).
This was early this morning. And now I got a mail from him saying that, yes they ARE really doing all the shows. I’m still not sure though, he can be wrong!! By the way, he also said that the tickets (standing in the front) were already sold out for some of the shows!!! So hurry, it doesn’t cost you anything to make reservation. Book the tickets and think later. I’m not even sure that I’m going. But I think sooooo!!! :)

hi all,
just to let you know that Chantie’s Pc blew a motherboard last night

* fanfix a little too hot for her pc ? *

So its in the Shop and she will get back to you all asap!

i’m also not sure if i can go to all the shows i wanna see but i guess i’m just gonna buy the tickets and then see what happens... you can sell them anyway, i guess.

@chantie: what the hell are you doing with your pc all the time? ;o) this is definitely NOT the time you should be missing here!

Yoho!! Hello girls I AM BACK :o)))) Hope I was missed here ;)
And *phew* I was gone for just a week and what do I see??? SO much has happened!!! Wow :o) I am so happy for all you Germans and Dutchies who can see Roxette so many times!!! Damn, I wanna too. I must think who I could join as I absolutely don’t feel like going alone! :( Frustrating that the tickets are melting like snow!
@chantie: poor darling, what did you do to your PC? BUT don’t worry, I am facing problems as well... my provider went bankrupt and soon I will have to switch back to modemconnection...which means bigger money and much less time online :(

Hope to read you all soon!
@l-m-s: are you still on vacation? I bet Rox is the only thnig on your mind now, huh? And how about Per’s shoes, they still kick huh? :))

Can anyone give me the homepage of nokia? Can’t find anything.... *frustration*



@chantie: gosh, you’re still gone...

@gyllene_tjej: HEEEEJJJJ!!! ;o) of course you were missed terribly!! i hope you spent a nice vacation. as for me i’m still on so called study vacations but to be honest there wasn’t much studying since wednesday afternoon... hehe. you definitely have to come over for night of the proms!!! it’s gonna be so great, still can’t believe it.

ooops, i forgot that shoe thingie... ;o) well... nice i’d say.

Yeah Chantie is still gone, but I just got great news from her, not Rox-related but it’s just gr8 for her;


Hehe, youll know what Im talking about when she gets back here!!!!

And about the tickets; didnt know they go so fast already, thought they only went on sale tomorrow, shit!¨

@gyllene tjej; gr8 that you’re back, you were in SE right?! Well you for sure picked the right time then, it’s been soooooooooooo nice and warm lately!!!

Oh and did I ever tell here that a friend of mine saw Pers new Ferrari near Strandvägen last monday?!
She said everyone was looking at it, must look really expensive then if even Sthlm people are impressed!!! ;)

It looks like I’m coming down for a couple of concerts. Would be nice to meet some roxers. You see, my friends here in Sweden don’t have the same exceptional taste in music as I do. I neeeeeed some people with who I can share my craziness. :D

Kram, från Linda :)

@Chantie: You’re probably a bit frustrated about your misfortunate computer-situation. You have my sympathy. I miss you.

@Fool; Ooooooooh yeah, you can definitely share some craziness with us, you know Chantie and then theres me and at least 5 more crazy people like that, haha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

Det ska bli jättekul, vi ska FIRA!!!!

Sad note here; as some of you might have read already, Lisa ’Left Eye’ Lopes died in a car crash yesterday. Soooooooo sad, Ive always liked TLC and esp. her!!!! ;(

soso... a new ferrari... what else could we expect... ;o)

and about that ticket thing... it’s mad, really. some people say it’s almost sold out, others say there are loads of tickets left (which would make sense since it’s still eight months to go) and there are shows where the ticket sales only start tomorrow... this is weird, munich for example has three shows, they already sell tickets for the first two shows and the sales for the other one start tomorrow - hu?

@lms; Hehe, I really think that he drove with it from Hstad to Sthlm the day after Bingolotto or something, its been such nice weather lately and I can just totally imagine that he really wanted to drive for a whole day with his newest toy, haha!!!

And yeah, it’s totally weird with the tickets, dont get it either.
My mom for example told me that my dad can always get free tickets from his work, but that wont be before september/october probably before he hears that, so have to buy the tickets now anyway...or well Chantie will do that for me as Im not really in a good position for that now;

ferrari... ;o) i remember when some friends and me met per in halmstad in 2000 we asked him for some photos and as he seemed to be in a fantastic mood he said yes. so we all took pix with him with the blue ferrari behind us. once he realised that he said “oh, in front of my GREAT ferrari”... so to say about his favourite toy... ;o)

well... i don’t think i’d wait till sep/oct either for the tickets. though i’m still not totally convinced in buying them right now as i’m still “waiting” for something like “we don’t come to all shows” or “we’ll leave germany out” and then i’m stuck with seven tickets...

