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Tell me something about Hope.

28 replies

Hello everyone. I have to write an essay about hope, but do not have any real good ideas what to say about hope. Maybe you Guys can tell me something about hope? Anything will do. ;-) Just any thought that comes into your head is going to be highly appreciated! So, please tell me something about HOPE! What are your thoughts when hearing or reading the Word, hope?

You should read some Aristotle (or Aristoteles as we say in Spanish) :p I read not far ago (two days) an essay about film screenplays related to this kind of things (freedom, happiness, hope), that most successful movies show in some degree this feelings. But anyway, everything is based on ancient Greek philosophy :p

Tell me more about that essay you have read about two days ago!!! is it available online somewhere?? ;-)

Oh, if the essay is not available online, could you please tell me more about the bit, that states, that the most successful films are about hope etc?? I already have a good Idea how to use this point in my essay.

Well, it was a book in Spanish, so I think it’s pretty hard for you to get the information from there :( I gave it back just this morning to the library, so I gotta trust my memory... something that I don’t really dare to trust :D

Ok, wait a bit and I try to write down the ideas I got from the essay. Anyway, mostly was freedom what is represented in movies :p

Hope is the energy which carries wishes into reality :)

Thank you so much Santi! :-)
Nefatari: I like your statment very much! ;-)

Well, what the essay tried to say was. Basically when people watch tv, seeks for “do what they like”, information or entertainment, the most important of reasons being the first one exposed.
So a program on tv has to be liked by people, otherwise companies won’t want to have their ads in it cuz no one watches it and that is no business for the TV channel, so the program won’t receive financial support anymore and will be cancelled (even if it’s the “best” program in the world...).
So writers are always gonna write a certain kind of screenplays for tv programs and movies, because you can, thru experience, know what people likes the most. In fact this is not so “exact”, but many programs that don’t match the requirements won’t ever be aired neither on tv nor on theaters, or will be marginal “arty” or experimental cinema that doesn’t reach the mainstream.

Whatever it is the reason, you, on tv, if you realise, almost always watch the same stuff, that is in fact what people, by means of watching the program, demands the tv channel to play. That “same stuff” sounds also too much “strong”. It would be more accurate to say that you see the same kind of stories.
When a writer is about to write a series, a movie or whatever audiovisual thing you wanna write, the textbooks about this say that the first you gotta know is the end and the start of the story, then you have to connect them. The connexion between both should be expressed (according to textbooks about writting screenplays again) in no more than 2 lines. The rule of thumb is that “If you need more than 30 seconds to understand the idea, then it’s bad”. Because cinema, tv, has to be universal, to be understood by anyone, even people that can’t read and write.
So the most successful films can be described in two lines, and if it’s about common human feeelings, it can be understood by everyone, it’s commercial. The point is that you could see here a similarity with commercial music... most songs around are actually love songs... or about freedom, and they never stop writing them because a love song is always gonna sell!

The point is that movies try to be a mirror of actual live, with characters that serve for the writer’s idea to be materialised. You watch it like if it was real, even though you know it has an end, from the start. But still you can watch the movie and you see those characters have hopes, loves, they seem to decide, they seem to be alive, they have freedom! (In fact they are not free, since they serve to an idea written far before the characters even come into “life”).

But you look at them and they make you think, they make you realise you are free (and freer than them!) and you can hope, you can be like them or even better. Since the “good characters” are those that “do” what is written is gonna be best to achieve the “end” and the bad ones are the ones who take the wrong decisions so they never get to the right end, you can make a paralelism with human life. And having into account the “end” of a human is to become happy and films actually show those universal feelings, they are “teaching you” and you like it because that is what you want the world to be. Everyone wants that the good character’s hopes come to be true, and they always are :D

Well, you see, I’m a bit messy, I hope you understood something! I think that little by little I could be able to explain myself better :p

So, do you mean, that the hopes of the good characters in films always (or most of the times) are coming true and this is what we want to see? Or, that we want to see that the hopes of the character is going to come true at the end of the film?

Santi, thank you so much for writing all of this. I really do appreciate it.
You know, thinking about it, I can not think of any films in the world, where the Hopes of the character isn’t the main story of the film...
Interesting point... mmm

Hello Th_Th: I don’t have much to offer you about “hope” but I’ve always love “quotes” and I know quite a bit about HOPE.


