www.roxservice.com on the way back
marcusvandeursen said on August 8, 2005 02:15:
at least half the site up and running again...
will try get the other half up within the next 2 months.
in the meanwhile enjoy discography, tourography, videography and lyrics, songinfo with versions separaed. no mp3’s or videos anymore.
chrisjankunas said on August 8, 2005 05:49:
Shame about the closure! It still is a really great resource site still ! :-)
Sascha said on August 8, 2005 08:26:
Very good news! Maybe the best site for general Roxette information, just like TDR for news and community.
RobS said on August 8, 2005 11:14:
Great to hear that news. Hopefully you can get it back to its former glory :-)
marcusvandeursen said on August 8, 2005 15:04:
the intention is to let it rather be an extensive archive featurng discography, videography, lyrics, song info, setlist, concert dates and pics.
no news anymore –> tdr’s much better anyway
no mp3’s anymore –> intention is to leave the site up for a while without any problems (let that be emi, or server-wise).
Sascha said on August 8, 2005 15:30:
There’s the legal option to offer 30sec clips of the songs, just to give an impression.
One thing that disturbs me: You always list the different bands/projects in alphabetical order. I think it would be good to put Roxette always first, then the rest. Just because Roxette is the centre point of the site! ;-)
And why don’t you have a link to TDR? I think both sites should cooperate since you don’t offer news, TDR doesn’t offer general info.
:-) Sascha
yellowtigger said on August 9, 2005 10:14:
Hello Marcus!!
Do you remember me?
Im the webmastress of www.littlemarie.net
Please, if you need some help, just let me know..!!!
lonely_girl said on August 9, 2005 17:29:
Now that I followed the link I remember the page... Help, I’m getting old! ;-)
Great work, I like the site!
regn said on August 8, 2005 03:09:
No fun anymore :-(