Per's New Album: The Title...
PeterGm said on August 7, 2005 03:49:
Let’s start building up the excitement... cos there is maybe about 2 or 3 months to go...
A couple of questions:
1) How would you LIKE the album to be called?
2) How do you think it WILL be called?
Obviously we wont be 100% accurate, but maybe get close on word combination or selection...So...
1) Gessle meets _________ (??)
Max-Tob said on August 7, 2005 08:18:
Are we going to have a winner then? I mean the closest-to-reality title will be rewarded somehow? sounds funny. Apart from the possibility of Gessle himself feeling inspired by this thread. haha
PeterGm said on August 7, 2005 08:24:
Well, I suppose that if Per is inspired by the thread and “steals” a good one, that person should be in the sleeve... on the other hand, I can see Per coming in and making sure the title of the album ISNT in here! :)
harriej said on August 7, 2005 08:31:
Is it already known in what language the album will be? If the album is in Swedish, i don’t think it will have an English title... (and the other way round).
PeterGm said on August 7, 2005 09:57:
doesnt matter the language, but what the title is. it could be an album with English, Swedish and French...that would be cool!
goetz said on August 7, 2005 12:44:
I´m fine with anything between “Evil demons of death from hell” and “Cute, jolly balloons of joy from the funfair”. But regarding older people‘s needs to connect their work with biographic happenings it could also be “Diet No. 12”.
harriej said on August 7, 2005 20:59:
@tevensso: IV?
Correct me if I am wrong, but Per has made until now:
- Per Gessle
- Scener
- The World according to Gessle
- Mazarin
So the next one would then be nr. 5 (V) or if you also count Demo’s 1982-1986 , it would be nr. 6 (VI).
On the other hand, Per does always his own thing and he would be able to call a album IV, even if it isn’t the fourth album ;)
Edit: typo
alexandre100 said on August 8, 2005 01:38:
Per could name it:
Although I don’t agree with it...
pwbbounce (moderator) said on August 10, 2005 14:20:
A Smorgasbord of Gessle
Just re-read it and that title is actually really bad!! Sorry guys!
Zargo said on August 7, 2005 05:20:
1) Your backyard according to Gessle
2) Chocolate Donut (with sprinkles)