ally77 said on July 15, 2003 17:45:
C’mon own up who hates the dentist? I went yesterday for the first time in.... I don’t hate the dentist just feel don’t like people fiddling around in my mouth....
Everything is okay and all I got to have done is 1 new filling!! not bad considering I have not been for ages!!
lost-little-girl said on July 15, 2003 17:55:
I had a major problem with dentists many years ago as a friend of mine had a problem which landed her in hospital and it put me off going for many many years (10). I had toothache so bad that I had to go and found this really great dentist who was so calm, it took 3 visits to get me in the chair. I had IV sedation and all the work was done over 3 months slowly but I got there in the end. I even had my very crooked teeth put straight, this was about 3 years ago now and I go every 3 months for a routine check - I guess you could say I love my dentist now.
For someone with a heart problem you would think I would be fine with anything medical but dentist where a no go area for me for a long time.
My younger brother hopes to be a dentist or a vet (men just cannot make up there minds)??
sparroweye said on July 15, 2003 17:58:
I didn’t hate my dentist.
but last summer I went to another dentist and he was wathcing football/soccer (what ever) on TV while drilling in my teeth!!! it was the worst time ever!!
suddenly he would just take his hand out of my mouth starting screaming!!
since that day, I fear every visit to the dentist...
zeeshan said on July 15, 2003 18:38:
Dentist? no ALLY.. trust me I don’t like to be around them! :D :D :D :D :D
ally77 said on July 15, 2003 18:43:
Never drink coke unless it is diet, although have tried the vanilla coke.... yummy!!!
Santi said on July 15, 2003 18:51:
I like my dentist, cuz he saved me from a very huge toothache and that’s worse than anything in the world :s
coyboyusa said on July 15, 2003 20:54:
i hate doctors period I have had some very bad experiences with modern medicine
coyboyusa said on July 15, 2003 20:54:
i hate doctors period I have had some very bad experiences with modern medicine
Lotty said on July 15, 2003 21:06:
I don’t hate my dentist. The secret is that you should go to him/her regurarly, then you don’t have to fear. Anyway, lately two of my teeth had to been pulled out. This was the first time, earlier I only had fillings. My dentist has done her job fantastic! :-) I mean: I could bear it, it wasn’t that bad. My teeth were not ill. I will have braces... again.
sunnshy said on July 16, 2003 18:27:
i don’t hate my dentist, she knows me even before i was born, i mean my mother knew her when she was pregnat with me, it’s been 28 years, since then, what i hate is the work she has to do in my mouth
DaminehGessle said on July 16, 2003 19:42:
Oh coyboy I hate doctors too! I think they are there to destroy mankind :D
Santi said on July 16, 2003 20:57:
Well, sure, many of you would have loved to live 200 years ago when people died at the age of 35 :) And many of them because of toothache :):)
(and all because modern medicine wasn’t developed yet)
coyboyusa said on July 17, 2003 12:08:
modern medicine if fine the poepl who apply it r horrible.
Twice i was given too much anesthesia
once when i had 4 impacted molars removed at the dsame time. I was so medicated it too me 6 hrs to wake up and when i did my mouth kept bleeding and i was hallucintine
9 yrs later i had to have my tonsils removed which when done when ur older is bad as it is. I warned the doctors about my last problem with anesthesia. I came out of surgery and didint wake up for nearly 8 hrs. my heart rate was so low they hospitalized me for 2 days
sweet_stalker57 said on July 18, 2003 00:13:
so it was not operator error they were just working with inferior materials.
BonBon said on July 15, 2003 17:50:
Scary. Do you drink a lot of Coke as I do?