Only GIRLS reply this!!
Yashar said on April 18, 2003 11:57:
What is the worst thing about boys?
animalkingdom said on April 18, 2003 16:47:
As being male I am not entitled to reply so sorry Yashar...
But the previous replies are just so idiotic! So I had to!! ;)
First of all tevensso, why did you reply, missy??
And secondly, despite the ...’s and :D’s that kind of remarks are the most disrespectful of them all! As a moderator, shouldn’t you be the one keeping people still attracted to these forums and keep it a bit more quiet?
Aaso said on April 18, 2003 19:34:
I thought only girls will reply here!
I think the worst thing for boys would be being a girl!
Jud (moderator) said on April 18, 2003 20:10:
LOL Thomas :))
did I tell you that I adore you? :D
PS: isn’t calling sb’s posts “idiotic” disrespectful? ;)
sfchemist said on April 18, 2003 21:14:
the worst thing has to be going out with girls, i think if i was guy i’d have to be gay.
LittleSpooky said on April 19, 2003 06:42:
Well, after reading the posts under “Only BOYS reply to this” I have to say the stereotypes that are generated by both sexes.
I was SEVERLY insulted after reading those comments for the simple fact that it was assumed that all women are like that. GUESS WHAT?!?! WE’RE NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!
It’s that type of gender bias that causes problems for everyone concerned.
Oh, by the way, you know how to spell assume right?
Ass U Me. Thanks, I don’t need some arrogant, uppity, snot to make an ass out of me. I can do it on my own.
Yashar said on April 20, 2003 15:16:
Hey people! This topic is mostly for fun.Of course,I wanted to know your points of view,
but this isn’t such a serious topic.Take it easy.
@tevensso:What’s wrong about topics like this?
Are these topics childish in your opinion?
Ok! I’m a child.What else?
tevensso (moderator) said on April 20, 2003 22:03:
There’s nothing wrong with the topic, I know you were joking, and so was I. I don’t care what you write as long as it’s not demeaning to anyone. But I do think that topics like these tend to create unharmonius feelings amongst some people.
Shane said on April 21, 2003 02:25:
The worst thing about boys is that it only takes them 5 minutes to get ready to go anywhere - a wedding, party, whatever.
roxbeliever said on April 21, 2003 06:52:
Shane -is not true:-)
animalkingdom –look at first Tevensso replay– (:-D :-D :-D :-D)
animalkingdom said on April 21, 2003 09:31:
@ roxbeliever
whatcha saying?! i quite don’t understand!
Shane said on April 21, 2003 22:27:
@roxbeliever - sorry - I made a sweeping generalization - just seems every guy friend/ex-boyfriend only needed a few minutes to get ready for any function and they always looked good (really good!) - meanwhile, I am still doing my nails.
MiracleMan said on October 5, 2006 23:11:
Is it just me, or did the mods used to reply more often? I miss that, but then again it could be just me.
And just so it’s not hijacked: The worst thing about boys? Gas. But that’s not exclusive. . .
Wait, I’m not supposed to reply because of the Y chromisome. Never mind.
Galadriel said on October 6, 2006 08:11:
Worst thing about men....?
Talking about my husband I’d say:
Never learning that coming late is very unpolite!! *grrr*
Edit: great idea btw to reawake old topics for the new of us ;-)
Edit: I changed it to “men”, although I thought the word “boys” simply represents “male”.
rox-kuryliw said on October 6, 2006 08:56:
Worst thing about boys ? so we talking about males 0-16 ?
Debora said on October 6, 2006 19:25:
In my opinion, the worst thing about men is that they are completely in love with their cars. :P
tevensso (moderator) said on April 18, 2003 14:10:
Topics like these...? :D