“Radio” on TV in Oz
SYDNEY - The Australian TV Channel "MTV Classic" once again aired their "Roxette Live in Sydney Special" (basically a cut-down version Live-Ism) but then immediately after they debuted the video for "She's Got Nothing On (But the Radio)".
This Australian Roxer nearly fell off his chair when after the credits to "Live-Ism" ended and suddenly heard the thumping bass of the new single!
Also, the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC TV) aired the video too on their morning program "Rage" at about 8.30am on Sunday February 6!
This reporter is urging all Aussie Roxette fans to get in touch with their respective music channels and get requesting!
Also, an ad for Charm School appeared during the show "Video Hits".
Neilandkathie and Bwad contributed to this article.
“She’s Got Nothing On” video now available online
The new "She's Got Nothing On (But The Radio)" video is now available online on Roxette Official Facebook page and on YouTube. The video features Per and Marie singing in front of a bright white background, as well as people having a house party.
The video is directed by Mats Udd and produced by Rebecca Jemdahl Tepavac. The cinematographer of the video is Petrus Sjövik.
Rox20 party continues: “If you had one wish... would it be about me?”
Written by administrator on October 29, 2006 to Video.
Most anniversaries are rather private celebrations, but when Per and Marie announced they were getting back together again for Roxette’s 20th anniversary… fans around the world wanted to join the party.
In the first of several special surprises The Daily Roxette has planned for the Rox20 party, that go beyond the articles and interviews that you are accustomed to seeing here, TDR is pleased to present a Flash-based video feature for Roxette’s new single “One Wish.”
“Of course our idea in producing this was to pay tribute to Roxette’s 20 years together,” says Managing Editor Lars-Erik Olson, “but it was also our idea to somehow show that fans are invited guests to this party as well. Marie recently pointed out the role that fans have played in their career, and almost from the very beginning of this project, we were hoping to find a way to honor (by letting one fan represent a thousand fans) our loyal readers – and Roxette fans in general – with this video.”
Produced and directed by Jorge Diaz and Lars-Erik Olson… The Daily Roxette is proud to salute Roxette with another look at “One Wish!”
NOTE: If the progress bar “freezes” at 82%… please just wait it out… it will, after a short wait, continue to load.
- TDR’s “One Wish” video (Link for Europe)
- TDR’s “One Wish” video (Worldwide link)
New “One Wish” music video to premiere Monday on The Daily Roxette
Written by administrator on October 27, 2006 to Video.
As the celebration of Roxette’s 20 years together continues, this coming Monday is set to be a special day. Along with a previously unreleased demo being available to listen to on Roxette.se, an exclusive new “One Wish” animation, created for The Daily Roxette by Jorge Diaz and Lars-Erik Olson, will be premiered here on TDR.
“Originally, we were planning to ask permission to co-premiere the new single on TDR and we needed a simple Flash video to house the music stream,” explains Managing Editor Lars-Erik Olson. “Of course all of us on the staff have been excited about Marie and Per reuniting for Rox20, and we’ve had various special projects planned for some time now.
“Our readers have seen our exclusive Rox20 features and interviews, and there are surprises like this yet to come. This video animation, which grew into a much bigger project than what we had first planned is, hopefully, just one of these special projects that our readers will enjoy.”
“We had already started when the Åkerlund video came out,” he continues, “and of course we loved it. This is not at all – as with discussions about cover art in the past – a situation of thinking that we could come up with a better idea. They are two very different types of productions (full-motion video vs. Flash animation), with two very different budgets.”
We asked Jorge, who lives in Buenos Aires, Argentina, to give us some insight on the project:
“Well, the first thing that came to my mind was to showcase all of Roxette’s career, but we understood that Jonas was also going to do this in his video… so Lars came up with the idea to make a ’daydreamer’ video. We spent a lot of time trying to find the right direction, and ended up with this lyric-based idea.
“It took about two months… we spent a lot of time working on it. We previously worked together on a TDR video for Peter Jöback’s version of Per’s ’Varmt Igen,’ and knew that we wanted to do something like that again as soon as we found out that there would be new songs.
“’One Wish’ is a great song! It has a lot of power and Marie’s part is amazing. Lars and I wanted to take advantage of the strong downbeats, and I think it’ll be a long time now before I can hear the song without counting off ’1, 2, 3, 4… 1, 2, 3, 4…’ in my head!”
Full of special effects, Åkerlund-directed “One Wish” video hits the airwaves
Written by Lars-Erik_Olson on September 19, 2006 to Video.
STOCKHOLM - Jonas Åkerlund’s music video rendition of Roxette’s new single “One Wish” was premiered this morning on Swedish TV4’s “Nyhetsmorgon” morning news and talk show program.
The video, which makes considerable use of a special effect where the RGB colors (red, green, blue) are shifted and out of alignment, includes clips of other Roxette music videos as an homage to their 20 years together.
Readers of this newspaper report in the comments that follow that if you happen to have a pair of 3D glasses (red and blue lenses), it’s possible to get a 3D-effect in some parts of the video.
- “One Wish” video on TV4’s site
- Interview segment with Per
- Nostalgia trip with Roxette (from appearance in 2001)
“One Wish” video to premiere tomorrow on Swedish TV4
Written by tevensso on September 18, 2006 to Video.
