zeeshan said on June 26, 2003 07:10:
Is it me or is the TDR OFF-TOPIC section is REALLY BORING these days? mmmm maybe I should give the SILLY THREAD a shot ;)
Santi said on June 26, 2003 07:20:
I find it’s a bit a mix between a reality show and a soap opera. :p
TinyBubbles said on June 26, 2003 11:11:
Boredom is NOT good. Causes me to buy things online i don’t really need :| Well, okay, i do need the literature on religion..!
xuxa said on June 26, 2003 12:13:
Do you guys think that TDR is boring???
mmmm, So why not, instead of be here complaining why don’t you try to make an effort and do something to change it, eh? ;) :p
Stormkeeper said on June 26, 2003 13:25:
if youre bored go and check out Coyboy´s homepage
He´s quite hot
derek said on June 26, 2003 18:39:
its not boring only some of the topics are boring but hey that happens now and again
wendy said on June 26, 2003 20:28:
Coyboy hot??? :DD
*don’t make me laugh* :p
Naah,i don’t think so,i’m sorry :p
zeeshan said on June 27, 2003 05:20:
Xuxa you are right honey but starting all those topics may result in departure of some TDR members who don’t want silly threads around.
zeeshan said on June 27, 2003 05:22:
if youre bored go and check out Coyboy´s homepage
He´s quite hot”
And NOW I have heard everything.
*shots himself with a Magnum*
DaminehGessle said on June 28, 2003 01:45:
Let me check his site first. Then I tell you whether he is hot.
xuxa said on June 28, 2003 20:42:
mmmm I am starting to feel tempted to visit Coyboy’s homepage........
lost-little-girl said on June 28, 2003 21:07:
Visit, the guy is hot, why are all the cute guys GAY??
Stormkeeper said on June 29, 2003 10:50:
Aschrum you should send your pic to Spooky so we all can see you.
xuxa said on June 29, 2003 20:26:
mmmm, I dunno about Ascrhum because I never saw his pic :p . But, for instance, Zeeshan is soooooooo cute and I am sure that he is not gay :DD
So, it’s not true that all cute guys are gay :P
LadyBug said on July 4, 2003 01:45:
Reading Aschrum’s replies to Zeeshan, you’d think he is gay.... (Aschrum that is..)
Aschrum said on July 4, 2003 21:15:
really... i do only love him SOOOOOOOOOO much (cuz he is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO cute)
Stormkeeper said on July 7, 2003 00:05:
welcome coming out Aschrum!!! About time to leave the closet behind!! You go boi!
LadyBug said on July 8, 2003 14:05:
( We think Aschrum is gay, that is what. But he doesn’t know it yet. It’s obvious to everyone exept him. That is what. Lols)
wendy said on June 26, 2003 07:11:
boring,i agree :p