New “One Wish” music video to premiere Monday on The Daily Roxette
Written by administrator on October 27, 2006 to Video.
As the celebration of Roxette’s 20 years together continues, this coming Monday is set to be a special day. Along with a previously unreleased demo being available to listen to on, an exclusive new “One Wish” animation, created for The Daily Roxette by Jorge Diaz and Lars-Erik Olson, will be premiered here on TDR.
“Originally, we were planning to ask permission to co-premiere the new single on TDR and we needed a simple Flash video to house the music stream,” explains Managing Editor Lars-Erik Olson. “Of course all of us on the staff have been excited about Marie and Per reuniting for Rox20, and we’ve had various special projects planned for some time now.
“Our readers have seen our exclusive Rox20 features and interviews, and there are surprises like this yet to come. This video animation, which grew into a much bigger project than what we had first planned is, hopefully, just one of these special projects that our readers will enjoy.”
“We had already started when the Åkerlund video came out,” he continues, “and of course we loved it. This is not at all – as with discussions about cover art in the past – a situation of thinking that we could come up with a better idea. They are two very different types of productions (full-motion video vs. Flash animation), with two very different budgets.”
We asked Jorge, who lives in Buenos Aires, Argentina, to give us some insight on the project:
“Well, the first thing that came to my mind was to showcase all of Roxette’s career, but we understood that Jonas was also going to do this in his video… so Lars came up with the idea to make a ’daydreamer’ video. We spent a lot of time trying to find the right direction, and ended up with this lyric-based idea.
“It took about two months… we spent a lot of time working on it. We previously worked together on a TDR video for Peter Jöback’s version of Per’s ’Varmt Igen,’ and knew that we wanted to do something like that again as soon as we found out that there would be new songs.
“’One Wish’ is a great song! It has a lot of power and Marie’s part is amazing. Lars and I wanted to take advantage of the strong downbeats, and I think it’ll be a long time now before I can hear the song without counting off ’1, 2, 3, 4… 1, 2, 3, 4…’ in my head!”
Other articles with the same topic
- "Radio" on TV in Oz (February 6, 2011)
- "She's Got Nothing On" video now available online (January 14, 2011)
- Rox20 party continues: "If you had one wish... would it be about me?" (October 30, 2006)
- Full of special effects, Åkerlund-directed "One Wish" video hits the airwaves (September 19, 2006)
- "One Wish" video to premiere tomorrow on Swedish TV4 (September 18, 2006)
Marieangel said on October 27, 2006 18:36:
Let’s see what those guys bring us for a new OW video.
The original video of OW is brilliant!! I think we don’t need other version, but the idea sounds interesting. Who knows.
Igor_M said on October 27, 2006 20:14:
Sounds very interesting! But please in more common format than flash video.
roxlad said on October 27, 2006 21:58:
Sounds good to me! I still have the Varmt Igen flash video which I saved to my hd back in 2002 and I keep on enjoying it every xmas!
blunek said on October 28, 2006 01:43:
Is there any chance to seeVarmt Igen somewhere? or maybe you could share it with us? :0) Would be so cool!
pwbbounce (moderator) said on October 28, 2006 07:41:
This could be cool!! Looking forward to seeing it!
rox-kuryliw said on October 28, 2006 09:59:
i like pic of the girl holding the tv with roxette 20 years on it, who did that ?
roxlad said on October 28, 2006 11:05:
Here it is! I’m sure tdr doesn’t mind :-)
david_h said on October 29, 2006 22:42:
roxlad: thanks for posting the url!
Peter Jöback’s version of Varmt Igen is superb. Love the choirs and his voice sounds perfect. Really awesome.
Greetz from Chile!
Roxrider_USA said on October 27, 2006 18:08:
I want to thank those guys responsible for this long and cool creation. It’s always great to enjoy these surprises.
Great picture. Really well done. Also, the Rox20 logo and it’s descriptive sentence rock!!!
Excited about the video!!
Thanks once again!
Take care!
Carlos E., New York.