The Daily Roxette

Roxette World Tour 2011 schedule
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To everyone who thinks Per = a sexy babe

1856 replies

Girrrrrls does it mean you are actually coming back???? I always check this one and its emptiness makes me cry ;)

Let’s discuss Gessle God again :) I love the latest Spanish article pix of him, what do you say sweethearts???

See you all soon here!!!! I miss you all madly :o(

i feel a need to bundle our strenght. i keep reading messages on this forum that per is not goodlooking etc......

i have a BIG crush on him approx. 4 times every year for a few months :P good thing that i’m single hehehe





(sawa + gessler get ur sweet asses over here)

Of course, Per is sexy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :))))
Best man all over the world!!!!!!!!

Per is lekkerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dutch for Per = HOTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You can discuss this as long as you want, but we will always think this and other people who don’t find him hot will never do, good for us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :P

Per is REALLY HOT!!!! I totally agree with you girls!!!!!
He’s the most handsome man in the world for me and always will be!

hahaha! he is quite attractive....... but i prefer my men under the age of 40:P;P


well, i´m a boy who doesn´t like men, but i´m agree with you, girls (in fact, my mother thinks the same!) . i´ve always thought that per is a good looking man. when i was a 8 year old kid (when i started to hear rox) i always thought to be like him when i grew up, he was the man i liked to be.
he´s very cute, you have good taste, girls.

I agree with everyone of you!

He looks really great and sexy! we go...

He’s damn sexy, these days even more than ever before!!

all i can say is, YEEESSS !!! you are all right.
theres no other man outside on this planet who is so sexy like per. i love him!!!!

he looks much better now than a few years ago. I like his new hairdo.


yeah hehe

Gellner-sweetie isn’t chick, cuz hes got the biggest ...[guess what rhymes on ’chick’ *eg*]

LMFAO@GEE!!!!!!!!!! you have too much time to think about this don’t you dear?


mm thus sexy gessle-inliners come to me once in a while ;))))

btw, some of you are calling per “bunny”....lololol (blame me, Per...hehehe twas my idea)...i guess i had a nice idea ;)))

Hej Gessie, you’re so fine, you’re so fine, you blow my mind hej Gessie......

Hej Gessie what a pity you don’t understand, you take me by the heart when you take me by the hand......

he’s the ugliest, nastiest, man i ve ever seen in my life!!!
hehehe just kidding people!! dont kill me!!!hes really SEXY for his age!!
i love per, and of course he looks GOOD on those TIGHT PANTS!!!!i love his style!!
ps: for the brazilian people: per is a GOSTOSÃO!

when WICF was released, one finnish magazine called per as “hamster of halmstad”.
had to laugh at that. :D



YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

i am very happy and PROUD of all those replies girls! keep the prais commin’, i am really enjoying this :P:P:P


@GEE: how would you know girl ?! :P
@rox74ever: oh man those tight pants, you are sooooo right. keep you eye on the ass-area while watching a certain video... NOW THATS WHAT I CALL REAL SUGAR

Can’t deny! He’s a babe! And look at his age! What is it that he does?? My father wants to know!

he sings in that husky voice of him :P can your father sing hahaha!!!!

and.... i had the pleasure of spending a few hours with him i a karlstad pub last november: his eyes sparkle..... ;)

and..... i had the pleasure of being stuck in between a first-class train-seat and PER and uhm.... his eyes still sparkled :) even after beer & wine the night before....

and..... when my friend sarah and i were front row in göteborg we screamed SO LOUD that he kept looking at us with this shy & sexy smile of him.. like he didnt know what hit him. (dont be stupid per, you look good as hell and you know it)

(ps my father is 45 and he gets a bit irritated when i talk about per as a SEXY BABE hehehe)

Actually chantie... my father sings very well, he’s just not famous... he gives shows at kareokes... and he is young... they’ve misunderstood him on being my brother’s brother, and my brother’s 20, and my father 43! Of course you’ll be saying i am lying... now, why would i make up such story?

lol!!!!!! Wow i wish i could sing!!! but i can’t!


btw whats LMFAO?

hey chantie, im startting to like you!! you re as crazy for Per as i am!! so that a look at this, and tell me what you think, k?

(obs: people DO NOT feel offended by my observations, any complains,just let me know)

#1 Fingertips 2:51.. and Run to you 3:01 take a look at per’s butt!
#2 Run to you 3:13 do you see what i see???? =)
#3 Look sharp video the #39 one. Dont you wanna grab his ass when hes posing next to marie with those tight jeans??!!!
#4 i always thought per should get fat again,doesnt he look good on SDLHA?? on those army pants?? take a look a the vunerable video, doenst he look GOOOOOOD on those white pants and that tan shirt?? by the way, take a look at his butt on 3:48,
thats a juicy ass!

see ya

He´s quite goodlooking, yeah he really is. But he´s quite a bit too old for me...About his hairdo, I really like the new one!! The one he had on CBB wasn´t that nice, though...

per is sexy!!!
i like him so much in the dangerous video....looks damn good!!

I loooooover his eyes soooo much!

He looks soooo sexy at the “Real Sugar” video, during his name is shown on the screen! He´s looking sooooooooooo sweet and cute! Looooove him forever!

oh, I have a crush on him since ever. And its getting more and more. I love dark blonde men.

I read in a german magazine that women prefer blond men...


rox74ever: ..and in the live-RTY-video at the end? ...and on the dressed for success single cover (KING SSSSIZEEEE!)? ...and on the HAND-cover?
...and the port-pic in “ljudet av ett annat hjärta - en samling” CD (OUUUCHIEEEE! TOO tight pants can hurt!)? mwhahahahaaaa yeah baby yeah!!!

PLUS some tv-appearances (viva interaktiv, spring ’99, where you cud win one day halmstad with rox): Per enters studio and the jeans jacket is a bit too short to hide something... ;)))

CRIZ: HE blows YOUR mind...? ;))) ...wouldnt you like it vice versa? *evil grin*

chantie: i’ve been saying it for over 4 years now and it seems it’s reached the www now lol

ah, yea, my reference to the TCOTH-video:

an american fan, a german fan and per chat.
the american: “i got six girlfriends, another one, and i got a basketball-team!”
the german: ” i got 10 girls, another one, and i got a soccer team!”
Per: “I got 17 groupies, another one and i got a golf-course!!!” >>>;)))))

i think Per is my REAL SUGAR!!

yo Chantie, Per IS a sexy babe...and even more than that!With his heaven-like smile, amazing eyes - the only ones I wanna get lost in and never come back! :) Oh yeah, give us more tight trousers man! And shorter shirts or jackets to show your wonderful body even more!

YAM Per is a real breathtaking darrrrrling *drooling* actually sweeter and hotter with every single day. His RS hairdo rules I think! I love bunny till I die!!!!!!!




@roxe74ever: havent checked the videos yet, i’ll get back to u on that :P

i have only one more comment for now:

(if it takes a while to load; it’s worth it :) i cant remember from which site i downloaded this but THANK YOU to the one who made this screen shot)


*c*h*a*n*t*i*e* *i*s* *m*a*k*i*n*g* *n*e*w* *f*r*i*e*n*d*s* *o*n* *t*d*r

i wonder what per would think if he reads this.
maybe ” ok. i have enough voluntaries if a decide to buy a new bed and test it” ;)

oh yeah!!!!!! I’m absolutely agree with all of you!!!!!
Per is soooooo sexy and cute and sweet!!!!! Just the best man in the whole wide universe!!!!!! :)))
I will love him forever!!!!!!!
And I just love his wonderfull breathtaking eyes!!!!!!
And yeah, I just LOVE the “Vulnerable” - video! :)))

@chantie: that yeahbaby pic is... waaah!! ;o) He looks as if he just read all our comments about himself... lol

Oh, Chantie, he‘s looking so sweet... In moments like this I even forget about my boyfriend...

Gimme Gimme real sugar!!!


@little-miss-sorrow: LOL yeah he really does now that you mention it hehehehe maybe we should tell him about this thread ;)


@gee: i hope per does not read that...;)))

@chantie what a sweet pic :)))))

to the top again :)

...and back to top...most important topic ever... ;o)

@chantie: well I don’t know how he’d react... would be fun to tell him though. there’d probably be something like “me? sexy? never!” or so. and he’d look like on the pic!! lol

hehehe gotta write him a letter and tell him to read this thread...*ggg*

sowwy for any typoes,i’m writing single handed ...yea i got a so called “tennis arm” *tongue in cheek*...wonder when i got it *eg*

chantie´s picture is from an interview in swedish television last spring (I think)... don´t know in wich site you can find the pic, though

yeah i saw this interview, its called malou möter roxette (malou meets roxette) but i really cant remember this shot because its been a while since i saw it. the woman who interviewed them, malou, was really very boring i thought.

she started to talk about the newspaper of that day becase it said that TCOTH was bannedfrom MTV because of the golfbal. she asked marie what she thought and marie said that she tought it was not a big deal. per then said: you husband plays golf right? marie laughed and tried to do that softly but that didnt really work :P then per kinda mumbled ’nice idea for a christmas card’ HAHAHAHAHAHA

he’s not only sexy he is funny to :P:P:P

...”he’s not only sexy he is funny to :P:P:P”... does anybody think it’s also his sense of humour that makes him that sexy? It’s always been the thing I liked most about Per.

indeed! ;o)

it’s gettin’ better... ;o)

He’s simply the BEST!!!!!!!

great pics!! LOL!!!

@chantie: SAME HERE!!!!!! Life without TDR would be so boring. The pic makes me crave for moooore :)))
I also agree about the ssense of humour, that is what makes him so PERfect and sexy too! How come he can joke off every single subject? My days are always brighter thanx to him... OH MY HOLY G(OD)ESSLE!!!!!!!!
By the way, I am not single, and it is still “Per this and Per that” words pouring out of my mind... I can’t resist Gellner, sorry, never in my life!
Hehe, now let’s make him read this theread ;-DD

HEY HEY HEY!!!! All the Mini-Maries left TDR and are hanging at Sparvogamarie’s

who’s marie?

@realchances, great to see you here :):):)

yes probably his jokes do make him sexy. and, of course, HIS EYES :P i remember the bar in karlstad so well... he was standing there LOOKIN’ DAMN GOOD and looking around the bar. some people talked to him but he kept an eye on the pub the whole time. my friend sarah and i were sitting on a table just watching him. if he looked our way, i couldn’t catch his eye, I WAS SHY and that didnt make any sense because he was not gonna come to me anyway. later he got slightly drunk and i could have gone to him to talk to him, no one was there BUT I DIDNT......

here is a pic of per in the bar with my friend MD:


oh yes another thing: i think i will step by today to show him this thread, i wll give the direct link..... hehehe would be funny if he gave his comment :P:P:P but i have asked him some Q’s on AND HE NEVER ANSWERS my Q’s. well i can never help myself, i always have to include something about that he looks great or that his pants was really tight etc. hehehehe >:) so maybe he has blocked me?!


there. if he comes here, i have made my point *g*

ps and i am 22

and single


i gave him the link.......................


hahaha, in this way the best topic ever will stay at the top of course!!!!!
i’m waiting for you btw to chat, about our sexy babe!!!!!

anyway, i just want to add here that i absolutely agree on that his sense of humour makes him soooooooooooooo HOT! i would like to find a man like that, the same kind of humour, only i wonder if he behaves like that at home to all the time, what do you think????
To me it seems that it’s actually Åsa who’s ’the boss’, like in the bar in Kstad it was her who told Per that they’d better get back to the hotel now, the bar was already closing anyway and besides that Per was kind of frunk so i guess she didn’t want anything embarrassing to happen...:))))))))))
Per’s goodbye greeting to everyone then was b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-bye-bye, and with every b he looked at someone else, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i wished so much i had been in karlstad.....!!!!!!!!

i think asa is the boss at home. the way he always speeks about her shows that he loves her very much, so i guess he follows her “rules”.
she just a lucky girl...:)


Chantie that´s great hope you find a boy for your life here in this thread. *g*

here is one more pic from Per:

have a lot of fun with this Photo´s.
Hope i can help some Per-Fans with this Photo´s.
Per is the best.......(you know the rest)


chantie that pic looks great!

one (c) by me:

follow link at own risk. dont use on own website.

chat ’ere:

#leifslounge @ DALnet

i’ll reserve that room for “bunny chats”.

@Gee: ;o) “you wear them so well those innocent eyes” lol

@chantie: be happy he never answers your q’s... I’ve posted around 23451451923480 (or so) q’s and only got replies to the totally stupid ones. there were so many interesting things I wanted to know but... ;o) But hej, THATs humour!! *smile*

...and back to top...

oh my holy God, indeed good that I was sitting! Otherwise I would faint immediately! Breathtaking angel!!!!
About the questions on I once asked what he thought of fanfiction but he hasn’t answered yet!
@ chantie: are you working on chapter two maybe?? You know what i refer to :)

hey people! take a look at him with me!!
go to this web site and go to the “roxette” folder:

ps: he looks really old in person, and had a TON of make up, i think even more than marie did!!but he will always be MY per! =P

I don’t think that he looks that old in person! But on some pix he really does! He’s soooooo cute anyway that it doesn’t matter! :o)
When i met them in Munich I think Marie was the one with TONZ of make-up in her face and not Per, or at least you couldn’t see it! ;)


C’mon, girls...if you really had to chose a man from the Pop World, I’ll give a country very close to Sweden: Norway. Man for man, Morten Harket is much more good looking than Per...OK, did you find it strange? I’m completely sure that I’m man enough to praise another man without becoming hmmm...”femalized”, or gayish. Of course Morten is much more good looking than Per. Per is too, but Morten is much more. Sweden is specialized in create beautiful girls, not guys (yahoooo!!!). Morten has more classic face lines, while Per seems like if he has the mouth full of pop corn all the time. Look at the inside cover of rarities, when he’s talking to Marie, holding the guitar. His mouth is banging, like if it was so heavy as he couldn’t keep it closed.

I’m a man, but man for man, my name is Morten.

But, changing the turn...I’m shocked!! ’The jacket was too short to hide something’ ’Tight pants’ ’Leather pants’ ’big thing’...WHAT THE HELL DID YOU ALL TURN IN??? Aren’t you women the defenders of the non-...huh...physicism? Carnalism or wathever? Aren’t you those ones who always say that the size, height, density, volume aren’t that important?? Specially about those...intimal subjects...I can’t hold my chin, I’m shocked...specially for you were the tower of moralism for me (of course this line is ironic). Anyway, I thought this thinkings were tipical of the american, brazilian and british girls, not from the whole world!! CANIBALLS!!

there is a cool picture on this site:

i think it´s a cool picture and per is quite cute in it(i can be wrong, of course). hope you like it.

i think its a nice but, but per looks so female in my opinion

@ gee : i don‘t know why but i always get a little shocked when i see how old per got...

but he‘s got wonderful eyes..

