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En Sten & Sommartider (live skansen)

73 replies

PLEASE PLEASE Sommartider and I en sten for me.

[email protected]

1000 tack! :D

I Have found “En Sten..” & “sommartider” live in skansen (in mp3). If anyone want any of them just tell me where should I send them :)

PS: I also have “harplinge” live in a beach club for those who are still missing this masterpiece live!

tell somethinkg about quality?:)

En sten & sommartider sound pretty good (192 kbps) !!!, I think they are recorded from a tv rip (from which I have a 2 minutes video of sten).

Harpingle sounds nice, at least is better than the version from the atertaget tour, if a remember correctly.

Anyway, it’s for free, so what’s the problem?? ;-)

please send them to [email protected]

where are you from seba? exactly....

@arnie: we have already talked before in TDR, i’m from Argentina (I’m studying in Cordoba)

Hi Seba
please send me!!! [email protected]


I would like to have the songs. Please send them to:
[email protected]


@seba I’d love to have all three songs! ....but if I had to decide I’d go for Harplinge :-)

[email protected]

Harplinge - pretty please with cherries on top :)

[email protected]

@ all: Done, tell me if I forgot of someone.

If its no trouble

[email protected]



Thanks for sending that... very cool :)

@ditroia, Arlanda: done!
Zargo: you’re welcome :)

Please can I get Harplinge?!

Thx so much...

[email protected]

Please Please, can i have harplinge live???

And if you want to send the others i wouldn’t complain, hehe.


[email protected]

would like to have Harplinge to...

[email protected]

I would´t mind to get the others, too ;-)

[email protected]

Hei seba, I’d really like all three songs.

@Emil__BG : I’m getting the following error: “Quota exceeded” you don’t have another mail account?

please, send me the Harplinge!!

[email protected]

Thank you

@tcooh: I’m having problems with sommartider: “User mailbox exceeds allowed size”

Please yo ls quiero Seba,,, sos un capo...
[email protected]

Seba - I got 3 out of 4. I need you to send the second Sommartider part again. eMail account was overloaded for a while, okay now. Thanks :)

Could you please send all three songs to: [email protected] ?
Thank you very much!

Thanks a lot for those seba :)

@Superbullie: you missed a “Z” in your e-mail address. Anyway I’m getting: “User has exhausted allowed storage space”. It seems it only received Harplinge correctly.
@tcooh: No problem :)

Thx so much seba!! :D

Hi there!

Can you please send me En sten, Sommartider & Harpingle also? My address is: [email protected]

Thanks very much!!!

Best regards,

Marcel Wentink

Seba, mil gracias!!!

Si no es mucha molestia, me llegó nada mas En Sten y la primera parte de Sommartider. Me podés mandar Harplinge y las otras partes de Sommar.

Thanx, mil gracias!!!

Done, let me know if I forgot to send any song.

Oh... I’d like to have “Harplinge” if it’s not to late.

[email protected]

please send them all also to: [email protected]



Please all 3 songs: [email protected]
A lot of thanx!

@Seba: Hi! Could you send them to me also?

Thanks a lot for the kindness.

[email protected] and [email protected] , in case you get a

storage limit error message.

Take care.
Carlos E., New York.

@ Seba - I’d love the 2 Skansen files - thanks so much - all the best from Rich

all songs sent :)

Thanks so much. How do you extract a .rar file? I’ve not done that before? Cheers, Rich

@Seba: Thanks so much friend. Take care!

@Rich_UK: You must have the Winrar program, which is just like Winzip. Its basically another file extention.
When you have installed Winrar, just click on the winrar file that has the songs and a window will pop up. Then, just click on the extract button on the winrar window that popped up.. I hope my help is somewhat accurate and helpful.

Carlos E., New York.


Link for Winrar (nice archiver btw)

I can’t add anything to Roxrider’s explanation what to do except all parts should be in the same catalogue in your computer

Thanx everyone. I’ve downloaded the software and extracted the file. Thanks for your help. All the best from Rich

@Rich_UK: Anytime! We are Roxers. :-)

@girl7twenty7: Thanks for the directory reminder.

