It's a Sad Day
LittleSpooky said on March 20, 2003 03:35:
At 2000 (8:0pm) Mountain Standard Time, war was officially declared against Iraq.
*bows head*
powerpoplarry said on March 20, 2003 08:28:
VERY sad... :-( But let’s just hope Saddam and his 2 sons are captured, a democratic government is formed in Iraq, and world peace has become a catalyst. Hopefully no more damage is done other than the 3 bastards getting shot...
Twilight-Ghost said on March 20, 2003 15:21:
I was in the bus when I found out about it.
.......... very sad =(
vaxjoe said on March 20, 2003 17:58:
No its not war, its just usa bombing a country? do u call that a war? *oh plz*
coyboyusa said on March 20, 2003 18:15:
he havent bombed the whole country everyone mkes it sound liek we’re gonna go in and murder hundreds of iraquis can you really be that incredible insensitive? Bush as it is quite obvious is keeping the casualties as lows as he can in the face of world wide scrutiny...its up to the peopel of iraq and saddam to end the incursion...
Markuz said on March 20, 2003 20:55:
Yeah well, I wonder why they always bomb civilian objectives...
powerpoplarry said on March 21, 2003 07:53:
I see what you’re saying coy, it is a war cuz one country invading another is technically war, but our goal is NOT killing civilians, just Saddam and his 2 sons, installing a democratic government and getting out. The goal is NOT control over oil, as we have other sources we can use, it’s to free the Iraqi people from a ruthless dictator. Thee sooner we can capture and/or kill him + his kids, the better.
lonely_girl said on March 21, 2003 08:19:
Oh my, I just wonder WHY the so great CIA didn’t manage to kill Saddam and his sons earlier? In the past they did that...
I think that a war always kills civilians, even though of “smart bombs” and stuff like that. So there is no “surgeon war”... (or however you call it in english => chirurgische Kriegsführung - schreckliches wort)
StillFar said on March 21, 2003 14:43:
powerpoplarry, coyboy: did you see Badhdad burning last night (somehow the picture reminded me of New York not too long ago, but that’s besides the point). Now tell me how Air Force throwing a bomb on buildings could only kill Saddam and 2 sons? Listen to the crap you’re talking, even your logic should tell you that you have no idea who you hit in the building and the places around when throwing a bomb off an airplane, what’s wrong with you guys?
LittleSpooky said on March 22, 2003 10:14:
Lonely Girl: Because the Central Intelligence Agency, Federal Bureau of Investigation, National Security Agency and a whole passle of other government branches in that alphabet soup (CIA/FBI/NSA) all worked SEPARATELY.
Back during the Gulf War, the Germans offered to take Saddam out (they built the bunker he was hiding in) in return for a simple loan from the United States to help rebuild their economy after the fall of the Berlin Wall. Didn’t happen. Know why? I don’t, although there are MANY theories. I have my own on that.
coyboyusa said on March 23, 2003 13:56:
still far are you up to date with the technoliogy being used to bomb ther illitar targets in iraq....the precision is civilian buildings were hit in baghdad fac t alot of the heavy smoke is from oil trenches set on fire by iraqui troops
and as for why we haven’t actually picked saddam off before...he rounded up alot of our operatives in the 90’s torturing and murdering many of them...when alot of the sheit muslims back us up and revolted in 91 and then due to international pressure we pulled out..he murdered tortured and gas alot of there noone willing to face such horrible action and help us get him.....besides the man pays out 25,000 to anyones son or daughter who would go strap a bomb to themselves and kill others so where is the incentive to help us?
Aaso said on March 20, 2003 06:27: