The Daily Roxette

Roxette World Tour 2011 schedule
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Help needed please!

5 replies

I need several pictures from Roxvideos. Can somebody please send me pictures of Anders from Fingertips’95? I also need pictures of the male and female models from ATAY, and the waiter who dances with Marie in Soul Deep. If pictures from videos are hard to find, I’d be happy with any picture of them :-)

My email... [email protected]

Thank you vey much :-)

the soul deep video is on “all videos ever made by roxette”, available on dvd if thats any help to you.

Thank you dartfordman! Yes, I know that video is there, but unfortunately I don’t have DVD reader in my computer and I can’t capture the pictures from the DVD :-(

Hi Roxlander,
what is Fingertips ‘95??

Do you not mean Fingertips ’93 ??

LaMan, harriej, you’re right, sorry, wrong year. Blame it on the excitment when I talk about Anders :-p


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