@tiny tim: this is not your subject as it says: TO EVERYONE WHO THINKS PER = A SEXY BABE!!! but of course, everybody’s welcome all the time. i totally disagree with you about morton, sorry he is TOO slick for me. i place him in the same section as brad pitt and leonardo di caprio —> babyface. i think per is sexy because he has not been so aware of his looks as the above mentioned guys are... (and you can still manage to make him shy)

and i totally go for the feminin side he shows, like on the picture mentioned here, I LOVE IT!!!!


words taken out of my mouth again chantie! :) Morten is Morten and Per is Per - PERfect not even being aware of that :)
Regarding the photo..... it spent MANY days as my wallpaper, guess that explains a lot :)))

tinytim, you are so right about Morten Harket!!! I couldn’t give a better example of a truly perfect-looking man :)

I admit I’m not totally neutral being a big Morten fan but I’m a Per fan too and I think Per’s VERY cute / sweet in the way a hamster or a bunny is, but he’s not as “sexy” as a man could be... and after all, there is some difference between “sweet” and “gorgeous”... (although if I had to choose, I would take sweet over gorgeous)...

PS. IMHO, Morten is nothing like Brad Pitt or “di crapio”, he’s a true classic...

tinydick: well.... women like big shiny eyes, charme and a nice body.... and morten harket is a very good example for none of the above.. hes slim but hasnt got a nice butt... he hasnt got (big) eyes... and he looks pale like if he’s dead.



Hej ArtistGrl !!!

I was a A-HA fan bevor.I know what you mean.
Morten was a great man but today its Per Gessle.
Per 4 ever!!



(just want the topic on top hehehe)


I agree, too. Per is very atractive and sexy! Even he’s more than 40 years old!!! He’s very goodlooking and has a very, very lovely smile!

hehehehe back on top... *g*

anyone took a “bump” and/or “fur”-pic on the room service tour? or wanna show us older self taken “artworks”? :)))~~

He’s soooooooooo HOT!!!!!!!!!!!!! :p

*holds up a sign*

[ NEED SEX !!! ]


ooh Gee, really would like to help you out..why the hell am I gay?

@ gyllene_tjej....hej’s always nice to meet you here and read about your hot feelings for our G-bunny! *kram*

@Realchances...great screenshots you have made!! WOW!!!

@GEE: Me blowing his mind??? Haha...well, okay..I got rid of my blonde hair..maybe it will work now for a change.....*where are my boots..and my short skirt.....*


Criz: Great that you like my screnshots!!
I´m very happy...more are coming soon...


(scratches back of head thinking: “what did i get myself into this time?!”)

Hey chantie?? so did you watch those videos yet?

well not all, i just saw run to you and vulerable the other day and ehm.... i got your ’point’ hehehehe :)

(btw are you carmen? am i right? because then i saw you in stockholm in the stupid party there. your pix with P&M are great, you look so relaxed with them! :))

...i love his smile...and his lovely teeth:-D

I love more as just his smile or his teeth!!! ;o) *lol*
Wanna have this man!!!!!! ;o)

we’re just a little nuckin futs ;)))

bunnys teeth? hmmm.. hehehe they look like a mix between a vampire and a ... bunny ;))

(yeaaah! suck me dry and nibble me!!! i’m a juicy carrot!) >;)))


cant help it, just LOVE everything ’bout this man :P

GIMME FIVE, CHANTIE!!!!!! Per is the sexiest man on the planet.......

hey chantie, where did you post a message on about this thread? *curiuos*

btw, per = YUMMY! :)

a mix between a vampire and a bunny:-))) I think more bunny...
Vampires are sexy (just like Tom Cruise and Brad Pitt in Interview with the vampire)

lets make a vote-collecting-site to get per to do a striptease...or...


....yeah man...just do it ;)

i asked him if he knows TDR and said that he should check out a certain link...

(but i dunno know about the playgirl thingie gee, maybe thats ’too much info’.....:P)’s getting mad... I think I like that. ;o) But I’m definitely against that playgirl thing. What if everybody’d be disappointed? ;o) *smile*

...dunt worry,its just sarcasm...(but it’d be nice if he does hehehe)


has anyone of you ever seen a pic of per without a t-shirt? i have never found one!

yeap thats me!!! who are you??? ? ? ?


*rox74ever Faints*

@rox74ever: we have been dancing in that stupid downstairs party in stockholm, you where with iris and i am her friend toooo :)

naaaah i dont think it would be a good idea if per posed in playgirl... cant say i’m not curious but it would REALLY change the way i look at him in the future HAHAHAHA!

gee the nice pic you gave me, per in the white shirt, have you showed that to the others here as well? otherwise givve them the link!!!! or i can upload it and shout some link. but GEE, you have to SHARE this pic waaahaaaaa :P:P:P:P:P

LOL I was just gonna post: Hey Carmen, Chantie was dancing with us in that strange Stockholm disco after the concert....

But then I suddenly saw Chantie’s messages appearing, saying just that! You beat me to it! :P

Aaaanyway... Per is a sweetie :) And funny...
And has beautiful eyes....

ps: Hug to Chantie... your topic’s on top again!!

@ Chantie Hij gaat lekker zo... :-) Populaire topic hoor! Heb alleen geen zin om alles te lezen ;-)

Damn i always fall behind!!!lol!!


@j_adoreMF: ik zou je ook laten nakijken als je wel alles zou lezen HAHAHA!!!

ga weg, naar je eigen forum!!!!!


feel free to upload it, but please add a “copyright by “banke /” to the picture ...this hot shot is Banke’s credit! :)

@-Gee- : where is the picture?

@Chantie: were you the one that an American flag necklace?

@gee: consider it done :):):)

@rox74ever: HAHAHAHA no thats Lianne from america, i’m dutch ;)

::::::::::::::::CHECK OUT::::::::::::::::


back 2 top ;)

@chantie: there is yet another lovely photo of that kind, do you have it too? I would share the link, but sadly I don’t remember the site I took it from. It rules! It is such an amazingly SEXY pic... *mmm* close ups rule! :)

...checked out... fainted... what came to my mind first... that old right said fred thing... I’m too sexy for my shirt... ;o)

@little-miss-sorrow: ABSOLUTELY agree with ya! The Right Said Fred thing I mean ;-)) After admiring such pic for just a little while it is DAMN hard to get back to reality, isn’t it? :) *slurp*

lalala SOOOO SEXY IT HURTS hehehe i agree gals.... well keep on the look out for pix like this and SHAAAAAAAAAAAAAARE ;););)

@chantie: are you the one the short hair??
hey take a look at what i did to that picture and see if you see the difference!!!(go check your e-mail)

@chantie: if you don’t have the other photo of this kind, I could mail it to you, what do you say? :)


Oh, God ! I want to take him with me. I want him to sing CAY verses every night for me. ” I’ll give you all my love, night and day, day and night, I’ll be your heart’s salvation”.

@gyllene_tjej: reality? what’s that? ;o)

@little-miss-sorrow: Yeah, reality without Per sucks indeed! Missing bunny is very destructive :( GO ON TOUR WITH GYLLENE TIDER PLEEEZ!!!!

Oops posted it twice by accident, sorry!

Carmen: No she has long hair :) Chantie wasn’t with us in the McDonalds, but we saw her in that pub, downstairs, she was dancing with Sarah, also with long hair... We went dancing and talking to them and Lianne from the US was there as well....
(but I guess it was difficult to see what people looked like with so much smoke and all)

@gyllene_tjej: I’d surely die for a GT tour, be sure!!

...and thumbs up for chantie...that new story rocks... ;o)

@gyllene tjej: yes please, email the pic!!! also tell me who made it, so i can put a copyright on it
@rox74ever: yeah, funny that one you emailed, but i like him when he hasn’t shaved :):):)
@little_miss_sorrow oooops you read it already ?! you are mighty fast, was kinda hoping nobody would notice... hehehe got SO inspired by that ’wow’ pic i got from gee HAHAHAHAHA MAJOR INSPIRED ;)

@gee: clicked link..... WHOA YEAH BABY :)

people... SORRY but i dont like that last picture... he looks kinda old and scared!!!

@chantie: ;o)

...that pic definitely rocks... what a smile again!!


sit down.
take a deep breath.
if you smoke, light a cigarette.

(we have IERTJE from the fanclub to thank for this and I LOVE HER ;) )

oh my GOOOD!!! To hold up breath is NOT enough.... *close the door, let’s make love,all God’s angels sing above* Damn it, i need to sit down again!! ;-))
@chantie: you rule! Gotta work on the pic for you and I will run to read the story too! *yam-yam*

i rule?! YAAAAAAY hehehe well say a big TACK to Iris, she made it :) :) :)

the good news is, you can get the original too! its in the fanclubs fotoset for zurich (i picked it out hehehehe) !!!! SO GET YOUR ORDER GOING hehehe

chanties stories really rock. they are lot better than most of fan fictions. that’s my honest opinion.

agreed! Maybe it is because they are about Per AND someone else... NOT Per and Marie. While I am following the old pattern in my story - which is Per and Marie sort of together :)

Btw, I tried the live Gessle pic on my desktop!!!! Looks FAB! Can’t take my eyes off screen now,in the middle of the night ;-)) *sigh*

(bowing) thank u thank u :)

@ gyllene tjej: same here, i keep on going back to my desktop all the time hehehe


Good morning everybody! I was just logging to the internet to check my mails but then I couldn’t resist coming here... and JEEEZ, what do I find!! ;o) It’s unbelievable again... hihi. Thumbs up for Iertje! And I think I’ll definitely have to check those photo sets, at least those chantie has picked... ;o)

Thanx bout the piccie... hehehe
He does look very fanfic-inspirational there ;)

Txiqui 1978-2002

God! i almost dye this morning when i saw those pics, they are GREAT!!!, PER looks great on them. Thanxs!!! for sharing them with all of us.

After seeing this pic I think I’m going to change my nick to sir_RIP, it’s more apropiated.

WHAT A PIC!!!!!!!!!!!!


I usually don´t think per is sexy or even handsome (I´d probably think different if I was a little bit older), but theese two last pics are fantastic, I have to say that...

@gee: the last pic you have posted is very strange. per looks so (i normally wouldn‘t say that) stupid...sorry!

Yeah, I think Per always looks inspirational, doesn’t he? :) The photos kick ass indeed! Just thought how cool it would be to have like 10 monitors in the room...with different Per pic on each one’s desktop :) isn’t that a fancy idea? :)))

Or you can just have ONE computer that changes the screen every 10 seconds.

Noooo fancy idea! A reason to become totally crazy! Imagine you have to watch 10 monitors all the time... ;o)



oh my gosh gyllene_tjej, should i stop with the pix, is it all getting too much for you? hehehe ;)

guess it is, hehehe ;-))) He’s got that magic power over me :) I bet you can’t get enough of bunny either, huh? :) I want mooore :)) FÖR MYCKET ÄR ALDRIG NOG!!!!! yooppie!!!

HAHAHA i agree with you gyllene_tjej, can’t say anything else :)

BTW I wonder when Per will answer questions again. Did you mention our thread as you said you would Chantie? Hehe...and what IF he does actually drop in here? :)))

HAHAHA yes i mentioned it, would be the funniest thing ever IF he came in here ;)

Yo!! Go on at such pace and you will give me the sweetest heartattack. I love your photos and I really think some people should think twice before calling FC pix not professional. If these are not, then I don’t have a clue which ones are!
Well, doesn’t he look like a sweet angel visitting Berlin? :) *mmm* :)

:) :) :)

you can now see all the fotos from the sets on, we added these bigger versions if you click the thumbnails. we are still working on it right now (fanclub is working in nighttime as well hehehe) so it could not be working until tomorrow...

ps i didnt make the pix, i made them only in innsbruck..... zurich = iertje, dortmund/berlin = cisca :)

@Chantie; Oh, this is great hunnie some nice Per pix to make me more relaxed while starting on my take home exam (yak yak), THX!!!!
(Enne als je online bent vandaag of morgen, LET ME KNOW!!!)

WAHEY!! I just found those Oberhausen soundcheck pix on your page chantie and I have to admit I LOVE that white shirt Per is wearing!! ;o) Aaaand, there’s no reason for this topic not to be in the top position! lol

hey! Take a look at my new discussion” do you remember your first time ” k??

wheres per with the white shirt???

it’s somewhere on, then the roxers on tour site, oberhausen. I think... ;o)

Hej all Gessle freaks!! :)
How great it feels to come back home after damn tiring day and see I am not the only one fAlling for Per in this light shirt! Doesn’t he look fab in white stuff?
check out stories section

Damn.. He looks so damn good on that picture!!i think i need some air...
*Crash!Boom!Bang!* (rox74ever faints again)

WOOOOOOOOOOOOOW, he should wear white all the time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

@chantie: Thank you, I was to tired to look for the exact link yesterday evening. Btw, what I always wanted to mention: I LOVE YOUR PAGE! ;o)

@sarah: He should, definitely!

@little miss sorrow: TACK :)

You’re welcome chantie! ;o)

But to come back to the main subject... didn’t Per and Asa (I know I know but my PC just doesn’t put the ° above the A) look extremely cool on that new Aftonbladet pic??

hmmm...this pic’s too small

I agree with Gee, it is too small and not sharp enough to admire Per and Åsa properly. Was there maybe a bigger one in an ordinary paper edition of Aftonbladet?

no sarah told me that the pic in aftonbladet is even smaller waahaa!!!

@ Chantie a question: would it be possible that the fc make some sets of the tour-pix of per and marie? I mean one set with the best pix of per and one of marie too. I would buy such a set :)
Just a suggestion

HAND Parre

A set with all the best Per pix... hihi. ;o) I’m sure there’d be more people buying it! lol

About that Aftonbladet pic: of course it’s much much too small, I can’t imagine it even smaller in the newspaper. How the hell did you find it? ;o) But I always like pix of Asa and Per together, they’re so... na, it’s not cute but I don’t know any other word for it.

This pic is really toooooo small! I agree with all of you, who wrote that! :o)

But Asa is looking really funny! :o)

Yes, a Per-Photo-Set would be really cool! I love these moments, where Per is playing Keyboard....ahm, sorry....hanging around near to the Keyboard and thinking about new haircuts! :o)

Here´s, what I mean:

@little-miss-sorrow: I will use your own words, I think Per and Åsa do look cute together! I love them both... watching such pix gives me a feeling of guilt that in my little fanfic I am trying to hook up Per and Marie instead :))

i love pics of them!
i wish there were more :(((

and they ARE cute together....

