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New Roxette album in 2005

43 replies

Hi rox fans!!

What do you think how the new rox album will be called?
I think tey will make a brand new number one in Europe and in the U.S.A. That were really very good.
Roxette forever

I don´t think that we will get a new Roxette CD in 2005. :( Per works with GT the most time of 2004 so maybe we get something new in 2006 .....

Just I saw the Mazarin live DVD it was so great, I miss roxette so much; Fingertips, joyride...

@Roxgirl: Are you from Germany?

per said that roxette will release new album in 2005...

That I have heard, too, but can we believe it??? I really hope so
Cheers Haui

@ haui: yea, she is from germany... =)
click on her name and you will see...

this is not so intersting the main thing is that we many roxette fans from Germany will keep together

but you asked??!
I’m german, too...

when and where did per say a new rox album 2005?

for the swedish market i think it’s good to fix as fast as possible meanwhile everyone remebers mazarin and the GT tour

@daniel_alv: I remember an article in either Expressen or Aftonbladet titled, “No new Roxette album until 2005” or something like that... but I think the gist of it was that there would be nothing until *at least* 2005, not that there would for sure be a new album in 2005.

Just spent half an hour looking for the article on TDR and can’t find it... anyone else remember something like this?

2005 it ain’t happening...

2006 Nope...

2007 NEVER...

Shall I go on...

It could happen, Per seems to have found the formula to record great albums really fast... ;)
so it shouldn´t be a pain in the a$$ for both of them to record a new album when Marie says “I´m ready”

Welll, Per said in an interview that after the GT-tour he’ll slow down, with his age it’s hard to keep this pace. So, I think that there won’t be a Rox-album before the end of 2005 or even spring 2006.
2006 would be a gr8 year for their come back (if Marie’s feels like it), it’s been 20 years after PoP :-)First we’ll have a new Marie album which I can’t wait for to hear it :-)

Per says too many things, he promised a Rox-Box yeaaaaaaaaaars ago... and we got two CD with all the songs we already have in albums and compilations and some demos that were lying around...

“Per said in an interview that after the GT-tour he’ll slow down, with his age it’s hard to keep this pace”

Funny, Per said the same already years ago - and see what he’s doing now! ;-)

I guess his new cars (Porsche Cayenne Turbo and an upcoming one Koenigsegg CCR) give him some new power/strength and energy ;-) Hopefully he keeps that and shows us that by using more guitars :-)

I really don’t think so, what abaout marie’s english album?

I am 100% sure that there WILL be a new Roxette album one day... I predict a spring 2006 release... Later this year we’ll get Marie in solo - but there is no doubt what will be the biggest selling LP in Sweden this year.... Roxette will definitely return!!

Probably not in 2005. In fact, there is as much chance of that as per declaring/denying his rumoured baldness as a new rox album appearing in 2005. He is of course welcome to prove me wrong by doing either. As long as the results are entertaining.

We may see one in future though. Otherwise this whole excercise will be like flogging a dead horse.

Here’s to enduring optimism.

It may happen. Then again, it may get delayed. Look at what happened with Pearls of Passion ’97. It said in the greatest hits album that it would be available in Spring of ’96...

@n-Somnia: That particular release was promised at pretty much every point in time from 1991 on! It took them *six* years to finally make good on that promise!!

Let’s all make some predictions. Mine is the following:
Per will try to slow down after GT tour, but he won’t resist more than one month without doing nothing; anyway, during a month break he will write more songs for Roxette (I’m sure he has already a few). Then after January 2005 he and Marie will start working for the new Rox album, without pushing too hard.
And then at the end of 2005 or in the spring of 2006 we’ll get our brand new Rox album.
All these if Marie is ok...and I hope she is...

About POP: Per once explained it. Roxette always had contracts with EMI for only 1 or 2 albums. EMI wanted to keep POP as a joker in their hands. If Roxette should switch to another rec.comp. to release an album, EMI would release POP as a revanche at the same time. Therefore the delays!

never trust Per Gessle :D

I think that Roxette coming out whit a new album at june next year, just like GT do this year.
Per Gessle was out on tour next summer you know…and when the autumn comes he write new songs to GT…and when the spring comes they started to produce the new album..and that’s the way Roxette going to do this year=)

No that’s unlikely. A Roxette record usually takes longer in the studio because of the polished production. Count 10 months in the studio plus 3 months extra for preparing release and promotion, video... That’s the way it has been with every album so far.

I think that the end of 2005 is possible. Per is always writing the songs and I bet he has about half-the-material already done. (Including MONSTER HANGOVER etc)

This time I’d wish they’d put it out some other time than spring time...Has there ever been any album from Roxette released in summer? The best advantage sales-wise they would get, however, at the end of the calendar year.

I thing we will get a new Roxette album in 2006:)

Yes, but at the end of year the competition is very hard. Too many greatest hits albums and so on.

I hope also that there will be a new album, but first in 2006. I hope they will the same old “rock” as in 1995 with Crash! Boom! Bang!. Good old times...

Sweetie, C!B!B! was released in 1994 NOT 1995.

That was golden rox times in 1994. Many stories in 1994 on MTV, much promotion, a big world-tour. Hope really, they will come back to those days.

@ Sascha

Yea but the sales triple during the last quarter of the year...You can get to no. 16 during Christmas and no. 2 during Feb-March with the exact sales. And wouldn’t a Roxette album make a great gift to almost anyone?? ;)

I’m sure about a new Roxette album in 2005 or maybe in the begining of 2006!!!!!!!
In 2006 Roette turn 20 aniversary!!!It will be great celebrating with some new re-releases of most successful albums as joyride & look sharp! remastered + bonus trx!And finally the release of a Roxette Box-set!!Featuring some CDs live + some CDs rarities.
And a brand new album that bring up roxette once again in the top of the charts!

2006 is my bet

I’m not sure if they will celebrate the 20th anniversary in 2006. Maybe it would be more logical to choose the 20th anniversary of Roxette’s international breakthrough in 2009, since 1989 was the major turning-point in Roxette’s career. Who knows... ;-) New album in 2005/2006 anyway!

this is taschi:
surely they will do an annversary in 2006!!!

I think and hope that they will do new album in 2005!Be sure!They will!

I hope so, but something deep in my heart says that won´t be a new rox albun. Never again, I don´t know why, but I don´t think so.
I miss roxette, I quiver thinking in a new roxalbum but I don´t confide in Per.

Rox always worked approximately 12 months on the albums. If Marie release her solo album in autumn, they can start new album in spring 2005, so new album could by release in spring 2006. Let´s bet that new album will be release in May 2006.

i hope it very mutch

I think Per has already written all the songs for the next Rox album lol


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