@lms; haha, hes for sure really proud on his toys then right?! this new one is slightly bigger my friend told me, it almost looks more like a family car she said or less like a sportscar however you want to put it. Its also some kind of blue and has white leather seatings.

Yeah, I know, if my dad can get this tickets I hope itll just be for a show a dont have tickets for and then I can go there as an extra one!
The ’were not coming to all the shows’ thing is still a bit in my mind as well, but everything looks like they are coming to all of them, so we just have to believe that then I think, you can always sell the tickets again esp if its sold out!!!!

okej, am convinced now! ;o)

well, a family car would make sense, wouldn’t it? as i’m pretty sure gabriel doesn’t want to be left out. what did per once say... he’s a macho? hehe.

WOW WERE OVER 800!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Just realized that and let Chantie know!
She just let me know before that her computer isnt fixed yet, hopefully tomorrow then?! :(

@lms; Haha, yeah Gabbe probably wants be in a Ferrari as well, together with his mum and dad!!! :)
And yeah, gr8, go and buy the tickets!!!!!!! :)
To which ones are you going, just some German ones right?!
Chantie, me and some of the other Dutchies will probably go to 5 Dutch ones.

Yeah, some people say, there’s a lot of tickets left, and some says there’s not.

Maybe it’s the “standing-place”-tickets that is running out. And we want to be in front of the stage, right!? :)

looking forward to meet all of you crazy, screwy girls, hihih :) Always nice to know that I’m not the only one who’s nuts. :D

By the way: JIPPI!!! Våren har kommit till Sverige!!!! :) (spring is here!)

Have a nice evening ladies. I’m going out to party. Maybe I´ll get the disc jockey to play some roxette (I usually do, hahaha, after a couple of drinks)

@fool; LOL!!! Have to try that to then, get drunk and ask the DJ to play Rox, but youre right you can manage here if you want!
in NL they would probably ask you first who the hell Rox is, yep its pretty bad! :(((
Lets party, party all over Rotterdam, party party, make a wave all over the Ahoy!!! :p

And yeah, SPRING in Sthlm has been gr8 this past week, almost got sunburned yesterday!

@sarah: am gonna see munich, oberhausen, hannover, dortmund and cologne. i’m also thinking about going to belgium for one show (on a saturday maybe) since i don’t wanna wait till december... but i’m not sure yet. i think i’m gonna buy a ticket... i get used to buying tickets... ;o)

it’s raining over here btw but nevertheless a nice weekend to everyone!

@lms; Oh kewl! If youre not sure about Belgium, come to the first one in NL! Well (hopefully) be there, hehe!
Rain right?! Yak, but theyre saying were gonna get that too in Sthlm / SE this weekend, :(

i’ve just been to the dutch notp page... there’s a break during the show??? they didn’t tell that on the german page ;o) jeez, i always find out new things bout that event. i’m really really wondering what it will be like but i already imagine per and marie with a huuuge orchestra behind them. huu! the first show in nl is on a thursday (at least if i understood that right hihi) so i think i won’t make it there... but hej, if anybody wants to come over to germany let me know!! ;o)

have a nice concert and so on..

i have no hope to get there. too far away.

OMG, per is sooo cute in that bingolotto video. *watching it over and over*

Yeeeeah going to 5 shows with Chantie, Sawa and Cisca!!! And my boyfriend ;)

It’s gonna be soooo great!!!!

Aaaaand Chantie is going to be my collegue next wednesday! She has been given a job at my work!!!

Life is great!

shit, I haven’t seen the Ferrari yet :( And I still don’t know about TNOTP thing... Weather couldn’t be better for the weekend... it is raining and I am sleepy. Is it really spring in Sthlm Sarah? Sun only came to Göteborg with Per, and stayed till Wednesday, then the weather got much worse :(
What are your plans for tingiht and tomorrow? We’ll be watching films...and finally some rum and coke for me too, yeah yeah yeah! :=)

here in oulu is +20 and sun is shining.
it’s really summer.

my dad is in oslo and there is +9 and raining. :P

somedays weather is better here in north.
and almost all snow has melted away.

great weather and i don’t have any scouting happenings this weekend. shame.

and welcome page nro 28!! :)

yezzzz...we are amazing, 28 pages already!!! :o) good for you with the weather, we got some sun here as well...who knows what Sunday will be like in the end...
Gessle at Bingolotto gave me some new juicy ideas...would be nice if I found the power to write little something for our lovely site again, huh? ;)

gyllene_tjej sweetie, soooo... you’re puttin’ yourself under pressure? ;o) and hej, you’ve just gotta tell a bit about bingolotto.