Here´s my Per-pic from Oberhausen! Many fans asked me to put it online again! :o) But I don´t know why!?

Well, I´m searching for some more sexy pics at the moment! See you later! :o)

@roxmaniac: You always do what I tell ya, he? ;o) Na, just a joke. HI DEAR!! What a funny Per keyboard pic. Is it yours? I can’t remember that one and why the hell did I not order it?? lol

But he REALLY was funny during the tour, after the first show I always had to laugh even before YDUM started... It was fun to see him drinking, playing with his towel, looking around (reading strange banners... hihi) and - every two minutes - playing one note on the keyboard.

@gyllene_tjej: Your own little fanfic? That makes me curious. I’m so very lazy but - who knows - maybe I’ll start this weekend... :P

And well, yes, maybe cute IS the right word... Yeah, it is. ;o) What a lovely couple.

Oh... the Oberhausen one as well... ;o)

Hej little-miss-sorrow! Of course, the keyboard pic is mine! And I´m sure you have a copy of it!

BTW, I´ll always do anything you say! :o)

OK, I found one more pic of Per from Vienna! I love it! Hope you´ll love it too!

Well, it´s a little bit big and it takes some time to load. But the bigger the better! :o)

Okej, then buy me a car, take the dog for a walk, pay my Sweden holidays... ;o) Noooo! lol

Have to leave, I’ll look for that keyboard pic now!

OK and here´s the last one for today! It´s from Gothenburg!

Hm, is it possible, that Per hadn´t enough time to close his shirt before the concert? :o)

@little-miss-sorrow: yezzzz girl, start writing , fight with your laziness!!! ;-))) Seriously, I am curious of anything that fans can come up with! So, give your story a try as well... then we could swap ( and laugh at our masterpieces :))) ) GOOD LUCK!!! I will ask you after the weekend is over, so keep it in mind!
@roxmaniac: Your photos are FABULOUS... to say the least! Especially the Vienna closeup... I think I fainted just a while ago. It seems like some angels are sent down to earth every now and then :) Thanx for sharing these great photos, once again!!

i gotta tell you something...
you re a lucky person to have those awesome pictures!!!!
I love the second one, by the way... is that his belly button!!! ???

YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY we got 200!!!!!!!!

@roxmaniac: that bellybutton pic DEFINATELY ROCKS :O :O :O :O :) :) :) :)

@parre & the others: yeah we thought about different photosets of P&M, gonna discuss that tomorrow uhm today uhm FRIDAY when i go to the headquarters (=ronals and iris house hehehe)

@gyllene tjej: part II of ’saturday’ is more difficult then i thought.. got four pages now.... hehehe

Yooppie! Let’s celebrate!!! :) however it is still quite some posts left until we beat the Hungarian topic, hehehe ;-)))))
@chantie: Don’t give up, I am waiting impatiently... :) And not only me,you know that! I will email you later!
Let’s keep it on top again :)

Am I the only one who didn’t realize until now that Aftonbladet pic is only that small when you look at the whole article? Cos for some reason I just took another look at the article and opened the picture in another window and found out it’s about 4 times as big as I thought! Guess I really should have opened the file I saved on my harddisk before... *bangsheadagainstmonitor*

@roxmaniac: I’ve never ever seen that Gothenburg pic before. Where did you hide them when you were at my place? ;o)

@gyllene_tjej: Ooookej, I’ll start tomorrow!! ;o) How’s your one going? *justcurious*

@little-miss-sorrow: great to hear that, I am supporting you, can you feel that? :)
My story is going fine... so to speak. Once it is ready I will give it to chantie to put on a site. You could get your personal copy as well :)))

@little-miss-sorrow: I had all those pics with me, when I was at your place! You just had to open your eyes! :o)

Thank you to everyone, who likes my pics! :o)

@gyllene_tjej: Oh, I feel pleased! ;o) You’ll get one of mine as well, OF COURSE. And yes, I think I can feel something... it’s coming to get and support me... hihi.

@roxmaniac: Probably I didn’t see them because I was sooooo shocked by the 5489725158487 million pix lying around... I was happy when I had watched them all, so I probably missed some.

roxmaniac...thus pics are yummy..... and i feel the need for a drool-proof keyboard....

@Gee: that’s a good point actually... Once you finally find one, fix two and send one to me :)
@little-miss-sorrow: not that I want to put you under pressure...but it is a bit less than 48 hours left for you to complete the writing mission ;-)))

Hey people, you know what could be the “theme song” of this thread? My world My love My life !!

“Do you wanna talk about it? I don’t know. Do you wanna say some words? Oh, I can’t let go. / I’m talking about my world, my love, my life” (Per Gessle)

what do you think?

Just a question about the interview on The screenshots were absolutely great but I also wanted to watch the interview. But it was impossible for me to download or just watch it. (it always stops and there is no picture) The quicktime-player told me that it couldn’t download the informations it used. Am I the only person who has problems with that and has someone an idea what went wrong and what I can do to get it right?
Thanks for your help!

*justheretoletgyllene_tjejknow* what the hell did I drive myself into this time? ;o) I’ve got a headache and my eyes are hurting terribly... hihi.

@little-miss-sorrow: poor darling!!! Have yougot started yet? I am so merciful as now i will say these 4 magic words: you can slow down :))))
No, seriously, I will try to be patient... Can’t write tonight either, will see LOTR at 21:30 :)
@rox74ever: good idea! There is my baby would fit too as a threadname!

Yup, two pages finished. I’m proud. ;o) LOTR is fantastic btw!! Have fun.

*wow* I am proud too! and waiting waiting, waiting! ;-) According to the schedule the movie will end like 0:30, wow! What a night out :) I plan to put Stars single into my discman, we both know why :)) Will have a nice listening on my way :)
Keep struggling my friend! :)


Amazing pictures. and my camara failed during the Zurich gig. Its a shame!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thanx to everyone to post hes/hers pictures here!!!

Hej lonely_girl! Now it seems you are everywhere! :o)

Isn´t here anybody else, who has also some sexy pics of Per? Put them online, pleeeeeeeeeeeeze!

There’s a great pic of Per in this page


What´s up with you?! No more Gessle-Power in here???

Well, I put 2 more Yummy-Gessle-Pics online! Both are from Cologne, when they performed TCOTH at TOTP!

This picture I made in the afternoon:

and this one after the show in the evening:

OK, and now it´s your turn again! Where are you all?

@little-miss-sorrow: Have you seen this pics before? :o)

@roxmaniac: First thing that came to my mind... Guten Morrrrgen! ;o) And I remember the pix this time! Proud me.

Yes, it´s the “Guten Morrrrgen”-Pic! :o)

You are getting better, l-m-s!

@roxmaniac: GREAT photos once again!!!! No wonder it got silent here... people saw bunny and fainted or dreamt away.
Btw, I have some nice pix too, but no site to put them up, could only swap original photos, I guess.

