Love between Roxers
roxlad said on December 22, 2002 00:03:
I can’t make my mind up if this is off-topic or not... I was wondering if anybody here has ever met another roxer, fell in love with him/her and got together... maybe it’s a little silly but wouldn’t it be great? B.t.w. separate collections!!!!
Stormkeeper said on December 22, 2002 10:30:
hey! what´s up lad? Any news?
Don´t forget to answer my Season topic.
vaxjoe said on December 22, 2002 10:31:
im at work bored...what season topic?
oh ok i found it...and answered.
nedved said on December 22, 2002 16:42:
Never. The “soft” music group my wife likes is Korn, so.... imagine.
roxlad said on December 22, 2002 19:42:
Thanks Storm!!!! I have a very busy job and when I have a little time I like to exchange opinions with you all!!!! Unfortunately i think next month is going to be very very busy for me....
Majdy said on December 23, 2002 06:31:
my boyfriend is roxer too, but we didn’t met through the TDR. We met at Roxer Friend at Roxette. Org.
Jud (moderator) said on December 23, 2002 10:26:
my girlfriend is a Rox (and now also an Eva) fan too :)
but we didn’t meet thru TDR or RML.. just..fate did arrange for us to meet :))
Sanna said on January 2, 2003 20:27:
My boyfriend likes Rox-music but his not a fan.
In his opinion the best thing Roxette has ever done is the bonus EP from TBH :)
deja_vu said on January 6, 2003 00:47:
hmm... my ex-g.friend was a roxer, but it was only my past.. not more, we only becoming friend now..
xarrrr said on January 7, 2003 23:13:
hmm... not a good idea at all. no no no no no.
i know from experience... it was the only thing we had in common. he was so rude (specially around my family) and it was the worst weekend of my life. never again. no no no no no!
roxmyworld said on February 9, 2003 21:52:
one of my ex-boyfriends liked roxette very much.i met him at a cd‘s shop while i was looking for joyride
we went out for 5 or 6 months but then i realised
that we had nothing in common except roxette.
i was with him you know,but nothing special happened between us,so we cut.
he was so kind and prety...but nothing else
powerpoplarry said on February 11, 2003 06:29:
Well, that would be amazing, but I am single. Um, my ex-girlfriend from Spain dug Roxette though, and she LOVED Per’s TWATG and the Lonely Boys CD, so she had great taste!!
Like I said, I am single, but I just went on this date and she digs powerpop, her fave kind of music!! She doesn’t know much Roxette/Per solo work though, just the ballads that were overplayed on the radio, which she didn’t like. I think, if I play her Per’s powerpop tunes, she will have a different outlook and like their stuff!! BUT, that was just 1 date, we’re not an item.
It would be great to meet ANY single female Roxette fan, who wants to meet a nice NY guy Roxette fan!! Anyone interested?? (Crossing my fingers)
powerpoplarry said on February 11, 2003 23:16:
Hey Wendy!! Um, I’ve been posting on this site for the past 2 or 3 weeks, but I just discovered this particular board, so I’m sorta new here, sure!! Thanx for having me!! ;-)
Aaso said on February 11, 2003 23:20:
Hi power! I’m new here too just 1 week...but I think some people are so intresting here, maybe you can find somebody soon..:))
powerpoplarry said on February 11, 2003 23:50:
Yeah, sure, maybe!! I found my ex, from Spain, on a Bon Jovi board back in 2000. No reason why I can’t find someone here, right??
Denstandigaresan said on March 17, 2003 14:28:
My ex boyfriend introduced me to Roxette. :) We have been best friends since the age of 4-5. We dated for a while, but now we are just best friends again. :)
zeeshan said on March 17, 2003 19:59:
guys.. the girl I like, likes music but doesn’t know much about ROxette. I just wanted to express something here which is.. I REALLY LIKE HER BUT I CAN’T TELL HER THAT. Ever heared of the word “shy”? :@
Although I am trying to kill this thing inside me but I guess it is gona take some time.
Good luck to you all and Spooky maybe we can arrange something between us :D so what if I am younger than you? I am really fun to be with!! ;=)
harriej said on March 17, 2003 20:34:
I know exactly what you mean.