*just to contribute a bit to that discussion* it’s raining here. not the whole day, only when i leave the house. of course it stops when i get back in. i’ve tried that three times today and it works. who would have expected anything else? ;o)

and another funny thing happened to me today: this morning i called a “tickets per post” service to buy the notp tix. i asked the woman on the phone if they sold tickets for all the shows in germany and she said “yes, if you not only go there because of roxette”. hu? is there another reason to go? well, i asked if she was serious and she replied that she was just shocked because since thursday sooo many roxette fans called her. hehehe. we agreed that i can buy my tix though i only go there because of roxette then. ;o) good for her! hehe.

@Gyllene Tjej: So, you’ve been here in Gothenburg ? :) To bad I didn’t know, cause it had been nice shaking hands with an other dedicated rox-fan!!

I went to see Per at the “Bingolotto” as well. I was there during the day (rehearsals) . A friend who works there sneaked me in. :)

Girls what is it about this guy, that makes one act like such a nutcase??
You see, I had this great plan, what to say to him and so on. But when I approach him, all I could do was shaking his hand and say ”Hi, I really like you, I’ve been a fan for sooo long, can you sign my CD? (GOD!, so original!!) ” Then I said some other goofy things you say when you’re a nerves wrack, hihi. Well, I guess, My forum-nickname really suited me that day! :)

Just wanted to say about the topic of this thread:
I do not THINK Per is a sexy babe!
I know that he is a sexy babe :)

@gyllene tjej: Hi, nice you’re back... You have also ideas for new stories??? Nice ;-))

The notp-thing drives me absolutely crazy. I thought I had time to save a bit money until they’ll get back on stage, but my life seems to change everyday. I’ll definitively run out of money, but I’d like to see them again. And with a big orchestra... I grew up with classical music and I like it quite much...

Weather is quite good here in Switzerland, sunny but rather stormy. Don’t know the temperature, I didn’t even have breakfast... hehe ;-))

Per is not good looking????????? Of course he is!!!! He is a really hand-some man!!! He is so sexy and hot!! And...about Bingolotto LOL!!! What can i say about it? He is so sexy!!!! Oh my God!!!! Really sexy!!! Too hot for me!!!!! :-)

@nefatari: hehe, thumbs up! ;o)

*yawn* Judging by the time of the posts you all seem to get up so early. How do you do that? I can’t! ;)
@l-m-s: I’ll e mail you next weekend to tell you all about Bingolotto bunny, I will be less stressed then, so just wait for my mail :o)
@Fool: I know EXACTLY how it feels with Per... Would you please e mail me? I desperately need someone to share Bingolotto impressions with!
@lonely_girl: who knows... but it is will be very hard to write now...after I wrote SO much last time... and you, I am crazy about TNOTP... I wanna go SOOO much as well... money will be a problem to some extent yes...but even bigger...who to go with??? :( I live in wrong countries ;)
PS. Here comes the sun wah-wah, I am definitely going out soooon! Yeah, time for some fresh air :o

hmmmm will he do a striptease for us if we get over 1000 ? *eg*

hmmmm will he do a striptease for us if we get over 1000 ? *eg*

@Iertje; YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ole ole ole ole, Ahoy here we come, :P
Anyway, you gave away Chanties secret that I was trying to keep here, to let her tell it herself, but I guess you have all the right to do that since you guys wil be collegues, :P

@lms; Haha, LOL! That woman was probably totally chocked and driven crazy by all those weird Roxers, hehe!

@gyllene tjej; Well yeah the weather has been great the past 2 weeks, until yesterday actually then it started to rain, :( But now the sun is out again, and since my little sister is visiting me at the moment well be going to Gamla Stan this afternoon, always nice!
And PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE tell us all about your Bingolotto experience!!!!!

@Fool, U2!!! You already told a bit here, but we, at least I, WANT MORE!!!! :p

No one here this afternoon?!
Oh well, then Im leaving, CYa!

Oh & gyllene tjej, good idea about starting writing again, I have still have to start on my first story!!!

@gyllene_tjej: oioioi, am sooo waiting for bingolotto stories ;o)

@sarah: yeah, i think that woman from the ticket shop was just shocked. the best is i’m gonna call her again tomorrow because yesterday they didn’t have tickets for the third munich show... hehehe!

btw, is any of you coming to germany for a notp show? this would be cool, all the ladies on per’s side of the stage... ;o)

Hello girls!! Where is everyone?? It’s raining and I am so bored! CHANTIE COME BACK! :o)
l-m-s: I would LOVE to come to German shows... gotta see if i can make such dream come ture... It is gonna be a bit tricky though *sigh*
@Fool: thx for the mail hon!
@Sarah: still sun in Sthm? Unbelievable, here it will stay gloomy for the rest of the week they say... Aha, nice holidays for me :(

see you all around... SOON!

@lms; Haha, and did the lady still want to sell tickets for the Munich show to you?!
Sorry, no German show for me, Ill be stuck in Rotterdam in november, together with the other Dutchies and visiting Roxers, ole ole ole!!!

