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How many Eddie Vedders exist?

51 replies

Lighthouse, Creed, Audioslave...

Do you feel the same as me?

Why does it happen?

I never listened to any singer with a Per’s look (sound)-alike voice...

Darren Hayes gets a little close...but those ones metioned above...????!!!!

Eddie Vedder as in Pearl Jam???

IMHO, there is only one Eddie Vedder - the rest are only wannabe’s


IMHO = In my humble opinion.

eddie vedder is a rip off of kurt cobnain who came first...then there is the elad singer to lifehouse

eedi veder same as cobain??????? wash your ears!!!

Stone temple pilots singer(the first albums) was a ripoff of eddie veder
and nirvana had comercial succes before pearl jam,but cobain used to listen to the fformer bands of the members of pearl jam... but anyway,that means nothing cos cobain’s voice was totally different than vedder’s

I’m not an Eddie Vedder fan at all, but I read a coupla interviews with him, and he seems like a cool guy though. I have to admit, I was a PJ fan up through the first 3 albums, then I got bored with them, not POP enough, too draggy.

Kurt was much better, sharper, better songwriting and pop sensibility underneath the noise + distortion. Alice In Chains + Soundgarden were cool, and so was Mudhoney.

HOWEVER, the best band outta the Seattle area in the 90s (formed in 1986, first album, 1988) was powerpop masters THE POSIES!!!!! They are still going, BTW. They have brainy lyrics + harmonies like the Hollies (2 lead singers), but use power and distortion. Their songwriting is unique but clearly influenced by bands like Big Star (they became part of the reunion), the Beatles + Cheap Trick.

I KNOW Per would drool if he ever heard the Posies!!!

I do not like Nirvana as I believe whoever commits suicide is not worth listening to! A total psycho! That’s just my opinion.
Yes Pearl Jam is cool. I have seen interviews with the band members and they just speak their mind beautifully. It’s amazing how many smart people are out there.
There was an interview with them on war. Oh man it was awesome. I am sick and tired of watching actors and artists kissing their president’s butt saying hello to the troop and crap like that. They (Pearl Jam) spoke like no other Americans I have ever seen. I don’t wanna sound racist but hey I spoke my mind :D.
Larry you are very open-minded wow!

DaminehGessle: whoever commits suicide is not worth listening to! - how can you say that, maybe that’s one of the reasons why people commit suicide

StillFar: I believe no matter how f***ed up your life is, no matter how lonely you are or for whatever reason, you SHALL not kill yourself. That’s what I strongly believe in. And I find people such as Kurt Cobain not worth listening. As I said earlier, that’s my personal belief. I don’t care if the singer is black or white, gay or straight, fat or slim, just be who you are man. What the hell!

Oh! I forgot to say that I respect strong people. I respect people who fight for their beliefs, who speak their minds. Those people would never kill themselves, never ever. Weak people do. Weak people who are so weak that do not want to face their problems, either personal or social.

hmm i´d wouldn’t judge people by their strenght... but by their good or bad doings or spirit.

Damineh you are now talking about subject you know nothing about.

Kurt Cobain had a pretty bad drug addiction as far as I know, it’s a special case. What is a strong person? A person who’s superficial in order to find a place in modern society? Is a weak person, the one who doesn’t accept modernism and suffers because of it? You simplify things...

You might not know what I’m talking about. You might say I am simplifying things. I AM NOT! That is what I believe in. Anyone with addiction is stupid. Anyone who kills himself/herself is weak. THAT IS MY OPINION and I believe in that. Period. Whatever you say I don’t care! Sorry but that’s what I believe in.

Life is beautiful as it is. War bothers me. My grandmas’ deaths destroyed me. I have gone through thick and thin. All of us have. Why do some go on and some don’t? Argh!

kurt cobain got famous for dying thats all dave ghrol was the talent in the band thats the fact

yey! Grohl is pretty cool and funny! Foo Fighters’ videos are all funny.

Hmmm... dunno about Lighthouse but Audioslave has nothing Eddie Vederish.

Chris Cornell has his pretty much own sound which is a bit darker than Eddie. In ay case, don’t forget that they worked together in Temple of the Dog.

Hey Damineh, I pride myself on being openminded, but I know offhand when I am going to like something or not, before I even put it on, but I love it when something out of the blue catches me off-guard... ;-)

As for Nirvana and Kurt Cobain and his suicide, I basically agree with you regarding suicide victims. For the most part, they are sad, weak people who can’t face their own problems. However, there are a slight few exceptions I feel. I try to understand it case by case, as everyone is different. Kurt had many problems, and they were just compounded by his success, which fucked him up tenfold. He couldn’t deal with it, and once you are in the public eye like he was (and still is), and considered the so-called voice of a generation, you can’t just up and quit, you can’t escape it. Kurt had MAJOR stomach problems, major drug addictions (stemming partially to rid himself of this pain doctors couldn’t even figure out), and he had a punk rock underground sense of integrity, totally railing against the principles of pop stardom. His stuff was noise over genius melody, considered too deep and alien to mass tastes. How to explain “Nevermind” hitting #1 then?? Wasn’t supposed to happen. With pop success comes pressure and egads, CORPORATE expectations, everything Kurt was against. Put all this together Damineh, and what do you get?? Kurt’s implosion, aka his suicide, the only way out. Yes Damineh, 99.999999999% of suicide is wrong, Kurt was a special case, an exception, suicide was his only way you know a better way for him?? I don’t. He was a tortured genius bar none, too good for this world, and he couldn’t handle his success.

About Pearl Jam, yes, they are smart people, unafraid tio speak their minds about the war, just like the Dixie Chicks. All alternative-leaning artists are left-wing and anti-war, against the president and Republicans. It just seems the mainstream country people are kissing Bush’s butt. I just wished I liked PJ’s music more.

I respect strong people too, that includes anti-war people, those unafraid to speak-up and be a driver, a trend-setter, not a follower or kisserasserupper. I’m like that, hell yeah, I don’t just follow blindly!! And no, I would never kill myself either, if times are tough, I stick it out...

Dave Grohl IS cool + funny, but to me, the Foo Fighters are just OK, not compelling like Nirvana was.

And yep, Chris Cornell I find better than Eddie Vedder, as he’s darker and more compelling, more to my taste, in Soundgarden, Temple, solo, and now Audioslave.

i have to say tho chris corneel and jason wade from life house r 2 hot guys tho


You’ve led a very sheltered life, haven’t you?

People who commit suicide usually suffer from severe depression, and depression is not a sign of weakness, but a mental disease, which could be treated; unfortunately not everybody who is depressed get the treatment they need because they also think it’s a sign of weakness– and it’s callous people like you who perpetuate that myth!

When I was in college I used to volunteer for a teen crisis line– you wouldn’t believe the number of calls I had gotten from depressed kids, some under the age of 12, others were teens who were gay and were picked on constantly by their peers... can you imagine me telling a suicidal 11-year old girl to just “snap out of it, you’re being weak”? I don’t think so.

Yeah, some of those kids are sexually confused teenagers who have trouble grappling the reality that they might be gay!!

I read that many, if not most, teen suicides are by those who are gay and can’t face it or accept it, as their parents will probably give them hell.

I don’t want to agree with Anarem, but she is kinda right. I understand your side and your view, but the concept of suicide is not simple, cut + dried, black + white. I would never do such a thing, but I don’t view suicide victims as the same, but on a case by case basis, yet I wouldn’t wish anyone committed suicide, not even my worst enemies.

suicide has a doubly face.

part of it is social rejection and inadvertent peer pressure to become accepted into society. thats the larbest sector of suicides and yes i think the last figure was that 72% of all teen suicides r comitted by sexually confused youth

on the other side there are those with mental illness that due to their psychosies kill ythemselves.

that comment is ridiculous... you do realize that Chris Cornell... (audioslave singer) was origionally from Soundgarden right? Which if memory serves was a band around oh about 5 years before Pearl Jam... so to correct your statement... Eddie Vedder came AFTER Chris Cornell... so you do understand... he can’t be trying to sound like Vedder...

