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Roxette World Tour 2011 schedule
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@ Santi!!!!!!!!!!!!

57 replies

huh? tell me i wanna know!

Wow,THX man :) What a nice present :) wow,i’m shaking *shy*
Our first single,fantastic :)

hehehe ;)

*Sits in the corner pissed* grr...

Hey,this was supossed to be for santi :p :DDD
I can’t reach him in another way by now :(

Shall i tell???? :p:p:p

ok nevermind...i had the worst last 24 in medication and i have side effects and last night while in pain i went to the hospital and they didnt accept me so i had to go to the military hospital to get im easily irritated...maybe i better go offline

ooooh,poor you :(
Well,i hope you get better very soon ;)

thank u! *kiss* :D


All for you ;)


Wow, this is really amazing

People,watch out,we’re gonna top the charts :p

Ik hou ook zielsveel van jou ;)

Ik hou also even if I don’t know what it means!!!!

Wow,thx roxlad :)

Urmm... informative... no seriously!!

Whatever happened to Wendy and Santi?

To Santi he’s studying Oceanography in The Netherlands and still replies in this sites from time to time... Not as often as before because I have many things to do though.

To Wendy... I don’t know, she does not talk to me anymore. I guess she still lives in Belgium and is still a hairdresser.

Sorry to hear Santi :’(

Hi Santi!! :)
how’s it going in the land of rain and more rain?

Wendy recently said in another thread that she has a new love called Thomas and she´s happy with him.
That´s the way life is... sorry for Santi.

According to her profile she last logged in in September 2004. Is that recently? I mean, by then she still talked to me... less but talked to me :D
I know who Thomas is and I don’t care, seriously.
Besides it’s much cheaper living here without having to make frequent trips to Belgium, so I don’t complain :D

@Kachina: Now better, I’ve moved and I don’t share my room anymore. Now I live in Diemen, that is like a suburb of Amsterdam. It doesn’t rain as often as I would like though. And even worse, it hardly snows at all!!!
I have started my research project on Physical Limnology. Which means that I will be researching with a computer controlled model how climate change may affect lakes. It’s very interesting, but I have to study a lot of mathematics and physics, besides from C++ for programming the models and all the stuff.
So I’d say I’m doing well in the land under sea level :DDD

climate change is very very bad :(


Wonder if we’ll ever see Wendy again..

I think Santi is doing fine.

Online dominos... wow...

LaMan: reading that old post makes it clear that it isn’t your business to know and Aaso has nothing to “explain” to you.

Santi: I used to live in Diemen as well :) it’s a sweet little town. GL with your C++ and for snow, well apparently it has snowed some this morning!!!! :D

oh dear :P

It’s something I’ve noticed off and on here with this forum:

Many folks have taken this: I’m right, you’re wrong no matter what you say I will NEVER see it the way you do attitude. I’ve had it every now and again, but for the most part, I try to remain open minded. I’ll give an example:

Every now and again, Ferdan would post something concerning the actions of the United States Government. Whether it concerned 9-11, the actions afterwards, something that happened 30 years ago, or whatever. Now, Ferdan figured he was being informative. Correct on that line... HOWEVER... most of the fools here (you know who you are, you’re a WONDERFULLY small breed), took that as an open invitation to Bash the US. I got pissed. Plain and simple. I understand completely what Ferdan was doing, but for a bit, I don’t think he could understand why my reactions were so violent. Then, during one of the many grenade wars, I flat out told him why.

Ferdan understood. I have nothing against Ferdan at all. I would think he was a nitwit every time he posted his information because he didn’t seem to realize the cheap shots people were taking, BUT I know Ferdan is an all round good guy and decent individual. I haven’t seen the little rat in a while, and I miss him.

I can understand why people want to leave: Childish behaviour. I’m not exempt from it. However, I AM receptive enough to listen to people when they tell me I’m being an asshole. I may or may not agree with them, but I’ll listen. I won’t tell people that they are taking my words out of context, because I sit here and THINK before I post. I try to keep in mind that there are people here who don’t understand American Slang / Terminology, so I try to keep it on a College / University level, rather than that of the neighbourhood sandbox.

I am opposed to what (in a previous post) is referred to the “suicide-esque” good bye post. I’m hip you need a break. Good bye, come back when shit in your life is under your control once again, and when you feel like you want to come back. Don’t drag IM conversations into this, I’m human, I will want to know what the hell it was all about. But since I wasn’t present (invited), I apparently don’t need to know.