@gyllene tjej; sun left Sthlm this weekend as well,
;( Yesterday there was still SOME blue sky, but sat and today its been grey and rainy.
Yak! And tomorrow its valborg here, which is supposed to be THE spring even of Sweden, well theres not much spring now unfortunately, :(

Oh, talked to CHANTIE this morning, her computer is back but the people who fixed it were so stupid to not install her software again (if I understood it right), so now she needs a Windows XP cd to fix that, then shell be BACK!!!! JOPEHOEEE!!!!!!

@gyllene_tjej: oh dear, would be so great if you came to germany for a show! ;o)

@sarah: hehe, i called the ticket shop this morning and talked to another woman. she was even more shocked than the first one and it took fifteen minutes until everything was fixed. and she asked me if i’ll really go to all those shows. what a question! no, i won’t go there, i only buy the tix... ;o) but finally i’ve got all the tix together, i hope i’ll sleep better now. *smile*

*forgot*: i got a mail from emi germany today saying that rox will really perform on all the german and international notps. i still didn’t believe it until then. ;o)

and hey, we not only have rain here, we also have kind of a storm. trees falling down etc... and they say the bad weather’s coming from holland... hmm. ;o)

@Gyllene_tjej: Thanx for your E-mail. I loved it! :) Our stories were quite similar, wasn’t they!? I caught him before the show, and you after. That’s what I call sharing. :)

@Sarah: I´d love to tell you about Bingolotto! :)I´m happy there´s someone interested in hearing about it. Not used to that, hahaha. It´s a little to much to write it all, here, so I´ll send you an e-mail. And though my English sux, I´ll write you in Swedish. That will make it so much easier describing the juicy details. Hihi.
Then you can tell me about the interview you did for the Fanclub, last year! :)

@l.m.s: I´ve been emailing/disturbing a Dutch guy from the ticketservice, about tickets, all the facts and so on. I feel kind of sorry for the ticket-people. Hihihi. Rox-fans can be really difficult to deal with. :). If you´re also interested about my bingo. experians, I´ll write you too, of course. :)

One thing about the bingolotto-show though: My friend who works there told me to be there at 14.45, cause she knew that Per would arrive at 15.00 for his rehearsals. And he kept time!!!!! Three o’clock sharp the guy walks in, smiling, tanned, dressed in blue jeans, a beige shirt, NO sunglasses, and with a guitar in his right hand. :) He looked good, and he knew it.! :)

I have been a somewhat silent listener to this ongoing conversation and I have a few question. I guess first an introduction is needed. I live in thse US, I started liking Roxette because of the song “dangerous” but more importantly how Per looked in the video! Roxette has been a “secret” hobby of mine ever since. So, I was delighted to see this website a year ago and have been reading the daily news and discussions. Everyone here seems to be quite fond of this band and so this is where I hope you will all respond with your answers.

1. The fanclub: what do you do there? Do you get paid to work there?

2. The concerts or tv programs: How are you able to go to all of them?
I guess in general, everyone has a reason to follow the band, some do more than others. Can you tell me why? I think it is more interesting to learn about the fans sometimes than the actual band.

i just wanted to tell lms that liked your story. :)
i’m having now reading project. i printed all stories yesterday (at school, of course ;) ) and now they are in my bag. i read them in bus and giggle myself. people are really staring (and it’s not just my bright red dreadlocks that they stare... haha)
changes is the next story...

@raisa: girl, that’s REALLY brave, to walk around with our stories like that :) I guess many people are already drooling on the bus, hehehe ;-D anyway, have a nice reading, our works of art are definitely worth it! :)

@marirt.: Hello there and welcome to the club :)
as far as question no2 goes i can answer for myself. People set priorities and Roxette is the highest for me. I’ve been in love with Per for over 11 years now and I just need him to go on. Therefore I just gotta see him from time to time. The process is simple, you collect enough money all these months and once you’ve decided to go and meet roxette, you simply do it. :) Hunting is a part of every fan’s life. BUT there is a border not to be crossed... Apart from love and admiration for Per and Marie you should also show them some RESPECT and stay calm. Then you are a real AND nice fan, not a hysterical one. You see following and stalking Roxette everywhere they go is not really the point for me. *phew*

Girls help me up... wake up and explain WHY we need to see Per to stay happy :)))


(btw: there is still a feeling inside my head like an elephant was walking over me... *würg*)

this doesn’t really belong here, but i want share the fun with you. :D


@lonely_girl: and why is it so my dear?? Is it the side effect of a very popular rum&coke drink?? :) Hmm...the side effect is aka hangover ;)

@raisa: the weather is awful again, I can’t go out :((

hello ladies! ;o) well, seems quite a lot to answer so here i go...