But as for Lifehouse and Creed... they suck anyway... no one can measure up to Vedder and Pearl Jam...

Cept MAYBE Cobain....
but barely...

To make my opinion heard.... Cobain was a genius... no questions asked but the fact of the matter is... his voice sucked and his lyrics were repetetive... the fact that so many people related to them just makes it obvious he was a normal guy and any man with a microphone could have done what he did... and news flash!! Fucking Pearl Jam(Bad Radio(Vedders other band)) was there BEFORE Nirvana... Nirvana just got lucky... and the fact of the matter is... if he didnt kill himself... he wouldnt have half as many fans...
Nirvana was awesome... but there is more to Nirvana than Kurt Cobain...

Dave Grohl!! Come on guys he is a fucking genius... producer and director of videos concerts and the writer... bassist, guitarist, hell of a singer, drummer... come one you can’t deny he was musically a fuck of a lot better than Cobain...

Cobain did NOT revolutionize shit...
Pearl Jam was already there and Cobain admired Vedder before he was in a band...

do not romantisize his death... he was fucked... and it sucks and i was pissed as shit wehn he died... but he killed himself to escape... not to get even more famous... so if you hardcore fans love him out there....then understand he doesnt want you to love him

P.S. Vedder is god....

As is Brad Smith (look it up and do not forget)

yo i started scrolling down and saw all the suicide conversation....

fact: 3 times as many people die from suicide than homicide each year...

suggestion: we put all extremely suicidal people in a room with guns... and let them shoot each other... (SARCASM ASSHOLES!!!... Continue down to the “wait no” ok... goood job)

wait no...

see... is that better to you... its fucking ridiculous you think only the WEAK kill themselves.. the brave, the not afraid of death... those are the ones who do it

dont be so ignorant...

dont get me wrong cobain was a pussy... but still.... he was fucked as are all the other people who kill themselves but it doesnt mean they are weak... think about it.... would you rather them go around shooting other people i mean they are fucked in the head anyway... somone has to die to them... next time you discuss your arrogant bible hugging opinions think what if some maniac holds a group of people a gun point... his feeling is alreayd that he hates his life and someone has to die... dont you think it would be better for him and those who he would kill that he killed himself...

but the ridiculous thing about Cobain is his death effected his music... its not his fault more the fans... he died... so people all scurried out and bought the CD... poor cobain.... but its over

and another thing has anyone close to you ever killed themselves... no guess not... at least to that Deminel gessle guy or whatever the fuck... no one close to you has killed themselves have they? cause if so youre ridiculous and your opinions are not valid... they are ideas not opinions or belifes... beliefs should have some sort of fact backing them up.... until you felt the pain dont ever sit there and say people who kill themselves are weak... you are dissing the fucking dead dude... i mean i diss cobain for shit he did when he was alive... not for killing himself... thats fucked... he tried dude

whatever im too into this... bye

cobainw asnt a genious he copied a soudn that already existed in seattle he only broke it into the main stream. SUicide isn’t nevessairly for ” weak” peoepl. depression, drug addictiona nd many other factors fall into in. Like all the nutty muslims extremists that see suicide as a way of appeaing god and getting into heaven.

or American students who kill half the school before they kill themselves after watching too much tv

I cannot believe my eyes O_o, what comes next? Weak ppl are not worth living and should all put in a room and let them kill themselves or eachother?

one thing is that you respect strong people, another thing is to say that “ppl who commit suicide aren’t worth listening” a bit extreme eh?

First of all, they are PEOPLE, not just “weak things”.

Thank god, we are all different, some are like you -because I suppose that you are one of those “strong” ones-, others not, just like some are shy, others are open, ones are tall, others are small!

I would go on and on and on,...

I have had down periods in my life, but I have managed to get out of it, so I find it incredibly terrible that a person feels the only way out is death. How lonely does this person feel? how down, and I really mean DOWN does this person feel? There is a way out from this hole though: love, tenderness, friendship, family, and in extrem cases, treatment. All of this can save them. These ppl need all of this, and not to be treated like trash because they are not “strong enough”, they need sb to listen to them, help them out..