I have exactly the same with a nice girl.
she just takes my breath away...
She is a good girlfriend of me, but she sees me more as a brother than as a possible boyfriend.
I like her very much, but I am too shy too tell her what I really feel for her.
In this forum I am (maybe) not so shy, but in real live I am a big chicken.
Sometimes I hate myself more or less for that.
wendy said on March 17, 2003 20:39:
Just go for it ;)
You have a “no” but,you can get a “yes”
So,it’s worth a try ;)
zeeshan said on March 17, 2003 20:43:
Harriej: HELL YOU ARE RIGHT!!!!! YOUR CASE IS 99% SIMILAR TO MINE the left 1% being the face that the girl I am takling about, is not a girlfriend to me. She is just a friend and YES, they brother part sucks!!!!!!! I guess we know what it feels inside! :(
zeeshan said on March 17, 2003 20:47:
wendy: do you even a single clue what it is like for a “GUY” to be serious about someone? and what he feels from inside? hehehehe I won’t blame you if u don’t because somethings will always be left UNFELT due to the fact that we belong to different sex.
The thought of even loosing her as a “friend” kills u from inside left alone thinking about TAKING SERIOUS RISKS. Harriej my friend, do you feel the same way for her? or am I the only nut cracker who wana be a one woman guy for his life?
Santi said on March 17, 2003 20:52:
I think it’s the very same for guys and girls. I mean... do you think girls are not shy and don’t like to keep their male friends anyway? :O
harriej said on March 17, 2003 20:57:
I understand your position 100%.
I totally agree with you.
I think you are right, but it is off course also the way how to say it to this girl.
I don’t wanna blow up a good friendship by saying something stupid, even though it’s killing me.
Santi said on March 17, 2003 20:58:
I don’t, and I’m a shy guy myself. But girls are the same!!! :O (maybe I know this cuz I have more female friends than male friends... believe me...).
zeeshan said on March 17, 2003 21:49:
@harriej: hey!! :)
@santi: Yes, I have more female friends than males but there is something particular about this girl. Can’t say what it is but something is there.
Yes Santi and Wendy, you are right the same goes with girls BUT.. some girls blame guys for a lot of things. I was just saying that from a guy’s point of view :)
Santi said on March 17, 2003 21:51:
My second best friend (after Wendy) is someone I fancied quite a lot and I told her... and we’re better friends than ever 2 years after that.
Ok, it’s not easy, but you already have the no, and if you work hard on your friendship, you can still be very good friends.
Santi said on March 17, 2003 21:57:
Also, are you really sure you like her as friend or is everything an illusion, cuz all you do is loving her and want to have it near. I mean... my friend and I were veeery good friends before I even liked her as anything else.
If your friendship has good foundations and if she says no and you work on it... I think there are not much problems to keep her by your side...
(just my opinion)
Santi said on March 17, 2003 22:05:
Remember the English saying... (I think it went like this):
“Faint hearts never got the good girls”... or something like that :D
zeeshan said on March 18, 2003 01:23:
Larry: so when are you going to officially tell her? :D lets make it a public proposal or something which would be great fun and also a great tutorial for me! :D:D
powerpoplarry said on March 18, 2003 01:25:
Oh we’re discussing it. I’ll let you know when it happens... :-)
zeeshan said on March 18, 2003 13:42:
Larry/Aaso: GOOD LUCK :) and Yes, I will be waiting for a good news :D
Santi: Brother.. Um WORKIN’ on it! Um WORKIN’ on it!
harriej said on March 18, 2003 19:26:
You guys are right.
I think I’m gonna tell the girl how I feel about her, when I meet her again.
she’s on a work-holiday to Australia since last summer and will return in June.
Aaso said on March 19, 2003 09:50:
Wow so we will have a new friend here ... *Harries Girl Friend*
powerpoplarry said on April 1, 2003 00:44:
Well Zee, it looks like AASO chose Carlos over me. I am kinda bummed and sad but what can you do, but move on. I still view them as friends, and I am free to pursue someone else. Anyone interested?? ;-)
wendy said on December 22, 2002 00:12:
I think it’s very clear between me and my love,yeps,it’s great ;)