@raisa: thank you!! ;o) and i laughed bout that very last page of the internet. hehe. go out and play. i guess i shouldn’t do that as it’s soooo stormy not to even mention the rain...

@fool: per kept time? hu? ;o) am still smiling about that “he looked good and he knew it” thing. of course, you know, fans waiting for him... it’s good for the ego. lol. and yes, please, i’d love to hear something about bingolotto!! ;o)

@marirt: well... about that concert thing... i somehow managed to save some money since the room service tour. i wanted to spend some time in sweden this summer but after i had to pay a f**king amount of money for the night of the proms tix i’m not sure about that anymore. ;o( but we’ll see, maybe i’ll go for just a few days. who knows? ;o) and about your other question - which is a very good one - i really don’t know what it is that makes me follow this band for such a long time now. i sometimes wonder myself. ;o) but hej, they’ve been with me half of my life, i don’t think there’s a chance to escape them anymore. who would want that btw? both per and marie are such lovely people, it’s not done with seeing or meeting them once. if you met them once you just have to come back... it’s weird, i realize that and i understand people who don’t understand that. amen. ;o)

uff, i hope i got it all...

being a roxette fan means two things, doesn’t it? saving money to spend it on tix for stupid tv shows (anybody here been to the popkomm 2001 in cologne??) and not so stupid concerts ;o) and then waiting. god, i just realized HOW much time i spent waiting just in 2001, not to mention the years before. and this year it’s gonna be worse! dezember! munich! we’ll be covered with snow! ;o)

am shocked, i’ll go now!


@gyllene tjej: I wish it was rum and coke!!!!!!!!!
unfortunately it’s a bad side effect
of my job...

I wanna go home!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But I have an hour to work left. :-((

Oh yes, I really think we spend too much time of waiting for our favorites... Normally, I hate winter, but now I’m really longing for December...

the weather is great. ;)
sun and +17.
it’s spring festival today and tomorrow. i hate it. :) i hate all those balloons and fakenoses. i’ll stay away from city.

i sat in a park some hours this afternoon drinking cider and reading stories. it was fun. people stared at me. a teen girl sitting on gras with lots of paper and a bottle of cider and a stubid smile on her face. but it was really nice thing to do after school. (and no school tomorrow. yeaaay!!)

LOL@raisa! ;o)

Yeah!!! Finally free!!! The whole long weekend will also be the end of my holidays, but who cares, it is 5 days looong!!! So damn great!!!

Now we’ll eat and go out looking for spring and maybe some bonfires on the hills! With Cider yes! Which is your fave raisa? Mine is Ffäder, from Halmstad of course! :)

So, girls what will you do? None of you really works tomorrow, huh? Let’s hope for some sun... See ya!

i like all that are sweet enough and don’t taste like alcohol. ;) today i had “love cider”. it’s pear with some passion fruit. yammie!
and the salesgirl didn’t ask my id when i bought my drinks. :D maybe i don’t look like 15-year-old even though i think so..

english-finnish-english dictionary:

have fun with my funny language. ;)

Thanks everyone for answering my questions. I guess the reason I ask is that I really don’t expect to see Roxette in concert ever. I’m quite amazed at all of the stories concerning the various tv appearances or concerts and I always wonder “how do they do it?” I guess the easiest answer is money and devotion. ultimately what sux for me is that Roxette is primarily a European based band appearing on european tv shows and performing concerts in european cities. I enjoy reading the stories, carry on!!!

I read some of the stories in the bus on the way home. There were always some people staring at me, ’cause I started giggling quite often...

If they knew...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I was working during the whole morning, and I’m still at the office... :”-(( and there is no sun left anymore, even though I’m wearing a T-shirt the first time this year at work...

@fool; Yeas I’d LOVE to hear your entire Bingolotto story, och ingen problem att det är på svenska!!! :)
Om du vill kan jag också berätta dig om intervjun jag gjorde! :P

@lms; driving those ticket people crazy right?! that’s the way to go I think! Esp. in Holland (good work fool!) they are the first people wholl know and understand that this greatest band in the world still has loads of fans, in november our whole tiny country will realize that I hope!

@gyllene tjej; bonfires, yeah! we went to the big one here in Skansen yesterday, it was NICE! No cider yet, but tonight its unis onsdagspub again so...:)

@marirt; kewl that youre so interested in the whole ’how it is to be a rox fan’ thing, besides that youre a fan yourself as well!
youre so right, rox is just much more europe based the last couple of years, its said for the people from other parts of the world, but i dont think theyll go worldwide anymore. but at least you have the internet right?! :)

Couldnt stand this topic losing its pole position,
BACK ON TOP hehe! :P

@Sarah: i will support you with this back on top project!!! so kul for you at Skansen!! We did not have any bonfire yesterday... Actually, it was like a ghost city :( A bunch of people in the centre queuing to enter a dance place, otherwise empty, and it started to rain! :(((((

where are all the girls??? L-m-s, has school started again?? and lonely_girl are you too tired after work to show up here? :((( Anyway, GESSLE FOR PRESIDENT, to come back to the thread topic :)))

