“Room Service” releases in North America “up in the air”
Written by Lars-Erik_Olson on February 26, 2001 to Misc.
(UPDATED) Edel America Records (EAR), touted by Roxette themselves as being the right record company for them here in the States, has not yet committed to releasing “Room Service”, and has no plans to release “Center of the Heart” as a single. “It’s up in the air,” an EAR spokesperson told The Daily Roxette. This, despite reports in Billboard of an April 3rd release date.
“We wouldn’t be an important artist for Sony or Warner. But for Edel, we are,” Per and Marie were quoted as saying in an interview published by Hallandsposten at the time the record deal was announced. “We’ll get the highest priority there,” they said. But in a recent article in a Swedish newspaper, Per hinted that “Room Service” might not be released here, and this appears to be the case.
Meanwhile, across the border in Canada, there’s been confusion. TDR reader Mark Gershkovich (MuSicGuRu) reported that he recently contacted EMI Music Canada and was told that they have dropped Roxette from their roster of artists. Confirming this with their press office yesterday, The Daily Roxette was told “It’s not on our release schedule.” However, this same press officer called back today to retract that statement, saying that they would indeed release the album in early May. “We just got the rights,” she said. Whether accurate or not, they thought Edel had them.
EMI Canada’s website has all along continued to list Roxette as one of their international artists, and previous albums are still available.
Editor’s Note: We’ll have a further update on the U.S. part of this story very soon. Please keep in mind that TDR often depends on its readers for news, as was the case with the Canadian portion of this article. You too can be a reporter. Please use the “Submit Article” button rather than simply posting a new SmallTalk thread when you have “Front Page” news.
Other articles with the same topic
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pietROxette said on February 24, 2001 00:09:
I really think this must be a misunderstanding. Come on, they’ve a contract with Roxette! I’m sure they will release the album there! The contract was for two albums: one of them had already been released in the States (the US-version of DBUGTTC), the other must be Room Service. What else?
ssbastian said on February 24, 2001 01:51:
I’m sure this is a misunderstanding too, and I can’t believe this is happening,
but we sound like we are going to give up on Roxette. Please guys we can still make this happen if we want to. Lets get together and came out with an strategy to put “Center of the heart” up in the air.... We must have Roxette new album release in the US otherwise we lost Roxette forever. This is our last chance guys LETS DO SOMETHING NOW!!!!
Lars-Erik I’m sure you have something on mind, c’mon lets do it!!!!!
suburber said on February 24, 2001 06:50:
Hmmm... This would be hard to understand. I thought that TCOTH
was written for the US-market... It sounds like a US hit and still
I think that this song would have big chances to crash back into
the US charts... So I couldn‘t understand such a decision... Let´s
hope our prayers are in good hands tonight!!! It would mean a lot
to Roxette´s future being released in the US!!!
pietROxette said on February 24, 2001 14:09:
Well, I’m really about to believe your story, since promotion has always been the weakest side of Roxette. They could easily have had a lot more hits, but no, even intheir home continent, MTV-Europe played their greatest songs only a few times. What their management is doing is basically nothing. That’s not a promotion.
Roxrider said on February 24, 2001 20:30:
Hey guys... Let’s hope this is all a big misunderstanding.... We gotta do something.... I agree with some of you... It’s a great idea if all of us e-mail Edel and ask what’s going on...
Show them that there are lots of people who want to see Roxette back in the USA and that we want to have both the new single and the whole Room Service album released here in the USA. Let’s do what we can to make it happen. It doesn’t hurt to try..... TCOTH has everything it needs to be a huge hit... I can’t believe that Roxette won’t be back in the USA. Let’s organize and send a bunch of e-mails complaining and showing that we want Roxette to be back and have their album and single released here... I’m waiting to hear about what you guys think of organizing and sending the e-mails.... Let’s do it, guys!!! Roxette gotta be back!!! Carlos E. from New York, USA!
