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It´s Friday the 13th

21 replies

Anyone superstitious about today? ;)


*runs away and hides under covers*



did you have to say that!?
I hadn’t noticed!!!!! help....

oh sheeshh... don’t tell me ya’ll believe that!! :)


not really, but you never know...
man ska inte utmana ödet!!!! ;)

Yeah I hate Friday 13th as on Friday 13th November 1992 I broke my leg at a hockey game!!

be cool - its a loada crap I’m sure. Well I hope....








hehe - kidding! Be careful today

I had an exam with computers, the program hang twice and I had to restart, and the programs were all the time out of RAM memory lol :D
Anyway, it was perfect for me, I think I’ll get high mark :P

In my company we had computer trouble the whole day (the system didn’t work).

i dont believe in that crap but something will happen if you do believe because you make it happen yourself (most of the time)

In Spain bad-luck days are Tuesday the 13th :p So obviously that of my exam is not related :D Anyway, i don’t believe in this anymore (I believed during some time after a VERY VERY VERY bad Tuesday 13th... but I was living in Sweden then, so could be “not related” either :D)

Believe it or not,but,every friday the 13th i have GOOD luck :DD

what really is *bad luck*something that doesnt work out the way we expected??or because we dont get what we want when we ask for it ???or is it something else??weve all had bad luck right. but look at all the good luck you have had. there is allways two sides to everything (but dont forget the piece in the middle) i think a lot of the back luck people have is man made

There was a day in my life (a Tuesday 13th) when the best that could have happened to me was that a meteorite would have smashed me :s

Friday´s over and it´s Saturday 2.20 AM.
Nothing happened to me.

I actually don’t believe in Friday the 13th but have had a hellish day so far! Let’s see how my Friday night goes.

13! My Lucky Number. :)

Does anyone know why 13 is considered or generally accepted to be a bad-luck number? :O
Did you know in Formula 1 no car wears number 13?

I’m very interested in the first question :P (Any sociologist, historian, psicologist... may know :P)

@santi the 13 goes back to the medievel days around 13 or i4 century to what purpose ??if i find some info ill let you know

Santi: I believe it has something to do with christianity: you know, the last supper, Jesus + the 12 apostles and one of them - his betrayer... Or some other story, dunno, but 100% is connected with christianity.

wendy: hehe, same here!

I also think: if you believe in superstition, it does work.

And I’ve heard in some hotels there aren’t floor #13, nor room 666... ;)

Well, I just flew to London on Friday the 13th, and had the greatest weekend of my entire life so far!! And I flew in business class too. So this 13th was great luck for me...

@Ixtlaner: Yeah, it sounds logical, also that the bad luck day is friday, it’s supposed they killed Christ on Friday too.


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