“Hope! of all ills that men endure,
The only cheap and universal cure.”
- ABRAHAM COWLEY, The Mistress


“Hope is the thing with feathers
That perches in the soul
And sings the tune without the words
And never stops at all”
- EMILY DICKINSON, Hope is the thing with feathers


“Great hopes make great men.”
- Thomas Fuller, M. D.


“Youth is easily deceived, because it is quick to hope.”
- Aristotle, Rhetoric


“If one truly had lost hope, one would not be on hand to say so.”
- Eric Bentley


“Things which you don’t hope happen more frequently than things which you do hope.”
- PLAUTUS, Mostellaria


“Hope is a risk that must be run.”
- Georges Bernanos, Last Essays


“Hope is itself a species of happiness, and perhaps the chief happiness which this world affords.”
- Samuel Johnson


“He who has health, has hope; and he who has hope, has everything.”
- Arabian Proverb


“Fear cannot be without hope nor hope without fear.”
- Benedict de Spinoza, Ethics


“Hope deferred maketh the heart sick.”
- BIBLE, Proverbs 13:12


“Hope is the worst of evils, for it prolongs the torment of man.”
- FRIEDRICH NIETZSCHE, Human, All-too-Human

SUN .... Whenever I feel hopeless i look into the Father “sun” I am one of his poor lil orange rays in the evining .... and when I look to the SUN I think I have to be like him...

Thanks Twillight an Aaso for your great contributions!
I think it is god to get other peoples point of view on this, this way the essay will speak to a wider audience...

hope is somethign man creates to fulfill things he either can’t achiever or can achieve but won’t get up of his ass to do it

If you can’t achieve it’s called “desperation”. Hope happens just when you think or believe you can achieve.

well, hope... 2 things I’ve written about it before some time:
all alone, here, I don’t have anybody with me now...
and I really need. I need some words,
I need a hug, I need a touch, I need, I need, I need, I need...
I feel lost, I feel weak, I feel trampled upon,
I feel overwhelmed, I feel broken,
and I’m yet alive.
hope is all I have now.
hope is the inner strength.
hope. hope. hope. do never lose it.
(it’s a drawing - closed circle with written the following words, but as I cannot draw it here /you can see the drawing, If someone wants to upload it on the i-net/, I write the words)
hope - human being - life - death - inevitability - life as only option - need - love - dreams - unreality - beyond the visible - hope
that’s all by now, maybe later I’ll come with some more.

@TH_TH: This is a poem i wrote when i was 17 for me high school english class. It’s is called Hope. It might help you. :-)


Tonight i wll write a simple page for my English class.
My teacher gave me some advice:
Go to a calm place and think about everything
You have experienced.
Then, what you write will be you,
will be your reality.

I wonder if i can do it.

I am 17, white, brown eyes and black hair,
born in Rio de Janeiro - Brazil.
I went to school there for 10 years,
where i learned to speack Portuguese.
After those long years i moved to America,
now living here one year.

It was very difficult to leave my country for a dream.
A dream that everybody wants to live.
The American dream.

In this dream i hope to see, touch and hear many things.
I hope to see my family happy,
see the sunrise and sunset with my mind free of problems,
and see myself conquer the troubles of life.
I hope to touch things that i’ll buy with the money of my hard work.
touch my house car and healthy children.
I hope to hear in the future my wife and children say to me “I love you”.
Hear my parents saying they are proud of me.
And hear the songs of nature and the music of groups i like - Roxette and Aerosmith.
I love to hear, touch and see like all Americans do.

These are the words to my English page.

By Carlos E. (Class of 2001).

Hope it helps, friend! :-)

Take care!
Carlos E., New York.

thank you guys, you have given me some brilliant Ideas!
Now its time for me to finish of the essay, as I have got to hand it in next monday.

Good! :-)

Carlos E., New York.

Cool carlos...

2 TH TH And could you please give us a copy too ;) maybe it can be helpfull... (*_*)

Thanks, Mel!

Take care!
Carlos E., New York.

2 Carlos I’m sure you will find whatever you want.... all your dreams will come true ...

Cause the only important thing is to dream and then have hope....

Bah... I can’t comment because it isn’t what you’re lookin for.

I hope you got good credits for that essay.

@ Pumpkins.... I think we all gather now by dragging up old posts your trying to point out to us who you think is using other names on TDR, but seriously no one gives a crap.....

BTW way “Th Th” has not logged into TDR since 2003 so I see no point in asking him something...

@ ally77:

He hasn’t logged into ebay since 2003, or into this site?



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