For the most part, most everyone here is someone I can call an associate. I can’t say friend, because most of you are smart enough to NOT lend me money or use of your cars for that matter :o). And, since we haven’t met face to face, I don’t know if you’d like me off line or not. Here, I try to be... thoughtful and polite. Off line: I’m rude, crude, obnoxious, socially unacceptable, you DON’T want me to meet your parents, short, fat, and down right ugly as sin. You might see me and think to yourself: “What did I ever see in that cow to call her friend?” That is, if you don’t turn tail and run first.

I do have friends here, and you know who you are. If you’re unsure, ASK.

But, for the most part:

Introduce yourself when you first join up, we’d like the opportunity to egg you right off the board collectively. We’re stinkers that way.

When you leave, say good bye, make up some lame assed excuse and go. Don’t draw it out, and don’t make people have to choose who they are friends with, because you’ll wind up losing almost all the time. I don’t like it when people make me choose like that. And they don’t like it either, because that means they lose.

So there’s my rant for the day, and I don’t give a damn what you think.... so there.

Hey Spooks... nice 2 c ya round!! It’s been a while...?? *huggles*

*huggles da Purp*

Yeah... I’ve been having troubles at work... I’m just tryin to KEEP the job right now. And on Thursday, a good friend of mine was in an accident on the bus

Garbage truck nailed his bus right in the side. What caused the accident is still under investigation.

LaMan, that was uncalled for... apolgise! :(

ally: hehehe i wondered if anyone else noticed ;)

I did... but the fact that I want to cut his balls off & feed them to Koi fish doesn’t allow me to make an unbias comment!! LOL

lol, my opinion of him has dropped somewhat!

I agree with spooky 100%. We can all have a opinion. It does not have to be the same as everyone elses opinion and it won’t be because we are not as robots. We are not programmed to think alike. I need to remind myself of this also. I have found some members to be very childish and not prepared to accept that others have their own opinions and are entitled to them. I had decided to just read the discussions and not take part in them but there is no fun in that. I must also accept that peoples are free to disagree with me too. it is not a hard lesson to learn.

Only flame if you enjoy receiving some!!

purple: my hero!!!! ;) *smooch*

ally: never had a high opinion in the first place ;)

Edit: sorry, to late. wrong answer

hey moderators how can you accept such comments and flaming???

LaMAn... u make me laff!!

LaMan has short term memory loss!

How can the moderators NOT see YOU as the flamer, LaMan? Surely you can see why. Surely. . .

Disappointed. Your insult to Kachina was very uncalled for, LaMan. There was a thousand ways to disagree, but you chose that. Very disappointed in you. And indeed you owe her an apology.

I don’t think any of the mods saw this because it’s an old topic just been dragged up! :)

ah no worries, guys :) i’m still smiling :)

Kachina did I ask your opinion? NO.
My q was addressed to Aaso. Can you read?

Hey lets all jump in & add to LaMan’s extreme confusion!! LOL

LaMan, Aaso is my friend and she was obviuosly going through a tough time. what is your fascination with another’s suffering? Also, your nosiness is morbid and childish.

nonetheless, I still don’t understand what my comment has to do with you calling me a loose woman (which i’m not, just to make sure everyone knows) ;)

LaMan, so I take it your not going to apolgise.... I think I could come up with a hundred names for you right now, but I won’t! :S

ally: “you´re not going to apolgise”
You are so right!!

MM: kachina attacked me and you are disappointed in ME???


I declare this topic closed.

Urm ya can close it if you feel u need to!!

Stupid and little springs to mind....

I’m disappointed a your abusive overreaction, LaMan. That “attack” was pretty damn mild. Yours was downright nasty.

We all certainly have the right to wonder and question what’s been posted for the public to read and we all have the right to respond to these posts. While your queston wasn’t the least bit unreasonable, the reaction to Kachina was.

Did her remark really deserve that? I seriously doubt anyone would classify it as a flame. But your post—likely the most insulting, degrading and disrespectful thing you can call a woman—DEFINATELY was.

No, Aaso didn’t have to explain anything.

No, Kachina didn’t need to comment on it, but obviously she felt it an invasive reopening of a painful wound and she came to the defense of her friend.

And while she could have put it more politely, YOU certainly could have chosen a more thoughtful, even diplomatic way to respond: “Whatever.” “Just asking.” “Sorry, no need to be snippy.” Even, ignoring it all together would have been good.

The next time you want to post something in anger, think about it first. Hostility breeds hostility. It’s not that much harder to be civil, even when you feel you’ve been wronged.

And just let me point out that NOTHING I posted above was meant to be anything but an explanation of my (and everyone else’s) disappointment.

I did not write it angrily, I did not mean it angrily, and it should not be taken angrily.

So, LaMan, you can choose to respond thoughtfully, you can flame me, or you even choose to ignore what I and everyone else has posted. It’s simply up to you.

um. I apologize for being “snippy” ;)


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