Btw, anyone knows how is Chantie and her new job?? WE MISS YOU HONEY, COME BACK TO US!!! :o)

of course i’m with you to support the back to top plan, ladies! ;o) i’m just a bit busy studying since it’s only six days till the first exams. and work starts again next monday so then i won’t have any time to study anymore... blegh!

lonely_girl is probably still trying to buy tix for munich, right dear? ;o) (we had fun about that in the “german talk” tread earlier this day) don’t worry, you’ll manage to get your hands on a ticket and if you talk to that niiiiice lady from the tickets per post hotline tomorrow, say hi from me!! *grin*

btw, gessle for president would be fun... free ferraris for everyone, two weeks work and one week off, gucci glasses for the world... hehe. ;o)

AND CHANTIE: dear, i so hope you’ll like your new job (it’s not gonna be that tricky with iertje, i guess ;o)) and come back soon! we all soooo miss you!

hu? he’s doing vinyl singles? ;o) i think i like that. esp those other ramones thingies...

yeah, its great, but is there a way to get the single outside from sweden??? i would like to get it too!

yeah, it is gr8! ( Even if i have no vinyl player anymore :)))) It seems like the tracks on maxi and vinyl will be different ones!

Ah, I gotta lay my hands on the vinyl too, for the same reason as you little-miss-sorrow!! :)

What Ramones songs could it be...some with ridiculous lyrix... for instance Beat on the brat ( with the baseball bat), check this one, Per’s Oh yeah oh yeah (oh oh) song is taken from this Ramones song... Or California sun... or what else funny and silly do we have?... Pet cemetary for instance. Damn, how cool it will be... but note that there won’t be that many copies of the vinyl available...*sniff* Gotta act quickly :)

but the releasedate...
10th june??
what happened to 21st may??

GYLLENE_TJEJ DEEEEARRR!! ;o) thanx for the email, i am still speechless! esp bout that photo signing part - hehehe!

well, about those vinyl singles... wasn’t it may 21st for the whole ramones cd? i’m not sure but i think it was, at least here in germany. i don’t think they’ll release the single here, that would just be too strange, i’m still surprised that they’ll sell the album in my home country. well, we’ll see. ;o)

*forgot* i’d love to hear per sing sheena is a punk rocker. hehe. ;o) a german punk band called die toten hosen (fabulous btw) always cover this one during their concerts and per would just sound soo funny doing that for sure.

he babes, just a quicl message from me, secretly logged on from the office of my new job! my computer is in major crisis, so i have to wait a while, so sorry :( so i have started a new job yesterday and can check my email but thas about it...

LOVE YOU and i miss you like hell!


Hi Chant! You’re sitting on my place again? ;)

This is the first time this week that I got out of bed, been sick all week, even on my two days off!
:( Really bad timing, exp. with Chantie being in her first week!

Brrr hope all of you are feeling great, I’m going back to bed ’cos the room is spinning around...


still wondering that releasedate.. says this:

“Releasedate set for IWBYB
– by: Sawa 21-04-02 18:40:03
– source: Gloria Avalon / Buylando

According to Swedish music shop’s Buylando’s website Per’s Ramones cover ’I wanna be your boyfriend’ will be released as a single on the 21st of May.

Thanks to Gloria! “

and same date on

the truth is out there?!??!?!

hello girls !!!!

I´ve been following this thread for a while...anyway where have you heard/read about this vinyl singel thing?? Some weeks ago I read at ZTV text TV that IWBYB is gonna be released 21st of May (as some of you already have told) and that “Sheena is a punkrocker” will be the B-side...seems like you´ll get what you want l-m-s

btw, i failed my driving test today. “you don’t turn your head enough” :/
new try same day next week.. and the guy was nice. they all aren’t. there’s one old man called nygård (=nocard :D ) and i really scare him.. but now i know what it is and don’t scare the situation anymore... i’ll do it next time. :)
(that’s raisa wanting support and being poor..)

nice pic of per and åsa:

@Chantie: We miss you terribly!! And Again: Congratulations on your new job! :). I´m sooo happy for you.

@lertje: I hope you get better! :)

@chantie: so nice you showed up! ;o) in case you get the chance again, we sooo miss you! per can be as sexy as he wants to, it’s just not the same without you - hihi.

@raisa: LOL, when i follow the link all i see is a picture of ayers rock in australia. who knows, per and åsa might have been there but then they surely were behind the rock. ;o)


*forgot* iertje, get better soon!!