Judith... you dont read well do you... it was SARCASM... *lauhgs out loud*... that is sad... read it again... i said we shouldnt do that....

trry again buddy

@ immoraldissident: i got your sarcasm, I was going on with it, I meant the “i cannot believe my eyes” for DG, not for you :)

Here are a couple of websites that people can turn to for help:


Both are well done, and very informative.

To the person who thinks suicide is committed only the weak, I tell you that at best, you are seriously naive, and at worst, you are completely heartless. I hope you become more informed. It’s very nice and good to have an opinion, but when you have *nothing* to base it on, you just come off sounding like a complete jackass.

@ DaminehGessle: where has your heart gone?

Oh wait, it is PG still having it? Is that what makes you so cold, bitter and heartless? ;)

Oh sorry juddith.... hehe.... i guess i didnt get YOUR sarcasm... wooh

Only weak people commit suicide? Ha ha ha ha that’s so funny, Damineh Gessle. Good to know there is someone with such a fantastic sense of humor here. And I guess you’re not weak, then?

camillarox heehee.
I am not weak no...

I was actually reading an interview with Eddie Vedder and at one point he had mentioned Curt Cobain. It really moved me. Eddie had mentioned the fact that he understoond alot from this world more than an average person. This I always knew. And then he went on saying that they were the same on that matter but Curt’s addiction caused his death and the last thing you need when you understand so much is to go in that deep dark tunnel that makes you even think more and then bang...

I am not againt humanity. I am not againt Curt Cobain as a person who killed himself. I just say why wouldn’t he ask someone whom he knows understands him to help out? There’ve been times when I talk to my friends about people dying of hunger, illnesses, war and other reasons and talking about these issues brings tears to my eyes. Not everyone understands what I feel for them. I give out so many hours a week despite my busy schedule to help out with projects in africa which can be done by a professional engineer in a matter of hours. But they wouldn’t help out cause i guess they are hunting for money or god knows what. When I talk about those issues, people either laugh or nod their head as if they don’t care telling me to move on with my life and do my own thing. Why would I bother thinking of that kid or ... when I have enough food to eat and a roof over my head to protect me. Would I kill myself just cause noone else understands or has my view towards this world? No... I would try to keep going all alone. I would stay away from things that would cause disturbance such as drugs. cause they make you think more and understand more. How much can one person take?? You can hear tears in Curt’s voice. Is that good? I do not know.
I dunno if I made sense. It’s late and I need to go to bed. I didn’t want to offend any Curt Cobain fans by saying he was weak or whatever I said. I still believe those who commit suicide are not strong enough to face the challenges. If only I start seeing the good sides to everything and solve the bads, I don’t need to kill myself.

And the answer to this thread... How many Eddie Vedders exist?? I believe only one. That guy’s words bring tears to my eyes and I get butterflies in my stomach. I have never been a huge PJ fan but I thing EV rocks.

oh wow... huge turn around... you are definatly not as iggnorant as you made it seem or as i thought in the first comments... It made me mad... but I see now what you mean I know a lot of people like that... all “youre weak if you kill yourslef” and I dont know... I think you have to be pratty damn strong... I mean do you have the balls to pick up a gun, razor (etc.) and go through with it... I dont know.... but anyway I agree... No more than one Eddie Vedder Exsists... He is my favorite musician and has been since as long as i can remember... He has said a lot of great stuff about Cobain... and... He is an extremely talented and intelligent man. No one can even come CLOSE to being him... anyway... yeah I am leaving... but um... yes I agree with you Eddie Vedder is swell... um bye

Damineh in addition to being a “strong person” you seem like very ignorant, ignorant person. Or, as some people have said, you are naive about life,and what it’s like to be really depressed. Deep depression is a disease, not weakness. Oh ho, just because you yourself have gone through a lot, it must mean those who commit suicide are not as strong as you... wow, everybody, let’s be like Damineh because she’s so damn perfekt!

