Everyone concerned about the war should watch this
Ferdan said on March 21, 2003 08:09:
It’s the latest SOAD videoclip, displaying some facts about the war... and you SHOULD watch it!
Windows Media 56k
Windows Media high quality
coyboyusa said on March 21, 2003 13:13:
war has never ever been popular world wide and decent s always popular..these ae the same peopel that ejoying he many freedoms that a democracy had offorded them and so many of their fore fathers died to protect
coyboyusa said on March 21, 2003 13:14:
and how muc money willt he bandmake from this clip and the song..where will the money go..to the starving or needy no...to them and their label execs so stop being a hypocrite
StillFar said on March 21, 2003 15:47:
coyboy, I can ask you a similar question about a song you certainly know..THAT IS PRESENTLY NO.2 ON BILLBOARD COUNTRY CHARTS
I hear people saying we don’t need this war
I say there’s some things worth fighting for
What about our freedom and this piece of ground
We didn’t get to keep ’em by backing down
They say we don’t realize the mess we’re getting in
Before you start your preaching let me ask you this my friend
Have you forgotten how it felt that day?
To see your homeland under fire
And her people blown away
Have you forgotten when those towers fell?
We had neighbors still inside going thru a living hell
And you say we shouldn’t worry ’bout bin Laden
Have you forgotten?
They took all the footage off my T.V.
Said it’s too disturbing for you and me
It’ll just breed anger that’s what the experts say
If it was up to me I’d show it everyday
Some say this country’s just out looking for a fight
After 9/11 man I’d have to say that’s right
Repeat chorus
I’ve been there with the soldiers
Who’ve gone away to war
And you can bet that they remember
Just what they’re fighting for
Chorus 3
Have you forgotten all the people killed?
Some went down like heros in that Pennsylvania field
Have you forgotten about our Pentagon?
All the loved ones that we lost and those left to carry on
Don’t you tell me not to worry about bin Laden
Have you forgotten?
Darryl Worley
coyboyusa said on March 21, 2003 22:59:
and if you knew firstly where they came from and the climate of country musoic which has always been patriotic you’d understand why the chocks music is being attacked. don’t get me wrong they have the right to dsay what they want but in times of war while you may not agree with the politics you have to at least back up your own forces and hope they retun home safely ..its only right. What she said was so contradictory seeing as she comes from texas and her little fortunes undoubtedly came from a record exec who makes alot of money off of oil stocks...if theres anyone who’s naive and uninformed its her...what do pop stars know about politics and the strife int he wrold ...NOTHING
Santi said on March 21, 2003 23:13:
@coyboyusa... you don’t understand what the discussion about the war here it’s about. I am not against the USA, what would be of me without the space program, the videogames, the silicon valley, the simpsons, the rock and roll, the Science magazine, the best science books in the world, the television, the many other things!!!?!?!? We are not against USA, so forget that position thru which with everything the USA has done well explains the bad things.
We are criticising something very bad in your country, that is their greed for world domination. First culturally and now thru the force. But that doesn’t deny that there are good things. I can read Science (for instance, every week they slag Bush politics off...) magazine and still not eating a hamburger, and listening to Tom Petty but thinking this war is unfair and illegal.
I think we are old enough to make differences between good and bad, and we can select the best to enrich us, and deny and be against the bad... Can’t we? Can’t an american stand against Bush? Does that make him a bad patriot? ... you are sooooo wrong...
Starrox said on March 21, 2003 23:16:
>what do pop stars know about politics and the strife int he wrold ...NOTHING
I can’t help myself, I simply have to ask: are you serious? If yes: *LOL* Seems like they know more than you do...
Don’t you wonder why most people on TDR who are for or at least not against this war (or whatever you want to call it) are from the USA and those who are against it are mostly from other countries? Now think about that “being brainwashed”-thing again...
sweet_stalker57 said on March 22, 2003 04:41:
I can’t read anymore half-wits posts if he can’t spell! STOP POSTING AND GO BACK TO 3RD
FUCKING GRADE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and I usually am on a first name basis with a
girl before we try this position: :p
powerpoplarry said on March 22, 2003 07:29:
Well, I read that article from Australia posted on another board, and I must say it’s a real eye-opener, and that the REAL truth has emerged, Coyboy. Like you, I am American, from New York, and I can admit, we have been seriously brainwashed here. It’s a purely economic thing, this war, cuz Iraq was dealing in Euros, switching from US dollars. This would cause our economy to seriously plummet. That’s why this war has been caused, not this protecting the Iraqis bulshit. That, plus personal family revenge. We’ve been had, and Bush is an asshole and war criminal, but his intentions are good, protecting our economy. I wish he came up with a better way, though, instead of war, but he’s too pigheaded to think otherwise.
coyboyusa said on March 22, 2003 20:27:
i never meant to imply that anyone here hates america..but I do belieev that peopel bite the hand that feeds them..you hate our culture so much but you import our movies our magazines our cuisine..we such so much but you want everything we create..so who is being a hypocrite...don’t get me wrong again I am not 100% behind allt that is going on in the middle east...I don’t necessairly support bush 100% not do I support the childish bantering of the UN....what i do support are the poor iraqui people...the poor american soldies...and the poor next 3 egenrations of americans that will have to spend their time mending the rifts that abviously fromt his forum have ripped wide open. I also think alot of you have the wrong impression of me. I am not a bigot, I am not anti immigration or anti world peace...I just think that gene roddenbury was right when he described humaity as a child race...we are so centerd around our selves we can’t see a future..we ’re all worried about the money now, the politics now...not what the future beholds. I think one of the things that truly undermines what the wrold began to rewlaize after ww2 is the fact that for most of the industrialized nation they don’t rember what its like toi be poor....to be invaded or to be at war...alot of peopel don’t undertand what a world in peril is like... but i think we have to stop looking to other peopel for answers..stop looking to musicnas politicians relgious zealots..we all know the answers and its time we empower ourselves to change the world.
Santi said on March 22, 2003 20:31:
coyboyusa said on March 23, 2003 13:52:
ok so mc donalds and burger king aren’t cuisine lol forgive me for that that was a horrible analogy...but you understand what I am getting at don’t you...it would be liek someoen saying i don’t want you money and then they pick your pocket its the same thing.
Santi said on March 21, 2003 08:18:
I watched... but it seems for politicians all this people that go on the streets mean nothing :( I hope they pay the political prize of disobey so many people.