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Roxette World Tour 2011 schedule
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22 replies

Okay Roxers do you play the lottery?

I do and all my numbers relate to Roxette

We play Lotto here in the UK. It was called Lottery but some bright spark decided to change it to Lotto! Yes I play twice a week same numbers on Saturday and Wednesday. I also play a bonus ball at work, number 35 which came up last week and I got £40.... :)

moronic hillbilly retirement plan. Hell NO!
none of the millionaires I know have ever played.

no luck anyways

No, I never win.

If you don’t play,you can’t win :DD

Nope, I do believe I should work for the money I get. ;-)

I play from time to time ... and I use to play rox-related numbers.


There is no place to play Lottery in my country!!

i dont cause it seems in my country the only peopel who win it are peopel who are too old to enjoy it or who already are millionaires and they way the lotto is set up in my country the revenuse fromt he lotto are supposed to fund education on a state level but noone has ever seen the money so no

“fund education on a state level”

yes we can tell they never sunk any cash into your school system. :p

I do and i won £10 tonight!

I play it but I never have won.

Not won a penny for a long time....

Only play it if there’s a big amount to be won. The most i ever won was about $30.

I think it is time I changed my numbers... I might have more luck!

Every Saturday i go to the little corner shop with my £1 coin to play my 6 numbers but then i end up buying a Cadbury’s Crunhie bar instead. :S
So instead of winning millions of pounds i am gaining millions of pounds :(

Tiny – at least you’re coming out ahead!

I am pleased to say I won £10 this evening! I am still in shock, must have been the luck of this topic being brought back from the dead!

In Texas, the lottery is roundly considered a “tax on stupidity.” Our state lottery was originally installed by a woman named Ann Richards, who became state governor during the elect-a-fool year of 1990. She promised it would solve the state’s education funding shortages. Like all good USA Democrat politicians, she lied.

Ann Richards has a good sense of humor, though. Recently, referring to the lady south of Houston who killed her husband a few years ago by repeatedly running over him with her car, in the parking lot of a hotel where she’d caught him with another woman, Ann said, “Gasoline is so expensive now, wives in Texas are having to carpool in order to run over their husbands.”

I spent my £10 well! :) dare I say I bought another bag! lol

Ha Ha they sell lotto tickets at the till in Tesco, they are printed on a till receipt! better not toss it in the bin!


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