*forgot no. 2 (i get old...)* raisa, don’t worry too much bout that driving license! they’ll let you pass next time, for sure. it’s like that in germany... they surely won’t let you fail again just because you didn’t turn your head enough!! they let me pass it though i’m too stupid to park a car correctly... ;o)

I heard on TV that “SHEENA IS A PUNKROCKER” gonna be instrumental!! (means, no singing by Per) :(

I hope they’re wrong!!

Okej here are my answers for the day:

@Gyllene tjej; Yep Skansen was nice, it was the best day of the week untill so far so that made it even better, :) Cann you PLEASE mail me your Bingolotto story too, I’m so curious about it!

@Fool; tack så jättemycket för din mejl, ska läsa hela berättelsen och svara på den så snart som möjligt!

@Raisa; Pity for you girl, but like someone here said youll pass you exam next time!!! Youre so much further than me anyway, never ever had a single driving leson so far!

@Chantie; Hejjjjjj Schat!!!!!!!! Second day at work and already sneaking in your forum, hehe! But you have all the right to do that since those stupid computer wizzkids ruined yours!!! Waiting for your letter.....:P

@Iertje; Krya på dig! In other words GET WELL SOON, BETERSCHAp etc!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

About Pers single, yeah bit strange with that other release date now, Buylando still says May I think!

O and I bought an old Amelia (Swedish mag) from 2 or 3 weeks ago today, theres an interview with Marie Dimberg in it!!!!!!!!!! Plus....and thats the best part of it..a photo with her and Per and Peter Jöback in the back!!!! Per is smiling and wearing his brown flower blouse, you know Raisa the one he wore in Helstinki!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :PPPPPPPPPP

Okej that was it I guess....

instrumental?? ;o( well, at least i had five minutes of fun...

Yeah that sounds pretty bad, WE WANT PERS SEXY VOICE!!!!!!!!

@sarah: agreeeeeeee...;rows=2&folderid=5003&SF_...

åsa... ;o) jeez, she’s sweet!

@ Sarah
oh, that blouse.. i have pic of per with it on the wall above my desk, so i see that blouse EVERYDAY! :D and guess i touched it. LOL

@ l-m-s
BUT there is a new law that the critic guy doesn’t have right to know if the student has failed before.
i’ll do it next time. it’s not so scary (if the nygård guy stays far away from me!!)

@ chantie
i would die without net.. be a brave girl ;)

@ iertje
i felt same way a week ago. being sick isn’t nice. i lost my voice and all my muscles were in pain, i had the biggest headache ever etc..
get well soon. spring days are worth that. (i saw tiny leaves on a tree today!!)

instrumental songs are boring. what are they thinking??

Thanx girls, for the get-better-wishes! I feel a bit better today, so I’m gonna try to get to work in 30 minutes.
IDEA! Chantie said that she didn’t have time to read all the messages that you girls wrote on the forum, so I’m gonna try to print them out and give them to her so she can read them in the train tonight... :)

@ Raisa: too bad that you didn’t get your licence! :( I’m sure you will do great next time! When I didn’t pass my drivers test it was for the same (stupid) reason: I didn’t turn my head enough. So stupid!!! Like any driver does that!! I tried telling the guy that I did look at all directions but with my eyes, not by moving my head, but he said that it was nessesary to move your head during drivers tests... grrrrrrrr!

Okej ladies: I don’t have my tix for Munich yet. Have to organise a credit card first :-(((

@raisa: Good luck for the 2nd try. I also had to do it twice...

seems there’s no one here this afternoon, so... just back to top. ;o)

Hej girlz, i am here for a while tonight, back on top again :)
Yesterday I was unavailable, I was turning göteborg upside down in search of Stephen King books in English...found way more that money in my pockets. That shop is a paradise! :)))

I don’t like the mess with the PG single... postponed release dates and no concrete news regarding tracklisting or formats... I want Sheena is a punk rocker in a VOICE version by bunny...uuuuhhhh.... l-m-s, you are not alone! :)))

@raisa: head up, i am sure you will make it the next time! :) I don’t have license at all

@Sarah: e mail will be sent soon!

@Iertje: how’s your shape? :) Get well, and come up with a new story together with Chantie==>how is your new job??? Come back to us soooon!

So much from me... I am going home tomorrow :((( and only god knows how it will be with my internet then... we’ll see

I hug you all, sorry for the long post :) *not*

Wish you a pleasant journey. Oh, I wish I would manage it this year. But... Don’t know yet.

Wish you a pleasant journey. Oh, I wish I would manage it this year. But... Don’t know yet.

Ohhhhhhhhhh, this bloody system is soooo slow today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!¨


finally someone who agrees on that sheena is a punkrocker thingie! ;o) btw, did you get the mail, gyllene_tjej? just in case you can’t read it at home tomorrow...

yuhu l-m-s. got the sweet mail!
Åsa is just SOOOOO yummy! :o) I love her, the photos rule! I know this site btw, it is very, very cool, sadly you can only order pix there if you work for some publishing magazine....
Anyway everyone... go to

and also type roxette and especially marie fredriksson...there are some nice pix there not that many have seen before I think!

let’s hope we’ll all see us soon!

but everyone be aware, there are pix of marie wearing a pink dress... jeez!! ;o)

bye dear!!