Another reason why the thread is not that active today is that certain poeple I won’t point at, are busy writing their little stories... ( My watch tells me it is 3 hours and like 12 minutes left till the end of the weekend)

Finally: @little-miss-sorrow: HOW ARE YOU DOIN TONIGHT? See? Did not point my finger this time ;-))

HAHAHA gyllene_tjej! ;o) But you’d be proud of me knowing how I spent my afternoon... Let me say... it’s getting weird somehow and I discovered there are a lot of words you don’t learn at school for reasons I can totally understand. lol

But what I mainly wanted to ask: Did you like LOTR? ;o) And where’s chantie gone?

Gotta leave, it’s only two hours and thirty seven minutes...

LOL. Yeah, the vocabulary thing is the worst obstacle. What kind of useless things do they teach at schools these days? Blah, i think we are getting old! ;-) Anyway, I seemed to have the same problem as you, so don’t worry!

LOTR was great! awesome special effects! But I did not become Elijah’s fan, nah, not really my type. And why should I need him if we have Per, right? Btw, we were eating popcorn in unreasonable quantities ;-))...considering that the film was 3 hour long... Anyway, doesn’t the cinema-made one taste best? :o)

I wonder where Chantie is as well... COME BACK GIRL WE NEED A LEADER :))) Just take a look around, Per pic here and Per pic there, people start to lose control, hehe ;-)

gyllene_tjej & l-m-s, what story are you always talking about????

“Per pic here and Per pic there, people start to lose control, hehe ;-)” Hihi, definitely!! Well, I’ll go to bed now and I must admit it’s not finished yet buuut... the rest is on my mind already so it won’t take too long to write it down anymore. At least I hope so. ;o)

About LOTR: I agree, it’s a great film, Elijah’s not my type as well (but I liked the guy who played Aragon a lot, I still don’t know his name but who cares as long as one can spell gessle correctly - hihi) and popcorn rocks... I’m getting crazy... ;o))))

@roxmaniac: You’ll get to know when it’s finished! ;o)

@roxmaniac: we’re writing fanfiction about Per and Marie. If you want you can join too, then we will collect all the stories and put on one site, Chantie’s got details on that! As little-miss-sorrow already knows it is great fun, even greater way to kill some time at the weekend and the greatest possible way to learn self-discipline, isn’t it dear? ;-)) time is nothing that can be stopped... 1 hour 43 minutes left ;-)) ONLY!

Wow, fanfiction! May I join too?

@raindancer: ALWAYS! :) Start writing and let us all know here how it is going! :) Good luck!

wooooooooooow GREAT GREAT GREAT those pix!!!!!!!!!!!! THX roxmaniac for sharing those, esp. the one with the sunglasses WOOOOW soooo sweet hehehe :P

as to where i have been: i have been sick WAAHHAAA!! BUT i have also had some time to make a second chapter of my story called SATURDAY :) hehehe. it’s not long enough actually but i will put it online in a few hours, after the “finishing touch’ is done.

@gyllene tjej: you said you have great pix but no site, well you can scan the pix and i can put them on my site “Gyllene_Tjej’s Bunny Pix” HAHAHAHA

oh and: i was kinda fed up with TDR because there are still people feeling the need to trash the fanclub and i sometimes take that too personal :’(.........

also: a friend told me that my subjects where changed and i noticed too, that one of my other topics suddenly had less replies. Lars-Erik if you read this: WHY? was there something ’not done’ in my topics or posts?! mmm anyway i couldn’t find out what was changed so i leave it at that.

|s|t|i|l|l| |w|r|i|t|i|n|g| |l|i|k|e| |a| |f|o|o|l|

updated website ;)

Seems I’m always here when you update something... must be coincidence... ;o) What a pity I have to leave for my friend’s birthday now, so I’ll only be able to read it tomorrow AND can’t continue my little work... Cheers! lol

@gyllene_tjej: It’s still Sunday, isn’t it??? ;o)

Oh great idea to write fanfics! :o) Hm, but I´m not really talented in writing own fanfics! Don´t have enough time to write them! Have to work on my own homepage! I´m translating it in many other languages. Now it´s available in english and spanish. Next will be german and russian!

Is here somebody else, who wants to translate it into another language??? Help is always needed! :o)

OK, when will your fanfics be finished, gyllene_tjej and l-m-s??? Want to read them! :o)

@little_miss_sorrow: oh do please read and let me know what you think ;)
@roxmaniac: well i could translate it in dutch if you like!!!! at the moment i have time :D

Ha! I love such Monday nights! I will fly to SATURDAY’S CHAPTER 2 NOW, WOOW!( Oh well, sorry, I forgot it is still Sunday little-miss-sorrow ;-))) *does that mean you will postpone writing until next weekend? Sniff*)
Anyway, my story is almost finished now too, it needs some final touches and I am typing like crazy, hehehe ;-)
@chantie: I hope I will be able to e mail you tonight and we’ll work out the details! :) We will see about the pix then!
and hehe, how do you like my little fanfic campaign? I seem to have convinced so many people! :)))
@raindancer: are you the one from roxwriter? I love your works!

the photos are soooooo great!!!
per looks unbelievable sweet!!

@gyllene tje: you are doing a PHANTASTIC job for fanfiction :):) ooooow cant wait to get your email hehehe and let me know what you think of chapter two! i wanted it to be longer but the ending is quite good!


*desperately checking mail*

*still no mail from gyllene_tjej!!!! AAAAARGH*

@chantie: hehe, we seem to have quite some freaks here after all! :) I read the part 2 and the comments are being written in my mail!! *sigh* It is just that I am doing so many other things in the meantime.

so, keep checking, it will arrive :)!
Yep, I think we are doing a great job here! That one goes to little-miss-sorrow currently at some birthday party neglecting her duties!!! ;-D But well, who knows, if you have some alcohol there then maybe you will come up with new ideas for your story! ;-))

hahaha for me alcohol works :D

still no mail!!!!

@chantie: hope you haven’t hit the bed yet, coz NOW the mail is on its way :)
Well, if you sleep already... then simply have great Gessle dreams! I will be around for another while :)


mmm veeeeeeeeery strange that i was suddenly anonymous

hehe kinda weird, i agree... maybe you are hiding from me? As you see, I am still typing, and typing, and typing... otherwise I wouldn’t be here in the middle of the night :)
what keeps you up? How was your call? *yawn* guess it is soon time for bed... WHERE IS BUNNY??? ;)

LOL@gyllene_tjej :) :) :) :) :) :)

HOW did it go with the typing?!!!!! tell me!
well i was on the phone with Sarah-P untill 2.30 or something, talking about PERPERPER etc. hehehe!!!! so my next phonebill with say”talked to sarah too much” because the sweet gall lives in sthlm.... but I LUV YA ANYWAY SAWAPAWA!!!! :)
(oh and thats when we tought about you name, hehehe)

LUV YOU TOO CHANTIEPANTIE!!!!! :)))))))))))))

Hehe, that phonecall was definitely too long last night, didn’t realize it was that late until we hang up, and then I had class at 10 this morning!!!
Per should really know what we’re all going through for HIM haha! :P
You know I could just pass by Strandvägen and tell him that, but no I don’t want to look like a loonatic fan I guess...

@sawa: write down the link to this topic on a note and put it .... OH OH OH thats right he has no mailbox. TOO BAD :(

Yeah that’s right!Really stupid don’t you think?
Will never forget january 12th this year, when I stood there with our B-day card (right after my philosophy exam and only back in Sthlm for 2 days) and there was NO mailbox!!!
I really didn’t think of that before! :P

Duh, you didn’t?! Don’t you know that most people in that neighbourhood don’t have one?

@chantie: I read Saturday part 2 and my only comment: YOU STOLE MY UNDERWEAR! ;o) lol But the rest’s PERfect as always! Gotta leave and write now... Bye.

@chantie: my fingers seem full of blisters ;-) I had a busy day today so no writing yet, but I will go on with this later tonight!

@Sarah: JUST WANTED TO SAY HEEEEJ! greet Per from me ;-) Were the Aftonbladet and Expressen Chess premiere pix big? Is it worth buying the papers? Ordering is WAY more expensive...

@little-miss-sorrow: that is the right attitude babe, keep writing! That’s the price you gotta pay for the fact you had a party last night and poor me had to type like crazy ;-)))))

@gyllene tjej: OK I’ll say hi to him tomorrow, hehe! :P
I bought the ’chess’papers for Chantie and me, the pictures are rather small actually, almost smaller than the one from Per and Asa at Efva’s party I think. Chantie will get them soon so hopefully she wants to scan them for you guys, :) ?!

@Chantie; where are you btw I am waiting in MSN!

@chantie: okej, I think I have had enough of typing for tonight so I will be slowly heading for my bed...too big for just me...(WHERE’S PER WHEN I NEED HIM?? ;)) Hormones again, I know ;-) Hope to see you around tomorrow then! Or well, it is already today anyway!
Till then ROX ON!

*sniff* Where did all my friends go??? The thread is not growing at all today, where are you all?? @little-miss-sorrow: you are not doing what i think you are doing huh? ;-)))

Anyway, I wanted to share some of my thoughts with you and get to know about yours:

Today I was copying Anna på nya äventyr for a friend and had a chance to enjoy this great programme again. Do you agree Per is just gorgeous there? I love his delicate fingers playing the piano, his smiling and sparkling eyes when he and Anna talk sitting by the table eaitng shrimps...And I can’t get enough of admiring him lying on bed either... *SIGH* Anyone else to share my enthusiasm? ;-)

Sure... I’m here to share your enthusiasm! Hihi. ;o) It’s great, though I don’t have it on VHS yet. But I’ve seen it quite a loooot of times at my friends... lol.

And gyllene_tjej, I am doing what you think I’m doing! Yesterday was the best ever, three and a half pages within only 75 minutes. *proud* It’s gonna be finished soon I guess, I’ll let ya know! ;o) I think I’ll continue now and download the Dortmund show from roxbytes in the same time. The quality is GREATGREATGREAT!!!!

Stay tuned... *smile*

Wasn´t Dortmund the show, where the security took away the recorder? I think the boy, who wanted to record the show, stood behind me! :o) Do you remember?

@little-miss-sorrow: GREAT!!! NowI feel ALIVE again, yooppie!!!! :)))) Yezzzz Dortmund rox!! ( I mean rocks ;-) ) And so does Stockholm! I am actually waiting for the burnt CDs to hit my mailbox! :)
May I ask how many pages have you written so far? I am getting myself to type now again, sadly I can only do it in the evenings! :( But, well, the night is so young!
Anna along with Söndagsöppet RS backstage cuts are my absolutely fave PG programmes! Not to mention darrrrling in Återtåget of course... I could name countless moments with him when my heart melts like snow :)
Have a nice writing and same to me, hehehe :)

Pleeeeeze, write faster! :o) Can´t await to read your stories! Don´t you have bloody fingers?

Actually, i had blistered fingers, but it is okej as the goal is important! :) For sure I will send in a post here when my story is ready. Wouldn’t you write anything roxmaniac? Before we tried we also thought that would never work for us! Yet, the pages are being filled somehow :)
Besides - it is fun to keep your fingers busy :))))

Hej Chantie! I have send you a mail, because of the translations! :o)

I could try it gyllene_tjej! But I don´t know, if my english it good enough to write down, what I really mean! :o)

But which kind of story are you both writing? Don´t wanna blame me! :o)


*c*h*a*n*t*i*e* *r*e*a*d*i*n*g* *l*i*k*e* *a* *m*a*n*i*a*c*

keep writing darlings!!!!!! :)

@roxmaniac: Yea, I think it was in Dortmund but mhm... they have the whole concert online so I guess they’ve had two of them or it was another guy or something. I just listened to YDUM to find out if I could hear anybody say “put that banner down” lol ;o) but there was nobody...

@gyllene_tjej: page 7 is half completed and I’m reaching the end. It’s getting very romantic right now, iloveyousomuchblablabla... hihi!

Anyway, I’ll leave now.

Good night gyllene_tjej. Good night roxmaniac. Good night chantie. Good night everybody. Good night Jon-boy... ;o)

YW, Chantie...Where can I read the stories, the others are writing???!!!

PS. Did you like it??

And good night to you, John-Boy too.....;))

@bluesue, I LOVE IT :) well the stories by little-miss-sorrow and gyllene_tjej are still only for their eyes hehehe so we have to be a bit patient! shall i put your story on my site for the time being? i will send it to roxwrite also but i have no idea when they have time to update the site. i can put it on mine temporarily so everyone can read it anyway. let me know!

mmm i just have to get into that per&marie-love thingie a little bit more... up to know i’ve only been writing about per&other women... mmm


i shud get a HTML editor again and hang myself into “the speshul site” a bit (chantie and sue know what i’m talking about...hehe but we’ll keep it secret til its ready)

adding a fanfiction section and some eye candy.

@gee: oh girl please take my stories there ;)

goodnight little-miss-sorrow! I love romantic blabla! :))) Don’t you have any problems writing bout sex between them? ;) Or hasn’t anything started yet?
Yo bluesue, we’ll share our stories soon, meanwhile let chantie put it on her site! :) *I’m getting curious*

noone else beside me and l-m-s likes Per in Anna programme? Marie boxing is fun too! :)

@ gyllene_tjej: oh yes i love per in anna på nya aventyr!!!!!!!!!! you know the car he’s drving, silvergrey mecedes station i think? wellllllll i found out years later that i have a pic of that hahaha i was at his house in sthlm with sara-p. we took a pic of the front door, veeeeeery interesting and that car in on the pic! HAHAHAHAHAHA at least i think it is that one, HAS to be!


ps and i loooooove marie in the sauna, she looks SO pretty there!

mmm it seems insomnia has reached me. am writing again. can’t stop, this is addictive!!!!

(@roxmaniac:) sorry i mean @little-miss-sorrow: i love romantic blabla too!

@gyllene_tjej: no problems about sex-scenes between P&M whatsoever occurred over here hehehe...

wow, now you even beat MY record of sitting up! Hope that doesn’t mean you are still sleeping, huh? ;)
Writing can be addictive at times, I feel the same right now! :)
*slurp* waiting to discover the scenes then....... :)
let me know when it is put up!

hehehe making progress!!!!! oh yeah and by the way:



@chantie: THX! Bluesue’s story really whets my appetite! How is your proggress? I will be free at 20:00 and then, after supper I will go on with my writing as well! Life can be so fascinating, hehe ;-))

@gyllene_tjej: (duh who else ;)) story is finished but mmmm needs some changes maybe. so am reading again and again, and, yes, again... i’ll post here when i’t online!

