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Did anyone else (outside the UK) hear about the 12 year old girl who has run away. Shevaun had been chatting to a 31 year old US Marine she met in an internet chat room 12 months ago.

He flew over to Manchester on Saturday after being discharged for the marines and met her and they flew to Heathrow and onto Paris and there has been no sightings since.

Appartley she has told him she is 19 years old but anyone can see from the photos she looks no older than about 14 years old.

I just hope she returns home safe and sound sooner rather than later as her parents are frantic.

Yeah I heard about this, it is on the news in the US quite a bit. It is really creepy, I mean surely this Toby guy had guessed she is not 19 years old and would do the decent thing and get her back home to England.

You can meet some creeps in these chat rooms! Let’s all pray she is safe and gets home soon.

yea also read it on Spanish + Swedish newspapers

about the age, surely she looks young, but in the past months I have amazingly seen 12-14 year old girls dressed + maked-up looking like 16-18-20!! I met a girl some days ago, I thoght she was 18, and she was 13 :O

(not defending the guy, I am just talking bout my own experience)

there r such things as that like to sleep with underage biys and girls...i really hope he isnt one..if he is his balls should be cut off

Life can be so strange sometimes and people as well. I haven’t heard about this story before. Yes, you must be very careful with chatting. You can get to know somebody only in real life.
I think that I am lucky. I met my fiancé online with the help of a dating site per mail. I could see that everything was right what he said about himself when we met. I hope that this little girl won’t be disappointed and everything will be ok. I mean: she will go home.

This Toby guy is currently considering talking to the FBI - I mean why??? god if he has not done anything wrong just give it up. This girl must be scared to death and she needs to be at home with her mum and dad.

kick her down when you are done bro!

I have met some 12 year old terrors that would make a porn queen blush.

and Judith I know you wanted some of that!!!!

Anymore, kids are dressing to look older. It’s down-right terrifying to hear about things like this.

@sweet: your comments are one of the only reasons i still hang around here LOL ....keep it up they make laugh ;)

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wel its int he papers she is ok he went to meet her thought she wsas 18-19 turns out she wasn’t he got real mad ....

She’s home again now. The guy was arrested in Germany.

Woah, I saw those pics and they make a perfect couple. you can keep that one bro!

what a loser, he has all of Paris in front of
him and he gets some off the net.

thanks “Wixter” ;)


She certainly not look like 12 years old. She looks much, much older.

I reckon she could pass for 13 or 14 myself. But anyways, she’s home safe now.

She looks about 10!!


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