Short version from "The Look"
RobS said on December 1, 2004 07:35:
i don’t know where to find it on the net, but if you like, i’d be quite happy to rip it for you. What part of the song do you want exactly?? last 2mins, first 2mins??
ddhg said on December 1, 2004 17:32:
Crashroxer, why are you looking for a shorter version of “the look”??? I don´t know if exists a shorter version :-s Maybe some remix could be shorter, or maybe the DEMO.
Hey Robs, can you cut songs?? I need a huge favour, if you can of course, One of my friends didn´t like the intro of Joyride and he wanted to cut it, Iam talkin about the sounds of a funfair... can you help me? if you can´t there´s no problem, i´ll be thankful anyway. ;-)
Ronney said on December 1, 2004 18:03:
about Joyride: isn’t the version that is on the single without the intro-noise?
sweepi said on December 1, 2004 18:54:
As is the version in “Don’t Bore Us - Get To The Chorus!” and in “The Pop Hits”. ;)
ddhg said on December 2, 2004 02:42:
No, iam not talkin about the single version of Joyride, cos the version i want to cut has the piano, and the single edit, doesn´t have it. Thanks.
RobS said on December 2, 2004 11:28:
ddhg: i’ll see what i can do, if i get a chance this weekend sometime.
ddhg said on December 2, 2004 17:23:
Thank you so much Robs. But remember, if you can´t is ok, there´s no problem with it ;-) Cos i like those sounds in Joyride, they are a “trademark”... But my friend doesn´t like them. Thanks...
RobS said on December 3, 2004 07:58:
@ddhg: i’ve done it for you, only took a few mins. i’ve sent it too your hotmail address, if theres any problems, give me a buzz! :-)
sweepi said on December 3, 2004 13:51:
Oooops! *LOL* Have just sent it too. :P Guess I should have come here first lol... :P
Then again, say Rob, can I ask you something then? Since we’re “on the subject”. :) Which program do you use, to make such audio clips? I mean, is it by some WAV editor, or do you actually use a ripper which allows for extracting partial CD tracks, or?... And, if it isn’t too much trouble for you, and if you made it by a WAV editor actually, then perhaps could you please send me the file too, so I can just “see” the final result? :) Thank you! :)
ddhg said on December 3, 2004 21:41:
Thank you very much Robs, but i don´t have your email. Hotmail is as bigger as 2mb, so there´s not enough space there, i´ll email you for give you my other email adress, thank you very much.
Thank you very much to you too Sweepi! You must have taken a lot of your time to do it, iam gonna send an email to my friend and he´s gonna choose it, ok? I´ll email you too. Thank you very very much ;-)
RobS said on December 3, 2004 23:35:
yeah i was wondering about that as well, but thought i might give it a try. I’ll send it off as soon as i get your other address, just send it to the address in my user details.
@sweepi: i use CoolEdit to edit the WAV’s, i’ll send you the song as well, tell me what u think. Don’t suppose i can get a copy of the one that you made?? just to compare :-)
if there’s any problems with sending thru email, i’ll just post it up on my webspace.
RobS said on December 3, 2004 23:48:
just a thought, what happend to crashroxer?? he started the topic and never came back??
ddhg said on December 4, 2004 21:17:
Robs, I have just sent you an e-mail with my other email adress. ;-) I´ll wait your message.
ddhg said on December 5, 2004 23:59:
Wooow, Robs, You´ve made a miracle with that song, It´s a great result, my friend will be happy of getting it. It was great from you, iam so thankful.
I can´t hear funfair sounds nowhere. Thank you very much!!!!!! :-D
Sweepi thank you to you too ;-)
crashroxer said on November 28, 2004 17:46:
I need a short version from TL - Max. 2:00 minutes from the song.
Anyone knows where I can find it?