Bergman you can call me whatever you like. I am not an ignorant person but if you think that way, let it be. I honestly do not care what others think of me. I am who I am.

I like Eddie Vedder cause he expresses what he believes in. When he did the whole Bush Mask thing, most people criticizes him. I admired him. He doesn’t act for people to love him. He says what he thinks and those who agree will keep on admiring him and those who don’t, well he wouldn’t give a damn.
I have listened to many of Pearl Jam interviews. All of the band members are very bright and that is admirable.
One of the other people I have always admired was Freddie Mercury. I have read 8 books on Queen and have seen many interviews by the band so I guess I know Freddie Mercury the way he was described by others, friends and enemy, and from what he said in interviews. He expressed his feelings, the way they were. That is also admirable.
But yeah Eddie Vedder is a bright man. Unfortunately our societies do not give people like him the credit they deserve. The good thing is that they don’t care. That’s what I love about these people.
And again as for my opinion on the whole suicide issue, I believe one can turn things around the way they should be. I am only 23 and doing my last year of mechanical engineering / physics. Most students focus on their studyings. I study and get involved in projects that help people in Africa and other places in need. I used to get very depressed thinking about people who suffer out there. I have seen the mysery they live in so it really really hurt. It got to a point where I went to my doctor and asked her for help. I told her that watching news on TV made me cry cause I couldnt see people in war and their suffering. She told me I was the only one who could help me. And I did... I got involved with projects that no engineer would get involve in just cause it was too much hassle and that they wouldn’t give up their jobs for volunteer projects. It made me feel good about life. I still know we live in a sh**ty world but just sitting there thinking about it, doing nothing, and then at the end killing myself wouldn’t solve a thing. You know what I mean!?
Some may call me ignorant and some might cherish my acts. I go on the way I want to go on and to make a difference at the end. I might not save the world. But at least I know I have made a difference when those who could didn’t even bother.


You simply don’t understand. You have this black and vhite mindset, unaware of the real world. People, not just me, are trying to tell you that suicide is not comitted by “weak” people, just deeply depressive people who need professional help.
It is admirable that you do your part for the hungry and needy (and how do you know that there no people in Afrika who kill themselves when life gets too hard for them?), but you are a cold, cold person when it comes to people who kill themselves or who are thinking of killing themselves.

Ten years ago my oldest brother killed himself when he was only 31 years old, he was dying of AIDS and he was just so depressed. He couldn’t live with being a burden to the family, even though we told him that we loved him, and we would take care of him and that one should always have hope... but he killed himself anyway, because he couldn’t cope with the fact that half his friends and family had shunned him and that he, a former hockey and football player, would slowly be wasting away and have to be tended to like an old man.

I miss my brother and would have done anything to help him... and at the time, if I had told him to “cheer up, that there are people worse off than you (like the people starving in Afrika)”, he would have punched me in my face and told me to wake up and face the real world. And if he was here right now, Damineh, he would also tell you to wake up.

I am sorry about your brother. It brought tears to my eyes. Although I believe him killing himself didn’t come from his weakness. No he wasn’t weak. He was ill. There is a fine line between being addicted and being ill. A person with AIDS knows he will die eventually and those people with AIDS can feel when their time is coming. I never said your brother was weak. We were talking about Curt Cobain and that’s where the whole weakness issue came along. Your brother and Mr. Cobain are not comparable in any way Bergman.

Also, you can call me cold or anything... I know myself and I know all about the level of my coldness so it doesn’t matter what you call me.

To the person that started this thread.

You are the single most retarded human on this earth. Yes Eddie vedder is a great singer, and will go down in rock history as a great vocalist. And your comparisons w/ creed’s singer and the lighthouse singer trying t sound like eddie are correct. Now on to Audioslave.

