Per’s birthday party on Saturday
Written by roxeteer on January 13, 1999 to Misc.
Jan-Owe Wikström has written a large interview of Per Gessle to Hallandsposten, the local newspaper of Halmstad region.
Per tells: “If we would have had children when our house [Villa Gessle in Halmstad] was being built, we would have done many things different. Now there are dangers in every stairway, hideout and hard floor. But we prefered architecture to functionality and that’s why the house is a bit delicate.” Gabriel comes and plays with a miniature motorcycle. Per grabs it away from him, places it on the top of a shelf and says: “That one you shouldn’t take.” It appears that the motorcycle is a fully functional toy from the year 1910!
Villa Gessle is rounded with a high brick wall. “Of course it’s annoying. But without it you couldn’t relax - and you have to remember Gabriel. He has to have a life of his own and that’s why we have avoided publicity and pictures of him. But sure, it is going to be harder when he gets older. And he does appear on the new ’Wish I Could Fly’ video.”
As we all know, Per owns several companies. How well does he operate each of them? “I’m more like a generator who starts projects, but I need Janne Beime and other skilled people to put them into practice. It’s the same in music. I need a Marie [Fredriksson], an MP [Mats Persson] and a Clarence [Öfwerman] to take me where I want to.”
Per’s birthday party is going to be held in Hotel Tylösand on Saturday. “I know most of it [the programme], but not all. I believe so.”
The new Roxette album is going to make Per busy in doing PR work. “Yeah, it’s going to be fun to give interviews again. I haven’t given them for a long time and I’m really looking forward to it. But ask about this in May and I perhaps answer differently.”
Other articles with the same topic
- Roxette interview from the rehearsals (February 18, 2011)
- Ask Per a great question (February 7, 2011)
- Rock Band 3 features Roxette (September 8, 2010)
- Dolph Lundgren mentions Per in UK interview (August 22, 2010)
- Record "The Look" and win $5,000 shopping spree (August 11, 2010)