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8 replies

Hi guys!

Many of you may know that I am a Web Designer. Currently, I am working in a well reputed software house and I am very satisfied with my progress and what is more satisfactory is that my bosses are glad that they hired me. I had left freelance job after I joined this organization but now I am looking forward to work on freelance basis in my free hours.

Where to start? by telling everyone. You guys are my friends and I thought why not share it with you guys too? Sooooo if anyone of you is a web designer and is looking for a partner to work with in freelance projects then me is here!

I can design and develop both static/dynamic websites. I am also a flasher and use FLASH MX. I can do Action Scripting and blah blah.

Also, if any one of you is starting a business and need a website which won’t cost u a fortune but can earn you one then worry no more! hehehehe I am here to work. If you have links to people and would like to earn some extra-cash then u can become an agent for me i.e. you grab the project(s), I do the brain and keywork. You take your percentage and I take mine and go out on shopping or something ;)

My email address is available in my profile but here it is again, [email protected]

I am looking for some response from you guys. What do you think about this idea?

Thank You,

P.S: If you know anything about a website which offers projects to freelancers (no NOT the elance shit) and actually works on international level (yeah I have seen those ONLY U.S.A/Canada websites) then please do share the information with me.

lol now we need a for hire forum too lol

Zee, designers are a dime a dozen around my area these days..... maybe you could help coyboy get his geocities site past the 1st page.

Sorry, I don’t have a job for you right now.

But I wish you good luck, my friend!

cutew small squalker considering that was just a test page lola nd my actual real home page is up and runnign

but thanks for the naive quip

That qualifies you for another award!!!!

coyboyusa: Thanks for the idea.. but I suggest you pass that idea to Lars and Visa.

Sweet: Yes, I do realize it but there is difference between a designer for a dime and me. And even if they are better that doesn’t mean I stop trying does it? :) Thanks for the comment anyway.

harriej: Thanks buddy! thank you soo much. Also, I am not looking for a full-time job but just a freelance. If u ever hear a need of a freelancer then please do remember me! :D:D

coyboyusa: Say wat?

guinness: heheheh :)

that wasn’t an insult Zee, it is just that after the US economy took a dive and the rich stole all their investor’s money so many programmers around here are out of work scrambling for every job they can find. :)

having a site on geocities.... that is an insult.


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