Fantasy Thread....
ally77 said on March 14, 2006 07:40:
Just ask daft questions....
What would you do if you did win a large amount of money, say the lottery in your own country...
ally77 said on March 14, 2006 12:28:
Ha Ha I like that Paul....
Ideally... I would buy my parents a nice house, nothing to fancy, something secluded and a new car...
Take my mum on a few first class trips to Europe to see some places she wants to see...
But my own home, and a nice car...
Don’t think I would give up work, would reduce hours as I like my friends there, but would take a year out to do some much needed travelling!
Majdy said on March 14, 2006 20:39:
Travel to many countries I always wanted to visit, buy a new house for my mom, new house for me, buy a new beetle, visit Indonesia every three months, get 3 bassett hounds and two other dogs, get all the books and DVD’s I want....
LittleSpooky said on March 14, 2006 20:45:
Finish paying for school (and pay off my loans).
Help out a couple of my friends who really need it.
Torn about helping my mom. I love her... but I REALLY don’t like her husband. I wouldn’t say that he’s evil... but I have HUGE issues with the lies that he passes off as “words from God”.
Help fund cancer research for a bit on the conditions that I know where the money goes: ie it goes to the guy who says they need $75,000 for a machine that will aid in their research, rather than the guy controlling the purse strings who may decided that the money would go elsewhere.
After that, dunno.
natasha1 said on March 15, 2006 16:23:
First and foremost - pay of my huge amout of debts...
The 2nd most important - pay for a very good financial advisor to help me invest it ethically.
Then - Give up work to go travel the world whilst helping out as a a volunteer for animal and conservation projects along the way...
Give a huge amount of it to lots of animal charities and conservation projects around the world too...
Find a country to settle in - buy some very large land in order to build my own house.
Then finally rescue a couple of dogs and give them a happy life....
Debora said on March 15, 2006 17:59:
If I’d win a lot of money these are the things I’d do:
1st I’d build the best hospital for Pets in the area I live. It’s mane would be “Deimos”, in memory of my beloved cat who died of a cancer.
After that I’d go to one of those shops that sells all kind of things for a house: TVs, ausio systems, DVD players, fridges, cookers... and I’d buy one of every item. I love those shops!
Then I’d go to a bookshop and I’d buy a lot of books.
After that I’d go to a music shop and I’d buy one of every CD and DVD.
Next I’d go to a Blockbuster and I’d buy all the movies I like.
Finally, I’d buy a bus, one of those adapted to live in, and I’d travel all over the world. I’d need a ship as well to cross the bus to the others continents.
Well, I’d buy a cruiser as well. Of course everybody in this site would be invited to travel with me!
Let’s dreaming! It’s easy and it’s for free!
klair said on March 16, 2006 21:33:
Wow - am I the only person who would use some of the money to book Per to play a concert just for all my friends?!! hehehe (marie can come too, if she is well enough of course)
Otherwise I would buy loads of stuff for my family, as they are the most important thing for me.
harriej said on March 16, 2006 22:40:
In that case I would buy a nice house, and without the need to loan money of course!
With the reminder I would enjoy life, having holidays to all the nice places on earth (for as far that is possible)
coyboyusa said on March 16, 2006 23:12:
i would buy my favorite game make it frere for every member of this board , only work part time ever again, make so my mum never has to work another day in here alive, and pay for one night with a celeb of my choice hehehe
pwbbounce (moderator) said on March 14, 2006 07:55:
Where do I start.....
Scenario A: - Well, depending on if it was a roll-over or not then I’d give up work. Travel around the world looking for suitable places to live and then buy property in every place I like. Of course I’d travel around in my own private motor yacht. Or I might even buy one of those high speed ferries and use that as a floating house. The car deck can be the night club,and the passenger areas are my different living areas... Might even purchase a plane as well for when I get bored with the boat. And my dream car too....
Scenario B: - Use all my funds to convence people that I was in fact a good singer and get them to sign me to their record label and become the next big star. touring all over the world to millions of people.