What Would You Change?
MiracleMan said on March 2, 2006 01:00:
I would want my brother not to have died three months ago.
natasha1 said on February 25, 2006 22:28:
i wish i could change the fact that i got myself into so much debt in my early 20s that i will be paying off for a very long time....
Queen_Marie said on February 26, 2006 06:19:
I used to think I’d change alot of things about my life and myself, but recently I came (with God’s help) to the conclusion that I can’t change anything about the past so there’s no point in having regrets about it. All I can do is live for today, be thankful for what I’ve got, and try to be a better Christian.
Debora said on February 26, 2006 20:37:
If I could I would try not to build a wall around me again. I always say: If you have a problem in the adolescence you have to solve it in the adolescence, in other way, it will hurt you forever.
ramis said on February 26, 2006 21:12:
i change myself.i am a emotional person and it hurt me too much.
Strest said on February 26, 2006 21:13:
Quit my boring job and start studying again.
Solution: Gonna quit my job and start studying again this fall :)
purplemedusa said on February 26, 2006 21:29:
I would not have lit that first sigarette...! And with Natasha on the debt thing... bugger, and it’s not like i have something to show for it either!
But hey I don’t really regret my choices... it’s more a case of facing the consequences!!
BTW. Strest... count you’re lucky stars that you are ABLE to do that!!
roxgirl_germany said on February 27, 2006 08:41:
Good luck, Strest - I’d so love to go studying for the rest of my life... (I was just not made for working life...)
I wish I had tried some more stuff and enjoyed life a bit more. (Since I don’t know how to do that, I can’t even do it now.) It would have been nice if my mother could have spent more time with me and have been more of a “soccer mum” (but she had to earn money).
I wish I was better at dealing with people.
I wish I had known some things about 15 years earlier.
I wish I was not so fond of this place and I’d be willing to move around.
Or cancel all of this and make me win the lottery...
natalee2508 said on February 27, 2006 12:08:
Nothing really..... I think that if you learn from mistakes and regrets it will make your future a lot brighter, so you then know what is important to you and what you wish to pursue.
LittleSpooky said on February 27, 2006 21:31:
At one point in time, I thought I would. There are some things in life that I would definitely go back and change.
But then I stopped to think: I am who I am today BECAUSE of what has happened to me in my life. I can help my friends better because of what’s happened to me.
zaine said on February 27, 2006 22:16:
” I am who I am today BECAUSE of what has happened to me in my life”
exactly it!!
Majdy said on February 28, 2006 21:22:
Good point!
I remember watching Kylie Minoque interview two years ago where they saw her pix from the 80’s. The man interviewer ask. “What are you thinking when you’re wearing that dress. You looked like a secretary.”
But Kylie said. “If I never wore that maybe I will bever be who I am like today.”
Well, I guess that’s what she said. It’s very wise, I think :)
Debora said on February 28, 2006 22:34:
@natalee2508: you’re right, but it’s not easy, i know it.
@ramis: I undesrtand you, I’m very sensitive and that’s why I built a wall around me, I don’t want to get hurt...
LittleSpooky said on March 2, 2006 01:53:
MM: While that is a difficult thing to deal with, and I have absolutely no clue how you feel, your brother completed the task that he was here for.
For some, they would say that “God called him Home.”
Me? I say that he was here to exert whatever influence he had into the realm, and completed that task. I comprehend that it is difficult to understand that, especially when the life was “cut short”, and the person died young. But stop to think: We’re here for however long we’re assigned. You may be here for 90 years. Some of my friends were here for only 15, 17, 18 years. It all depends on the tasks we’re given.
There’s a phrase that I’ve heard every now and again:
“Only the good die young.” Well, I’m not, so I must be living forEVER.
“Live Fast, Die Young, Leave a Good Looking Corpse.” Since I’m already ugly... and I have no concept on fast... Once again, I’m here for a while.
It’s hard to come to grips with the death of a family member, especially when it seems they have their whole lives ahead of them. But at the same time... they didn’t. What they lived, WAS their whole life. MM, I wish you the best in coming to terms with the loss of your brother, and I’m not going to insult you by tossing the standard platitudes at you. The wound is fresh. You WILL heal, in your own time.
Love you very much, bro.
ally77 said on March 5, 2006 07:08:
I guess we are only responsible for mapping out our own life... and I guess we all make some mistakes....
MiracleMan said on March 9, 2006 02:01:
Thanks Spooky.
I suppose it rather answers the question of why I’ve been scarce here for the last three months, but things like that have a way of bowling one over.
This was my twin brother that died, on my dad’s 80th birthday. It was certainly unexpected and I was stunned and horrified and depressed and the whole gamut of emotions. I think my birthday—our birthday—will have different significance in the future. It’s also brought my to the fore my own mortality, which is precicely the pleasure walk one expects. It’s dredged up emotions I’d had from Mom‘s death 11 years ago, and since my cat died (best friend/companion—non-human division, 13 years running) a year earlier, it’s just been overwhelming at times.
But I have been feeling more like myself lately, coping with it the best way I can. I still get depressed—last week, for example, but life goes on and I do too. I buck up and move on and let it happen as it needs. Doing OK at the moment.
So thanks for the support. No matter how much I think I’m OK, it’s always nice to hear from someone who’s become a friend through this unusual avenue.
LittleSpooky said on March 9, 2006 03:25:
Glad to hear that you’re doing a bit better, and nice to see you comin back round.
purplemedusa said on March 9, 2006 04:34:
Was wondering what happened to you,
MiracleMan! Wish you all the best with the healing - I can’t even start to comprehend what you’ve been going through...!
Majdy said on March 10, 2006 21:21:
@ MM : It’s good to see you that you start feeling better. I wish you luck!
Oldag75 said on March 18, 2006 21:50:
Like everyone, I have things in life that I certainly wish had gone differently – especially some stupid things I said and did.
On a positive note, though, I was fairly young when I saw a movie called Peggy Sue Got Married, about a middle-aged woman who suddenly found herself young again, and in high school. She was delighted to see her grandparents again, and she asked her grandfather what he would have done differently, if he could be young again.
He said, “I would have taken better care of my teeth.”
THAT got me flossing regularly, after nearly every time I eat, I’ve been doing it a long long time now, I visit the dentist every six months, and knock on wood, I have no dental problems. Any time is a good time to start taking care of your teeth.
ally77 said on October 3, 2006 18:05:
I’d change nothing.... right now things have been crazy for sometime but this is my life and I am going to start living it to the full!
Queen_Marie said on October 4, 2006 07:33:
Occasionally I think I shouldn’t have married my soon-to-be ex husband, but then I wouldn’t have learnt all the things I did.
Queen_Marie said on October 5, 2006 08:12:
It’s ok Ally. It’s really for the best.
I’m actually happier now than I’ve been in years.
Marlene said on October 5, 2006 09:49:
I won’t change anything. I am happy the way it is.
There’s a German proverb, translated word by word it says something like: ’If someone puts stones on your way, pick them up and build a house with them.’ This works very well for me. :-)
ally77 said on February 25, 2006 22:01:
about your life if you could.... ?