The random thread (again)
i_jera said on March 23, 2003 19:26:
(Sorry Wendy, I’m too lazy to dig into 8 pages to find your topic now... ;) hope you don’t mind.)
so, the random topic again (previously named “Boooooooring....”) ...
I’m in terrible physical pain now, I need some sleep,.... I need some impossible to happen now things (or I think so there’s no way)... I need I need I need I need I need I need I need I need I need I need I need I need I need... oh... anyway...
and what’s up with you , guys?
i_jera said on March 23, 2003 19:40:
@ Wendy - thanks! however , my hair is not as long as it used to be, but I’m growing it again. unless I decide to cut it very short...
wendy said on March 23, 2003 19:41:
euh.........well,i’m a hairdresser,and if your hair looks bad,......... :p
But,i don’t think hair haves to lay all nice combed down,perfect hair for me is : Wild,out of bed,sexy,big,gel... :p
wendy said on March 23, 2003 19:54:
euh :DD
don’t comb it too much :p
If you brush the points wild,to the outside (or how do you say that :p) and some really really straight :p
wendy said on March 23, 2003 19:30:
Euh......... Ups and downs......
At the moment i feel fine......... though,sometimes,i have some stupid days in between where i only can cry and cry and cry............
I-Jera,i hope you’ll feel better very soon!! (i saw your pic on TDR pics-page,and i looooooooooooove your hair :)