STOCKHOLM - With editing and final production of the new Jonas Åkerlund music video for “One Wish” completed now, the video will be premiered – as have other Roxette videos – on TV4’s “Nyhetsmorgon” morning news and talk show tomorrow (Tuesday morning) at 06:54 CET. Per will be there at 07:44. Please note that these times are preliminary and are usually not 100% correct, besides the fact that they are in conflict with each other.
In today’s editions of Aftonbladet, Roxette’s newly released single scores two out of five “plus signs” from reviewer Markus Larsson. “Easily digested radio pop” is his take on the song. Larsson normally reviews heavy metal and hard rock music for the paper. He had expected a powerful pop-bomb á la “Listen To Your Heart” or “Goodbye To You.” “All we got was a ’really…?”
Other news in Aftonbladet is that Roxette will be guests on SVT’s gala “Världens barn,” as previously mentioned, and on October 20, Per and Marie travel to Germany for promotion. and we also get a date for the performance on “Bingolotto” - Nov. 4. Per will travel to London for promotion and Spain is being considered.
Maybe the biggest piece of news is that the new material will be released in the US around December. It’s is so far unknown if Roxette will travel to the States to help with promotion.
- Aftonbladet’s article (In Swedish)
Video for “One Wish” to include some animation
Written by CRIZ on August 30, 2006 to Video.
STOCKHOLM - Aftonbladet reports about the recording of the new video for “One Wish” today.
Marie explains that she is longing to release this song. “We’ve gotten tons of mail from fans who have asked when the new songs will be released and how they sound,” she says.
Marie also speaks of her friendship with Per. “Our friendship is getting better and better every year that passes by. It’s been such incredible fun to work with this gang again. Roxette is so big and intense.”
Regarding “One Wish,” Marie says that it’s a classical Gessle-song, “easy to hum and at the same time with a damned nice beat. You can’t get the melody out of your head.”
Per explains he thought it would feel strange to do something with Roxette again, “but when Marie and I met, we went straight back to our old groove. Marie made some coffee, and I played hockey,” said Per with a smile.
The video was shot in Filmhuset’s basement at Gärdet, Stockholm. “Since the song is released [in conjuction with] our 20th anniversary, the new video will contain much from our older videos,” explains Per. “Some parts of the video will be animated,” reveals Jonas Åkerlund.
Per also comments about another US #1: “We don’t feel we have to sell one million records this time around. It’s just cool to do this again.”
Roxette will be on a promotion tour this fall, including the shows “Bingolotto” and the “Världens barn” (Children of the World) gala in Sweden.
Norwegian newspaper VG also reported about Roxette today. When they enquire if there will be a new Roxette album, Marie explains they haven’t decided yet. “We take one thing at a time. Right now I draw a lot, and I’m planning a new exhibition, but it’s not impossible,” she says.
Tcooh contributed to this article
- Aftonbladet’s article (In Swedish, with photos)
“Join the Flumeride” DVD out in early June
Written by tevensso on May 21, 2004 to Video.
HALMSTAD - Ola Ingvarsson, the producer of “Join the Flumeride”, revealed to The Daily Roxette that the “Join the Flumeride” DVD will be released in early June in Sweden.
The DVD will include the movie, a new short film that summarizes what has happened since “Flumeride”, with the title “Kaka på kaka (cookie on top of cookie)”, and a “behind the scenes” documentary - all subtitled in English.
“Join the Flumeride” to be released on DVD
Written by anderscelin on April 16, 2004 to Video.
HALMSTAD - The Roxette and Gyllene Tider spoof documentary from 1998 about Swedish bands “Gula Tidningen” and “Pincette” will be released on DVD this summer. Producers Roger Gunnarsson, Anders Celin and Tobias Pettersson have just finished filming extra material to be included on the DVD. Gula Tidningen is Pierre Gaffel, vocals; Lars LP Pettersson, guitar; Mycket Syd, drums; Anders Hermelin, bass guitar; and Pommes Frittesson, keyboards. Pincette consists of Pierre Gaffel and Marit Fredmansson.
The thought is that the DVD will be shown at the Gyllene Tider exhibit this summer. If everything goes as planned, it will include the film, a behind-the-scenes documentary and a newly recorded follow-up about what has happened since “Flumeride” was originally recorded. Included in this extra footage is a video for Pierre Gaffel’s (Per Gessle’s alter ego) hit single “Detta gäller samtliga (alla och EN var) [“This Goes for Everyone (Each and All)]”, taken from Pierre Gaffel’s solo album “Margarin” [“Margarine”].
Gothenburg concert to be filmed?
Written by tevensso on July 31, 2003 to Video.
GOTHENBURG (UPDATED) - “Will you go to Per Gessle’s concert on Wednesday? Then you may appear on his live-DVD” starts an article published today in Göteborgs-Posten.
According to the newspaper, Per is looking into the possibility of recording this summer’s success tour on film. “It depends on getting everything to work,” says Per’s manager Marie Dimberg. The goal is to start the recordings in Trädgårdsföreningen (Gothenburg), which is sold-out, and then use the recordings to make a documentary-DVD about Per’s tour. The decision will be made on Friday.
The music-DVD sales in Sweden has increased about 352% up to 240,000 sold copies in the first half of the year and Göteborgs-Posten believes that a DVD with Per would become a great success and make these figures even better. The DVD that’s outselling everything right now is Tomas Ledin’s “Just då”.
Update 8/1/2003: EMA Telstar has announced that this concert has been moved from Trädgårdsföreningen to Slottsskogsvallen and, as this is a larger venue, additional tickets will be available today.
- Article in Göteborgs Posten (in Swedish)