;-)))))))) Think pink honey!!!! :) *puss*

the only pink thing i can think of is per’s single. ;o)

the new kemopetrol album was released today!!
i had to buy it.

see the new video (saw it on the tv):;362781&osio=Musiikki&osno=470

are you sure it´ll be an instrumental version...I read somewhere that it would be an acoustic one...


Acoustic! sounds great! :)

@l.m.s: It was nice to hear from you. I hope I´ll get to know you better!! :) I´ll write you soon! :)

acoustic sounds great.
have to wait over a month that single. not fair. i want it now!

*listening to iwbyb for ?th time today*

*walking around with a banner in her hands demonstrating to support gyllene_tjej* OF COURSE we want an acoustic version!! ;o)

@fool: yep, hope to hear from you soooon! ;o)


That would be PERfect really!!!

@gyllene tjej; ok, thx! :)
@fool; will answer your email soon, I hope!

Mmmmm, there was loads more I wanted to say but I cant come up with anything now, lets just put this back on top first, hehe!


I´m back again to this Topic! ;o)

Hm, I couldn´t read all those replies, but I think, it´s still the same theme, isn´t it??

Need some more Gessle Fans again! And that´s the place, where I am understood! ;o)

Hm, not a lot of people here at the forum. Guess I’ll try to start my new story. There are some new ideas in my head.

C Y where did you find that very interesting link of the Bildarkiv!! pix-collections says thanx!!!!!!! :)))))))))))
Åsa darling shouldn’t wear funny red sunglasses...uff... least not together with a green handbag... ;o) but hej, it’s okej, it’s åsa. *smile*

not that crowded here today but nevertheless i wish everyone a nice sunday evening. my mood is soooo down since i’ve gotta work tomorrow, after three weeks off. ;o( but it’s only seven months and one day till notp!! hehe.

I think Mondays are getting payed for going on our nerves! Thank God that Thursday is a free day.
May is a very nice month...lot’s of free days! :)

agree! ;o)

God kväll mina damer! :)

No school for me tomorrow, Hihi :D

Red shades, Åsa! Hmm, no success! But I like you anyway! ;)
I love those pix! All of them! Especially all the concert pictures, and the pic from ”melodifestivalen”. And not to forget, the picture where one queen says hi, to an other queen. :)

One question (concrning most pictures of Per) : Has this frequently displayed peace-sign become one of Pers reflexes? :) Cute, but funny. :) :)

@CRIZ, lilla älskling! Nice to see you here :) Thanx for your latest e-mail. Jag ler fortfarande. :D

Mmmmm, seems Im the first one here on this boring mondaymorning, unfortunately because I have class!
The sun is out, so hopefully later on today Ill be outside, maybe taking a canoe (?) trip around Djurgården! :)))

Gotta go back to class, but at least I put this topic back on top again, where it belongs!!! :P

Back to the top!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Writing hasn’t improved yet... Have to overthink the story again.

I AM BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

:D :D :D



hej babe! ;o) welcome back!! LOL

@chantie: SWEET TO HAVE YOU BACK HONEY!!! As you see, we’re happy, hope to have you back for good! :)))

As you see, I am back too... and damn my work started again as well, so little-miss-sorrow, you are not the only one! :) Let’s support each other! I guess I just need much sleep...after 3 day long journey I still have a thundering headache :((

@sarah: did you go on this canoe trip? That must be cool!
@lonely_girl: are you writing again???? :))))
@Criz darrrrling: hope you are waiting patiently for my letter... *puss*

Btw, most likely I will stay online till the end of May!


I’ll hug Ron all night for you okie? LOL

hej babes.
i’ve read so much stories last week.
AND i had a new per dream two nights ago. ;)

and you can see my dreadlocks HERE:

(leave that ; -mark away from url or click “seur” few times to see better pic of me and my hair)

how about some pics of YOU all. i know what sarah and chantie look like, but you others... *just a hint*

this is 900th message!!!! WOHOOO!

FOOL....I’m happy when you are happy ! :)) Thanx for your latest hand is aching today but I answer asap.

gyllene_tjej...sister darrrrrrrrrrrrling....have you ever seen a patient Roxette-fan in your whole life??? WHAT ARE YOU DOIN TO MEEEE??? Love ya!
Will I have a chance to get your letter before 17th May?? You know....home is calling loudly! :)

ouch...I have to stop arm is falling off...I think..sort of
PEACE....yeah thats a natural reflex of to “thump up” and the Victory sign! :)


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