Do u even know who Audioslave’s singer is? It’s Chris Cornell u dumb ****. Lead singer of fellow grunge heavyweights Soundgarden, and quite possibly the greatest singer is the history of MUSIC. Ten times the vocal range (5+ octaves easily) of Vedder and 100 times the power. Back when Cornell was w/ Soundgarden, he could reach the highest, most incredibly ear piercing notes ever achieved by man. By the way, cornell formed Soundgarden in 84-85, and he was the one who found Eddie in the first place when he was recruited to work on the legendary album Temple of the Dog w/ SG members Cornell and Cameon, as well as future PJ members.

Sure, Cornell uses a baritone similar to Eddie (in “like a stone”, which is the audioslave song im sure ur referring to), except that Chris adds all sorts of twists and bends to the melody, and has beautiful pitch and tone as well (unlike that talentless hack scott stapp of Creed).

By the way, listen to the entire Audioslave album before u make ur ignorant asumptions. Cornell is still by far the best rock singer out there by far, and his incredible vocal range is still very present (high notes and all). In fact, the only difference between Cornell now and Cornell in SG is that his voice is a bit huskier and more harsh
Later, u dip****

By the way, dont get me wrong, vedder is great, cornell is a vocal messiah.

Who are you to talk to people like that??? As individuals, we all have our own opinions and interests. You don’t need to use bad words to get your idea across. In my opinion, Freddie Mercury has or had the best voice. You think Cornell did and someone else would think Jagger has it all. I think you are the ignorent here and not the person who started this. Or dumb or whatever you called him/her!

OK, understanding that this thread is old, I’d like to lend my two cents.

I’ve been suffering from depression for going on nine years now. There are good days and there are bad days, but basically I am like Chris Cornell in that not a day passes when I don’t think of suicide.

Now, I know there are many people who have things much worse than me, and you know what? That comes as little consolation. Unless you have really dealt with depression – and I don’t mean just “boo hoo, he/she dumped me!” or “I failed a test” depression, I mean the waking up in the morning and feeling like dirt for no good reason sort of depression – you cannot understand. Until you go a month without having a good day; a month of deep set depression, you can’t understand.

It is very easy to say that being alone wouldn’t bother you and you could live on, but until you actually feel utterly alone, you are unqualified to speak to it. Imagine going home and having nobody to talk to, not having a supportive family (which I’ve been blessed with), having nobody to confide in and bottling up everything inside. And you know, it doesn’t matter if you actually do have people who care, it is all about perception - the depressed mind shifts things, perverts them. A person who is deeply depressed may not be able to understand that other people care about him or her or why anybody WOULD care.

About the drug abuse thing - many people who are depressed use drugs and alcohol to escape from their depression, as a way to feel something or to even feel good. Again, it is very easy to say that you would never use drugs (an admirable goal) but until you are in the position of the addict you have no firm understanding.

And how is being suicidal (a symptom of depression) not an illness? For many, it is believed that depression is a result of a chemical inbalance. For some, the body doesn’t produce enough seratonin, a neurotransmitter that effects mood, regulating the whether you feel good or bad, anxious or relaxed, etc. For these people the lows are exaggerated and it is really quite impossible to feel truly good - some have both their highs and lows exaggerated, resulting in manic depression. So again, if suicidal thoughts are a symptom of depression and depression is an illness - how is a person who is suicidal not ill?

I don’t see how Kurt Cobain is an exceptional case. I mean, yes, in some senses he was exceptional - he was famous. But it basically boils down to coping skills. The man couldn’t cope with his problems. If it weren’t the problems of fame, then it would likely have been something else. He could have quit too. Lots of stars do it. Again, there are times when even the simplest of tasks can feel overwhelming - when just getting out of bed is something to be proud of. He put a gun in his mouth to cope with problems that he couldn’t handle. He couldn’t handle his stomach pain, he couldn’t handle his skoliosis (SP - curvature of the spine) his fame, and a plethora of other issues in his life.

How do we know what he did to seek help? How do we know that he never asked for advice or saw a doctor? Besides, if you look back at his records, and listen to the words, it was fairly irrisponsible of the public and docs to not try and do something. Think about it - how many songs that he wrote were self mocking, self loathing, morose and filled with suicidal inuendo? It wouldn’t have taken a PHD to infer that this guy needed help. An intervention would probably have been appropriate (as with Layne Staley as well).