Carlos E., New York.

Please, send them all to me too :)

[email protected]

Igor, done! :)

“@Rich-UK: Anytime! We are Roxers. :-)”
Totally agree! Count me too ;)

Can I have this songs, too, please?


Sent to the address in your profile :)

Oops! Marlene, I’ve just got the notification that you haven’t enough of free space to receive all the files :S
Please give another email or download the files you’ve got, and I’ll resend you the rest.

@girl7twenty7: Thank you for sending. I just noticed the same. I received ’En sten...’ and ’Harplinge’. But there have been problems with ’Sommartider’. But now it should work. At least I hope so.

“@Rich-UK: Anytime! We are Roxers. :-)”
That’s exactly the point :)

Hmmm... Marlene, no free space in your mailbox again :( See, Sommatider-file is very huge so it’s devided in 3 parts, also rather big. I hope 2 of 3 of them are delivered to you. So only one part, actually the smallest remained :) and I’m waiting when I can send it to you too :)

Please! Please! Please! Harplinge LIVE to [email protected]

Yes, I’ve received part I and II. Thanks a lot.

I really would be happy if you’ll send me part III again. Sorry for all those trouble with my mailbox.

@bandquitter: Harplinge-live is on the way to you :)
@Marlene Done! I had no troubles - it’s ok!

Edited: Failure again!!! Still no free space... BTW the size of the last file is 1.2 Mb.

If someone can send it to [email protected] I’ll upload them to ROXBYTES.

Done Pietro :)



Me too ...
[email protected]

Tack ...

@lucre_gt: done :)

Me too, me too... ahhhhhhh

[email protected]

GT RULES !!! :)

@Lone: I already sent you the files!

Quick question that has nothing specifically to do with this topic but I didn’t want to start a new thread...

Can someone tell me what ’Det är blommor som har fångat dig’ translates to?

Would appreciate a quick response.

It’s flowers that have captured you

Whilst we’re on these live topics... does anyone know if Solens Vän, Det Är Blommor Som Har Fångat Dig or Faller Ner På Knä were ever performed live? I remember Per saying once that Faller Ner På Knä was one of his favourite GT songs... mine too! Shame it wasn’t performed at Återtåget or GT25. All the best, Rich ;-)

Thanks for songs, Seba or someone who sent them.

Thanks AntiMario!

@Rich-UK - I’ve been thinking about that all this afternoon after beginning watching the DVD... why no Faller Ner På Knä?
I agree about all the other 90’s songs as well that should be played, but Faller is on the Greatest Hits CD, so surely they can manage to play it live at least once.

I’m sure we’ve all heard Kung av Sand and Juni, Juli, Augusti live enough times...

Please send me all 3 songs to [email protected]
A lot of thanx!

Please send me all 3 songs to [email protected]

@LucyZ: “sorry, that message size exceeds my databytes”
@Vovanya: “Error: message too large”

Both accounts don’t have enough capacity. Give me another account with enough space or wait until Pietro upload them in roxbytes :)

PS: While I was sending those songs I found that my yahoo account now has 250 MB of storage!

It’s strange cos my mailbox has 100MB of free space.
And I received Sommartider (part 3) from you.
But anyway, thank you very much!

@Vovanya: Ok, I’m going to try to send the songs again then :) But keep in mind that the capacity can be 100MB but maybe the account can’t receive e-mails of more than 3MB for example.

I’m still getting:
“: failed after I sent the message.
Remote host said: 552 Error: message too large”

Anyway if you want you can create an account with other provider with more capacity and I’ll send you the songs again :)

Thank you so much for trying. I will wait until Pietro upload them.
Thank you once again.

Thanx for traying. My mailbox don´t have enough of capacity. I must wait for Pietro upload too.

Vovanya, just contact me:
Âîâà, ñïðñèë áû ìåíÿ, ÿ áû òåáå äâä âåðñèþ çàïèñàë..


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