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Roxette World Tour 2011 schedule
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3 replies

I know i’m smarter, but i cant get myself to walk under a ladder. Oh and i also cant get myself to walk on cracks in the ground. Always have to miss them at all cost, tho that is probably more compulsive obsessiveness than a superstition (yes i need help and will get it someday i promise..)

Do you have any? Superstitions?

I don’t no... I’ll walk under a ladder on purpose.... just to wind other people up!

I like the number 13 (favourite # actually)
As a rule, I try not to walk under ladders: I’ve had enough crap dropped on my head, thanks ;o)

Beyond that... nope.

if someone im walking with, say, walks on the left hand side of a post then i have to go back and walk round the same way they did.
So if an object comes in between me and the person im walking with (other people dont count)then it just sends my head into space and i feel like the world will end if i dont correct it!


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