GR8!!! I the slowest one?! ;) Must be as I have too many doubts... I never found writing an easy thing, I guess! But work is in progress as well... 18 cute pages! :) If only quantity was the key to success :)

18 PAGES?! girl, you wanna kill me?!
mmm yeah have to admit writing is kinda... in my blood i think... dunno.

18 pages... OMG...

hey, chantie, i read saturday story and i liked a lot.

congratulations, it´s a great work.

you have a lot of imagination ;)

18 pages? C’mon gyllene_tjej, you’re joking?! ;o) 18 PAGES???

...but I’m proud to announce my little story is almost finished. Well, it is actually but it needs some last changes. I’ll do that tomorrow and let you know then. And the romantic blablabla is sooo romantic... hihi.


So, now I got thru all this!!! :)

@chantie: Love your fanfic work!!! It’s really good!
@bluesue: Love your new story!!! You know, I’m still working with my fanfic!

Well, seems you have some new in your club of fanfic-writers, but I’m not ready as you! ;)

Oh my god! What a great story! I really loooooved to read it! ...want more of that! :o)

OK people get ready, here is my new story!!!!!!!!! and i made a new site so you’ll get to the point right away hehehe!

and read VOICES :)

@nedved: thaaaaanx!
@SolensVaen: great man! welcome to the club ;)
@little-miss-sorrow: can’t wait! if you want it on the site, send it over =)

Hej everyone!
I am sorry about my 18 pages...;-))) It can always be published in episodes, hehehe :) Soon we’ll see the final outcome *shivering*
Gotta grab sth to eat now, stay tuned!

keep us posted hun! :)

gyllene_tjej where are you!!!!!!! did you drown in the words or got lost in the letters?! did per come after YOU instead of marie????

@chantie: your assumptions are damn right! :) Ahhh, I am sooo lost, dreaming away all the time! How much more will my heart stand??
Per coming after me instead of Marie...oh my holy God!!!! ;-) That’s something I might consider ( oh damn it, I wouldn’t even think twice to tell the truth! ;-))
Of course I am drowning in my letters, typing sound is becoming kinda dull by now. Anyway, half of 20th page is ready... I know, I know, I shouldn’t mention the numbers more :)))
Anyway, I LOVED Voices girl! My congratulations honey! If it happens you suffer from insomnia again tonight you know where to find me, I think I am becoming familiar with the problem myself ;-)

OMG page 20!!!!!!! well it depends on how you type i guess, compare bluesue’s story to mine, hahaha! THX that you like voices, was kinda proud myself too hehehe ;)

oh PLEASE finish the story! i am bursting here, NEED something NEW to read waaaahahaha!

as a matter of fact i know a perfect follow-up to voices but i’m not sure yet. i kinda got a question to write a certain story about marie.. totally different direction... mmmm not gonna mention that here hehehe! we’ll see!


The Marie thing, I know what it is about and I say take the challenge... if it feels right for you!
I know you can’t wait till my story is finished, actually I can’t either... It is just that I am so busy during the days...when all I want is typed it also has to be censored you know *teasing*
Little-miss-sorrow’s sweet romantic thing( :) ) should be ready tomorrow[l-m-s you promised!!!]
so it shouldn’t feel that bad to wait for mine. ;-)
Follow up follow up pleeez! It is so addictive! And maybe not too healthy for us to live in such imaginary world...but sweet anyway! I definitely crave for MORE!

mmm i made an imagniairy world since i was a kid! and i never wanna leave it since it’s sooooo much better than the real thing... in my world per only wears tight jeans and a white shirt with the top buttons open...

oooooh i have been thinking about the marie-story for a week already but i can’t find a good start... i can’t find it at all, actually... mmm think i’m just gonna put some effort now in a follow up to voices....

how true your words are...reality bites! :(((
meanwhile concentrate on Voices, and I will go on with what I started :) Hehe, if we continue chatting here I will never come back to my duties. The pressure is enormous!
But feel free to send a little post to check if I did not fall asleep with my head on the keyboard :) Are we the only ones awake now? Funny :)

hahaha yes i think we are! i can’t choose between going to bed now or starting voices part 2.....

do you think you will be able to finish your story tonite? (good reason for me to stay awake HAHAHA)

choice is simple, stay awake! Why? Coz it’s only worth going to bed when Per is there waiting! :) And he is not as he is currently in Stockholm with Marie...cant say what they are up to not to spoil the fun of reading! ;-)
I could bribe you saying i would put an end to my story tonight, but I guess I won’t... But don’t worry, I keep typing :) I am free till 14:00 tomorrow, so who knows what the new day will bring! :)

We must be real freaks :)

ooooh soooooo right about going to bed, WHY the hell hahaha! i am free too... so HA! so thats what he’s doin’ huh, in sthlm with marie mmmm, think i’ll call sarah-p tomorrow to keep an eye on them hehehehe ;)

yeah i admit to being a FREAK, but only in the non-annoying way for per and marie and i am really PROUD OF BEING ONE :) :) :)

ok i’ll let you type now hehehe and am doing so myself!!!

can’t resist commenting on that one... but I will do it silently not to disturb your writing :))))
of course we’re harmless freaks :) What is that thing Gessle has that make us so SHY when he is around?? Do you have a clue? Is it all about his charm, sense of humour and irresistable beauty? *SIGH*
Gosh, I would never act in a way to piss him off in public...I do love him enough to respect him as a person at the same time...if you get my point...
but damn it, if he entered our minds ( or this thread for a change ;-))) ), would he believe we’re such angels??? I would give LOTS to read his thoughts then, wouldn’t you? :)
Forgot that no questions should be asked not to disturb your writing...sorry! ;-)

mmm typing is not going so well over here as i am being bugged on messenger all the time and constantly cheking some site called daily-something...

per = GORGEOUS GENIUS GESSLE, he has it ALL. he has the ability to make you blush, smile AND get horny AT THE SAME TIME lol.... did that to me in karlstad, you know that story? when i was following the tour i didnt want to be in their faces all the time so i didnt go to EVERY hotel etc. hehehe it’s just TOO much to see him so many times, there is only so much a girl can take ;)

god, if he would read this page... mmmm i would give anything to read his mind, indeed! he’ll probably just laugh about it, get an even bigger ego and surf to the next page...



at least my MSN is it is not me bugging you, i am a good girl! :)
Karlstad was a bit unlucky for me as battery in my camera was low even before the gig ended :(( E mail me your story, i am curious of so many details... But yes, i absolutely agree he is the reason of most contradictory feelings one could imagine...
how long do you plan to stay up? I am starting to have some suggestive Per visions, so i don’t really know ;-)


that’s Gessle! :o)
[when will he ask questions again........]

oh well the second part of voices is mmm going slowly but i can’t stop now!!! so i’ll be around for a while, have shut down msn as well hehehe... ooooh very good explanation of GESSLE indeed :)

ok i’ll type you an email with the karlstad story...

take my advice: IF you are in the same pub as mr. gessle, please DO bug him. take pix, talk to him, let your friends talk you into it if you need that ;) i didnt and am still regretting WAAHAHAHAHAAAA :’(

you still awake? you’ve got mail!

AAAAHHHHH... I died reading your story!!!! I think my heart wouldn’t make it if i were to go through the same thing... Jesus!!! I would trasure the memories for ever! I know you do too! :)

Are you already up?...I don’t think so, we were really high last night :))) I will do some typing now, it is not that much time left. Sadly I am meeting my friend in the evening and also going out tomorrow... So many things to disturb me ;-))

Thx for the nice chat we had, was great fun, let’s continue! :o)

so in the end, have you written much of the follow up? :)


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