MuSicGuRu said on February 24, 2001 21:29:
On Monday I will presenting an idea and a plan to get ROXETTE’S album and new single released here!
It will work so well!!!
Keep it here.
This plan invovles ALL OF YOU the fans..and The Daily Roxette!
Stay tuned...
ssbastian said on February 25, 2001 05:29:
Hi MusicGuru, Sebastian from FL is with you! Let’s get together in a ROX chat room and lets come out with an IDEA...
Who wants to Join us to the NEW JOYRIDE!!!?
Please advise....
UrbanEscape said on February 25, 2001 06:34:
I’ve alreadt e-mailed them about this, not that I expect a reply – they’ve never replied to any of my e-mails before. I knew signing with Elel America was a mistake. Have you seen thier website? The most current news is almost a year old. Not good.
mikeyt said on February 25, 2001 12:38:
Im confused. I wish Per would just read this damn site and tell us all what the heck is going on. Well, if they dont release it here, then looks like I’ll have to fork out the cash for an import. Its just weird because Ive heard several radio stations say that Roxette, after playing “It Must Have Been Love”, and “The Look”, was coming back with a new album in April. Im sure it will all be sorted out soon. Its just too bad because a lot of people were looking forward to “Room Service” being released here. You’d think someone would have let us know sooner. BUMMER
MuSicGuRu said on February 25, 2001 16:52:
Hey everyone!
Here is your chance to change this grave situation!
Go to this site..and sign the petition to save ROXETTE in the USA!
jovi said on February 26, 2001 15:06:
well well well..what a surprise!!! But does it really MATTER so much if the US dont get the album?!!?!?!?? I dont think the Americans have taste in music anyway!? Yes sure, they help open doors for many artist, but point is there are so many successful artist out there who hasnt broke into the American Market simply because the Americans choose to be DIFFERENT or another term i use Loosers!!! sorry...if i offend some ppl here. But its often that Americans have a point of view and force it onto others. SO... I DONT THINK ROXETTE NEEDS THE AMERICAN”S APPROVAL! THEY CAN STAND ON THEIR OWN AND DO WHAT THEY HAVE BEEN DOING! those who want it in the US will just have to IMPORT IT..its not difficult!!!
jovi said on February 27, 2001 00:04:
sorry...being breed in Australia - u kinda become ANTI-Americans... :) its in the aussie culture.
Vixzter said on February 27, 2001 03:41:
To be honest.......I don’t think promotion tops their agenda anymore. They’re more involved with their families than being botherd with a long promo tour. Fair play to them....they’ve made they’re money.....I think the situation with Edel is sad though.....someone needs to fire some ppls there and get some of us employed......we’d make a better job of it.
jnavleris said on February 27, 2001 07:45:
It’s very, very disappointing to see a band of Roxette’s caliber treated this way. The group continues to produce an excellent quality of music on every album that comes out, and I’m sure it will be no different with “Room Service”, especially after hearing “The Center of the Heart...” I sure hope that Edel commits to a confirmed release for the single and the album here in the States so that all of us Roxette fans here can enjoy new music from the greatest band on Earth.
MuSicGuRu said on February 27, 2001 11:42:
Hey everyone!
Here is your chance to change this grave
situation! Go to this site..and sign the petition to save
ROXETTE in the USA! DO YOUR PART!!! Thanks!
DanJKroll said on February 27, 2001 17:08:
I question some of the calls for promotion. For example, one market in Philadelphia was sent a copy of “Wish I Could Fly.” They never played the tune... but three other stations that had not received copies played it. Apparently, “Stars” was played in clubs as I;ve heard it from a lot of people. So It seems that someone isn’t really capitalizing on the word-of-mouth factor.
Oliver said on February 23, 2001 21:09:
I just asked myself: Are those labels really that stupid ???
They treat Roxette like a newcomer or like a group that hasn’t any chance to survive in this market.