Oh yeah, and chronic pain isn’t much fun. I’m in pain or discomfort most of the time, not intense, but it’s there. In any event, it doesn’t help.

As far as not listening to him because he killed himself: that doesn’t make sense. Now, maybe it is not the best idea to take his advice on how to cope with problems, but I can see no harm in enjoying his music. That just seems silly to me.

About him not wanting people to love him: also an absurdity. Listen to the song “In Bloom.” There are certain types who he would rather not listen to him, but he was grateful for the love he received from true fans.

Finally: This isn’t a pity post or anything, I just wanted to enlighten somebody about what it’s like to feel like this.

Edits: damned typos. Three’s a charm, eh?

And to answer the thread, there is obviously only one Eddie Vedder. Just like there’s only one me and one of you.

Seriously though - Vedder’s voice tone is a common one. Many people have a similar one, and they can’t control that.

Scott Weiland has never sounded anything like Vedder.
Cobain never sounded anything like Vedder.
Cornell has never sounded anything like Vedder.

tighterandtighter: Yes this thread was kind of old. Let me tell you now.

About a month ago, my roommate and I were talking about things. She is a nursing student and apparently what nurses like to do is to talk about things, open up sort of. I am totally opposite to that. I like to keep things to myself let alone talking about them with someone I do not fully trust. We were talking about strength and she admired me for my strength. I told her about my past and the things I’ve been through. We all go through things of our own. Some tougher when you weigh them. We got to the case of suicide. Well I have never understood people who commit suicide. The reason: I have never experienced those phases. And you are right. I would never know unless I am in that exact situation. Now I know what suicide is all about. I have come to an understanding.

About loneliness which you talked about. Let me tell you something. There are times when I am 100% certain that there is noone else in this world as lonely as I am. I have a great family and if not for their existance, I would have never been here. Friends are always there. But you know when you need someone, noone’s around. That’s a sad fact. Last Friday, my roommate went on a trip which will take 10 days. I was all alone all through the weekend. I would sit outside in the cold, look at my moon and blow the hell out of that cigarette. So don’t tell me I haven’t felt that loneliness deep inside. I have. I feel it every second of each day no matter how many people are around me. Maybe it’s my fault. Maybe I have never opened up to anyone. Maybe I want to act strong so that noone can know my weaknesses. Who knows why? Maybe I just don’t want to disturb anyone with my problems. And I will take them in. I will swallow them all and I will survive no matter how lonely and by myself. I will cry through my loneliness and will stand strong when I’m standing in front of others. That’s just me. Selfish me!
my throat hurts.

i don’t think you understand it was an seatlle scene groups making grunge music and when nirvana got famous other bands got populair too. they are not wannabees (stone temple pilots, pearl jam)
every music has it;s scene like black metal or rap musicians they look all the same its just a image


The only reason I assumed that you never really felt alone was because of your phrasing in an earlier post, where you said something along the lines of “if I did feel lonely, I would live on,” (or something). I took this to mean that you don’t get lonely.

Anyway. I guess we all feel lonely sometimes. I’ve never personally felt that I am the loneliest person in the world, but I do feel lonely, almost constantly. Alice in Chains’ Them Bones is kind of my anthem in that sense.

I’m curious: after your discussion with your nurse friend, do you have a different opinion of suicidal people? Do you still think they are weak?

Have a good one.

Hehe re-reading my previous lines, the first part didn’t make any sense. I forgot to finish it off.

Yes it did change the way I look at them. She explained to me that suicide does not just come from weakness. It’s a disease. She said some people are not as strong as you are and when you get to that point of weakness, it’s not called weakness anymore. It’s funny cause when it comes to Curt Cobain, I loved that man’s thoughts. I loved how much he cared. I care too. But I just don’t get the whole getting addicted to drugs because I am depressed sorta thing. Well I guess we are not all the same :). That’s all I can argue. But yes she did change the way I look at it. But yet, I do not approve suicide.


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